982 research outputs found

    Impacto da pandemia COVID-19 na estratégia de negócio e operações das PMEs em Portugal e Brasil

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    Este trabalho trata-se de um estudo crítico sobre os impactos da pandemia da COVID-19 para as definições de estratégias de negócio e de operações em pequenas e médias empresas (PME´s) de Portugal e do Brasil. Os principais objetivos são de compreender como são realizadas as atividades voltadas para a definição de estratégia de negócio e estratégia de operações, junto a compreensão de que forma a pandemia alterou estes processos e quais foram as motivações das empresas com suas mudanças. Serão comparadas as realidades das empresas em cada um dos países em busca de diferenças e semelhanças. Ainda, serão investigadas quais as alterações que demonstraram melhores impactos para as empresas entrevistadas. Os objetivos do estudo foram atingidos através de pesquisa realizada com o método qualitativo de investigação. Através de uma entrevista semiestruturada, foi possível realizar análise do dados e discussão dos resultados. Com a análise dos dados obtidos, os resultados evidenciaram que todas as empresas entrevistadas entendem como essencial a elaboração de estratégia de negócio e de operações para a busca de resultados positivos para suas empresas. Durante a pandemia, as empresas tiveram de alterar de alguma forma as definições de suas estratégias de negócio e de operações. Foi possível identificar que a pandemia da COVID-19 foi (e ainda é) um grande desafio para as empresas entrevistadas, que tiveram de elaborar diferentes estratégias para lidar com o impacto no volume de negócio. Como ponto principal abordado pelos entrevistados com relação as alterações estratégicas de suas empresas, foi possível identificar a busca por inovações que auxiliam o processo de venda para seus clientes.This work is a critical study on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the definition of business and operations strategies in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal and Brazil. The main objectives are to understand how activities aimed at defining business strategy and operations strategy are carried out, together with understanding how the pandemic changed these processes and what were the motivations of companies with its changes. The realities of companies in each country will be compared in search of differences and similarities. Still, it will be investigated which changes showed the best impacts for the interviewed companies. The objectives of the study were achieved through research carried out with the qualitative method of investigation. Through a semi-structured interview, it was possible to perform data analysis and discussion of results. With the analysis of the data obtained, the results showed that all the companies interviewed understand that the elaboration of business and operations strategy is essential to reach positive results for their companies. During the pandemic, companies had to somehow change the definitions of their business and operations strategies. It was possible to identify that the COVID-19 pandemic was (and still being) a major challenge for the companies interviewed, which had to develop different strategies to deal with the impact on revenue. As the main point addressed by respondents regarding the strategic changes of their companies, it was possible to identify the search for innovations that help the sales process for their customers

    SafeRegions: performance evaluation of multi-party protocols on HBase

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    On-line applications and services are now a critical part of our everyday life. Using these services typically requires us to trust our personal or company's information to a large number of third-party entities. These entities enforce several security measures to avoid unauthorized accesses but data is still stored on common database systems that are designed without data privacy concerns in mind. As a result, data is vulnerable against anyone with direct access to the database, which may be external attackers, malicious insiders, spies or even subpoenas. Building strong data privacy mechanisms on top of common database systems is possible but has a significant impact on the system's resources, computational capabilities and performance. Notably, the amount of useful computation that may be done over strongly encrypted data is close to none, which defeats the purpose of offloading computation to third-party services. In this paper, we propose to shift the need to trust in the honesty and security of service providers to simply trust that they will not collude. This is reasonable as cloud providers, being competitors, do not share data among themselves. We focus on NoSQL databases and present SafeRegions, a novel prototype of a distributed and secure NoSQL database that is built on top of HBase and that guarantees strong data privacy while still providing most of HBase's query capabilities. SafeRegions relies on secret sharing and multiparty computation techniques to provide a NoSQL database built on top of multiple, non-colluding service providers that appear as a single one to the user. Strikingly, service providers, individually, cannot disclose any of the user's data but, together, are able to offer data storage and processing capabilities. Additionally, we evaluate SafeRegions exposing performance trade-offs imposed by security mechanisms and provide useful insights for future research on performance optimization

    Modeling and simulation of photofabrication processes using unsaturated polyester resins

