1,420 research outputs found

    Stratigraphy and structure of the Horton Group, Lochaber-Mulgrave area, northern mainland Nova Scotia

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    The Lochaber-Mulgrave area of northern mainland Nova Scotia is underlain by rocks of the Late Devonian - Early Carboniferous Horton Group, in faulted contact with older Devonian and Silurian rocks to the south and west, and younger Carboniferous rocks to the north and east. The Horton Group is divided into (from oldest to youngest) the Clam Harbour River, Tracadie Road, Caledonia Mills, and Steep Creek formations, with a total thickness of at least 4000 m. These units were deposited in a variety of braided fluvial and shallow to deep lacustrine environments, and show lithological and stratigraphic similarities to the Horton Group elsewhere in Nova Scotia. Sparse palaeonto-logical data from macrofossils and spores indicate an age range from Famennian to late Tournaisian. Compared to elsewhere in Nova Scotia, the Horton Group in the Lochaber-Mulgrave area is more deformed and metamorphosed, especially in the southern part of the area near the Roman Valley Fault. The time of regional deformation and meta-morphism is constrained to ca. 340– 335 Ma by whole-rock 40Ar/39Ar dating of slate in the Clam Harbour River and Tracadie Road formations. Regional deformation and metamorphism may have resulted from burial by older rocks of the Guysborough block, thrust over the Horton Group in the Lochaber-Mulgrave area from the south as a result of transpression at a restraining bend along the Chedabucto-Roman Valley fault system during juxtaposition of the Avalon and Meguma terranes. RÉSUMÉ Le secteur de Lochaber-Mulgrave dans le nord de l'intérieur de la Nouvelle-Écosse repose sur des roches du groupe du Dévonien tardif au Carbonifère précoce de Horton, en contact faillé avec des roches du Dévonien et du Silurien au sud et à l'ouest, et avec des roches carbonifères au nord et à l'est. Le groupe de Horton se subdivise en (de la plus ancienne à la plus récente) formations de Clam Harbour River, de Tracadie Road, de Caledonia Mills et de Steep Creek, d'une épaisseur totale d'au moins 4 000 mètres. Ces unités se sont déposées au sein de divers environnements lacustres allant de peu profonds à profonds et d'environnements fluviaux anastomosés; elles présentent des similarités lithologiques et stratigraphiques avec le groupe de Horton ailleurs en Nouvelle-Écosse. Des données paléontologiques éparses tirées de macrofossiles et de spores révèlent une fourchette d'âges du Famennien au Tournaisien tardif. Comparativement aux autres régions de la Nouvelle-Écosse, le groupe de Horton dans le secteur de Lochaber-Mulgrave est plus déformé et métamorphisé, en particulier dans la partie méridionale du secteur, près de la faille de la vallée Roman. Le moment de la déformation et du métamorphisme régionaux se trouve restreint à environ 340-335 Ma par la datation 40Ar/39Ar de roche totale de l'ardoise dans les formations de Clam Harbour River et de Tracadie Road. La déformation et le métamorphisme régionaux pourraient avoir découlé de l'enfouissement de roches plus anciennes du bloc de Guysborough, qui chevauche le groupe de Horton dans le secteur de Lochaber-Mulgrave à partir du sud, par suite d'une transpression dans une inflexion de retenue le long du système de failles de Chedabucto-vallée Roman pendant la juxtaposition des terranes d'Avalon et de Megum

    Evidence for Nonlinear X-ray Variability from the Broad-line Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3

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    We present analysis of the light curve from the ROSAT HRI monitoring observations of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 390.3. Observed every three days for about 9 months, this is the first well sampled X-ray light curve on these time scales. The flares and quiescent periods in the light curve suggest that the variability is nonlinear, and a statistical test yields a detection with >6 sigma confidence. The structure function has a steep slope ~0.7, while the periodogram is much steeper with a slope ~2.6, with the difference partially due to a linear trend in the data. The non-stationary character of the light curve could be evidence that the variability power spectrum has not turned over to low frequencies, or it could be an essential part of the nonlinear process. Evidence for X-ray reprocessing suggests that the X-ray emission is not from the compact radio jet, and the reduced variability before and after flares suggests there cannot be two components contributing to the X-ray short term variability. Thus, these results cannot be explained easily by simple models for AGN variability, including shot noise which may be associated with flares in disk-corona models or active regions on a rotating disk, because in those models the events are independent and the variability is therefore linear. The character of the variability is similar to that seen in Cygnus X-1, which has been explained by a reservoir or self-organized criticality model. Inherently nonlinear, this model can reproduce the reduced variability before and after large flares and the steep PDS seen generally from AGN. The 3C 390.3 light curve presented here is the first support for such models to explain AGN variability on intermediate time scales from a few days to months.Comment: 10 pages using (AASTeX) aaspp4.sty and 3 Postscript figures. Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    Release and targeting of polycystin-2-carrying ciliary extracellular vesicles

