282 research outputs found

    A New Color-Magnitude Diagram for Palomar 11

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    We present new photometry for the Galactic thick disk globular cluster Palomar 11 extending well past the main sequence turn-off in the V and I bands. This photometry shows noticeable red giant and subgiant branches. The difference in magnitude between the red horizontal branch (red clump) and the subgiant branch is used to determine that Palomar 11 has an age of 10.4+/-0.5 Gyr. The red clump is used to derive a distance d_\sun=14.3+/-0.4 kpc, and a mean cluster reddening of E(V-I)=0.40+/-0.03. There is differential reddening across the cluster, of order \delta E(V-I)~0.07. The colour magnitude diagram of Palomar 11 is virtually identically to that of the thick disk globular cluster NGC 5927, implying that these two clusters have a similar age and metallicity. Palomar 11 has a slightly redder red giant branch than 47 Tuc, implying that Palomar 11 is 0.15 dex more metal-rich, or 1 Gyr older than 47 Tuc. Ca II triplet observations (Rutledge et al. 1997) favour the hypothesis that Palomar 11 is the same age as 47 Tuc, but slightly more metal-rich.Comment: to appear in AJ (19 pages, 4 B&W figures, 1 colour figure

    CXCR6+ NK Cells in Human Fetal Liver and Spleen Possess Unique Phenotypic and Functional Capabilities

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    Tissue-resident Natural Killer (NK) cells vary in phenotype according to tissue origin, but are typically CD56bright, CXCR6+, and CD69+. NK cells appear very early in fetal development, but little is known about when markers of tissue residency appear during gestation and whether the expression of these markers, most notably the chemokine receptor CXCR6, are associated with differences in functional capability. Using multi-parametric flow cytometry, we interrogated fetal liver and spleen NK cells for the expression of a multitude of extracellular markers associated with NK cell maturation, differentiation, and migration. We analyzed total NK cells from fetal liver and spleen and compared them to their adult liver and spleen counterparts, and peripheral blood (PB) NK. We found that fetal NK cells resemble each other and their adult counterparts more than PB NK. Maturity markers including CD16, CD57, and KIR are lower in fetal NK cells than PB, and markers associated with an immature phenotype are higher in fetal liver and spleen NK cells (NKG2A, CD94, and CD27). However, T-bet/EOMES transcription factor profiles are similar amongst fetal and adult liver and spleen NK cells (T-bet−/EOMES+) but differ from PB NK cells (T-bet+EOMES−). Further, donor-matched fetal liver and spleen NK cells share similar patterns of expression for most markers as a function of gestational age. We also performed functional studies including degranulation, cytotoxicity, and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) assays. Fetal liver and spleen NK cells displayed limited cytotoxic effector function in chromium release assays but produced copious amounts of TNFα and IFNγ, and degranulated efficiently in response to stimulation with PMA/ionomycin. Further, CXCR6+ NK cells in fetal liver and spleen produce more cytokines and degranulate more robustly than their CXCR6− counterparts, even though CXCR6+ NK cells in fetal liver and spleen possess an immature phenotype. Major differences between CXCR6− and + NK cell subsets appear to occur later in development, as a distinct CXCR6+ NK cell phenotype is much more clearly defined in PB. In conclusion, fetal liver and spleen NK cells share similar phenotypes, resemble their adult counterparts, and already possess a distinct CXCR6+ NK cell population with discrete functional capabilities

    The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. III. The Double Subgiant Branch of NGC 1851

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    Photometry with HST's ACS reveals that the subgiant branch (SGB) of the globular cluster NGC 1851 splits into two well-defined branches. If the split is due only to an age effect, the two SGBs would imply two star formation episodes separated by \sim 1 Gyr. We discuss other anomalies in NGC 1851 which could be interpreted in terms of a double stellar population. Finally, we compare the case of NGC 1851 with the other two globulars known to host multiple stellar populations, and show that all three clusters differ in several important respects.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for pubblication on Ap

