159 research outputs found

    Identifying social distress: a cross-sectional survey of social outcomes 12 to 36 months after colorectal cancer diagnosis

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    Purpose: To establish the prevalence and determinants of poor social outcomes after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC). Patients and Methods: All 12- to 36-month survivors of CRC (International Classification of Diseases [10th revision] codes C18 to C20) diagnosed in 2010 or 2011 and treated in the English National Health Service were identified and sent a questionnaire from their treating cancer hospital. This included the Social Difficulties Inventory, a 16-item scale of social distress (SD) comprising everyday living, money matters, and self and others subscales, plus five single items. Sociodemographic and clinical data were also collected. Analyses using descriptive statistics, 2 tests, and logistic regression models were conducted. Results: Response rate was 63.3% (21,802 of 34,467). Of the 21,802 participants, 17,830 (81.8%) completed all SD items; 2,688 (15.1%) of these 17,830 respondents were classified as experiencing SD (everyday living, 19.5%; money matters, 15.6%; self and others, 18.1%). Multivariable analysis demonstrated having three long-term conditions was the strongest predictor of SD (odds ratio [OR], 6.64; 95% CI, 5.67 to 7.77 compared with no long-term conditions), followed by unemployment (OR, 5.11; 95% CI, 4.21 to 6.20 compared with being employed), having recurrent or nontreatable disease (OR, 2.75; 95% CI, 2.49 to 3.04 compared with being in remission), and having a stoma (OR, 2.10; 95% CI, 1.86 to 2.36 compared with no stoma). Additional predictors of SD were young age (< 55 years), living in a more deprived area, nonwhite ethnicity, having advanced-stage disease, having undergone radiotherapy, and being a carer. Conclusion: Although it is reassuring a majority do not experience social difficulties, a minority reported significant SD 12 to 36 months after diagnosis of CRC. The identified clinical and social risk factors are easy to establish and should be used to target support

    ***TEST SUBMISSION*** BMJ-15: Acceptance within last 3 months (01/03/2020); Online publication within 12 months (10/12/2020); Embargo (10/09/2021) less than 12 months from pub date; VoR

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    From UAT Test publisher via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2020-03-01, epub 2020-12-10Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedAbstract: TEST: THIS IS A PUBLICATIONS ROUTER TEST SUBMISSION. Objectives: To quantify post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer (PCCRC) rates in England by using recent World Endoscopy Organisation guidelines, compare incidence among colonoscopy providers, and explore associated factors that could benefit from quality improvement initiatives. Design: Population based cohort study. Setting: National Health Service in England between 2005 and 2013. Population: All people undergoing colonoscopy and subsequently diagnosed as having colorectal cancer up to three years after their investigation (PCCRC-3yr). Main outcome measures: National trends in incidence of PCCRC (within 6-36 months of colonoscopy), univariable and multivariable analyses to explore factors associated with occurrence, and funnel plots to measure variation among providers. Results: The overall unadjusted PCCRC-3yr rate was 7.4% (9317/126 152), which decreased from 9.0% in 2005 to 6.5% in 2013 (P<0.01). Rates were lower for colonoscopies performed under the NHS bowel cancer screening programme (593/16 640, 3.6%), while they were higher for those conducted by non-NHS providers (187/2009, 9.3%). Rates were higher in women, in older age groups, and in people with inflammatory bowel disease or diverticular disease, in those with higher comorbidity scores, and in people with previous cancers. Substantial variation in rates among colonoscopy providers remained after adjustment for case mix. Conclusions: Wide variation exists in PCCRC-3yr rates across NHS colonoscopy providers in England. The lowest incidence was seen in colonoscopies performed under the NHS bowel cancer screening programme. Quality improvement initiatives are needed to address this variation in rates and prevent colorectal cancer by enabling earlier diagnosis, removing premalignant polyps, and therefore improving outcomes

    Health-related quality of life after colorectal cancer in England: a patient-reported outcomes study of individuals 12 to 36 months after diagnosis

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    Purpose: This population-level study was conducted to define the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of individuals living with and beyond colorectal cancer (CRC) and to identify factors associated with poor health outcomes. Patients and Methods: All individuals diagnosed with CRC in England in 2010 and 2011 who were alive 12 to 36 months after diagnosis were sent a questionnaire. This included questions related to treatment, disease status, other long-term conditions (LTCs), generic HRQL (EuroQol-5D), and cancer-specific outcomes (Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy and Social Difficulties Inventory items). Results: The response rate was 63.3% (21,802 of 34,467 patients). One or more generic health problems were reported by 65% of respondents, with 10% of patients reporting problems in all five domains. The reporting of problems was higher than in the general population and was most marked in those age less than 55 years. Certain subgroups reported a higher number of problems, notably those with one or more other LTCs, those with active or recurrent disease, those with a stoma, and those at the extremes of the age range ( 85 years). Of respondents without a stoma, 16.3% reported no bowel control. Reversal of a stoma resulted in fewer severe bowel problems but more moderate problems than those who had never had a stoma. A quarter of rectal cancer respondents (25.1%) reported difficulties with sexual matters (compared with 11.2% of colon cancer respondents). Conclusion: This study demonstrates the success of a national patient-reported outcomes survey. The results have the potential to support system-wide improvement in health outcomes through the identification of particular challenges faced by individuals after treatment for CRC

