69 research outputs found

    Playing with the Dramaturgical Tradition in Anna Kashina’s Play „Duma”

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    The article deals with the combination of classical and innovative artistic techniques in the play Duma by Anna Kashina. Playing with the dramaturgical tradition on different levels is described and it is shown to embrace the system of characters, the content of the stage directions (the insertion of video projections, moving the action to auditorium) and also the composition of the play. Kashina’s play is discussed by the author as a work whose poetics is determined by the aesthetics of modern visual media as well as by the literary tradition. В статье анализируется сочетание классических и новаторских художественных приемов в пьесе Анны Кашиной Дума. Описывается игра с драматургической традицией, осуществляющаяся на уровнях: системы персонажей, изложенного в ремарках изобразительного ряда (введения видеопроекций, перенесения действия в зрительный зал), а также композиции произведения. Автор рассматривает пьесу А. Кашиной как произведение, поэтика которого детерминирована как эстетикой современных визуальных медиа, так и литературной традицией

    The Question of the Technique of Verbatim Theatre in Russian Dramaturgy in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century

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    The start of the third decade of the 21st century marks twenty years of the existence of the verbatim technique in the Russian dramatic space. This article describes the history and specificity of the Russian verbatim theatre, as well as different ways of using and adapting this technique in the plays of the authors associated, permanently or occasionally, with the Moscow-based Teatr.doc. Using the example of texts such as Nord-Ost: Forty-First Day (2002) by journalist and theatre critic Grigory Zaslavsky, New Antigone (2017) by journalist Elena Kostyuchenko, and 67/871 (2017) by dramatist Elena Gremina, it can be concluded that the main differences between verbatim plays are primarily related to the degree of the author’s processing of documentary material. Nord-Ost: Forty-First Day is a transcript of the event that took place in the Teatr.doc, a literal recording of the statements of their participants; New Antigone – the montage of fragments of transcripts of the trials, conversations, life stories of the heroines, and quotes from Sophocles’ Antigone; 67/871 – a montage of fragments of the characters’ monologues united into thematic blocks, quotes from statements from Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, and letters from a German soldier. The variety of ways to create verbatim texts influences the expansion of the boundaries of the concept of “play” and indicates that the traditional sequence of the emergence of a dramatic text and its theatrical embodiment has lost its relevance.It is concluded that the specificity of verbatim plays fits into the modern trend of the democratisation of theatre and drama, since their rootedness in the world of reality and documentaries opens the way to dramaturgy for those authors who had not been engaged in this type of activity before.Вместе с началом третьего десятилетия ХХI века отмечается двадцать лет существования техники вербатим в российском драматургическом пространстве. В настоящей статье описывается история и специфика российского вербатима, а также разные способы использования и адаптации этой техники в пьесах авторов, связанных, постоянно или эпизодически, с московским Театром.doc. На примере текстов Норд-Ост: Сорок первый день (2002) журналиста и театрального критика Григория Заславского, Новая Антигона (2017) журналистки Елены Костюченко и 67/871 (2017) драматурга Елены Греминой иллюстрируется, что главные различия между пьесами вербатим связаны прежде всего со степенью авторской обработки документального материала. Норд-Ост: Сорок первый день – это расшифровки акции, прошедшей в Театре.doc, дословная запись высказываний ее участников, Новая Антигона – монтаж фрагментов расшифровок судебного процесса, разговоров, историй жизни героинь и цитат из Антигоны Софокла, 67/871 – монтаж фрагментов монологов героев, собранных в тематические блоки, цитат из высказываний Адольфа Гитлера и Генриха Гиммлера и письма немецкого солдата. Разнообразие способов создания текстов вербатим влияет на расширение границ понятия «пьеса» и указывет, что традиционная последовательность возникновения драматического текста и его театрального воплощения потеряла свою актуальность.Специфика пьес вербатим вписывается в современную тенденцию к демократизации театра и драматургии, так как их укорененность в мире реального и документального открывает путь в драматургию авторам, которые раньше не занимались художественной деятельностью

    High Density Bacterial Nasal Carriage in Children is Transient and Associated With Respiratory Viral Infections - Implications for Transmission Dynamics

