4,787 research outputs found

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    Computer aided detection in mammography

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Semantics take the SOA registry to the next level: an empirical study in a telecom company

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    We describe an empirical study of the creation of a Semantic Service Registry in the context of the Operations Support Systems (OSS) department of a telecom company, to address an emerging problem of finding the right services to build new business processes in a pool that steadily increases. We show how to obtain an ontology for the telecom domain to annotate services and thus benefit from semantic technologies to effectively find them based on description logics inference mapping. We designed and implemented a proof of concept for providing a matching degree even when the cardinality of the service elements of the query and the cardinality of the service elements being sought differ. This is relevant for web services reusability and flexibility. Our solutions are overviewed and a set of lessons learned are discussed

    Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges: II. Evolutive patterns

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    A investigation was done on EEG evolution of 9 patients with PLEDs. In all patients PLEDs eventualy disappeared, in general in a short period, less than 4 daysin 5 cases. In 4 cases evolution was to slow background activity, and to posterior normalization in 2. In 3 cases evolution was to delta activity and suppression bursts, and all the 3 patients died. In the last 2 patients PLEDs were replaced by localized paroxysmal activity, which was anteriorly registered in 1. PLEDs was found in acute dysfunction of CNS, and in epileptic patients in periods of increased seizure activity. These data suggest that a critical point of alteration of the normal neuronal activity is needed for appearance and maintenance of PLEDs. No correlation could be done between the evolution of PLEDs, always to disappearance, and clinical outcome, that was variable.Foi feita a investigação da evolução das PLEDs em 9 pacientes, com idade variando entre 7 meses e 73 anos. As PLEDs evoluiram uniformemente para o desaparecimento, em um período curto, menor que 4 dias em 5 casos. Em 4 casos a evolução foi para atividade de base lenta, com posterior normalização em dois. Três casos evoluíram para período de supressão e para o óbito. Dois para atividade irritativa localizada, a qual já havia sido registrada anteriormente em um deles. Estes dados sugerem que as PLEDs dependem de um ponto crítico na alteração da atividade neuronal para seu aparecimento e manutenção. Não foi observada correlação entre a evolução das PLEDs, sempre para o desaparecimento, e evolução clínica, que foi variável.Escola Paulista de Medicina Setor de EletrencefalografiaUNIFESP, EPM, Setor de EletrencefalografiaSciEL

    Frog assemblage associated with bromeliads in a sandy coastal plain in the state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil

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    Amphibians may use bromeliads for reproduction (i.e., bromeligenous species) or only for refuge and foraging (i.e., bromelicolous species). The partition of bromeliad resources is essential to maintain the coexistence of the associated assemblages. We sampled 913 bromeliads in a sandy coastal plain (i.e., restinga habitat) in southeastern Brazil and found 234 frogs belonging to seven species. One of the frog species was bromeligenous and the other six were facultative bromelicolous. The bromeliads of the genus Aechmea were the most frequently used by frogs. The low degree of frog occupancy of bromeliads (26%) suggests habitat segregation. Our study highlights the importance of maintenance of bromeliad species for conservation of the associated frog assemblages

    Can the distributional impacts of macroeconomic shocks be predicted? A comparison of the performance of macro-micro models with historical data for Brazil

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    What was the impact of Brazil's 1998-99 currency crisis-which resulted in a change of exchange rate regime and a large real devaluation-on the occupational structure of the labor force and the distribution of incomes? Would it have been possible to predict such effects ahead of the crisis? The authors present an integrated macro-micro model of the Brazilian economy in 1998. The model consists of an applied general equilibrium macroeconometric component, connected through a set of linkage aggregate variables to a microeconomic model of household incomes. The authors use this framework to predict the employment and distributional consequences of the 1999 Brazilian currency crisis, based on 1998 household survey data. They then test the predictive performance of the model by comparing its simulated results with the actual household survey data observed in 1999. In addition to the fully integrated macro-micro model, the authors also test the performances of the microeconometric model on its own, and of a"representative household groups"approach. They find that the integrated macro-micro econometric model, while still inaccurate on many dimensions, can actually predict the broad pattern of the incidence of changes in household incomes across the distribution reasonably well, and much better than the alternative approaches. The authors conclude that further experimentation with these tools might be of considerable potential usefulness to policymakers.Labor Policies,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Macroeconomic Management,Inequality,Economic Stabilization