8 research outputs found

    Atlantic hurricane response to Saharan greening and reduced dust emissions during the mid-Holocene

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    Abstract. We use a high-resolution regional climate model to investigate the changes in Atlantic tropical cyclone (TC) activity during the period of the mid-Holocene (MH: 6000 years BP) with a larger amplitude of the seasonal cycle relative to today. This period was characterized by increased boreal summer insolation over the Northern Hemisphere, a vegetated Sahara and reduced airborne dust concentrations. A set of sensitivity experiments was conducted in which solar insolation, vegetation and dust concentrations were changed in turn to disentangle their impacts on TC activity in the Atlantic Ocean. Results show that the greening of the Sahara and reduced dust loadings (MHGS+RD) lead to a larger increase in the number of Atlantic TCs (27 %) relative to the pre-industrial (PI) climate than the orbital forcing alone (MHPMIP; 9 %). The TC seasonality is also highly modified in the MH climate, showing a decrease in TC activity during the beginning of the hurricane season (June to August), with a shift of its maximum towards October and November in the MHGS+RD experiment relative to PI. MH experiments simulate stronger hurricanes compared to PI, similar to future projections. Moreover, they suggest longer-lasting cyclones relative to PI. Our results also show that changes in the African easterly waves are not relevant in altering the frequency and intensity of TCs, but they may shift the location of their genesis. This work highlights the importance of considering vegetation and dust changes over the Sahara region when investigating TC activity under a different climate state. </jats:p

    On the length and intensity of the West African summer monsoon during the last interglacial African humid period

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    The increase in summer monsoon precipitation over western Africa during the last interglacial (LIG) relative to the pre-industrial (PI) is well documented, but it is uncertain whether this increase is due to larger rainfall rate alone, an extension of the summer monsoon season or a combination of the two. Due to different orbital config- uration, the boreal summer of the LIG was warmer but shorter than the PI, potentially influencing the summer monsoon duration. In this study, we employ a newly developed isotope-enabled climate model, AWI-ESM-wiso to investigate the intensity and length of the West African Summer Monsoon (WASM) for both LIG and PI time periods. Our model results indicate that, despite an intensification in summer insolation and an enhanced hydro-logical cycle, WASM season in the LIG is 9 days shorter compared to the PI. During the LIG, increased insolation in late spring and early summer strengthens the Saharan heat low (SHL) and its associated sub-systems, facilitating a faster accumulation of potential instability and an earlier WASM onset. However, a substantial earlier withdrawal of the WASM is also detected, driven by an earlier southward shift of insolation maximum. More- over, our findings are further supported by models participating in the 4th phase of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP4)