    Тенденції розвитку національної інноваційної системи в Україні

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    Проаналізовано національну інноваційну систему України. Розглянуто галузі промисловості України за ознаками інноваційної активності та досліджено темпи зростання показників, враховуючи індекс інфляції. Встановлено, що спад темпів зростання динаміки реалізованої продукції призводить до зменшення витрат на інноваційну діяльність.Дан анализ национальной инновационной системы Украины. Рассмотрены отрасли промышленности Украины по признакам инновационной активности и исследованы темпы роста показателей, учитывая индекс инфляции. Установлено, что спад темпов роста динамики реализованной продукции приводит к уменьшению затрат на инновационную деятельность.This article analyses national innovation system of Ukraine. Examined the industry of Ukraine based on innovative activity and investigated the growth indicators, taking into account inflation-index. It is established that the slowdown in the dynamics realized production leads to a decrease in the cost of innovation

    Cell-biological studies of osmotic shock response in Streptomyces spp.

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    Most bacteria are likely to face osmotic challenges, but there is yet much to learn about how such environmental changes affect the architecture of bacterial cells. Here, we report a cell-biological study in model organisms of the genus Streptomyces, which are actinobacteria that grow in a highly polarized fashion to form branching hyphae. The characteristic apical growth of Streptomyces hyphae is orchestrated by protein assemblies, called polarisomes, which contain coiled-coil proteins DivIVA and Scy, and recruit cell wall synthesis complexes and the stressbearing cytoskeleton of FilP to the tip regions of the hyphae. We monitored cell growth and cell-architectural changes by time-lapse microscopy in osmotic upshift experiments. Hyperosmotic shock caused arrest of growth, loss of turgor, and hypercondensation of chromosomes. The recovery period was protracted, presumably due to the dehydrated state of the cytoplasm, before hyphae could restore their turgor and start to grow again. In most hyphae, this regrowth did not take place at the original hyphal tips. Instead, cell polarity was reprogrammed, and polarisomes were redistributed to new sites, leading to the emergence of multiple lateral branches from which growth occurred. Factors known to regulate the branching pattern of Streptomyces hyphae, such as the serine/threonine kinase AfsK and Scy, were not involved in reprogramming of cell polarity, indicating that different mechanisms may act under different environmental conditions to control hyphal branching. Our observations of hyphal morphology during the stress response indicate that turgor and sufficient hydration of cytoplasm are required for Streptomyces tip growth

    High hospital research participation and improved colorectal cancer survival outcomes: a population-based study

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    Objective: In 2001, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cancer Research Network (NCRN) was established, leading to a rapid increase in clinical research activity across the English NHS. Using colorectal cancer (CRC) as an example, we test the hypothesis that high, sustained hospital-level participation in interventional clinical trials improves outcomes for all CRC patients managed in those research-intensive hospitals. Design: Data for patients diagnosed with CRC in England in 2001-2008 (n=209,968) were linked with data on accrual to NCRN CRC studies (n=30,998). Hospital Trusts were categorised by the proportion of patients accrued to interventional studies annually. Multivariable models investigated the relationship between 30-day post-operative mortality and five-year survival and the level and duration of study participation. Results: Most of the Trusts achieving high participation were district general hospitals and the effects were not limited to cancer “centres of excellence”, although such centres do make substantial contributions. Patients treated in Trusts with high research participation (≥16%) in their year of diagnosis had lower post-operative mortality (p<0.001) and improved survival (p<0.001) after adjustment for casemix and hospital-level variables. The effects increased with sustained research participation, with a reduction in post-operative mortality of 1.5% (6.5% to 5%, p<2.2*10-6) and an improvement in survival (p<10 19; 5-year difference: 3.8% (41.0% to 44.8%)) comparing high participation for ≥4 years with 0 years. Conclusion: There is a strong independent association between survival and participation in interventional clinical studies for all CRC patients treated in the hospital, not only study participants. Improvement precedes and increases with the level and years of sustained participation

    A retrospective observational study of the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with the risk of developing Colorectal cancer and survival

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    Background: There is variability in clinical outcome for patients with apparently the same stage colorectal cancer (CRC). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) mapping to chromosomes 1q41, 3q26.2, 6p21, 8q23.3, 8q24.21, 10p14, 11q13, 11q23.1, 12q13.13, 14q22, 14q22.2, 15q13.3, 16q22.1, 18q21.1, 19q13.11, 20p12, 20p12.3, 20q13.33 and Xp22 have robustly been shown to be associated with the risk of developing CRC. Since germline variation can also influence patient outcome the relationship between these SNPs and patient survivorship from CRC was examined. Methods: All enrolled into the National Study of Colorectal Cancer Genetics (NSCCG) were genotyped for 1q41, 3q26.2, 6p21, 8q23.3, 8q24.21, 10p14, 11q13, 11q23.1, 12q13.13, 14q22, 14q22.2, 15q13.3, 16q22.1, 18q21.1, 19q13.11, 20p12, 20p12.3, 20q13.33 and xp22 SNPs. Linking this information to the National Cancer Data Repository allowed patient genotype to be related to survival. Results: The linked dataset consisted of 4,327 individuals. 14q22.22 genotype defined by the SNP rs4444235 showed a significant association with overall survival. Specifically, the C allele was associated with poorer observed survival (per allele hazard ratio 1.13, 95% confidence interval 1.05-1.22, P = 0.0015). Conclusion: The CRC susceptibility SNP rs4444235 also appears to exert an influence in modulating patient survival and warrants further evaluation as a potential prognostic marker