58 research outputs found

    A crise do regime de acumulação com dominância da valorização financeira e a situação do Brasil

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    There seems to be no doubt about the fact that capitalism has undergone drastic transformations over the last thirty years. Among critics, theses on the financial nature of the process of accumulation have been prominent. One of these is the theory by French economist François Chesnais (1998, 2005) whose main proposition is that, as of the late 1970s, capitalism would be reproducing itself by means of an accumulation regime in which financial valuation prevails. In this article, we attempt to show that the current crisis is a crisis of this regime of accumulation, and to reflect upon the situation and prospects for Brazil in this context. In order to do so, we will first present a brief theoretical review of concepts involved (first section), then present the main features of the financialized regime (second section), recall the history of the way this regime has operated in the last three decades (third section), and, finally, reflect upon Brazil?s present situation and prospects in this context (fourth section).Parece não haver dúvida de que, nos últimos 30 anos, alterou-se profundamente a forma de funcionamento do capitalismo. No campo crítico, as teses sobre o caráter financeirizado do processo de acumulação ganham destaque. Dentre elas, a do economista francês François Chesnais. Sua principal proposição é que, a partir do final dos anos 1970, o capitalismo estaria se reproduzindo por meio de um regime de acumulação em que domina a valorização financeira. No presente artigo, procuramos mostrar que a crise que ora vivenciamos é uma crise desse regime de acumulação, bem como refletir sobre a situação e as perspectivas do Brasil nesse contexto. Para tanto, faremos uma breve recuperação teórica dos conceitos envolvidos nessa tese (primeira seção), para em seguida apresentar as principais características do regime financeirizado (segunda seção), repassar o histórico de funcionamento desse regime nas últimas três décadas (terceira seção) e refletir sobre a situação e perspectivas do Brasil nesse contexto (quarta seção)

    A aventura da crítica

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    The adventure of the critic. The aim of this paper is to reply the critical observations made by Fernandes, Rego and Gala in this number of Revista de Economia Política about a paper of mine, also published in this same journal in January 2006, which deals with the relationship between Economics and Rethoric and its unfolding in Brazil. Answering these critical observations I have tried to show that: a) it is not easy, as they do, to associate Habermas’s project to the defense of the approach of Rethoric in Economics; Habermas himself has a lot of objections to the association of his project with Rorty’s pragmatism which seems to be the strongest McCloskey’s influence; b) it is not true that my considerations have a kind of epistemological immunity and that they are not liable to contestations; if it seems so it is because the nature of the materialistic approach itself. At the end I observe that my carpers didn’t reply my observations about the unfolding of the rethorical project in Brazil and that this is, at some measure, surprising, because they are central personages in it


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    Considering the rise of the discussion about the rethoric of economics at the beginning of the 80's, the present paper aims to show: 1) the relation between the origin of this issue in the academic field and the ascension of the so labeled "neoliberalism" as a doctrine and a collection of capitalist practices perceived at the same time; and 2) the consequences produced by this idea, overseas born, when it meets a peripherical reality like the Brazilian one. In the first case, we are going to show the fundamental importance of the reflections of Hayek about the inadequateness of neoclassical discourse to the aim of ideologically legitimate the market society. In the second we are going to point out that, taking the consequences of the rethoric project in Brazil, it can be saw as an additional chapter of "the ideas out of its place" that comes marking the Brazilian history of the ideas.

    Ciência econômica e modelos de explicação científica: retomando a questão

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    Economic science and scientific explanation models. Economics was born under the sign of methodological vagueness. The first author who tried to solve the question (John Stuart Mill) asserted that it is a kind of knowledge that uses the abstract (direct deductive) method but also that it is an exception because for all other phenomena in the field of moral science the correct method is the inverse deductive or historical method. On the other side, functionalist explanations that are condemned by the scientific precepts of economics are present in the science since its beginning with Adam Smith. Economics went ahead without worriment about these methodological issues but this indefiniteness has never gone off stage. Since the start of XXI century new facts are emerging. Developments in Psychology are giving a new breath to Friedman's point of view and seem to fortify the mainstream (Rogebert e Nordberg, 2005), whereas unfolding in complexity science promises to throw it down and put in its place another kind of explanation borrowed from Biology (Beinhocker, 2006). All this stimulates to retake the question. We do this here, under a critical vision, taking the taxonomy of scientific explanations framed by modern positivism


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    Sobre dinheiro e valor: uma crítica às posições de Brunhoff e Mollo

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    Resumo Este artigo trata da relação entre dinheiro e valor na obra de Marx. Tem três propósitos. A primeira (seção I) é criticar a abordagem de Brunhoff a esse assunto em “Money in Marx” (1978). A segunda (seção II) é demonstrar que essa concepção pode implicar em resultados que parecem inadequados para uma correta compreensão do capitalismo. Por fim, a seção III visa responder algumas considerações críticas feitas por Mollo (1991) sobre a abordagem de Fausto sobre a questão. Chama-se atenção para aspectos metodológicos e teóricos no trabalho como um todo