2,437 research outputs found

    Building ontologies in a domain oriented software engineering environment

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    Ontologies can be used in Domain Oriented Software Engineering Environments (DOSEEs) to organize and describe knowledge and to support management, acquisition and sharing of knowledge regarding some domain. However, ontology construction is not a simple task. Thus, it is necessary to provide tools that support ontology development. This paper discusses the use of ontologies to support domain-oriented software development in ODE, an Ontology-based software Development Environment, and presents ODEd, an ontology editor developed to satisfy the requirements for an ontology editor in a DOSEE. These requirements include the definition of concepts and relations using graphic representations, automatic generation of some classes of axioms, derivation of object frameworks from ontologies, and ontology instantiation and browsing.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (ISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Identidade, [e]narrativa e self semiótico – Por uma semiótica antirracista: a insustentável negação do ser-se

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    We treat in this paper with identity and narrative question related to responsible act philosophy and Self semiotics from qualitative-dialogic approach to Bakhtin and Moreno ideas with aim of reflect about an antiracist semiology, reaching for answering two grounding questions: what is narrative? And when general narratives and communitarians ones come to be “my narrative” and change into enarratives?Tratamos neste artigo da questão identitária e enarrativa com relação à filosofia do ato responsável e a semiótica do Self a partir uma abordagem qualitativo-dialógica dos pensamentos de Bakhtin e Moreno com o intuito de se refletir sobre uma semiologia antirracista, buscado responder a duas questões basilares: o que é narrativa? e quando as narrativas gerais e comunitárias passam a ser “minha narrativa” e se convertem em enarrativas

    Building ontologies in a domain oriented software engineering environment

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    Ontologies can be used in Domain Oriented Software Engineering Environments (DOSEEs) to organize and describe knowledge and to support management, acquisition and sharing of knowledge regarding some domain. However, ontology construction is not a simple task. Thus, it is necessary to provide tools that support ontology development. This paper discusses the use of ontologies to support domain-oriented software development in ODE, an Ontology-based software Development Environment, and presents ODEd, an ontology editor developed to satisfy the requirements for an ontology editor in a DOSEE. These requirements include the definition of concepts and relations using graphic representations, automatic generation of some classes of axioms, derivation of object frameworks from ontologies, and ontology instantiation and browsing.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (ISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Gestão democrática das cidades e instituições participativas: tendências no contexto brasileiro recente

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    No ambiente brasileiro recente, foi observado a produção de inovações institucionais na esfera local, em especial a criação de canais institucionalizados de participação e democratização da relação entre Estado e sociedade. Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar um panorama das instituições participativas voltadas para o planejamento e gestão das cidades, analisando suas principais características e suas novas referências legais. Efetuou-se uma revisão de literatura pertinente ao tema e recorreu-se a dados secundários do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia Estatística (IBGE). O trabalho explora a noção de participação cidadã e as suas dimensões, ao lado da discussão relativa às instituições participativas e detém-se na análise dos conselhos de política urbana e dos processos participativos nos planos diretores. Finalmente, tecem-se algumas considerações sobre os potenciais de democratização das relações entre Estado e sociedade no campo das políticas urbanas

    Supporting ontology development with ODEd

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    Volume and effectiveness assessment of articain 4% versus mepivacaine 2% used in third molar surgery : randomized, double-blind, split-mouth controlled clinical trial

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    The different indications for extraction of the lower third molars, require resources to manage pain and discomfort, such as, for example, adequate anesthetic techniques, and the type of anesthetic used can influence the management of pain in tooth extractions. Few studies in the literature compare the anesthetics 4% articaine hydrochloride and 2% mepivacaine hydrochloride showing evidence that both allow for successful pain management. This study sought to compare the volume, efficacy and safety of these two anesthetic drugs, both associated with epinephrine at a ratio of 1:100,000, used in the extraction of lower third molars. A controlled, clinical, split-mouth compared these both local anesthetics in a sample of 20 patients requiring bilateral extraction of teeth. Pain was the main parameter to be assessed by means of the visual analogue scale (VAS) applied during and immediately after the surgery. Hemodynamic parameters, adverse events, presence of paresthesia and satisfaction of patients and surgeon were also analysed. Pain management was more effective with mepivacaine up to two hours after surgery (p=0.014), whereas the surgeon was more satisfied with the use of articaine during divulsion and suture (p<0.05). However no statistically significant differences were found between both anesthetics regarding pain perception. It was observed that both anesthetics are efficient and safe in the management of pain for extraction of third molars, in which less amount of mepivacaine is needed. The satisfaction of patients and surgeon was the same for both anesthetics, with articaine being highlighted during divulsion and suture

