1,565 research outputs found

    Acoustic pressure and particle velocity for spatial filtering of bottom arrivals

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    This paper discusses the advantages of using a combination of acoustic pressure and particle velocitymotion for filtering bottom arrivals. A possible area of application is reflection seismology where, traditionally, the seismic image is extracted from the bottom-reflected broadband acoustic signals received on hydrophones. Since hydrophones are omnidirectional in nature, the received bottom returns are often contaminated by waterborne signals, sea surface reflections, and noise. A substantial part of the processing of the data is dedicated to filtering out these unwanted signals. Today, vector sensors allow us to measure both acoustic pressure and particle velocity motion in a single and compact sensor. The combination of pressure and particle velocity measured at a single location or particle velocity and particle velocity gradient at closely spaced locations allows for spatial beam steering to predetermined directions and filter out unwanted replicas from other directions. Moreover, this can be done at the sensor level, dramatically decreasing the offline processing. The spatial filtering capabilities of various pressure-pressure, particle velocity-particle velocity, and pressure-particle velocity combinations are analyzed in view of filtering the bottom arrivals. It is shown that the combination of pressure and vertical particle velocity and, particularly, the combination of vertical particle velocity and particle velocity gradient enhance bottom arrivals. Moreover, a simple steering procedure combining pressure and particle velocity components of a triaxial sensor allows us to determine the tridimensional structure of the acoustic field and the separation of the bottom reflections. The spatial selectivity of the various sensor combinations is shown with simulations and verified with experimental data acquired with 10 cm separated vector sensors in the 800-1250-Hz band, during the Makai 2005 sea trial, off Kauai Island, HI, USA.This work was supported by the European Union H2020 Research Program under WiMUST Project (Contract 645141).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inductive learning spatial attention

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    This paper investigates the automatic induction of spatial attention from the visual observation of objects manipulated on a table top. In this work, space is represented in terms of a novel observer-object relative reference system, named Local Cardinal System, defined upon the local neighbourhood of objects on the table. We present results of applying the proposed methodology on five distinct scenarios involving the construction of spatial patterns of coloured blocks

    Comparing the performance of different thermoplastic matrix pre-impregnated materials

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    This work studies and compares the processability into final composite parts of three different pre-impregnated materials, produced by different wetting techniques. All studied pre-impregnated materials were based on a continuous glass fibers reinforced polypropylene matrix (GF/PP) system. One is a tape produced in a previous work by using the melting process (cross-head extrusion) and, from the other two produced by fiber/matrix intimate contact methods, one is a commercial available commingled fibers product and the other a towpreg produced by our own developed dry coating prototype line. Pultrusion and compression molding were the manufacturing methods selected to process all the pre-impregnated materials into final composite parts. The performance of the three studied GF/PP pre-impregnated materials was assessed by comparing final properties of the manufactured composite parts submitted to mechanical testing and microscopy analysis.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    On-line Detection of Glutamate Release from Culture Chick Retinospheroids

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    AbstractA continuous fluorometric assay was adapted to measure the release of endogenous glutamate from cultured chick retinospheroids. The results obtained with this technique are compared with the release of [3H]d-aspartate from monolayer cultures of chick retina cells. It is shown that although excitatory amino acids may be released in a Ca2+-dependent manner, most of the neurotransmitter release from cultured retina cells occurs by reversal of the glutamate transporter. The presence of extracellular Ca2+ may actually inhibit glutamate release by the cells present in the retinospheroids, or the [3H]d-aspartate release by cells in monolayers, when veratridine is the depolarizing agent. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

    Hygrothermal Effect on the Impact Response of Carbon Composites with Epoxy Resin Enhanced by Nanoclays

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    This paper presents the results of the hygrothermal effect on the impact response of carbon/epoxy composites and the benefits gained from doping the epoxy resin with nanoclays previously subjected to a silane treatment appropriate for the resin. The nanoclay reinforcement increased the maximum load and the elastic recovery of the composites. The thermal degradation caused by exposure to 60°C for 10 days was insignificant, while the immersion in water at 60ºC for 30 days led to a continuous reduction in the maximum load and the elastic recovery. Multiple impacts resulted in a continuous and nearly linear degradation of the impact response both of dry and environmentally assisted specimens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Three dimensional black holes in a generalized dilaton gravity action theory are analysed. The theory is specified by two fields, the dilaton and the graviton, and two parameters, the cosmological constant and the Brans-Dicke parameter. It contains seven different cases, of which one distinguishes as special cases, string theory, general relativity and a theory equivalent to four dimensional general relativity with one Killing vector. We study the causal structure and geodesic motion of null and timelike particles in the black hole geometries and find the ADM masses of the different solutions.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 4 figures as uuencoded postscript file

    Inhibitory effect of carvedilol in the high-conductance state of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore