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are emerging as a universal means of cell-to-cell communication and hold great potential in diagnostics and regenerative therapies [1]. An urgent need in the field is a fundamental understanding of physiological mechanisms driving EV generation and function. Ciliary EVs act as signaling devices in Chlamydomonas and Caenorhabditis elegans [2, 3, 4]. Mammalian cilia shed EVs to eliminate unwanted receptors [5] or to retract cilia before entering the cell cycle [6]. Here, we used our established C. elegans model to study sensory-evoked ciliary EV release and targeting using a fluorescently labeled EV cargo polycystin-2 (PKD-2). In C. elegans and mammals, the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) gene products polycystin-1 and polycystin-2 localize to cilia and EVs, act in the same genetic pathway, and function in a sensory capacity, suggesting ancient conservation [7]. We find that males deposit PKD-2-carrying EVs onto the vulva of the hermaphrodite during mating. We also show that mechanical stimulation triggers release of PKD-2-carrying EVs from cilia. To our knowledge, this is the first report of mechanoresponsive ciliary EV release and of the directional transfer of ciliary EVs from one animal to another animal. Since the polycystins are evolutionarily conserved ciliary EV cargoes, our findings suggest that similar mechanisms for EV release and targeting may occur in other systems and biological contexts

    An Exact Interpretation of while

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    The behaviour and interaction of finite limits (products, pullbacks and equalisers) and colimits (coproducts and coequalisers) in the category of sets is illustrated in a “hands on ” way by giving the interpretation of a simple imperative language in terms of partial functions between sets of states. We show that the interpretation is a least fixed point and satisfies the usual proof rule for loop invariants

    Long-term efficacy and safety of first-line ibrutinib treatment for patients with CLL/SLL: 5 years of follow-up from the phase 3 RESONATE-2 study.

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    RESONATE-2 is a phase 3 study of first-line ibrutinib versus chlorambucil in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). Patients aged ≥65 years (n = 269) were randomized 1:1 to once-daily ibrutinib 420 mg continuously or chlorambucil 0.5-0.8 mg/kg for ≤12 cycles. With a median (range) follow-up of 60 months (0.1-66), progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) benefits for ibrutinib versus chlorambucil were sustained (PFS estimates at 5 years: 70% vs 12%; HR [95% CI]: 0.146 [0.098-0.218]; OS estimates at 5 years: 83% vs 68%; HR [95% CI]: 0.450 [0.266-0.761]). Ibrutinib benefit was also consistent in patients with high prognostic risk (TP53 mutation, 11q deletion, and/or unmutated IGHV) (PFS: HR [95% CI]: 0.083 [0.047-0.145]; OS: HR [95% CI]: 0.366 [0.181-0.736]). Investigator-assessed overall response rate was 92% with ibrutinib (complete response, 30%; 11% at primary analysis). Common grade ≥3 adverse events (AEs) included neutropenia (13%), pneumonia (12%), hypertension (8%), anemia (7%), and hyponatremia (6%); occurrence of most events as well as discontinuations due to AEs decreased over time. Fifty-eight percent of patients continue to receive ibrutinib. Single-agent ibrutinib demonstrated sustained PFS and OS benefit versus chlorambucil and increased depth of response over time

    Evaluating CollaboRATE in a Clinical Setting: Analysis of Mode Effects on Scores, Response Rates and Costs of Data Collection

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    Shared decision-making (SDM) has become a policy priority, yet its implementation is not routinely assessed. To address this gap we tested the delivery of CollaboRATE, a 3-item patient reported experience measure of SDM, via multiple survey modes.To assess CollaboRATE response rates and respondent characteristics across different modes of administration, impact of mode and patient characteristics on SDM performance and cost of administration per response in a real-world primary care practice.Observational study design, with repeated assessment of SDM performance using CollaboRATE in a primary care clinic over 15 months of data collection. Different modes of administration were introduced sequentially including paper, patient portal, interactive voice response (IVR) call, text message and tablet computer.Consecutive patients ≥18 years, or parents/guardians of patients \u3c18 years, visiting participating primary care clinicians.CollaboRATE assesses three core SDM tasks: (1) explanation about health issues, (2) elicitation of patient preferences and (3) integration of patient preferences into decisions. Responses to each item range from 0 (no effort was made) to 9 (every effort was made). CollaboRATE scores are calculated as the proportion of participants who report a score of nine on each of the three CollaboRATE questions.Scores were sensitive to mode effects: the paper mode had the highest average score (81%) and IVR had the lowest (61%). However, relative clinician performance rankings were stable across the different data collection modes used. Tablet computers administered by research staff had the highest response rate (41%), although this approach was costly. Clinic staff giving paper surveys to patients as they left the clinic had the lowest response rate (12%).CollaboRATE can be introduced using multiple modes of survey delivery while producing consistent clinician rankings. This may allow routine assessment and benchmarking of clinician and clinic SDM performance
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