824 research outputs found

    Measured data of Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera Drosophilidae) development and learning and memory behaviour after copper exposition

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    This article presents the statistical analysis data from Drosophila melanogaster development (from larvae to adult) and learning and memory retention behavior of a Pavlovian conditioning in male and female flies exposed to copper. While the full data sets are available In the article: Copper decrease associative learning and memory in D. melanogaster, this data-in-brief article includes the detailed statistical analysis performed. Data demonstrates Statistica Software analysis between the subject part of the analysis: 2 treatments x 2 sexes x 2 ages and within subject part of the analysis: 2 treatments x 2 sex x 2 ages x 4 times, repeated measures

    Purification of mercury-contaminated water using new AM-11 and AM-14 microporous silicates

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    Water is an essential resource on Earth and the maintenance of its quality led to the incentive of water reuse programmes. Among the most relevant contaminants, mercury is recognized for its toxicity and biomagnifica- tions along the food chain, reason why its removal from aqueous solutions was studied in this essay using two microporous materials for the first time. The ability of a niobium silicate, called AM-11 (Aveiro-Manchester No 11), and of a vanadium silicate, AM-14 (Aveiro-Manchester No 14), were assessed under batch conditions, at fixed temperature and pH. These microporous materials were synthesized and characterized by SEM, PXRD, ICP- OES, TGA and elemental analysis. Because of their excellent ion exchange properties, equilibrium and kinetics assays were performed using only a few mg dm−3 of material. The most relevant two- and three-parameter isotherms were used to fit the experimental data. Langmuir isotherm adjusted better the AM-11 data (deviation of 3.58 %, Radj 2 =0.980, AIC=52.8), predicting a maximum uptake of 161 mg g−1, while the AM-14 data were better fitted by the Temkin model (deviation of 3.92 %, Radj 2 =0.985, AIC=54.2). The kinetic study was per- formed using Elovich, pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order models. The pseudo–second order and Elovich equations provided the best fits for both materials. The Elovich equation achieved a better correlation in the initial branch while the pseudo-second order expression was more efficient for the horizontal branch. The in- traparticle diffusivities of counter ions were also assessed using a kinetic model based on the Nernst-Plank equations. Performance of these two microporous materials to remove mercury has been compared with other sorbents, highlighting their potential as ion exchangerspublishe

    Representations of women students of law about reproductive rights : between knowledge and values

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    O presente artigo consiste em análise interdisciplinar dos resultados obtidos em uma pesquisa empírica realizada com as graduandas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal Fluminense a respeito das suas representações sobre direitos reprodutivos no processo de formação universitária. Os dados coletados foram analisados com base em teorias sociais contemporâneas sobre relações de gênero e sobre ensino jurídico. Pretendeu-se, com isso, compreender as tensões entre saberes disciplinares e valores individuais no processo de formação universitária. O texto visa a contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos sobre o ethos profissional dos juristas, produzido desde as etapas iniciais de formação. Com isso, podem-se identificar tendências no que diz respeito ao tratamento jurídico de controvérsias ligadas aos direitos reprodutivos, uma vez que as representações de estudantes têm potencial efeito sobre a atuação dos atores do Sistema de Justiça em curto ou médio prazo. As intersecções entre representações sobre direitos reprodutivos, o ensino jurídico e a criminalização desta prática evidenciam as restrições para o exercício dos direitos sexuais e dos direitos reprodutivos das mulheres, bem como assinalam os limites para o aprofundamento dos direitos humanos e das mulheres e da democratização da sociedade brasileira. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa, é possível refletir a respeito da adequação dos currículos dos cursos de direito e problematizar acerca de diretrizes nacionais para a formação jurídica universitária.The present article consists of an interdisciplinary analysis of the results obtained in an empirical research carried out with undergraduates of the Law School of the Fluminense Federal University regarding their representations on reproductive rights in the process of higher education. Upon collection data were analyzed based on contemporary social theories on gender relations and on legal education. The aim was to understand the tensions between curricular knowledge and individual values in the basic training on the university level. The text aims to contribute to the production of knowledge about the professional ethos of legal experts, produced since the early stages of formation. As a result, one can identify trends regarding the legal treatment of controversies related to reproductive rights, because students´representations have a potential effect on the performance of the stakeholders within the Court System. The intersections between representations on reproductive rights, legal education and the criminalization of this practice highlight restrictions on the exercise of women’s sexual rights and reproductive rights, as well as the limits on advancing human and women’s rights and the democratization of women in the Brazilian society. The outcome of the research, makes it possible to think over whether the curriculum in Law courses are suitable and problematize the national guidelines for higher-education legal training

    Representações de mulheres estudantes de direito sobre direitos reprodutivos: entre saberes e valores