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    Several kinetic models have been proposed to simulate thermosetting cure reactions. The most complex models, based on a mechanistic approach of cure reactions, are developed based on the concepts of free radical polymerization and the mechanism of reactions with diffusion. However, mechanistic models are usually quite impractical for engineering purposes because of the difficulty in obtaining the model parameters. An alternative to these mechanistic models are the phenomenological models, formulated in terms of the degree of cure and much easier to apply. Phenomenological models have been largely used to study thermal-initiated cure reactions, although only few works used them to model the kinetics of ultraviolet-initiated cure reaction. This work proposes a photo-thermal-kinetic model to study the behavior of unsaturated polyester resins during ultraviolet-initiated cure reactions. The model considers samples with different amounts of initiator concentration and cure reactions performed under different ultraviolet light intensities. The model has been numerically solved using the finite element techniquePortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; contract grant number: POCTI/EME/58405/2004

    Histopathological and immunohistochemical differentiation of epithelial alterations in vocal nodule comparing to polyps and to laryngeal edema

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    AIM: To evaluate by histological and immunohistochemical methods the epithelial lesions in vocal nodule and correlate with polyp, laryngeal edema and vocal folds without macroscopic lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Chart review. MATERIAL AND METHOD: In a retrospective analysis of medical records, twenty-six patients, who underwent microsurgical excision of laryngeal inflammatory lesions (nodules, polyps and laryngeal edema), were identified. Vocal folds without macroscopic lesions were obtained from autopsy. To evaluate epithelial lesions, specimens were stained with H&E, PAS, and with antibodies against laminin and collagen type IV. These specimens were analyzed by light microscopy. RESULTS: Lesions diagnosed as nodules showed more collagen type IV and laminin deposition when compared to polyps (p=0,034 and p=0,036, respectively) and to vocal folds without macroscopic lesions (p=0,019 and p=0,021, respectively). Nodules showed basement membranes thicker than polyps on PAS stain (p=0,102). Laryngeal edema could not be differentiated from nodules, polyps or vocal folds without macroscopic lesions by PAS, laminin or collagen type IV stain (p>0,10). CONCLUSION: By histological and immunohistochemical techniques to evaluate epithelium of laryngeal inflammatory lesions we conclude that vocal fold nodule differentiate from polyps on the three techniques used to stain basement membrane (PAS, laminin, collagen IV) and from vocal folds without macroscopic lesions on two techniques used (laminin, collagen IV). Laryngeal edema cannot be differentiated from the others laryngeal lesions, neither from vocal folds without macroscopic lesions, when the techniques before described are used.OBJETIVO: Avaliar, por meio de técnicas histológicas e imunoistoquímicas, o epitélio nos nódulos vocais em relação aos pólipos, ao edema de laringe e às pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Por meio de levantamento de prontuário, foram identificados vinte e seis pacientes com lesões laríngeas inflamatórias (nódulos, pólipos e edema de laringe), que haviam sido submetidos à cirurgia. Pregas vocais sem alterações macroscópicas foram obtidas a partir de autópsia de cadáveres. Para análise do epitélio, foram realizadas colorações pela técnica da hematoxilina-eosina e do ácido periódico de Schiff e técnicas de imunoistoquímica com anticorpos dirigidos contra laminina e colágeno IV. A leitura das lâminas foi realizada por meio de microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Houve maior imunoexpressão de laminina e colágeno IV nos nódulos quando comparados aos pólipos (p=0,034 e p=0, 036, respectivamente), assim como quando comparados às pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas (p=0,019 e p=0, 021, respectivamente). Nódulos tendem a apresentar maior espessura da membrana basal, quando utilizamos coloração pela técnica do PAS, em relação aos pólipos (p=0,102). O edema de laringe não se diferenciou das demais nas técnicas utilizadas (p> 0,10). CONCLUSÕES: O Nódulo Vocal diferencia-se dos pólipos, nas três técnicas utilizadas para detecção da membrana basal (PAS, laminina, colágeno IV), e das pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas em duas das técnicas utilizadas (laminina e colágeno IV). Edema de laringe não se diferencia das demais lesões, nem de pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas, quando utilizadas as técnicas anteriormente descritas, para estudo da membrana basal.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de OdontologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaSciEL

    Yeast diversity associated with the phylloplane of corn plants cultivated in Thailand