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink belowBACKGROUND: This longitudinal study describes the associations between respiratory viral infections, rhinitis and the prevalence and density of the common nasopharyngeal bacterial colonizers, Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sp), Moraxella catarrhalis (Mc), Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) and Staphylococcus aureus. METHODS: In an observational cohort study, 161 children attending day care centers in Bristol, United Kingdom, were recruited. Monthly nasopharyngeal swabs were taken and stored frozen in Skim-milk, tryptone, glucose and glycerin broth (STGG) broth. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used for detection of respiratory viruses and 4 bacterial species. t tests and logistic regression models were used for analysis. RESULTS: The frequent colonisers, Sp, Mc and Hi were more frequently found at high density in contrast to Staphylococcus aureus although temporally, high-density carriage was short lived. Respiratory viral infections and symptoms of rhinitis were both independently and consistently associated with higher bacterial density with an observed 2-fold increase in density for Sp, Mc and Hi (P = 0.004-0.017). CONCLUSIONS: For Sp and Hi, the association between young age and higher bacterial DNA density was explained by more frequent viral infection and increased nasal discharge, while the associations between some viral specie's and some bacterial species' density appear to be stronger than others. Increased colonization density and rhinitis may promote transmission of these commonly carried organisms

    Anthropogenic sediments from facultative lagoons of the Konstancin-Jeziorna sewage treatment facility and their usability for soil recultivation

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    The sewage treatment facility of a paper mill at Konstancin-Jeziorna was opened to process industrial and domestic wastewater. After closure of that mill, the sewage treatment facility had to be rebuilt and modernized. Therefore, it was necessary to analyse the chemical and phase composition of the sediments from facultative lagoons used for biological treatment of wastewater. Eight samples of sediments were taken to identify a general phase composition by X-ray diffraction and ten to determine concentrations of selected main and trace elements with the use of ICP-AES and AMA methods.The analyses showed that the sediments consisted of over 90% of mineral fraction, mainly kaolinite, calcite, and quartz and also neomorphic smithsonite. They contained low quantities of Hg, Cd, Co and Mo, and elevated concentrations of Zn, Ba, Mn and Sr. Comparisons of the obtained mean values with admissible concentrations of metals, as defined by Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 9 September 2002, showed that the mean concentrations of As, Sn, Co, Mo and Ni (and also of Hg and Cr in the southern lagoon) met quality standards for soils in areas under protection (group A). Mean concentrations of Pb (both lagoons), Ba, Cu, Cd (northern lagoon) as well as Cr and Hg (southern lagoon) in sediments are higher. However, they still meet standards for areas usable for agricultural and other purposes (group B). The highest concentrations were recorded for Zn, Cd, Cu and Ba in samples from the southern lagoon. These continued to be lower than all the limits acceptable for industrial areas.

    Viable <i>Neisseria meningitidis </i>is commonly present in saliva in healthy young adults:Non-invasive sampling and enhanced sensitivity of detection in a follow-up carriage study in Portuguese students

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    INTRODUCTION AND AIMS:Improved sensitivity and efficiency of detection and quantification of carriage of Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) in young people is important for evaluation of the impact of vaccines upon transmission and associated population-wide effects. Saliva collection is quick, non-invasive and facilitates frequent sampling, but has been reported to yield low sensitivity by culture. We re-evaluated this approach in a follow-up cross sectional study using direct and culture-amplified PCR. MATERIAL/METHODS:In April 2016 we collected paired oropharyngeal swabs (OPS) and saliva samples from 1005 healthy students in Portugal into STGG broth and stored them at -80°C until DNA extraction and batched qPCR analysis. Samples were also cultured on GC agar plates for 72h and PCR done on DNA extracts from overall growth. Nm isolates were also sought from a selection of 50 samples. qPCR amplification targets were superoxide dismutase sodC and capsular locus/genogroup-specific genes (B, C, W, X and Y) and, for cultured isolates only, porA. Cycle threshold values of ≤36 were considered positive. RESULTS:556 tests (460 samples, 363 subjects, 36.1%) were positive for Nm (sodC) and 65 (45, 36, 3.6%) for MenB. More salivas were positive by direct sodC qPCR (211, 21.0%) than OPS (126, 12.5%) but fewer were positive by culture-amplified qPCR (94 vs. 125). For both sample types, many that were negative on direct qPCR came positive on culture-amplification and Nm was consistently isolated from salivas in which culture amplified the PCR signal. Using both methods on both samples yielded 36.1% Nm and 5.5% encapsulated Nm carriage rates while direct qPCR on OPS alone detected 12.5% and 2.2%. CONCLUSIONS:Detectable MenB carriage rates (2.9%) were lower than 4 years earlier (6.8%) in this population (p = 0.0003). Viable meningococci were often present in saliva. Although evidence of encapsulated Nm was less frequent in saliva than OPS, collection is more acceptable to subjects allowing more frequent sampling. Use of culture-amplification increases detection sensitivity in both sample types, especially when combined with direct PCR. Combining these samples and/or methodologies could greatly enhance the power of carriage studies to detect the impact of vaccines upon carriage and transmission

