102 research outputs found

    Advances in seismic imaging of magma and crystal mush

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    Seismic imaging methods have provided detailed three-dimensional constraints on the physical properties of magmatic systems leading to invaluable insight into the storage, differentiation and dynamics of magma. These constraints have been crucial to the development of our modern understanding of magmatic systems. However, there are still outstanding knowledge gaps resulting from the challenges inherent in seismic imaging of volcanoes. These challenges stem from the complex physics of wave propagation across highly heterogeneous low-velocity anomalies associated with magma reservoirs. Ray-based seismic imaging methods such as travel-time and surface-wave tomography lead to under-recovery of such velocity anomalies and to under-estimation of melt fractions. This review aims to help the volcanologist to fully utilize the insights gained from seismic imaging and account for the resolution limits. We summarize the advantages and limitations of the most common imaging methods and propose best practices for their implementation and the quantitative interpretation of low-velocity anomalies. We constructed and analysed a database of 277 seismic imaging studies at 78 arc, hotspot and continental rift volcanoes. Each study is accompanied by information about the seismic source, part of the wavefield used, imaging method, any detected low-velocity zones, and estimated melt fraction. Thirty nine studies attempted to estimate melt fractions at 22 different volcanoes. Only five studies have found evidence of melt storage at melt fractions above the critical porosity that separates crystal mush from mobile magma. The median reported melt fraction is 13% suggesting that magma storage is dominated by low-melt fraction crystal mush. However, due to the limits of seismic resolution, the seismological evidence does not rule out the presence of small (<10 km3) and medium-sized (<100 km3) high-melt fraction magma chambers at many of the studied volcanoes. The combination of multiple tomographic imaging methods and the wider adoption of methods that use more of the seismic wavefield than the first arriving travel-times, promise to overcome some of the limitations of seismic tomography and provide more reliable constraints on melt fractions. Wider adoption of these new methods and advances in data collection are needed to enable a revolution in imaging magma reservoirs

    Assessing temperature effects on multipole contributions and angular dependence in core-level spectroscopies

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    This study aims at assessing the thermal nuclei motion effects on the multipole transition channels involved in two core-level spectroscopies, x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray Raman scattering (XRS). Temperature effects on the 1s -> s monopole, 1s -> p dipole, and 1s -> d quadrupole transitions are investigated using two reference systems for which we present original experimental data: alpha-Al2O3 at the Al K edge probed by XRS at room temperature and rutile TiO2 at the Ti K pre-edge probed by XAS at temperatures ranging from 6 to 700 K. Through the latter, this work enlightens the part of the pre-edge peak enhancement due to temperature in the K pre-edge region of 3d transition metal, which is known to be routinely used to determine the concentration, valence or symmetry of the probed element in a given sample. Nuclear thermal fluctuations are taken into account using a method based on density functional theory that consists in averaging spectra over atomic configurations, generated within the harmonic approximation and obeying quantum statistics at finite temperature. Since only a finite number of such configurations are used, the numerically averaged spectra generally lose the symmetry of the equilibrium crystal positions. In this paper, we demonstrate that the physical average has to be symmetric and propose a method to restore the physical angular dependence of the spectra. The approach is successfully applied to investigate the angular dependent XAS spectra in rutile as a function of temperature. The two systems under study allow to draw general conclusions regarding the effect of nuclear quantum fluctuations on the different transition channels available to both core-level spectroscopies.Peer reviewe

    Molecular overtones and two-phonon combination bands in the near-infrared spectra of talc, brucite and lizardite

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    The near-infrared (NIR) spectra of hydrous minerals display absorption bands involving multiple excitations of vibrational modes. They usually involve OH stretching modes, but their interpretation is not straightforward due to the combined effects of bond anharmonicity and vibrational coupling. In the present study, the mid-infrared (MIR) and near-infrared spectra of well-ordered samples of trioctahedral layered hydrous minerals, talc, brucite and lizardite, have been measured on a spectral range extending from the fundamental vibrational modes to the second OH stretching overtones. The bands corresponding to molecular overtones are interpreted using an effective approach allowing us to infer the anharmonicity and coupling parameters controlling the OH stretching frequencies from spectroscopic data. They follow the usual relation between transition energy and quantum number of the excited state, which facilitates the comparison of NIR and MIR spectra. The results support the assignment of the main overtone bands to specific environments of OH groups and bring new constraints for the identification of the vibrational bands related to Fe and Al substitutions at octahedral sites in serpentines. The two-phonon absorption bands are theoretically analyzed at the density functional theory level by computing the absorption arising from the self-energy of the IR-active vibrational modes. The characteristics of the two-phonon OH stretching continuum between 7300 and 7400 cm−1 and of the combination bands between 4000 and 4800 cm−1 are related to the specificities of the one-phonon and two-phonon densities of states of the three minerals.</p

