1,623 research outputs found
Corporate governance and compliance in brazilian and portuguese state-owned companies: does it really add value to public enterprises?
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Negócios, Europeu e TransnacionalState-owned companies are significant for the Brazilian and Portuguese economies and societies because
they are very interconnected with the productive and service provision sectors. However, the role of stateowned
companies in the economies of these countries is under constant scrutiny, because both Brazil
and Portugal have used this form of organization for state action with the aim of providing public services
and intervention in the economy; however, there are cases in which the creation or even the existence of
such state-owned companies lack due motivation and justification according to the constitutional and
legal requirements for this. There are legal, social and economic reasons for the existence of state-owned
companies. This work intends to demonstrate that there is a legal obligation for state-owned companies
to implement compliance and governance programs and that the adoption of these programs based on
integrity, transparency, efficiency, accountability has effects in the sense of adding financial and nonfinancial
value to public enterprises in order to positively affect the perception of the market, customers
and taxpayers about state-owned companies. To achieve its objectives and answer the title’s question,
the dissertation will address the concepts of public administration, public interest, stakeholders’ interest,
corporate social responsibility, constitutional principles relating to state-owned companies, state and nonstate
regulatory powers, corporate governance, compliance, hard law and soft law. In the end, it is
expected to provide an adequate answer to resolve the issue and conclude that corporate governance
and compliance programs can affect the market and the reputational value of companies. Therefore, this
work will focus on the application of governance and compliance rules in state-owned companies in
Portugal and Brazil, trying to demonstrate how good company management practices can be a way to
increase the value of public companies, valuing the State's assets , encouraging investments, providing
greater efficiency and quality to the services provided and, at least, avoiding losses and liabilities.As empresas estatais têm importância significativa para as economias e sociedades brasileira e
portuguesa porque estão muito interligadas com os setores produtivo e de prestação de serviços. No
entanto, o papel das empresas estatais nas economias desses países está em permanente escrutínio,
porque tanto Brasil quanto Portugal lançaram mão desta forma de organização para atuação estatal
tendo por fito a prestação serviços públicos e intervenção na economia. Porém, há casos em que a
criação ou mesmo a existência de tais empresas estatais carecem de devida motivação e justificativa
segundo os requisitos constitucionais e legais para tal. Existem razões jurídicas, sociais e econômicas
para a existência de empresas estatais. Este trabalho pretende demonstrar que há uma obrigação legal
para as empresas estatais implementarem programas de conformidade e governança e que a adoção
destes programas baseados em integridade, transparência, eficiência, prestação de contas produz efeitos
no sentido de agregar valor financeiro e não-financeiro aos empreendimentos públicos, de forma a afetar
positivamente a perceção do mercado, clientes e contribuintes sobre as empresas estatais. Para atingir
seus objetivos e responder à pergunta do título, o trabalho tratará dos conceitos de administração pública,
interesse público, interesse das partes interessadas, responsabilidade social corporativa, princípios
constitucionais relativos às empresas estatais, poderes reguladores estatais e não estatais, governança
corporativa, compliance, hard law e soft law. No final, espera-se fornecer uma resposta adequada para
resolver a questão e concluir que os programas de governança corporativa e conformidade podem afetar
o mercado e o valor reputacional das empresas. Portanto, este trabalho se concentrará na aplicação das
regras de governança e conformidade nas empresas estatais em Portugal e no Brasil, tentando
demonstrar como as boas práticas de gestão das empresas podem ser uma maneira de aumentar o
valor das empresas públicas, valorizando o ativo do Estado, fomentando investimentos, proporcionando
maior eficiência e qualidade aos serviços prestados e, pelo menos, evitando perdas e passivos judiciais
e administrativos
Uma análise dos valores dos jovens consumidores portugueses: aplicação da escala List of Values (LOV)
Este estudo faz uma análise dos valores dos jovens consumidores portugueses tendo como
base a escala List of Values – LO V (Kahle et al., 1986). A administração da escala a uma amostra
de estudantes universitártios permitiu verificar que os valores “Ser respeitado”, “Auto-respeito”,
“Sentido de realização” e “Auto-realização” foram aqueles que mereceram classificações
mais altas. Através da análise de componentes principais extraíram-se duas dimensões da
escala: “Valores orientados para si próprio” e “Valores sociais”. Os indivíduos do sexo masculino
atribuem mais importância a valores sociais como “Excitação” e “Divertimento e prazer na
vida”, enquanto que os indivíduos do sexo feminino se identificam com valores orientados
para si próprio, concretamente “Auto-realização”.
