128 research outputs found


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    Introdução: O envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno que ocorre em todas as regiões do mundo, e este processo gera mudanças na estrutura etária de um povo resultando em maior número de pessoas idosas. O estudo descreve sobre o envelhecimento populacional saudável e como o Distrito Federal cuida de sua população idosa.  Objetivo: destacar o papel do Núcleo de Saúde do Idoso na promoção da qualidade de vida e saúde destes no Distrito Federal. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa desenvolvida mediante revisão bibliográfica, com levantamento e análise das publicações de 1992 a 2014, com enfoque no tema proposto. Foram utilizados como base de dados SciELO, LILACS e BIREME. Resultados e discussão: Observou-se a necessidade de maior divulgação das práticas integrativas de saúde desenvolvidas nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), visando construir na comunidade em questão um estilo de vida ativo para a manutenção da autonomia física e mental no processo para um envelhecimento saudável. Conclusão: O estudo evidenciou o aumento da população com 60 anos ou mais no Brasil e em Brasília. Ressaltando por dados estatísticos que Brasília apresenta características econômicas e sociais que a diferencia de outras unidades da federação.Palavras-chave: Envelhecimento populacional. Envelhecimento saudável. Saúde do idoso. Politica Distrital de Idoso.

    DNA metabarcoding uncovers fungal diversity in soils of protected and non-protected areas on Deception Island, Antarctica

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    We assessed soil fungal diversity at two sites on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica using DNA metabarcoding analysis. The first site was a relatively undisturbed area, and the second was much more heavily impacted by research and tourism. We detected 346 fungal amplicon sequence variants dominated by the phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Mortierellomycota and Chytridiomycota. We also detected taxa belonging to the rare phyla Mucoromycota and Rozellomycota, which have been difficult to detect in Antarctica by traditional isolation methods. Cladosporium sp., Pseudogymnoascus roseus, Leotiomycetes sp. 2, Penicillium sp., Mortierella sp. 1, Mortierella sp. 2, Pseudogymnoascus appendiculatus and Pseudogymnoascus sp. were the most dominant fungi. In addition, 440,153 of the total of 1,214,875 reads detected could be classified only at the level of Fungi. In both sampling areas the DNA of opportunistic, phytopathogenic and symbiotic fungi were detected, which might have been introduced by human activities, transported by birds or wind, and/or represent resident fungi not previously reported from Antarctica. Further long-term studies are required to elucidate how biological colonization in the island may be affected by climatic changes and/or other anthropogenic influences

    Detecting spatiotemporal variability in the physicochemical properties of water in the Lower Mearim using remote sensing data

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    Natural or anthropogenic chemical compounds of different origins often accumulate in estuarine regions. These compounds may alter the water quality. Therefore, It is important to constantly monitor the quality of estuarine regions. A combination of remote sensing and traditional sampling can lead to a better monitoring program for water quality parameters. The objective of this work is to assess the spatiotemporal variability of the physicochemical properties of water in the lower region of the Mearim River and estimate water quality parameters via remote sensing. Samples were collected at 16 points, from Baixo Arari to the mouth of the watershed, using a multiparameter meter and Landsat 8 satellite images. The physicochemical parameters of the water had high salinity levels, between 2.30 and 20.10 parts per trillion; a high total dissolved solids content, between 2.77 and 19.70 g/L; and minimum dissolved oxygen values. Estimating the physicochemical properties of the water via remote sensing proved feasible, particularly in the dry season when there is less cloud cover

    Compressa Refrescante Profilática à base de Camomila para Pacientes Radioterápicos / Prophylactic Chamomile-based Refreshing Compress for Radiation Therapy Patients

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    Com o aumento da incidência de doenças oncológicas e a demanda da assistência de enfermagem para tais pacientes devido ao desconforto causados pelo seu tratamento radioterápico. Objetivo: Formular um protótipo de uma compressa refrescante à base de camomila, para aplicar em pacientes oncológicos, que se submetem à radioterapia, como forma profilática ou como tratamento para as radiodermatites. Metodologia: Essa compressa foi confeccionada com tecido de algodão crú, tecido impermeável aquablock, TNT, e tecido de fibra siliconada preenchendo o interior da compressa junto com o gel à base de camomila. Resultados: A compressa refrescante à base de camomila, foi feita com materiais de baixo custo, confeccionada de forma manual, constatando que terapias alternativas, podem ser realizadas com mais frequência, pois sua realização é de fácil acesso, podendo trazer muitos benefícios aos pacientes e podendo abranger a todos tipos, com comprovação científica da sua eficácia. Conclusão: Com o aumento da incidência e novos casos de câncer acometendo a população, essas medidas são fundamentais para ser prestado uma assistência de enfermagem centrada na humanização e qualidade de vida do paciente oncológico, com embasamento científico que disponibiliza vários recursos que abrange a área das terapias alternativas, por isso elaboramos uma compressa refrescante à base de camomila, assim podendo trazer um conforto e alívio para os pacientes radioterápicos

    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors as an alternative treatment in canine mast cell tumor

