17,589 research outputs found

    Taxability of Scholarships and Fellowship Grants

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    Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is a big city with almost one million citizens. The city have got almost 4000 streets of different kinds and it is therefore important to see how the city's cleaning of streets is being managed. The surrounding environment is widely affected by it and a lot of money is being invested in the area since the city is interested in minimize its environmental impact. This study is a literature study which addresses the two largest parts in cleaning of streets, handling of street snow and street dust. It will elucidate how these two flows appears, interact and effect each other as well as how they circulate and recirculate in the city. The report will highlight that the city of Stockholm is doing a lot to minimize the environmental impacts of these flows but also discuss what the city can do to become even better within cleaning of streets from an environmental point of view. Stockholm, Sveriges huvudstad, är en stor stad med nästan en miljon invånare. Staden har ungefär 4000 gator av olika slag och det är därför viktigt att se hur stadens renhållning av gator hanteras. Den omgivande miljön påverkas stort av detta och en massa pengar investeras inom området eftersom staden är angelägen om att minimera sin miljöpåverkan. Denna studie är en litteraturstudie som behandlar två största delarna inom renhållning av gator, nämligen hantering av gatusnö och gatudamm. Den kommer att belysa hur dessa två flöden ser ut, samverkar och påverkar varandra samt hur de cirkulerar och återcirkulera i staden. Rapporten kommer att belysa att Stockholms stad gör en hel del för att minimera miljöpåverkan av dessa flöden men kommer också det att diskutera vad staden kan göra för att bli ännu bättre inom renhållning, utifrån ett miljöperspektiv.

    Therapeutic Delivery Technology and its Economic Impact

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    Therapeutic delivery technology is a current area of high interest in both university and industrial settings. These technologies are being developed in order to deliver therapeutic agents, such as genes, proteins, and drugs, to patients more efficiently. Nanoscale delivery vehicles have proven to be useful for these applications; these vehicles may either be naturally produced or chemically synthesized. The physical properties of these nanomaterials must be characterized correctly using instrumentation that evaluates their size, morphology, and potential for agglomeration. These technologies represent a high-growth economic area that fosters entrepreneurship and innovation. Because of this innovative spirit, research and economic interest will continue to be focused on therapeutic delivery technologies

    esto es lo que hago

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    Debunking Objective Consequentialism: The Challenge of Knowledge-Centric Anti-Luck Epistemology

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    I explain why, from the perspective of knowledge-centric anti-luck epistemology, objective act consequentialist theories of ethics imply skepticism about the moral status of our prospective actions and also tend to be self-defeating, undermining the justification of consequentialist theories themselves. For according to knowledge-centric anti-luck epistemology there are modal anti-luck demands on both knowledge and justification, and it turns out that our beliefs about the moral status of our prospective actions are almost never able to satisfy these demands if objective act consequentialism is true. This kind of applied moral skepticism introduces problematic limits on our ability to use objective act consequentialism’s explanatory power as evidence for its truth. This is, in part, a product of higher-order defeat as I explain in the final section. There is, however, a silver lining for objective act consequentialists. For there is at least one type of objective act consequentialism, prior existence consequentialism, that is poised to avoid at least some of the epistemic problems discussed in this paper

    A modernized PDL approach for Ada software development

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    The desire to integrate newly available, graphically-oriented Computed Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools with existing software design approaches is changing the way Program Design Language (PDL) or Process Description Language is used for large system development. In the approach documented here, Software Engineers use graphics tools to model the problem and to describe high level software design in diagrams. An Ada-based PDL is used to document low level design. Some results are provided along with an analysis for each of three smaller General Electric (GE) Ada development projects that utilized variations on this approach. Finally some considerations are identified for larger scale implementation

    Impact origin of the Sudbury structure: Evolution of a theory

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    This paper reviews the origin, development, and present status of the widely accepted theory, proposed by Robert S. Dietz in 1962, that the Sudbury structure was formed by meteoritic or asteroidal impact. The impact theory for the origin of the Sudbury structure seems supported by a nearly conclusive body of evidence. However, even assuming an impact origin to be correct, at least three major questions require further study: (1) the original size and shape of the crater, before tectonic deformation and erosion; (2) the source of the melt now forming the Sudbury Igneous Complex; and (3) the degree, if any, to which the Ni-Cu-platinum group elements are meteoritic. The history of the impact theory illustrates several under-appreciated aspects of scientific research: (1) the importance of cross-fertilization between space research and terrestrial geology; (2) the role of the outsider in stimulating thinking by insiders; (3) the value of small science, at least in the initial stages of an investigation, Dietz's first field work having been at his own expense; and (4) the value of analogies (here, between the Sudbury Igneous Complex and the maria), which although incorrect in major aspects, may trigger research on totally new lines. Finally, the Sudbury story illustrates the totally unpredictable and, by implication, unplannable nature of basic research, in that insight to the origin of the world's then-greatest Ni deposit came from the study of tektites and the Moon

    User's manual for the Simulated Life Analysis of Vehicle Elements (SLAVE) model

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    The simulated life analysis of vehicle elements model was designed to perform statistical simulation studies for any constant loss rate. The outputs of the model consist of the total number of stages required, stages successfully completing their lifetime, and average stage flight life. This report contains a complete description of the model. Users' instructions and interpretation of input and output data are presented such that a user with little or no prior programming knowledge can successfully implement the program

    Heat sink effects on weld bead: VPPA process

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    An investigation into the heat sink effects due to weldment irregularities and fixtures used in the variable polarity plasma arc (VPPA) process was conducted. A basic two-dimensional model was created to represent the net heat sink effect of surplus material using Duhamel's theorem to superpose the effects of an infinite number of line heat sinks of variable strength. Parameters were identified that influence the importance of heat sink effects. A characteristic length, proportional to the thermal diffusivity of the weldment material divided by the weld torch travel rate, correlated with heat sinking observations. Four tests were performed on 2219-T87 aluminum plates to which blocks of excess material were mounted in order to demonstrate heat sink effects. Although the basic model overpredicted these effects, it correctly indicated the trends shown in the experimental study and is judged worth further refinement