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    RTA5480009 RTA6080004 PHD/0025/2556The ecology and diversity of phylloplane yeasts is less well understood in tropical regions than in temperate ones. Therefore, we investigated the yeast diversity associated with the phylloplane of corn, an economically important crop in Thailand, by a culture-dependent method. Thirty-six leaf samples were collected and 217 yeast strains were isolated by plating leaf-washings. The strains were grouped by PCR-fingerprinting and representative strains were identified by analysis of the D1/D2 domain of the large subunit rRNA gene. In total, 212 strains were identified within 10 species in the Ascomycota and 32 species in the Basidiomycota. Five strains represented potential new species in the Basidiomycota, one strain was recently described as Papiliotrema plantarum, and four strains belonged to the genera Vishniacozyma and Rhodotorula. A higher number of strains in the Basidiomycota (81.6%) was obtained. Hannaella sinensis was the species with the highest occurrence. Principal coordinates analysis ordinations of yeast communities revealed that there were no differences in the similarity of the sampling sites. The estimation of the expected species richness showed that the observed species richness was lower than expected. This work indicated that a majority of yeast associated with the phylloplane of corn plant belongs to the phylum Basidiomycota.publishersversionpublishe

    Frequências de imunidade para hepatite B e de exposição ocupacional a fluídos corpóreos entre estudantes de medicina em uma universidade pública brasileira

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    In the present study the frequencies of immunity against hepatitis B (HB) and of potentially contaminating accidents among medical students of a Brazilian public university were evaluated. Of all the 400 students who should have been immunized, 303 (75.7%), 66.3% of whom were women, answered an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. Serum anti-HBs were determined in 205 of them and titers >; 10 UI/L were considered to be protective. A total of 86.8% of students had received three doses of HB vaccine. The frequency of immunity among women (96.4%) was higher (p = 0.04) than that among men (87.7%). Among those who did not have immunity, 12/13 (92.3%) had been vaccinated before entering medical school. Only 11% of the students with complete vaccination had previously verified serological response to the vaccine. A total of 23.6% reported having been somehow exposed to blood or secretions. Among final-year students, this frequency was 45.0%, being similar among men (47.8%) and women (43.2%). Of all these accidents, 57.7% were due to body fluids coming in contact with mucosa and 42.3% due to cut and puncture accidents. The results from this study show that: 1) the frequency of immunity against HB is high among the evaluated medical students, although verification of response to vaccination is not a concern for them; 2) anti-HBs titers should be verified after complete vaccination and on a regular basis, especially by men; and 3) the frequency of potentially contaminating accidents is high.Neste estudo avaliaram-se as freqüências de imunidade contra a hepatite B (HB) e de acidentes potencialmente contaminantes em estudantes de medicina de uma universidade pública brasileira. Responderam um questionário anônimo e auto-aplicável 303 de 400 estudantes (75,7%) que já deveriam estar imunizados contra a HB, sendo 66,3% do sexo feminino. Anti-HBs séricos foram determinados em 205 deles e títulos >; 10 UI/L foram considerados como protetores. Tinham esquema vacinal completo 86,8% dos alunos. A freqüência de imunidade entre as mulheres (96,4%) foi maior (p = 0,04) do que entre os homens (87,7%). Entre os que não tinham imunidade, 12/13 (92,3%) tinham sido vacinados antes de ingressarem no curso de medicina. Somente 11% dos alunos com vacinação completa tinham, previamente, verificado a resposta sorológica à vacina. Do total de alunos, 23,6% relataram algum acidente potencialmente contaminante, e entre aqueles do último ano esta freqüência foi de 45,0%, sendo semelhante entre homens (47,8%) e mulheres (43,2%). De todos estes acidentes, 57,7% foram com secreções e 42.3% devido a acidentes perfuro-cortantes. Os resultados mostram que: 1) entre os estudantes avaliados é alta a freqüência de imunidade contra a HB, mas a verificação da resposta à vacinação não é uma preocupação entre eles; 2) a verificação dos títulos de anti-HBs deveria ser realizada após o esquema vacinal completo e periodicamente, principalmente entre os homens; e 3) é alta a freqüência de acidentes potencialmente contaminantes

    A Quasi-Domesticate Relic Hybrid Population of Saccharomyces cerevisiae × S. Paradoxus Adapted to Olive Brine