    Pneumococcal Serotypes Colonise the Nasopharynx in Children at Different Densities.

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    Prevalence of pneumococcal serotypes in carriage and disease has been described but absolute serotype colonisation densities have not been reported. 515 paediatric nasal swab DNA extracts were subjected to lytA qPCR and molecular serotyping by microarray. Absolute serotype densities were derived from total pneumococcal density (qPCR cycle threshold and standard curve) and relative abundance (microarray) and varied widely. Compared to all serotype densities observed, the strongest evidence of differences was seen for serotypes 21 and 35B (higher) and 3, 38 and non-typeables (lower) (p<0.05) with a similar hierarchy when only a single serotype carriage was assessed. There was no evidence of any overall density differences between children with single or multiple serotypes detected but serotypes with mid-range densities were more prevalent. The hierarchy of distinct pneumococcal serotype carriage densities described here for the first time, may help explain the dynamics of transmission between children

    SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, Poland

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    The SOLARIS synchrotron located in Krakow, Poland, is a third-generation light source operating at medium electron energy. The first synchrotron light was observed in 2015, and the consequent development of infrastructure lead to the first users’ experiments at soft X-ray energies in 2018. Presently, SOLARIS expands its operation towards hard X-rays with continuous developments of the beamlines and concurrent infrastructure. In the following, we will summarize the SOLARIS synchrotron design, and describe the beamlines and research infrastructure together with the main performance parameters, upgrade, and development plans

    Языковой образ Владимира Жириновского в русскоязычных печатных СМИ и интернет-изданиях

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    Obraz językowy Władimira Żyrinowskiego w rosyjskojęzycznej prasie i wydaniach internetowych Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie obrazu językowego Władimira Żyrinowskiego w rosyjskojęzycznej prasie drukowanej i wydaniach internetowych, a także zbadanie środków językowych, przy pomocy których tworzony jest ów obraz. Autor analizuje fragmenty tekstów publicystycznych, zwracając uwagę na środki leksykalne i stylistyczne używane przy opisach W. Żyrinowskiego, jego działalności i roli, którą polityk pełni w przestrzeni publicznej współczesnej Rosji. Procentowe zestawienie zastosowanych w zebranych tekstach środków językowych pozwala autorowi wywnioskować, jaki aspekt postaci W. Żyrinowskiego najczęściej przyciąga uwagę mediów. Wyłaniająca się podczas analizy artykułów prasowych jednorodność obrazu W. Żyrinowskiego zmusza autora do refleksji nad stopniem zgodności medialnego image’u polityka z jego prawdziwą osobowością.   Language Image of Vladimir Zhirinovsky in Russian-language Press and in the Electronic Publications The target of this study is presenting the language image of Vladimir Zhirinovsky in Russian-language press and in electronic publications, as well as examining the language means, which are used to create such image. The author analyses the fragments of commentaries, taking into consideration linguistic and stylistic means used for describing Vladimir Zhirinovsky, his activities and his role, played by the politician in the society in the contemporary Russia. The percentage comparison of the language means used in the collected materials, enables the author to conclude, which aspect of the Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s image draws the attention of media the most. The emerging homogeneity of Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s image, during the analysis of press releases, forces the author to reflect on the degree of the image conformity of him as a politician with his authentic personality