90 research outputs found

    Determination of grain size and resistance to corrosion of stainless steel welded pipes

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    Discover problems of welds is not so easy from time to time. Specially, If welding was made in rough environmental conditions such as high temperature, humidity and dusty wind. It is necessary to provide good conditions to realize basic step of welding. For welding, have been used welding procedures specification and procedure qualification record. However, dificult conditions, documentations rightness or human errors are always here. Common weld defects like cracks, porosity, lack of penetration and distortion can compromise the strength of the base metal, as well as the integrity of the weld. According of site inspection, there were suspicion of intercrystalline corrosion, inclusions, leaker or segregation in root of weld, root weld stretches to the pipe inside, the welded pipes are not in axially level, the not proper surface treatment after welding and keep the intervals between single welds to not overheat the pipes.O

    Ethical code and education

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    Teoretická část práce popisuje pohled na moderní školství a jeho výstupy. Zabývá se otázkou měření kvality školství jako takového, přičemž je zmíněn fakt, že pojem kvalita školství není nikde přesně definován. Následně jsou popsány základní funkce školy a jak jsou tyto funkce hodnoceny. Je zmíněn důležitý aspekt spolupráce školy a zákonných zástupců, rodiny žáka v návaznosti na koordinované kurikulum. Tento teoretický rámec osvětluje, v jakém prostředí vzniká a dále se rozvíjí prosociální chování žáků. Návazně jsou uvedeny standardy kvality výchovy charakteru. Standardy obsahují jedenáct principů, které rozvíjejí morální a etické hodnoty všech účastníků edukačního procesu. Popis současných východisek edukace, cíle edukace, metody vedoucí k naplnění stanovených cílů a sociologický pohled na edukaci tvoří další část práce. Udržitelnost morálky a hodnotové role školy, to je závěr sociologického pohledu. Etický kodex, jeho definice, metody tvorby etického kodexu, hrubá struktura a návrh etického kodexu pro vzdělávání (edukaci) jako kodexu, který nastavuje rovnovážný stav všech účastníků vzdělávacího procesu. Vymezení problémových okruhů, základních etických problémů, návrh jejich řešení, to je další kapitola práce. Empirická část práce je zaměřena na výzkum. Výzkumná část se opírá o sběr dat pomocí...The theoretical part describes modern education and its outcomes. The issue of quality measurement in education on the whole is addressed while mentioning the fact that the concept of quality of education has no exact definition. Further, the basic functions of school are descibed together with their evaluation. The significant aspect of parent-school cooperation is mentioned in the context of coordinated curriculum. This theoretical framework explains the environment in which the pupil`s prosocial behaviour arises and develops further. Followingly, the standards of quality in promoting personal integrity are introduced. The standards include eleven principles which cultivate moral and ethical values in all participants of educational process. The delineation of current educational grounds and goals, along with suitable methods and sociological view of education constitute another part of the work. The sociological view ends with analysis of sustainability of morality and school role in promoting values. The ethical code is described, its definition, formation procedure, outline as well as ethical code sample for education stressing the ballance of all participants in educational process. In the next chapter, problem areas and fundamental ethical issues are defined, their solutions suggested. The...Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Processing Workplace Design Machining Electric Motor Shaft Without Grinding

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem pracoviště obrábění hřídelí bez broušení. V teoretické části je popsána všeobecná charakteristika návrhů pracovišť, seznámením s firmou, princip elektromotoru, dále také stávající pracoviště s použitými technologiemi výroby rotorů elektromotoru a bezpečnostní opatření na pracovišti. Hlavní část je zaměřena na návrh nového pracoviště včetně měření, manipulace s materiálem a stanovení parametrů výroby. Praktická část se zabývá 3D simulací obrábění hřídele, posouzení a vyhodnocení rizik. Závěr práce popisuje technické a ekonomické zhodnocení navrhovaného řešení.The bachelor thesis deals with workplace for shaft machining without grinding. The theoretical part describes the general characteristics of the design of workplaces, becoming familiar with the company, the principle of the electric motor, as well as working with existing technologies used to manufacture rotor of the electric motor and safety measures in the workplace. The main part is focused on project work including measurement, material handling and setting of production parameters. The practical part deals with the 3D simulation of machining shafts, assessment and evaluation of risks. The Conclusion of this thesis describes the technical and economic evaluation of the proposed solution.346 - Katedra obrábění a montáževýborn

    Human Presence Detection and Applications in Smart Home Environments

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    Práce se zabývá studiem detekce a rozpoznávání člověka a následnou implementací v prostředí softwaru Home Manager, což je projekt simulující chytrý dům s intelligentními zařízeními. Rozšíření o funkcionalitu rozpoznání uživatelů a narušitelů umožní lépe přizpůsobit chování zařízení preferencím jednotlivých osob. Použití rozpoznávání je demonstrováno na ukázce ovládání klimatizace v místnostech podle přítomnosti uživatelů. The project is focused on human detection and recognition which has to be studied first and then implemented into software Home Manager which is a project simulating a smart house with intelligent appliances. In previous version this functionality was not supported and enhancing project in this way would allow better to fulfill user wishes and preferences. The application of human recognition is demonstrated on example of air-conditioner managemen in individual rooms.