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    Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) grants PTDC/BIA-MIC/30785/2017. SFRH/BD/136462/2018. Slovenian Research Agency Grants P4-0116 and MRIC-ULZIM, IP-0510 (NC).The adaptation of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to man-made environments for the fermentation of foodstuffs and beverages illustrates the scientific, social, and economic relevance of microbe domestication. Here we address a yet unexplored aspect of S. cerevisiae domestication, that of the emergence of lineages harboring some domestication signatures but that do not fit completely in the archetype of a domesticated yeast, by studying S. cerevisiae strains associated with processed olives, namely table olives, olive brine, olive oil, and alpechin. We confirmed earlier observations that reported that the Olives population results from a hybridization between S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus. We concluded that the olive hybrids form a monophyletic lineage and that the S. cerevisiae progenitor belonged to the wine population of this species. We propose that homoploid hybridization gave rise to a diploid hybrid genome, which subsequently underwent the loss of most of the S. paradoxus sub-genome. Such a massive loss of heterozygosity was probably driven by adaptation to the new niche. We observed that olive strains are more fit to grow and survive in olive brine than control S. cerevisiae wine strains and that they appear to be adapted to cope with the presence of NaCl in olive brine through expansion of copy number of ENA genes. We also investigated whether the S. paradoxus HXT alleles retained by the Olives population were likely to contribute to the observed superior ability of these strains to consume sugars in brine. Our experiments indicate that sugar consumption profiles in the presence of NaCl are different between members of the Olives and Wine populations and only when cells are cultivated in nutritional conditions that support adaptation of their proteome to the high salt environment, which suggests that the observed differences are due to a better overall fitness of olives strains in the presence of high NaCl concentrations. Although relic olive hybrids exhibit several characteristics of a domesticated lineage, tangible benefits to humans cannot be associated with their phenotypes. These strains can be seen as a case of adaptation without positive or negative consequences to humans, that we define as a quasi-domestication.publishersversionpublishe

    Desenvolvimento de um contador digital com leitura de harmónicos

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresA qualidade da energia entregue aos consumidores finais possui um papel preponderante na sociedade atual. Nos dias de hoje, é cada vez mais importante utilizar a energia disponível da forma mais eficiente possível. A qualidade da energia tem vindo a ser alvo de grande interesse por parte da comunidade científica, tendo mesmo sido objeto de muitos estudos e investigações. Os avanços tecnológicos na área de sistemas de energia permitiram uma melhor mitigação dos problemas que afetam a rede, e, como consequência, a eficiência da distribuição de energia tem vindo a ser gradualmente melhorada. O objetivo desta dissertação passa por descobrir os efeitos dos harmónicos, nos contadores de energia elétrica de baixa tensão, bem como desenvolver um módulo eficiente para a leitura da energia consumida e de possuir a capacidade de fazer a verificação dos harmónicos presentes no sistema. Os dois tipos de medidores de energia elétrica mais utilizados na rede de baixa tensão são o eletromecânico e o digital. Regra geral, os contadores digitais são bastante mais precisos e exatos do que os eletromecânicos e os efeitos da distorção harmónica são bastante mais percetíveis nos contadores eletromecânicos. A diferença entre eles poderá não ser muito relevante em baixa tensão, mas para média tensão deve ser considerada, principalmente para consumidores industriais. Esta diferença, deve-se ao facto de os contadores eletromecânicos se encontrarem calibrados para serem utilizados para funcionarem em condições sinusoidais, o que não acontece. Para efetuar a leitura do consumo das cargas, foram utilizados dois sensores (corrente e tensão), devidamente acoplados a um sistema de acondicionamento de sinal de forma a serem corretamente lidos pelo ADC. Para efetuar a análise das leituras foi utilizado o DSP TMS320F28027 da Texas Instruments.The quality of the power delivered to the final consumer has a hugely significant role in today's society, for it's becoming increasingly more important to utilize the still available energy in the most efficient way possible. A target of great interest by the scientific community, power quality has been the object of many scientific studies and investigations. The technological advances in energy systems have allowed for a better mitigation of issues affecting the grid and as a result, energy distribution has been gradually improved, becoming more and more efficient. The main purpose of this dissertation is to figure out the effects of harmonics in lower voltage electrical meters, aswell as developing an efficient module for accounting consumed energy and for verifying harmonics present in the system. There are two types of electrical energy meters more commonly used in lower voltage grids, which are electromechanical and digital. The effects of harmonic distortion are a lot more perceptible in electromechanical meters. Although the difference between the two isn't very significant in low voltage, it must be accounted for when it comes to medium voltage, especially for industrial consumers. Said difference is owed to the fact that electromechanical meters are calibrated to be used in sinusoidal conditions, which mostly ends up not happening. As to perform a proper reading of the consumption of the loads, two sensors (current and voltage) were used, properly tied to a signal conditioning system as to be properly read by the ADC. The analysis of the readings was done via a Texas Instruments' DSP TMS320F28027