This study analyses the values of Portuguese young consumers using the List of Values scale
– LO V (Kahle et al., 1986) with a sample of college students. Findings show that the values
“Being well respected”, “Self-respect”, “Sense of accomplishment” and “Self-fulfilment” had
higher means. Through principal component analysis, two dimensions were extracted: self
oriented values and social values. Male consumers give more importance to social values as
“Excitement”, and “Fun and enjoyment in life”, while female consumers are more identified
with self-oriented values, as “Self-fulfilment”
Mangroves of Maputo, Mozambique: from threatened to thriving ?
Coastal wetlands worldwide are among the most
productive yet highly threatened systems in the world, and are framed
and protected by the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971),
of which Mozambique is a party since 2004 (IUCN, 1971). Maputo city
coastline consists of an ample alluvial plane, where large extensions of
mangrove forests occur within the city, namely the Costa do Sol wetlands,
offering a wide range of ecological and economical services. Here, urban
development pressure is increasing and rapidly changing dynamics are
creating new urban settings, pressing in ecological sensitive areas of
Maputo’s coastline. The functions of the still existing ecosystems and
positive effects that these can have within the urban environment are
relevant to be known and investigated in light of the greenway principles.
Through the landscape architecture lens, insights on the service capacity
of these mangroves in terms of conservation strategies, local perception,
usage and management, and design possibilities are added, which can
contribute to maintain and expand the high urban quality that is historically
attached to Maputo cityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Marble Quarry Waste Rock Piles and Evaluation of Their Reprocessing Potential for Lime and Cement Production (Marble Zone, Alentejo, Portugal)
Approximately 80% to 90% of the total stone extracted by the ornamental stone industry in the Marble Zone (Alentejo, South Portugal) is wasted and discarded in the numerous quarry waste rock piles across the region. This enormous amount of marble waste, representing millions of tons of stone each year, mostly with an expected high chemical composition of calcium carbonate, has significant potential with regards to reprocessing and use in other industries. This study evaluates the potential viability of these marble waste piles for reprocessing. The methodological approach, designed in two phases, firstly selected potential sites and, secondly implemented a sampling plan to allow for the laboratory analyses. In the first phase, a total of 178 waste rock piles were identified, corresponding to an estimated 70mn tons of marble raw material. In the second phase, 30 selected piles were sampled and chemically analysed by calcimetry, XRF and flame emission spectrometry. The results show that 7 of the sampled piles present CaCO3 content above 97%, and another 14 show contents between 95% - 97%. This indicates that the waste could be reprocessed to produce lime and/or cement (clay materials are found in the surrounding schist outcrops in the region). There is also the potential for aggregate production for civil engineering works.
Keywords: marble, waste reprocessing, lime productio
Robot orientation with histograms on MSL
One of the most important tasks on robot soccer is localization. The team robots should self-localize on the 18 x 12 meters soccer field. Since a few years ago the soccer field has increased and the corner posts were removed and that increased the localization task complexity. One important aspect to take care for a proper localization is to find out the robot orientation. This paper proposes a new technique to calculate the robot orientation. The proposed method consists of using a histogram of white-green transitions (to detect the lines on the field) to know the robot orientation. This technique does not take much computational time and proves to be very reliable.(undefined
Características da aplicação do Balanced Scorecard às organizações desportivas portuguesas sem fins lucrativos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
Este estudo aborda as organizações desportivas portuguesas sem fins lucrativos, quando aplicado o Balanced Scorecard.
As organizações desportivas sem fins lucrativos revelam dificuldades estruturais e financeiros. A avaliação do desempenho revela-se assim, uma ferramenta útil de controlo e monitorização da performance.
Kaplan e Norton propõe em 1992 o Balanced Scorecard como metodologia de banda larga, que pode ser aplicada quer a organizações com fins lucrativos como sem fins lucrativos.
Com isto, o objetivo do estudo passa por procurar quais as ameaças e fraquezas em comum das organizações, assim como os motivos de aplicação do Balanced Scorecard, os objetivos estratégicos em comum e as conclusões semelhantes.
Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados científicas de universidades portuguesas, de forma a selecionar os sete estudos que contemplam a amostra do estudo.
