20 research outputs found

    A model for evaluating sustainability applied to two urban cycleways in brasilia

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    Este artigo propôs um modelo quantitativo usando Dimensões, Características e Indicadores de Sustentabilidade para avaliar a sustentabilidade das ciclovias. O modelo foi aplicado como um estudo de caso a duas ciclovias reais na capital brasileira, Brasília. O processo de seleção de indicadores de sustentabilidade empregou o método Delphi com 9 especialistas seniores da área de transporte e, originalmente, foram identificados 650 indicadores. Estes foram convertidos para fornecer 28 indicadores consolidados. Utilizou-se o método Função Multiatributo Aditiva (Multiattribute Utility Theory) para estabelecer uma hierarquia de dimensões, características e indicadores. Outros nove especialistas definiram níveis de importância e atribuíram pesos a Dimensões, Características e Indicadores. No total, 40 pesos foram atribuídos aos três níveis hierárquicos e o peso final de cada nível foi considerado a média aritmética dos pesos indicados pelos 9 especialistas. Os pesos dos indicadores foram multiplicados pelos pesos de suas respectivas Características e Dimensões, resultando em uma equação para o Índice de Sustentabilidade na forma de uma combinação linear dos pesos com os indicadores. Os usuários das ciclovias analisadas foram entrevistados e atribuíram pontuações a cada um dos indicadores. A partir dessas pontuações, foi possível calcular o indicador de sustentabilidade de cada ciclovia. A ciclovia 2 obteve uma melhor avaliação em relação a ciclovia 1 em todos os cenários de ponderação analisados.This paper proposed a quantitative model using Sustainability Dimensions, Characteristics and Indicators for evaluating the sustainability of cycleways. The model was applied as a case study to two actual cycleways in the Brazilian capital, Brasília. The sustainability indicator selection process employed the Delphi method with 9 senior experts from the field of transportation and originally 650 indicators were identified. These were converted to provide 28 consolidated indicators. Multi-attribute Utility Theory method was used to establish a hierarchy of the Dimensions, Characteristics and Indicators. Nine other experts defined levels of importance and attributed weights to Dimensions, Characteristics and Indicators. 40 weights altogether were attributed to the three hierarchic levels and the final weight for each level was taken to be the arithmetical average of the weights indicated by the 9 experts. The weights of the indicators were multiplied by the weights of their respective Characteristics and Dimensions, resulting in an equation for the Sustainability Index in the form of a linear combination of the weights with the indicators. The users of the analyzed cycleways were interviewed and assigned scores to each of the indicators. From these scores, it was possible to calculate the sustainability indicator of each bicycle path. The cicloway 2 had a better rating compared to cicloway 1 in all weighting scenarios analyzed

    Extreme precipitation-streamflow event in the river Araguari basin, Amapá / Brazil

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    O objetivo da investigação foi analisar vazões extremas ocorridas entre 9 e 14 de abril de 2011 na bacia do Rio Araguari-AP. A metodologia consistiu de três etapas principais: 1) re-análise da precipitação estimada pelo Modelo BRAMS (Brazilian in Development Regional Atmospheric Model System),utilizando como suporte a sinótica do mesmo período; 2) análise de vazão nas seções de monitoramento hidrológico em Porto Platon, Capivara e Serra do Navio (ADCP-Accustic Doppler Profiller Current); 3) análise estatística da série histórica de vazões máximas em Porto Platon utilizando distribuição de Gumbel. Observou-se que o modelo BRAMS capturou parcialmente o padrão do sistema de precipitação quando comparado com a análise sinótica e com os dados da literatura, mas demandando ainda otimização na representação de respostas hidrológicas extremas. Em Porto Platon foi registrada uma vazão recorde de 4036 m3/s, cujo comportamento foi analisado sob a ótica dos mecanismos disponíveis de monitoramento no Estado. Concluiu-se que tais eventos extremos são pouco detectáveis e oferecem riscos consideráveis aos usuários da bacia. A previsão de vazão, baseada na série hidrológica disponível, era de 100 anos de retorno, mas as análises revelaram que este período seria de 360 anos, indicando significativa fragilidade do sistema de previsão de eventos extremos no Estado.The objective of this investigation was to analyse the extreme river flows which have occurred between 9 and 14 April 2011 in the Rio Araguari-AP. The methodology consisted of three main steps: 1) re-analysis of precipitation estimated by the BRAMS (Brazilian Development in Regional Atmospheric Model System) model using the synoptic of the same period as support, 2) analysis of streamflow in sections of hydrological monitoring in Porto Platon, Capivari and Serra do Navio (ADCP-Accustic Profiller Doppler Current); 3) statistic analysis of the time series of maximum river flows in Porto Platon using Gumbel distribution. It was observed that the BRAMS system partially captured the standard precipitation when compared with the synoptic analysis and literature data, but the extreme hydrological responses representation still needs an optimization. In Porto Platon a flow record of 4036 m3 /s was recorded, whose behavior was analyzed from the perspective of the available monitoring mechanisms in the State. It was concluded that such extreme events are poorly detectable and offer considerable risks to users of the basin. The stream flow prediction based on available hydrological series was 100 years recurrence, but the analysis have revealed that this period would be 360 years, indicating significant deficiency of the prediction system of extreme events in the State