    Young Radio Pulsars in Galactic Globular Clusters

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    Currently three isolated radio pulsars and one binary radio pulsar with no evidence of any previous recycling are known in 97 surveyed Galactic globular clusters. As pointed out by Lyne et al., the presence of these pulsars cannot be explained by core-collapse supernovae, as is commonly assumed for their counterparts in the Galactic disk. We apply a Bayesian analysis to the results from surveys for radio pulsars in globular clusters and find the number of potentially observable non-recycled radio pulsars present in all clusters to be < 3600. Accounting for beaming and retention considerations, the implied birth rate for any formation scenario for all 97 clusters is < 0.25 pulsars per century assuming a Maxwellian distribution of velocities with a dispersion of 10 km s^{-1}. The implied birth rates for higher velocity dispersions are substantially higher than inferred for such pulsars in the Galactic disk. This suggests that the velocity dispersion of young pulsars in globular clusters is significantly lower than those of disk pulsars. These numbers may be substantial overestimates due to the fact that the currently known sample of young pulsars is observed only in metal-rich clusters. We propose that young pulsars may only be formed in globular clusters with metallicities with log[Fe/H] > -0.6. In this case, the potentially observable population of such young pulsars is 447^{+1420}_{-399} (the error bars give the 95% confidence interval) and their birth rate is 0.012^{+0.037}_{-0.010} pulsars per century. The mostly likely creation scenario to explain these pulsars is the electron capture supernova of a OMgNe white dwarf.Comment: 13 Pages, 6 Figures, 4 Tables, to appear in Ap

    Deep ACS Imaging in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397: The Cluster Color Magnitude Diagram and Luminosity Function

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    We present the CMD from deep HST imaging in the globular cluster NGC 6397. The ACS was used for 126 orbits to image a single field in two colors (F814W, F606W) 5 arcmin SE of the cluster center. The field observed overlaps that of archival WFPC2 data from 1994 and 1997 which were used to proper motion (PM) clean the data. Applying the PM corrections produces a remarkably clean CMD which reveals a number of features never seen before in a globular cluster CMD. In our field, the main sequence stars appeared to terminate close to the location in the CMD of the hydrogen-burning limit predicted by two independent sets of stellar evolution models. The faintest observed main sequence stars are about a magnitude fainter than the least luminous metal-poor field halo stars known, suggesting that the lowest luminosity halo stars still await discovery. At the bright end the data extend beyond the main sequence turnoff to well up the giant branch. A populous white dwarf cooling sequence is also seen in the cluster CMD. The most dramatic features of the cooling sequence are its turn to the blue at faint magnitudes as well as an apparent truncation near F814W = 28. The cluster luminosity and mass functions were derived, stretching from the turn off down to the hydrogen-burning limit. It was well modeled with either a very flat power-law or a lognormal function. In order to interpret these fits more fully we compared them with similar functions in the cluster core and with a full N-body model of NGC 6397 finding satisfactory agreement between the model predictions and the data. This exercise demonstrates the important role and the effect that dynamics has played in altering the cluster IMF.Comment: 43 pages including 4 tables and 12 diagrams. Figures 2 and 3 have been bitmapped. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Acquisition of pneumococci specific effector and regulatory Cd4+ T cells localising within human upper respiratory-tract mucosal lymphoid tissue

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    The upper respiratory tract mucosa is the location for commensal Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae colonization and therefore represents a major site of contact between host and bacteria. The CD4(+) T cell response to pneumococcus is increasingly recognised as an important mediator of immunity that protects against invasive disease, with data suggesting a critical role for Th17 cells in mucosal clearance. By assessing CD4 T cell proliferative responses we demonstrate age-related sequestration of Th1 and Th17 CD4(+) T cells reactive to pneumococcal protein antigens within mucosal lymphoid tissue. CD25(hi) T cell depletion and utilisation of pneumococcal specific MHCII tetramers revealed the presence of antigen specific Tregs that utilised CTLA-4 and PDL-1 surface molecules to suppress these responses. The balance between mucosal effector and regulatory CD4(+) T cell immunity is likely to be critical to pneumococcal commensalism and the prevention of unwanted pathology associated with carriage. However, if dysregulated, such responses may render the host more susceptible to invasive pneumococcal infection and adversely affect the successful implementation of both polysaccharide-conjugate and novel protein-based pneumococcal vaccines

    The ACS survey of galactic globular clusters. XI. The three-dimensional orientation of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy and its globular clusters