Como conclusão, pode-se afirmar que o Balanced scorecard é um instrumento essencial para alcançar a uma gestão eficiente e eficaz. Através da analise dos sete estudos da amostra, foi possível apurar problemas, características estratégicos motivos de utilização da metodologia e conclusões de estudos semelhantes entre os estudos.This study addresses non-profit Portuguese sports organizations, when applied to the Balanced Scorecard.
Non-profit sporting organizations reveal structural and financial difficulties. Performance evaluation thus rebels, a useful monitoring and performance monitoring tool.
Kaplan and Norton proposed in 1992 the Balanced Scorecard as a broadband methodology, which can be applied to both for-profit and non-profit organizations.
With this, the objective of the study is to look for the common threats and weaknesses of the organizations, as well as the reasons for applying the Balanced Scorecard, the common strategic objectives and the similar conclusions.
A research was carried out in the scientific databases of Portuguese universities, in order to select the seven studies that contemplate the study sample.
In conclusion, it can be said that the Balanced Scorecard is an essential tool to achieve efficient and effective management. Through the analysis of the seven studies of the sample, it was possible to ascertain problems, strategic reasons for using the methodology and conclusions of similar studies between the studies
Minho MSL: a new generation of soccer robots
This paper describes the new generation of Minho Team robots since the last RoboCup participation. Robots have been rebuilt from top to bottom, keeping the essence of the previous generation, but lighter, faster, improved sight, new algorithms and new technology. The demands of RoboCup MSL are very high and a new breed of robots was necessary to cope with it. This paper describes a bottom-up view of the robot, the hardware used, the vision head, the high level software and some conclusions
Noncommunicable diseases 2030 : assessing Portugal’s progress towards the noncommunicable disease-related target of the sustainable developmental goals
© 2018 World Health OrganizationBackground: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the biggest
killers worldwide. One of the targets for the United Nations Sustainable
Developmental Goal (SDG) 3, SDG target 3.4, is to reduce premature mortality
from NCDs by one third by 2030. The object of this study was to determine
whether Portugal will be able to achieve this target.
Methods: Data were obtained from the Statistics Portugal online database.
Linear and quadratic projections were performed using weighted and nonweighted
linear and exponential regression models and confidence intervals.
Results: Projections show that, for premature mortality due to diabetes,
Portugal will reach the desired level of reduction a few years ahead of schedule.
For premature mortality due to respiratory diseases, there is a 50% probability
that the desired level of reduction will be achieved. However, premature mortality
due to cardiovascular diseases is not decreasing at a rate fast enough to be
reduced by one third by 2030. Similarly, premature mortality due to malignant
tumours is not decreasing fast enough to reach the desired reduction in time.
Conclusions: The trends analysed in this study indicate that Portugal is on
track to reach target 3.4 by 2030, but further actions are needed to guarantee
that the goal is accomplished.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O presente artigo relata uma experiência prática de estudo das tecnologias que dão suporte a Educação Corporativa à Distancia PRODEMGE (ECDP) e as melhores formas de Gestão e otimização destas tecnologias. O trabalho se inicia com uma revisão de conceitos sobre o tema, tendo como grande foco a gestão das Tecnologias de Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) no ambiente Educacional, delimitando – se á ECDP e as tecnologias utilizadas na mesma, revisão esta que suporta o desenvolvimento prático do estudo da gestão e otimização das tecnologias aplicadas na ECDP, tendo como objeto tecnológico deste estudo prático o Modular Object – Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle), vários conceitos da área de gestão e educação, sobretudo ao tema propriamente dito. Utilizou- se a metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa cuja ferramenta foi a entrevista com gestores da área de gestão, Educação á Distância (EAD), ECDP e da tecnologia Moodle. Após esta revisão e o estudo prático, foi feita uma análise dos dados, análise esta que foi crucial para chegar aos resultados observados e alcançados ao final deste trabalho. Ao realizar a análise observou – se que as tecnologias aplicadas na ECDP, tendo como foco o Moodle, estão condizentes com o bom gerenciamento da TI, pois através da gestão de TI a organização PRODEMGE pode iniciar a adoção de uma postura proativa objetivando suprir as necessidades que estão alinhadas com as estratégias futuras da empresa, facilitando as tomadas de decisão, para que se possa atingir os objetivos de capacitação, qualificação e otimização dos processos e do quadro funcional
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