    Rationalization of Shaped Setting Block Production for Moulding Rotors AH100-160

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    Import 02/11/2016Diplomová práce se zabývá racionalizací výroby tvarových vložek pro lití rotorů AH100-160. V teoretické části je popsána charakteristika tvarových vložek pro lití rotorů, technologie tlakového lití, rozbor stávající technologie výroby tvarových vložek AH100-160, seznámení s firmou a pracovištěm nástrojárny. Hlavní část diplomové práce je zaměřena na navrhovaný technologický postup výroby, porovnání stávajícího a navrženého postupu. Praktická část obsahuje simulace drah obrábění pro proces frézování. Závěrem práce je uveden technicko - ekonomický přínos navrženého řešení a zhodnocení práce.The thesis is about dealing with rationalization of shaped setting block production for moulding rotors AH100-160. Theoretical part consists of description of characteristic of shaped setting block production for moulding rotors and die casting technology, as well as analysis of current production technology shaped inserts AH100-160. It includes also meeting with company and working place. The main part of the thesis is focused on proposed technological process of production, comparing existing and proposing procedures. Practical part contains simulation of toolpaths for milling process. At the end of the thesis, there are technical and economic benefits of proposed solution and evaluation of the thesis.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievelmi dobř

    New ways in manufacturing and construction of mould for wax casting

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    Cílem této práce je porovnání technologií silikonových a hliníkových forem pro výrobu odlitků zhotovených technologií přesného lití na vytavitelný model a kusové výroby. Vlastní práce se zabývá fyzickou výrobou silikonové formy ve vákuové licí komoře, obráběním hliníkové formy na CNC stroji a následným odlitím voskových modelů do těchto forem. Dále se zabývá fyzickou výrobou jednoho kusu dílu obráběním. Obsahuje zpracování rešeržní části o metodě vytavitelného lití, výrobě hliníkových a silikonových forem a v neposlední řadě z oblasti technologie Rapid Prototyping pro výrobu matečného modelu.The aim of this work is to compare technology of silicon and aluminium moulds used to make castings using technology of cire perdue with single – piece work. The work itself deals with physical production of silicon mould in vacuum casting system, shaping aluminium mould using CNC machine and subsequent casting of wax models into these moulds. It also handles with physical production of one piece by shaping. It contains background research of the method lost wax casting manufacturing aluminium and silicon moulds and last but not least of Rapid Prototyping technology for producing master model.

    Accuracy of machine tools

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    The accuracy of milling centre geometry is a basic condition for successful application in practice. Users of modern centres have to deal with the issue of measuring accuracy using in the production program. The desired results are achieved by careful preparation both before and during adjustment operations. These rules apply to all applications for new machines, but also to machines after collision or after handling older machines. The geometrical accuracy of the machine begins at the design stage, when the emphasis must be placed on the precision of production of parts and groups with the precise assembly of new machines. Even the best adjustment or alignment of the machine is not valid if the company orders a poor quality machine that does not meet the required characteristics both in design and quality. Such a poorly selected machine guarantees frequent interventions by technicians to ensure at least the minimum required tolerance.Web of Science20203836383

    Silicon micro-levers and a multilayer graphene membrane studied via laser photoacoustic detection

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    Laser photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is a method that utilizes the sensing of the pressure waves that emerge upon the absorption of radiation by absorbing species. The use of the conventional electret microphone as a pressure sensor has already reached its limit, and a new type of microphone - an optical microphone -has been suggested to increase the sensitivity of this method. The movement of a micro-lever or a membrane is sensed via a reflected beam of light, which falls onto a position-sensing detector. The use of one micro-lever as a pressure sensor in the form of a silicon cantilever has already enhanced the sensitivity of laser PAS. Herein, we test two types of home-made sensing elements - four coupled silicon micro-levers and a multi-layer graphene membrane - which have the potential to enhance this sensitivity further. Graphene sheets possess outstanding electromechanical properties and demonstrate impressive sensitivity as mass detectors. Their mechanical properties make them suitable for use as micro-/nano-levers or membranes, which could function as extremely sensitive pressure sensors. Graphene sheets were prepared from multilayer graphene through the micromechanical cleavage of basal plane highly ordered pyrolytic graphite. Multilayer graphene sheets (thickness similar to 10(2) nm) were then mounted on an additional glass window in a cuvette for PAS. The movements of the sheets induced by acoustic waves were measured using an He-Ne laser beam reflected from the sheets onto a quadrant detector. A discretely tunable CO2 laser was used as the source of radiation energy for the laser PAS experiments. Sensitivity testing of the investigated sensing elements was performed with the aid of concentration standards and a mixing arrangement in a flow regime. The combination of sensitive microphones and micromechanical/nanomechanical elements with laser techniques offers a method for the study and development of new, reliable and highly sensitive chemical sensing systems. To our knowledge, we have produced the first demonstration of the feasibility of using four coupled silicon micro-levers and graphene membranes in an optical microphone for PAS. Although the sensitivity thus far remains inferior to that of the commercial electret microphone (with an S / N ratio that is 5 times lower), further improvement is expected to be achieved by adjusting the micro-levers and membrane elements, the photoacoustic system and the position detector.Web of Science4110910

    Machining accurate holes with required roughness

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    The knowledge gained from the theoretical and practical tests in the production of precise openings has been utilized in a wide range of technologies from simple machine parts to complex schemes requiring accurate placement of individual parts. The topic here deals with the production of precise holes of required roughness according to the customer's requirements, it is a sealing of hydraulic cubes with a ball plug. The article examines the possibilities of existing technology, proposes the possibilities of using other tools or changes in the machining parameters, all using one machine tool. All theoretical knowledge has been verified by practical tests with the use of measuring instruments such as hardness meters. All output measurements were recorded in tables and graphs for more clear results and used in practice.Web of Science20192974296