    Frações de fósforo em Latossolos

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se o histórico de uso, adubação fosfatada, inoculação micorrízica e cultivo com braquiária e soja, em casa de vegetação, alteram as frações de P em três Latossolos. Foi determinado o P ligado a Al (P-Al), Fe (P-Fe) e Ca (P-Ca) e as frações de P separadas com resina, NaHCO3, NaOH, HCl e digestão com H2SO4 e H2O2. As frações orgânicas e inorgânicas foram separadas por autoclavagem. No Latossolo Amarelo coeso (LAx) e Latossolo Vermelho ácrico (LVw), o P-Al, P-Fe e P-Ca foram maiores nos solos cultivados, e no Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf) o PAl e PFe foram maiores nos solos não cultivados, tendências não alteradas pelo cultivo com braquiária e soja. A adição de P elevou principalmente as frações inorgânicas lábeis (Pi-resina e Pi-NaHCO3) e moderadamente lábil (Pi-NaOH). Solos anteriormente cultivados tiveram menos P nas frações orgânicas do que os não cultivados. Nos solos com braquiária, verificou-se menos P nas frações pouco lábeis e mais nas frações mais lábeis. O efeito da micorriza foi menor e menos consistente do que o cultivo e aplicação de fósforo

    Cardumes da sardinha-verdadeira, Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner), em águas costeiras do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Scliools of Brazilian-sardine, Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner), in coastal waters of Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil)

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    <abstract language="eng">This paper deals with the occurrence and schol sizes of the Brazilian-sardine, Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879), in coastal waters of" Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil), during the years 1993-1997. The schools are more frequent and heavier in bay and surroundings of Grande Island; another area, with lesser importance, remains between the Cape of São Tome and surroundings of Cabo Frio, under influence of coastal upwelling. The heavier schools are found in April-June (autumn), soon after lhe reproduction period. The schools swim in surface waters with until 80 meters in depth. but more than 98% of them are restricted to waters until 50 meters; about 41% of schools are found in places of 10 - 20 meters, with clear reduction of their frequencies in higher depths; schools with more than 10 tons tend to swim in surface waters with 31-60 meters in depth. The schools reach the maximum size of 95 tons, but around 88% of them do not exceed the 15 tons; the smaller ones, with until 5 tons, correspond to almost 42% of those caught, with frequency reductions as increase their sizes

    Serum concentrations of acute phase proteins in hookworm (Ancylostoma sp.) infections in dogs

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    Hookworms are parasitic nematodes that cause anemia and intes-tinal infections in dogs, especially with large worm burdens. Theyare the main cause of cutaneous larva migrans and also eosino-philic pneumonitis in humans. Acute phase proteins are sensitivemarkers of inflammation. In this study 80 asymptomatic dogs(age: 8 months-2 years) were evaluated to detect the presence ofthe hookworm thin-shelled, morulated eggs in feces using fecalflotation. They were divided in two groups: 40 dogs with a highquantity of eggs in feces (+++) (PD) and 40 healthy dogs (HD).Blood samples were collected to evaluate the protein fractions(APPs) in serum in both groups by means of sodium dodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Thisstudy was approved by the Animal Experimentation EthicsCommittee. Infected dogs showed significant increases for IgG(PD 1.79 ± 0.8 g/dL and HD 1.44 ± 0.72 g/dL, P = .04), for cerulo-plasmin concentrations (PD 19 ± 15 mg/dL and HD 5 ± 3.5 mg/dL, P = .0001), for alpha 1-acid glycoprotein concentrations (PD31.4 ± 17.9 mg/dL and HD 13.5 ± 12.1 mg/dL, P = .0001) and fora non-nominal identified protein of 23 kD (PD 641.5 ± 194.9 mg/dL and HD 519.8 ± 197.9 mg/dL, P = .007). No statistically signifi-cant differences (P > .05) in serum total protein, albumin, IgA,transferrin and haptoglobin concentrations were identifiedbetween groups. Results of this study suggest that parasite infec-tions caused by Ancylostoma sp. triggers an acute inflammatory response in dogs

    Physical and Chemical Properties of Waste Foundry Exhaust Sand for Use in Self-Compacting Concrete

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    The reuse of waste in civil construction brings environmental and economic benefits. However, for these to be used in concrete, it is necessary a previous evaluation of their physical and chemical characteristics. Thus, this study aimed to characterize and analyze the waste foundry exhaust sand (WFES) for use in self-compacting concrete (SCC). Foundry exhaust sand originates from the manufacturing process of sand molds and during demolding of metal parts. It is a fine sand rich in silica in the form of quartz collected by baghouse filter. Characterization of WFES was conducted through laser granulometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) mode, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) techniques. The waste was classified as non-hazardous and non-inert, with physical and chemical properties suitable for use in SCC composition, as fine aggregate or mineral addition. Five mixtures of SCC were developed, in order to determine the waste influence in both fresh and hardened concrete. The properties in the fresh state were reached. There was an increase in compressive strength and sulfate resistance, a decrease in water absorption of self-compacting concrete by incorporating WFES as 30% replacement

    Novos paradigmas e velhos discursos: analisando processos de adolescentes em conflito com a lei New paradigms and old discourses: analyzing proceedings of adolescents in conflict with the law

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    Este artigo evidencia análises contidas na dissertação cujo objetivo foi analisar os discursos dos operadores jurídico-sociais em processos judiciais de Varas da Infância e Juventude de duas cidades brasileiras. Os direitos das crianças e adolescentes, a questão social e a análise do discurso configuraram-se como referenciais teóricos e de análise. Resultados evidenciaram discursos de proteção e revelaram também a intenção de punição. A questão social foi ignorada pelos operadores a despeito dos contextos em que ocorreram as infrações.<br>This article presents an analysis of the discourse of the legal and social operators in judicial proceedings of Childhood and Youth Courts of two Brazilian cities. Children and adolescents rights, the social issue and the analysis of the discourse were arranged as the theoretic and analytic references. The results show discourses related to protection as well as punitive purpose. The social issue was ignored by the operators in spite of the situations in which the infractions occurred