9,796 research outputs found

    Doutrina suareziana sobre a natureza paixões: antecedentes medievais e prenúncios de modernidade

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    El artículo analiza la doctrina de Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) sobre las pasiones, a partir de su “De passionibus”. En la Disputación primera del tratado, Suárez discute la naturaleza de las pasiones del alma, a partir del texto de la “Suma de Teología” de Tomás de Aquino, I-IIae, q. 22, y revisa las distintas posturas asumidas por la Antigüedad y por los Padres sobre las pasiones. Critica la división de las pasiones hecha por Tomás de Aquino, basada en la distinción real entre los apetitos concupiscible e irascible, y toma partido por la posición tradicionalmente defendida por la escuela escotista. Sin embargo, Suárez va más allá esta controversia entre escuelas medievales: defiende que las pasiones son un apetito del impulso vital y que la literatura medica y filosófica de su tiempo es importante para comprender la naturaleza de las pasiones.This paper analyzes the doctrine of Francis Suárez (1548-1617) on emotions, as it is stated in his “De passionibus”. In the first Disputation of the treatise, Suarez survey the Ancient and Patristic thesis on emotions, following the authorities quoted by Thomas Aquinas in his “Summa Theologiae”, I-IIae, q. 22. He then criticizes Aquinas’ doctrine of emotions which stressed the real distinction between concupiscible and irascible powers of the soul. In contrast, Suárez defends the Scotistic doctrine which states the foundation

    Dos comentarios de Coimbra del siglo xvi sobre el de anima: Pedro da Fonseca (attr.) y Cristóvão Gil. sobre el alma y sobre la inmortalidad del alma

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    Este artículo analiza las cuestiones sobre la ciencia del alma y sobre la inmortalidad del alma en dos comentarios del siglo XVI al De anima de Aristóteles que subsisten en manuscritos sobre la enseñanza de la filosofía en Coimbra. Las posiciones de los dos comentadores aquí analizados – Pedro da Fonseca (attr.) y Cristóvão Gil – son totalmente opuestas, tanto en lo que respecta a la tradición de los comentarios al De anima de Aristóteles que siguen como a las teorías sobre el alma que asumen. Centrándose en fuentes poco conocidas, esta estudio saca a la luz algunos aspectos novedosos sobre la enseñanza de la filosofía en Coimbra en el siglo XVI, con el objetivo de contribuir a comprender mejor las transformaciones del aristotelismo en esta época y el contexto intelectual en el que se produjeron .This paper analyzes the questions on the science and the immortality of the soul in two 16th-century commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima which subsist in manuscript form from the teaching of philosophy in Coimbra. The positions of the two commentators – Pedro da Fonseca (attr.) and Cristóvão Gil – are totally opposed in relation to both the commentary tradition on Aristotle’s De anima they follow and the theories on the soul they assume. Focusing on less-known sources, this study brings to light some innovative aspects of the teaching of philosophy in Coimbra in the 16th century, aiming at contributing to a better understanding of both the transformations of Aristotelianism at the time and the intellectual context in which theses transformations were produce

    Notas a Anna Tropia, La teoria della conoscenza di Francisco Macedo: un filosofo a confronto con Tommaso e Scoto

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    No Capítulo XVII do Comentário ao Evangelho de João, Eckhart comenta Jo 17, 3: «Ora, a vida eterna é esta: que eles te conheçam a ti, o único Deus verdadeiro, e aquele que enviaste, Jesus Cristo». O comentário começa assim: «Se a bem-aventurança consista em um ato do intelecto ou da vontade, é uma antiga questão. Das palavras acima [do evangelho de João] parece que consista essencialmente no conhecimento e no intelecto». Para explicitar sua posição, Eckhart cita alguns textos de Agostinho, por exemplo: De moribus Ecclesiae; Retractaciones; De beata vita e De Trinitate. Em nosso trabalho, pretendemos mostrar como Eckhart constrói sua exposição a partir de Agostinho, centrando-nos na análise do Capítulo XVII do referido comentárioIn Chapter XVII of the Commentary on the Gospel of John, Eckhart comments on John 17, 3: «Now this is eternal life: may they know you, the only true God, and the one you sent, Jesus Christ». The comment begins like this: «If the beatitude consists of an act of the intellect or the will, it is an old question. From the words above [from the Gospel of John] it seems that it consists essentially of knowledge and intellect». To make his position clear, Eckhart cites some texts by Augustine, for example: De moribus Ecclesiae; Retracticiones; De beata vita and De Trinitate. In our work, we intend to show how Eckhart builds his exhibition from Augustine, focusing on the analysis of Chapter XVII of that comment

    Farmers' Demand for Information about Agribusiness

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    This study is focused on the habits of the Brazilian farmers that access the Internet for searching information to their economical activities. The main goal is to understand how come those agents of the agribusiness use the formal and informal (personal contact) means of communication, as well as the functions that each of those means accomplish to this public. In other words, it intends to identify the channels of communication of major importance to farmers (used more often, considered the ones of more credibility and preferred among them). That is possible by means of a questionnaire sent exclusively by e-mail, answered by Brazilian farmers. The motivation of the study is to contribute to make the communication more efficient to those who work on farms. That can produce benefits to the communication companies and to the public. The results show that the Internet is the mean of communication more often used and preferred on the process of searching information about the agribusiness among Brazilian farmers. The personal contact, not considered in the valuation about preference, appears in second position in the ranking for intensity of use. On the other hand, the radio, regional press newspapers and newsletters of class entities were the less consulted and the last ones in the ranking of preference.Agribusiness, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    O desenvolvimento pesqueiro mundial, a variabilidade dos recursos e a gestão

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    FAO regularly releases studies on the state of fish resources exploitation (The state of world fisheries and aquaculture)and the development of fisheries by geographic areas. The 1983 and 1985 editions provided interesting discussions on fisheries development trends in the world: the majority of sea-facing countries adopted legislation that extends the national jurisdiction on the waters off their coasts (usually indicated within 200 miles) and establishes exclusive economic zones (EEZs). The huge fluctuations in the abundance of some fish stocks are obstacles to fisheries development. This issue, as well as the need to improve research activities and management of fish stocks is also analyzed in this work. The author highlighted the situation of fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean, with particular attention to tuna fisheries and to inland water resources of Mozambique