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    O presente artigo consiste em análise interdisciplinar dos resultados obtidos em uma pesquisa empírica realizada com as graduandas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal Fluminense a respeito das suas representações sobre direitos reprodutivos no processo de formação universitária. Os dados coletados foram analisados com base em teorias sociais contemporâneas sobre relações de gênero e sobre ensino jurídico. Pretendeu-se, com isso, compreender as tensões entre saberes disciplinares e valores individuais no processo de formação universitária. O texto visa a contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos sobre o ethos profissional dos juristas, produzido desde as etapas iniciais de formação. Com isso, podem-se identificar tendências no que diz respeito ao tratamento jurídico de controvérsias ligadas aos direitos reprodutivos, uma vez que as representações de estudantes têm potencial efeito sobre a atuação dos atores do Sistema de Justiça em curto ou médio prazo. As intersecções entre representações sobre direitos reprodutivos, o ensino jurídico e a criminalização desta prática evidenciam as restrições para o exercício dos direitos sexuais e dos direitos reprodutivos das mulheres, bem como assinalam os limites para o aprofundamento dos direitos humanos e das mulheres e da democratização da sociedade brasileira. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa, é possível refletir a respeito da adequação dos currículos dos cursos de direito e problematizar acerca de diretrizes nacionais para a formação jurídica universitária.The present article consists of an interdisciplinary analysis of the results obtained in an empirical research carried out with undergraduates of the Law School of the Fluminense Federal University regarding their representations on reproductive rights in the process of higher education. Upon collection data were analyzed based on contemporary social theories on gender relations and on legal education. The aim was to understand the tensions between curricular knowledge and individual values in the basic training on the university level. The text aims to contribute to the production of knowledge about the professional ethos of legal experts, produced since the early stages of formation. As a result, one can identify trends regarding the legal treatment of controversies related to reproductive rights, because students´representations have a potential effect on the performance of the stakeholders within the Court System. The intersections between representations on reproductive rights, legal education and the criminalization of this practice highlight restrictions on the exercise of women’s sexual rights and reproductive rights, as well as the limits on advancing human and women’s rights and the democratization of women in the Brazilian society. The outcome of the research, makes it possible to think over whether the curriculum in Law courses are suitable and problematize the national guidelines for higher-education legal training

    Diversity, chemical constituents and biological activities of endophytic fungi isolated from Schinus terebinthifolius raddi

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    Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi is a medicinal plant widely used for the treatment of various diseases. The secondary metabolites responsible for the pharmacological properties can be produced directly by the plant or by endophytic fungi. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of endophytic fungi of di erent parts of S. terebinthifolius and to identify chemical compounds produced by endophytes and their antioxidant and antibacterial activities. For this, fruits, stem bark and roots were dried, ground and placed in fungal growth medium. The selected endophytes were grown and subjected to extraction with ethyl acetate. DPPH, FRAP, -carotene bleaching and antimicrobial assays were performed. The phylogenetic tree was elaborated, encompassing 15 di erent species. The fungal extracts showed hydroxybenzoic acids and 1-dodecanol as predominant compounds. All fungal extracts exhibited antioxidant activity. The fungal extracts exhibited bactericidal and bacteriostatic activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial ATCC strains and against methicillin-resistant nosocomial bacteria. Among the 10 endophytic fungi evaluated, the extract of the fungus Ochrocladosporium elatum showed higher phenolic content and exhibited higher antioxidant and antibacterial activities in all tests. Together, the results increase the known diversity of S. terebinthifolius endophytic fungi, secondary metabolites produced and their antioxidant and antibacterial activities.Thisworkwas supported by grants fromFoundation to Support to Fundação deApoio aoDesenvolvimento do Ensino, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado deMato Grosso do Sul (FUNDECT), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identificação de áreas para disposição de biossólidos com potencial para recuperação de áreas degradadas: estudo de caso de Juiz de Fora-MG.

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    A expansão da implantação de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto urbano tem resultado no aumento da geração de biossólidos. O tratamento e a disposição do biossólido é uma etapa crítica no processo operacional de uma Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) e sua destinação apresenta desafios para a gestão de resíduos. Entretanto, o seu aproveitamento como condicionante do solo pode ser uma alternativa sustentável, promovendo o aporte de nutrientes para recuperação de áreas degradadas. No Brasil, cerca de 28% de suas terras têm algum grau de degradação e necessitam de intervenção para recuperação. Neste contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o potencial uso do biossólido gerado nas ETEs de Juiz Fora?MG, para recuperação de áreas degradadas no município. foi realizada a identificação das áreas degradadas e a caracterização do biossólido para estimar o aporte de nutrientes a ser aplicado nessas áreas. Concomitante foram utilizados recursos de geoprocessamento para considerar distâncias seguras da aplicação em relação aos recursos hídricos e áreas residenciais, distâncias entre os locais de aplicação e as ETEs e a sustentabilidade econômica. A avaliação da viabilidade econômica baseou-se na distância entre a ETE de origem do biossólido e a área identificada com potencial para recuperação. Os resultados indicaram a viabilidade econômica da aplicação dos biossólidos em pastagens degradadas localizadas num raio de 50 km das ETEs, refletindo na redução dos custos de recuperação dos solos e no impacto da destinação para os aterros sanitários

    Impact of changes in land use and land cover in the contribution basin of Doutor João Penido water supply reservoir of Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.