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    The current gold standard treatment for canine mast cell tumors (MCT) uses vinblastine sulfate (VBL) as chemotherapy, although tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) have recently been shown to be worthy candidates for treatment. This systematic review aimed to analyze the overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), overall response rate (ORR), and complete (CR) or partial response (PR) in dogs with MCT treated with TKI compared to standard VBL treatment. The systematic review was registered in the Open Science Framework (OSF) database under the identifier 10.17605/OSF.IO/WYPN4 (https://osf.io/). An electronic search was performed in nine databases. References from eligible studies were also selected to find more registers. A total of 28 studies met the eligibility criteria, and one more was recovered from the references of eligible studies, totaling 29 selected studies. The overall response rate, complete response, and partial response were higher in dogs treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors than in dogs treated with vinblastine. The overall survival and progression-free survival of vinblastine-treated dogs were higher compared to tyrosine kinase inhibitors-treated dogs. Dogs with mutated KIT treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors have longer overall survival and progression-free survival compared to those treated with vinblastine. It is important to consider the limitation of the study which should temper the interpretation of the results, videlicet, the extracted data lacked sample standardization and included variables such as animal characteristics, mutation detection methods, tumor characteristics, and treatment types which may have influenced the outcome of the study.Systematic review registrationhttps://osf.io/, identifier: 10.17605/OSF.IO/WYPN4

    Atividades antioxidante e inibitória da acetil colinesterase do extrato das folhas de Hymenaea rubriflora / Antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhbition activity from Hymenaea rubriflora Ducke (Fabaceae) leaf extract

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    Hymenaea rubriflora is an endemic and edible plant from tropical weather, especially present in Brazilian flora and have been reported as medicinal plant in ethnobotanical studies. There has been less previous evidence regarding its biological application, therefore, to overcome this problem the present work aimed to evaluate whether the metabolites of Hymenaea rubriflora host antioxidant and anti- acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. To investigate these activities a whole range of different approaches as phytochemical screening, lipidic peroxidation, DPPH scavenging and total antioxidant capacity, and acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay were used. The analysis found evidence for the presence of different secondary metabolites, among them: phenolic compounds (at 286.02 ± 1.75 GAE/mg.DW concentration), flavonoids ( at 23.19 ± 2.38 QE/mg.DW concentration), known as natural antioxidants and highlighted its effectiveness as AChE inhibitor, being able to inhibit AChE activity in 96% on 10 mg/mL. In this study we provide insights of H. rubriflora extract as an alternative antioxidant and AchE inhibitor agent, relevant to the context of neurological disorders and cognitive processes.

    Parametric evaluation of impedance curve in radiofrequency ablation : a quantitative description of the asymmetry and dynamic variation of impedance in bovine ex vivo model

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    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a treatment for liver tumors with advantages over the traditional treatment of surgical resection. This procedure has the shortest recovery time in early stage tumors. The objective of this study is to parameterize the impedance curve of the RFA procedure in an ex vivo model by defining seven parameters (t1/2, tminimum, tend, Zinitial, Z1/2, Zminimum and Zend). Based on these parameters, three performance indices are defined: one to identify the magnitude of impedance curve asymmetry (δ), one Drop ratio (DR) describing the percentage of impedance decrease until the minimum impedance point is reached, and Ascent Ratio (AR) describing the magnitude of increase in impedance from the minimum impedance point to its maximum point. Fifty ablations were performed in a bovine ex vivo model to measure and evaluate the proposed parameters and performance index. The results show that the groups had an average δ of 29.02%, DR of 22.41%, and AR of 545.33% for RFA without the use of saline or deionized solutions. The saline solution and deionized water-cooled groups indicated the correlation of performance indices δ, DR, and AR with the obtained final ablation volume. Therefore, by controlling these parameters and indices, lower recurrence is achieved

    Landing-Takeoff Asymmetries Applied to Running Mechanics: A New Perspective for Performance

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    Background:Elastic bouncing is a physio-mechanical model that can elucidate running behavior in different situations, including landing and takeoff patterns and the characteristics of the muscle-tendon units during stretch and recoil in running. An increase in running speed improves the body’s elastic mechanisms. Although some measures of elastic bouncing are usually carried out, a general description of the elastic mechanism has not been explored in running performance. This study aimed to compare elastic bouncing parameters between the higher- and lower-performing athletes in a 3000 m test.Methods:Thirty-eight endurance runners (men) were divided into two groups based on 3000 m performance: the high-performance group (Phigh; n = 19; age: 29 ± 5 years; mass: 72.9 ± 10 kg; stature: 177 ± 8 cm; 3000time: 656 ± 32 s) and the low-performance group (Plow; n = 19; age: 32 ± 6 years; mass: 73.9 ± 7 kg; stature: 175 ± 5 cm; 3000time: 751 ± 29 s). They performed three tests on different days: (i) 3000 m on a track; (ii) incremental running test; and (iii) a running biomechanical test on a treadmill at 13 different speeds from 8 to 20 km h−1. Performance was evaluated using the race time of the 3000 m test. The biomechanics variables included effective contact time (tce), aerial time (tae), positive work time (tpush), negative work time (tbreak), step frequency (fstep), and elastic system frequency (fsist), vertical displacement (Sv) in tce and tae (Sce and Sae), vertical force, and vertical stiffness were evaluated in a biomechanical submaximal test on treadmill.Results:The tae, fsist, vertical force and stiffness were higher (p < 0.05) and tce and fstep were lower (p < 0.05) in Phigh, with no differences between groups in tpush and tbreak.Conclusion:The elastic bouncing was optimized in runners of the best performance level, demonstrating a better use of elastic components
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