    Seismic imaging of Santorini: subsurface constraints on caldera collapse and present-day magma recharge

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    Volcanic calderas are surface depressions formed by roof collapse following evacuation of magma from an underlying reservoir. The mechanisms of caldera formation are debated and predict differences in the evolution of the caldera floor and distinct styles of magma recharge. Here we use a dense, active source, seismic tomography study to reveal the sub-surface physical properties of the Santorini caldera in order to understand caldera formation. We find a ∼3-km-wide, cylindrical low-velocity anomaly in the upper 3 km beneath the north-central portion of the caldera, that lies directly above the pressure source of the 2011-2012 inflation. We interpret this anomaly as a low-density volume caused by excess porosities of between 4% and 28%, with pore spaces filled with hot seawater. Vents that were formed during the first three phases of the 3.6 ka Late Bronze Age (LBA) eruption are located close to the edge of the imaged structure. The correlation between older volcanic vents and the low-velocity anomaly suggests that this feature may be long-lived. We infer that collapse of a limited area of the caldera floor resulted in a high-porosity, low-density cylindrical volume, which formed by either chaotic collapse along reverse faults, wholesale subsidence and infilling with tuffs and ignimbrites, phreatomagmatic fracturing, or a combination of these processes. Phase 4 eruptive vents are located along the margins of the topographic caldera and the velocity structure indicates that coherent down-drop of the wider topographic caldera followed the more limited collapse in the northern caldera. This progressive collapse sequence is consistent with models for multi-stage formation of nested calderas along conjugate reverse and normal faults. The upper crustal density differences inferred from the seismic velocity model predict differences in subsurface gravitational loading that correlate with the location of 2011-2012 edifice inflation. This result supports the hypothesis that sub-surface density anomalies may influence present-day magma recharge events. We postulate that past collapses and the resulting topographical and density variations at Santorini influence magma focusing between eruptive cycles, a feedback process that may be important in other volcanoes

    Fracture and damage localization in volcanic edifice rocks from El Hierro, Stromboli and Tenerife

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    © 2018 The Author(s). We present elastic wave velocity and strength data from a suite of three volcanic rocks taken from the volcanic edifices of El Hierro and Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain), and Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy). These rocks span a range of porosity and are taken from volcanoes that suffer from edifice instability. We measure elastic wave velocities at known incident angles to the generated through-going fault as a function of imposed strain, and examine the effect of the damage zone on P-wave velocity. Such data are important as field measurements of elastic wave tomography are key tools for understanding volcanic regions, yet hidden fractures are likely to have a significant effect on elastic wave velocity. We then use elastic wave velocity evolution to calculate concomitant crack density evolution which ranges from 0 to 0.17: highest values were correlated to the damage zone in rocks with the highest initial porosity

    Quantum ESPRESSO: a modular and open-source software project for quantum simulations of materials

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    Quantum ESPRESSO is an integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling, based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials (norm-conserving, ultrasoft, and projector-augmented wave). Quantum ESPRESSO stands for "opEn Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization". It is freely available to researchers around the world under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Quantum ESPRESSO builds upon newly-restructured electronic-structure codes that have been developed and tested by some of the original authors of novel electronic-structure algorithms and applied in the last twenty years by some of the leading materials modeling groups worldwide. Innovation and efficiency are still its main focus, with special attention paid to massively-parallel architectures, and a great effort being devoted to user friendliness. Quantum ESPRESSO is evolving towards a distribution of independent and inter-operable codes in the spirit of an open-source project, where researchers active in the field of electronic-structure calculations are encouraged to participate in the project by contributing their own codes or by implementing their own ideas into existing codes.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, resubmitted to J.Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Dehydration of subducting slow-spread oceanic lithosphere in the Lesser Antilles

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    Subducting slabs carry water into the mantle and are a major gateway in the global geochemical water cycle. Fluid transport and release can be constrained with seismological data. Here we use joint active-source/local-earthquake seismic tomography to derive unprecedented constraints on multi-stage fluid release from subducting slow-spread oceanic lithosphere. We image the low P-wave velocity crustal layer on the slab top and show that it disappears beneath 60–100 km depth, marking the depth of dehydration metamorphism and eclogitization. Clustering of seismicity at 120–160 km depth suggests that the slab’s mantle dehydrates beneath the volcanic arc, and may be the main source of fluids triggering arc magma generation. Lateral variations in seismic properties on the slab surface suggest that serpentinized peridotite exhumed in tectonized slow-spread crust near fracture zones may increase water transport to sub-arc depths. This results in heterogeneous water release and directly impacts earthquakes generation and mantle wedge dynamics