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    We use observations from the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST/ACS) study of Galactic globular clusters to investigate the spatial distribution of the inner regions of the disrupting Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr). We combine previously published analyses of four Sgr member clusters located near or in the Sgr core (M54, Arp 2, Terzan 7, and Terzan 8) with a new analysis of diffuse Sgr material identified in the background of five low-latitude Galactic bulge clusters (NGC 6624, 6637, 6652, 6681, and 6809) observed as part of the ACS survey. By comparing the bulge cluster color-magnitude diagrams to our previous analysis of the M54/Sgr core, we estimate distances to these background features. The combined data from four Sgr member clusters and five Sgr background features provide nine independent measures of the Sgr distance and, as a group, provide uniformly measured and calibrated probes of different parts of the inner regions of Sgr spanning 20° over the face of the disrupting dwarf. This allows us, for the first time, to constrain the three-dimensional orientation of Sgr's disrupting core and globular cluster system and compare that orientation to the predictions of an N-body model of tidal disruption. The density and distance of Sgr debris are consistent with models that favor a relatively high Sgr core mass and a slightly greater distance (28-30kpc, with a mean of 29.4kpc). Our analysis also suggests that M54 is in the foreground of Sgr by ∼ 2 kpc, projected on the center of the Sgr dSph. While this would imply a remarkable alignment of the cluster and the Sgr nucleus along the line of sight, we cannot identify any systematic effect in our analysis that would falsely create the measured 2kpc separation. Finally, we find that the cluster Terzan 7 has the most discrepant distance (25kpc) among the four Sgr core clusters, which may suggest a different dynamical history than the other Sgr core clusters

    Human natural killer cells mediate adaptive immunity to viral antigens

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    Adaptive immune responses are defined as antigen sensitization–dependent and antigen-specific responses leading to establishment of long-lived immunological memory. Although natural killer (NK) cells have traditionally been considered cells of the innate immune system, mounting evidence in mice and nonhuman primates warrants reconsideration of the existing paradigm that B and T cells are the sole mediators of adaptive immunity. However, it is currently unknown whether human NK cells can exhibit adaptive immune responses. We therefore tested whether human NK cells mediate adaptive immunity to virally encoded antigens using humanized mice and human volunteers. We found that human NK cells displayed vaccination-dependent, antigen-specific recall responses in vitro, when isolated from livers of humanized mice previously vaccinated with HIV-encoded envelope protein. Furthermore, we discovered that large numbers of cytotoxic NK cells with a tissue-resident phenotype were recruited to sites of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) skin test antigen challenge in VZV-experienced human volunteers. These NK-mediated recall responses in humans occurred decades after initial VZV exposure, demonstrating that NK memory in humans is long-lived. Our data demonstrate that human NK cells exhibit adaptive immune responses upon vaccination or infection. The existence of human memory NK cells may allow for the development of vaccination-based approaches capable of establishing potent NK-mediated memory functions contributing to host protection

    VectorDisk: a microfluidic platform integrating diagnostic markers for evidence-based mosquito control

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    Effective mosquito monitoring relies on the accurate identification and characterization of the target population. Since this process requires specialist knowledge and equipment that is not widely available, automated field-deployable systems are highly desirable. We present a centrifugal microfluidic cartridge, the VectorDisk, which integrates TaqMan PCR assays in two feasibility studies, aiming to assess multiplexing capability, specificity, and reproducibility in detecting disk-integrated vector-related assays. In the first study, pools of 10 mosquitoes were used as samples. We tested 18 disks with 27 DNA and RNA assays each, using a combination of multiple microfluidic chambers and detection wavelengths (geometric and color multiplexing) to identify mosquito and malaria parasite species as well as insecticide resistance mechanisms. In the second study, purified nucleic acids served as samples to test arboviral and malaria infective mosquito assays. Nine disks were tested with 14 assays each. No false positive results were detected on any of the disks. The coe cient of variation in reproducibility tests was <10%. The modular nature of the platform, the easy adaptation of the primer/probe panels, the cold chain independence, the rapid (2-3 h) analysis, and the assay multiplexing capacity are key features, rendering the VectorDisk a potential candidate for automated vector analysis