    Examination of temporomandibular disorders in the orthodontic patient: a clinical guide

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    The possible association between orthodontic treatment and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a topic of great interest in the current literature. The true role of orthodontic therapy on the etiology of TMD, however, is still uncertain. From the clinical prospective, a thorough examination of the stomatognathic system is always necessary in order to detect possible TMD signs and symptoms prior to the beginning of the orthodontic therapy. Caution should be exercised when planning, performing and finalizing orthodontics, especially in patients who with history of signs and symptoms of TMD. The clinician must always eliminate patient's pain and dysfunction before initiating any type of orthodontic mechanics. Muscle incoordination, unstable disc-condyle relationship and bone alterations are usual TMD conditions that can interfere with the presenting occlusal relationship. This article reviews these aspects and presents a detailed clinical guide for the examination of the orthodontic patient, considering aspects related to facial pain and dysfunction

    Responsabilidade social corporativa de entidades desportivas : estudo das práticas e ações sociais no mercado brasileiro e espanhol

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    A Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) vem suscitando um considerável interesse na gestão empresarial, mas raras vezes foi avaliada e analisada na investigação de campo da gestão desportiva. Presente o verdadeiro papel social que faz a gestão de RSC dos clubes de futebol, a investigação será composta da observação e análise de alguns pontos-chave: 1. Conhecer a realidade pragmática da gestão da responsabilidade social corporativa no Desporto e no futebol em específico; 2. Observação das práticas de gestão de RSC nos clubes junto à comunidade, usadas para promover a imagem institucional e compará-las; 3. Analisar os modelos de RSC dos clubes Brasileiros e Espanhóis, bem como citar outros casos de sucesso. A análise baseia-se nos sites dos clubes/equipes, observando seu respectivo contexto nacional, pois são uma representação icônica de organizações profissionais e sua “realidade''(Esrock e Leichty, 2000)

    ODE: ontology-based software development environment

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    Software tools processing partially common set of data should share an understanding of what these data mean. Since ontologies have been used to express formally a shared understanding of information, we argue that they can be used to improve integration in Software Engineering Environments (SEE). In this paper we discuss an ontology-based approach to improve tool integration and present ODE, an ontology-based SEE.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (ISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Estabilidade a longo prazo do tratamento da mordida aberta anterior na dentadura mista: relato de caso clínico

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    Apresentou-se um relato de caso clínico de mordida aberta anterior, tratada em dentadura mista, demonstrando uma das possíveis formas de tratamento, capaz de interferir no crescimento e redirecionar seus vetores. Os protocolos ortodônticos e ortopédicos utilizados foram a expansão lenta da maxila, utilizando grade palatina soldada a um expansor bihélice, com tração alta na mandíbula, num período diário de 16 horas. Oito anos de estabilidade foram alcançados, explicados pelo fato de o tratamento ter sido conduzido no momento oportuno do desenvolvimento, o que estabeleceu equilíbrio entre os músculos peribucais, em conjunto com o período final do crescimento. A combinação do tratamento ortodôntico e ortopédico foi necessária para se evitar a necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico.A clinical case with anterior open-bite, treated in the mixed dentition, is presented. This approach demonstrates one of the possible approaches of treatment, which is capable of interfering with growth and redirecting its vectors. Orthodontic and orthopedic methods were used, consisting of slow maxillary expansion, through a fixed palatal crib soldered in a bi-helix appliance, and high-pull traction on the mandible for 16 hours a day. After eight years of follow-up, stable outcomes were accomplished. These results may be explained by the fact that treatments were performed at the appropriate period of development, thus establishing perioral muscular equilibrium, matching the final period of facial growth. The combination of orthodontic and orthopedic treatments was necessary to prevent the need of further orthognathic surgery treatment