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    The mitochondrial permeability transition is a widely studied, but poorly understood, phenomenon in mitochondrial bioenergetics. It has been recognised that this phenomenon is related to the opening of a protein pore in the inner mitochondrial membrane, and that opening of this pore is the cause of some forms of mitochondrial dysfunction. In this work, we propose that carvedilol, a multi-role cardioprotective compound, may act as an inhibitor of the high-conductance state of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, a conclusion supported by the finding that carvedilol provides differential protection against mitochondrial swelling in sucrose and KCl-based media, and that it is unable to protect against calcium-induced depolarisation of the mitochondrial membrane. We also show that carvedilol inhibits the oxidation of mitochondrial thiol groups and that, beyond causing a slight depression of the membrane potential, it has no inhibitory effect on mitochondrial calcium uptake.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T1J-4292HK0-5/1/3f9b42626ac2f0c2ab80880219b5d9c

    Response of estuarine meiofauna assemblage to effects of fertilizer enrichment used in the sugar cane monoculture. Pernambuco, Brazil

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    A aplicação in situ de fertilizantes inorgânicos foi utilizada para simular a eutrofização associada ao cultivo da cana-de-açúcar. A estrutura da associação de meiofauna foi analisada com o objetivo de avaliar este impacto. O experimento de enriquecimento do sedimento foi desenvolvido em nove áreas quadrangulares de 4m² distribuídas de forma aleatória no mediolitoral da área estuarina. Três áreas foram enriquecidas com alta concentração (375 g/m²) de NPK (Nitrogênio-Fósforo-Potássio), três com baixa concentração (187,5 g/m²) e as demais tratadas como controle. Os fertilizantes foram aplicados semanalmente. Os parâmetros físico-químicos do sedimento e a meiofauna bentônica foram coletados após três a quatro semanas da aplicação dos fertilizantes. Obedecendo este intervalo foram realizadas 6 amostragens subseqüentes. As amostras foram triadas e a meiofauna contada e identificada em nível de grande grupo. As respostas da meiofauna variaram de acordo com a área: enquanto a área Controle manteve sua abundância total durante todo o experimento, as áreas tratadas apresentaram forte queda nas densidades totais. A ordenação MDS e a análise ANOSIM evidenciaram mudanças significativas na estrutura da associação de meiofauna entre as áreas e também ao longo do experimento nas áreas tratadas.In situ application of inorganic fertilizer was used to simulate environmental eutrophication associated with the sugar cane monoculture. Meiofauna community structure is herein used to assess this experimental impact. Nine quadrangular areas (4m² each) were randomly defined in the midlittoral estuarine area. Three of these areas received a high dose of sugar cane fertilizer (375 g/m² Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium), three areas received a low dose of the fertilizer (187.5 g/m²) and the other three areas represented the control. The fertilizer was applied every week. Environmental parameters and meiofauna were sampled using three-to-four week intervals. Six samplings were subsequently performed maintaining this interval. Meiofauna was counted and identified to major taxonomic groups. Meiofauna community structure varied throughout the experimental areas. Control areas maintained their abundance values during the study period, but within the enriched areas meiofauna abundance decreased greatly. MDS and ANOSIM analysis showed significant variation in the meiofauna community structure among experimental areas and also along the experimental period in the enriched areas


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    The Human Factors Engineering (HFE) program is an essential aspect for the design of nuclear installations. The overall aim of the HFE program is the improvement of the operational reliability and safety of plant operation. The HFE program main purpose is to ensure that human factor practices are incorporated into the plant design, emphasizing man-machine interface issues and design improvement of the nuclear reactor Control Centre. The Control Centre of nuclear reactor is a combination of control rooms, control suites and local control stations, which are functionally connected and located on the reactor site. The objective of this paper is to present a design approach for the Control Centre of a nuclear reactor used to produce radioisotopes and for nuclear research, including human factor issues. The design approach is based on participatory design principles, using human factor standards, ergonomic guidelines, and the participation of a multidisciplinary team during all design phases. Using the information gathered, an initial sketch 3D of the Control Centre was developed

    In vivo confocal Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics analysis of penetration of retinyl acetate into stratum corneum

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    Objective The purpose of this study is to elucidate the behavior of retinyl acetate in penetrating human skin without the presence of enhancers by using confocal Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation. Methods In this study, in vivo confocal Raman spectroscopy was combined with molecular dynamics simulation to investigate the transdermal permeation of the aqueous suspension of retinyl acetate. Results Permeation was measured after 30 min, and retinyl acetate was found up to 20 m deep inside the stratum corneum. The delivery of retinyl acetate inside a skin membrane model was studied by molecular dynamics. The membrane model that was used represented normal young skin containing a lipid bilayer with 25% ceramide, 36% fatty acid, 30% cholesterol, and 6% cholesterol sulfate. Conclusion Spectroscopy data indicate that retinyl acetate permeates into the stratum corneum. Molecular dynamics data showed that retinyl acetate permeates in the membrane model and that their final location is deep inside the lipid bilayer. We showed, for the first time, a correlation between Raman permeation data and computational data.C.A. Telléz S. would like to thank Capes/Brazil (88881.068140/2014-01 and 88887.125253/2015-00) for the grant. A.M. Cavaco-Paulo thanks Fapesp/Brazil (2014/05975-2) for the grant