    A construção do Colégio da Graça de Coimbra no Século XVI: estudo da organização do processo construtivo e gosto arquitetónico

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    Dissertação de mestrado em HistóriaA presente dissertação insere-se na temática reservada ao estudo da organização da actividade de construção, nomeadamente na organização dos estaleiros construtivos no século XVI. Pretende-se uma abordagem à organização do processo construtivo na edificação do Colégio da Graça, enquanto estrutura de importante valor histórico e artístico, presente na Rua da Sofia em Coimbra - actualmente sob a alçada da Universidade de Coimbra e da Liga dos Combatentes- e construído a partir de 1542/43, pelo mestre biscainho Diogo de Castilho. Foi o primeiro dos vários colégios universitários construídos naquela rua. Como método de análise, recorreu-se à realização de uma base de dados a partir de uma fonte específica, o “libro das obras del collegio de nuestra señora da graça de coimbra”, com o principal propósito de organizar quantitativamente e qualitativamente a informação que neste contém. Na senda do proposto, pretendemos, numa primeira fase, submeter uma análise artística ao edifício em questão. Já num segundo plano, procuramos percepcionar a organização e dinâmica que neste estaleiro imperou, subentendendo-se a sua disposição hierárquica, as diferentes formas de aquisição de material, os distintos contratos realizados para empreitadas e subempreitadas, bem como, os métodos de pagamento adjacentes aos mesmos.As part of the subject matter dedicated to studying the organization of the activity of construction, this dissertation focuses on the organization of construction sites in the XVI century. Specifically, it will address the process of the edification of the Colégio da Graça, due to its historic and artistic value. Biscayne master Diogo de Castilho, began its construction on 1542-43 and it is situated on Rua da Sofia de Coimbra, currently under the jurisdiction of University of Coimbra and Liga dos Combatentes. It was the first of the many Colégios Universitários to be constructed on that street. For the method of analysis, a database was created based on a specific source - the “libro das obras del collegio de nuestra señora da graça de coimbra” - as a way of organizing the information within in both qualitative and quantitative manners. As a primary analysis, the building will be examined from an artistic perspective. On a second plan, the objective is to understand the dynamics and organization of this construction site, the different kinds of material acquisition, the distinction between contracts made for empreitadas and subempreitadas, as well as their payment methods

    Bacteriocinas de bactérias gram-positivas: classificação, pesquisa e aplicações, com foco nos gêneros bacillus e staphylococcus

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    Bacteriocinas são proteínas ou complexos de proteínas excretados por bactérias e que apresentam atividade contra outras bactérias, em geral, relacionadas evolutivamente com o organismo produtor. Formam um grupo bastante heterogêneo, variando quanto ao espectro de ação, modo de ação, massa molar e propriedades bioquímicas. As bacteriocinas de bactérias Gram-positivas mais conhecidas são aquelas produzidas por bactérias lácticas (BAL), dentre as quais são mais conhecidas aquelas chamadas de antibióticos. Lantibióticos são substâncias antimicrobianas, bacteriocinas, e se caracterizam pela presença de aminoácidos modificados, em particular, os aminoácidos tio-éter lantionina e metil-lantionina, ambos produzidos por complexos multienzimáticos. A classificação mais utilizada no estudo das bacteriocinas é aquela baseada nas características observadas na bacteriocinas produzidas por BAL. Dentre os gêneros de bactérias Gram-positivas produtoras de bacteriocinas podemos destacar o gênero Staphylococcus devido à sua importância na indústria de alimentos e o gênero Bacillus, cujas bacteriocinas com características singulares levou a uma nova proposta de classificação específica. O estudo de bacteriocinas tem despertado grande interesse devido ao aumento da resistência bacteriana a antibióticos de amplo espectro e a possibilidade de utilização das mesmas como biopreservativo de alimentos