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    Changes in the land use and land cover in areas adjacent to water reservoirs directly affect the quality of this water. This research presents a study on the water quality in the basin of one of the most important public water supply reservoirs in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The main objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of limnological parameters and the correlation with land use and land cover in the contribution basin of the Doutor João Penido reservoir (CBJPR). The methodology was based on the analysis of water quality parameters, related to water samples collected from 2012 to 2015. Six sampling points were chosen from different locations: spring, medium course, main tributaries of the reservoir and the reservoir catchment. The parameters analyzed were turbidity, total solids (TS), oxygen consumed (OC), dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), E. Coli, temperature, pH and total dissolved solids (TDS). The Kendall?s tau test was used to analyze the correlations between the parameters of water quality, land use and land cover in the CBJPR. In general, measured parameters showed better results in spring and in reservoir catchment, showing a worse quality of the water along the tributaries and the dilution power of the reservoir. The correlations pointed to the need for protection and preservation of forests in strategic locations to ensure good water quality

    Quantification and source identification of atmospheric particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their dry deposition fluxes at three sites in Salvador Basin, Brazil, impacted by mobile and stationary sources

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    The present work has aimed to determine the 16 US EPA priority PAH atmospheric particulate matter levels present in three sites around Salvador, Bahia: (i) Lapa bus station, strongly impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles; (ii) Aratu harbor, impacted by an intense movement of goods, and (iii) Bananeira village on Maré Island, a non vehicle-influenced site with activities such as handcraft work and fisheries. Results indicated that BbF (0.130-6.85 ng m-3) is the PAH with highest concentration in samples from Aratu harbor and Bananeira and CRY (0.075-6.85 ng m-3) presented higher concentrations at Lapa station. PAH sources from studied sites were mainly of anthropogenic origin such as gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles and diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles, discharges in the port, diesel burning from ships, dust ressuspension, indoor soot from cooking, and coal and wood combustion for energy production.O presente trabalho apresenta o estudo sobre 16 HPAs prioritários em material particulado atmosférico de três sítios próximos a Salvador-BA: (i) Estação da Lapa, estação de ônibus da Região Metropolitana de Salvador; (ii) Porto de Aratu, impactado por intenso movimento de matérias-primas e (iii) Bananeira, localizado na Ilha de Maré, vilarejo que tem como principais atividades a pesca e artesanato. Resultados mostraram que o BbF (0,130-6,85 ng m-3) foi o HPA com as concentrações mais elevadas em Aratu e Bananeira e CRY (0,075-6,85 ng m-3) apresentou nível mais elevado na Lapa. As fontes de HPAs nos sítios estudados foram principalmente de origem antrópica, tais como veículos de pequeno e grande portes, carregamentos do porto, ressuspensão de partículas do solo, queima de diesel das embarcações e a queima de carvão e madeira para produção de energia.CNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)FINEPFAPESBPRONEXRECOMBIONordeste GenerationANEELFAPES

    Exfoliative toxin E, a new Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor with host-specific activity

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    Exfoliative toxin E, a new [i]Staphylococcus aureus[/i] virulence factor with host-specific activity. Microbes, 15e Congrès National de la SF


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    Introduction: Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by trematode flatworms of the genus Schistosoma and its control is dependent on a single drug, praziquantel (PZQ), but concerns over PZQ resistance have renewed interest in evaluating the in vitro susceptibility of recent isolates of Schistosoma mansoni to PZQ in comparison with well-established strains in the laboratory. Material and methods: The in vitro activity of PZQ (6.5-0.003 µg/mL) was evaluated in terms of mortality, reduced motor activity and ultrastructural alterations against S. mansoni. Results: After 3 h of incubation, PZQ, at 6.5 µg/mL, caused 100% mortality of all adult worms in the three types of recent isolates, while PZQ was inactive at concentrations of 0.08-0.003 µg/mL after 3 h of incubation. The results show that the SLM and Sotave isolates basically presented the same pattern of susceptibility, differing only in the concentration of 6.5 µg/mL, where deaths occurred from the range of 1.5 h in Sotave and just in the 3 h range of SLM. Additionally, this article presents ultrastructural evidence of rapid severe PZQ-induced surface membrane damage in S. mansoni after treatment with the drug, such as disintegration, sloughing, and erosion of the surface. Conclusion: According to these results, PZQ is very effective to induce tegument destruction of recent isolates of S. mansoni