176 research outputs found

    Driving Forces in Disclosure: Self-Disclosure Goals and Intimacy at the Podium

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    This study examined six underlying motivations (expression, self-clarification, social validation, relationship development, social control, and information sharing) for self-disclosure in a public speaking setting and a dyadic relationship setting. Five of these goals come from Derlega and Grzelak’s (1979) functional approach to self-disclosure and one is an additional goal examined by Bazarova and Choi (2014). This study found that the relative salience of self-disclosure goals in the public speaking classroom was identity clarification, information sharing, self-expression/relief of distress, social validation, relationship development, and social control. Findings indicate that the relative salience of goals in the dyadic relationship setting was self-expression/relief of distress, identity clarification, information sharing, social validation, relationship development, and social control. The relative salience of most of these self-disclosure goals varied across settings (identity clarification, relationship development, social validation, social control, and self-expression/relief of distress). One goal, information sharing, did not differ between the settings. Two key findings show that participants reported a higher salience of relationship development and social validation goals for the dyadic relationship setting compared to the public speaking setting. Self-disclosure in dyadic relationships occurred at higher levels of intimacy than self-disclosure at the podium. Analyses in both settings showed no significant correlations between the salience of relationship development goals and the levels of intimacy

    On the effect of separated oxygen and carbon dioxide injections on the stabilisation of diluted oxyfuel flames

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    International audienceOxyfuel combustion with exhaust gas recycle coupled with CO 2 capture and storage (CCS) is a promising way to meet low CO 2 emission standards in industrial facilities with limited economical impact. In such systems, the flame stability is very sensitive to the dilution by injection of exhaust gases, particularly in configurations where they are not premixed with the oxygen, making the design of the burners more complex but offering a larger operation flexibility and a better control of flame heat transfer. In order to study the strategies of injection of the oxygen and exhaust gases, this paper presents an experimental study of the aerodynamic mechanisms influencing the stabilization of CO 2-diluted oxy-fuel flames, for four different configurations of 23 kW quadri-coaxial burners with separated injections for oxygen and carbon dioxide. The four burners have same axisymmetric geometry consisting in injections of methane in the center surrounded successively by a first oxygen (O 2i) inner annular jet, the CO 2 co-flow and a second oxygen (O 2e) outer annular jet. Dimensions of burners are chosen to keep constant CH 4 and O 2i injections and to be able to change independently CO 2 and O 2e velocities for constant thermal power, total equivalence ratio, oxygen repartition and dilution ratio. The interaction between combustion and the aerodynamic features is investigated by CH* chemiluminescence imaging and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Mean tomographic images of the flame structure are obtained by Abel's inversion of averaged chemiluminescence images. PIV measurements are performed for two fields of view in order to obtain the global aerodynamic features of the turbulent oxyfuel flames and a more precise characterization in the vicinity of the burner exit. For the latter, the spatial resolution of the measurements is optimized by the development of a specific multi-step PIV processing. Low flow-velocity and high flow-velocity configurations are tested at maximum CO 2 dilution allowed by the burners. Different structures of flames are obtained with a long continuous annular shape or with local extinction for some operating conditions. The intensity of the mixing processes and the resulting stability of the flame depend largely on the shear constraints between CO 2 and O 2e jets. A better stabilization is found for low CO 2 velocity, which favors its mixing with outer oxygen annular jet prior to direct dilution of the flame. An increase of O 2e velocity further improves centrifugal entrainment of CO 2 and then reduces the radial stratification around the flame. These results obtained in a reference configuration are useful guides for the design of flexible and efficient oxy-fuel industrial burners for CCS units


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    The current scenario of Brazilian Education presents disinterested students, often unmotivated and apathetic during classes. Faced with these problems, this research aims to diagnose rejection levers that possibly prevent students from developing interaction skills that favor learning. To guide the work, a questionnaire was applied, containing six closed questions, for students of Elementary School II and High School, in public and private schools. The theoretical procedure discussed in the light of David Ausubel emphasizing meaningful learning and Mickhail Bakhtin portraying the philosophy of language, working the principles of polyphony. The present work is characterized as qualitative research considering theories as a contribution, enabling the understanding and interpretation of factors that may interfere with the development and learning of students. The qualitative analysis of the questionnaire pointed to the need to stimulate, motivate and include recurrent actions in the lives of these viewers and who can listen to them and be able to collectively build meaningful learning. Finally, we understand that the teaching practice should assume a role in which dialogue allows all the subjects involved to question their own positions, respecting the degree of criticality of each one, as well as the understanding and understanding of the world in which they are inserted.O atual cenário da Educação Brasileira apresenta alunos desinteressados, muitas vezes desmotivados e apáticos durante as aulas. Diante dessas problemáticas a presente pesquisa, tem como objetivo diagnosticar alavancas de rejeição que, possivelmente, impedem os alunos de desenvolver habilidades de interação que favoreçam o aprendizado. Para nortear o trabalho, foi aplicado um questionário, contendo seis questões fechadas, para alunos do Ensino Fundamental II e Ensino Médio, em escolas públicas e privadas. O procedimento teórico discorrido sobre a luz de David Ausubel enfatizando a aprendizagem significativa e Mickhail Bakhtin retratando a filosofia da linguagem, trabalhando os princípios da polifonia. O presente trabalho caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa considerando as teorias como aporte, possibilitando a compreensão e interpretação de fatores que possam interferir no desenvolvimento e aprendizado dos alunos. A análise qualitativa do questionário apontou para a necessidade de estimular, motivar e incluir, ações recorrentes na vida desses espectadores e que possam saber ouvi-los e poder construir de forma coletiva uma aprendizagem significativa. Por fim, entendemos que a prática docente deverá assumir um papel em que o diálogo permita que todos os sujeitos envolvidos possam questionar suas próprias posições, respeitando o grau de criticidade de cada um, bem como o entendimento e a compreensão no mundo em que estão inseridos

    Differences in Multitask Resource Reallocation After Change in Task Values

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    International audienceObjective The objective was to characterize multitask resource reallocation strategies when managing subtasks with various assigned values.Background When solving a resource conflict in multitasking, Salvucci and Taatgen predict a globally rational strategy will be followed that favors the most urgent subtask and optimizes global performance. However, Katidioti and Taatgen identified a locally rational strategy that optimizes only a subcomponent of the whole task, leading to detrimental consequences on global performance. Moreover, the question remains open whether expertise would have an impact on the choice of the strategy.Method We adopted a multitask environment used for pilot selection with a change in emphasis on two out of four subtasks while all subtasks had to be maintained over a minimum performance. A laboratory eye-tracking study contrasted 20 recently selected pilot students considered as experienced with this task and 15 university students considered as novices.Results When two subtasks were emphasized, novices focused their resources particularly on one high-value subtask and failed to prevent both low-value subtasks falling below minimum performance. On the contrary, experienced people delayed the processing of one low-value subtask but managed to optimize global performance.Conclusion In a multitasking environment where some subtasks are emphasized, novices follow a locally rational strategy whereas experienced participants follow a globally rational strategy.Application During complex training, trainees are only able to adjust their resource allocation strategy to subtask emphasis changes once they are familiar with the multitasking environment

    Gestão do Conhecimento: inovação na perspectiva de micro empresas

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    Since the way organizations impact and impact has become more dynamic, requiring agility to adapt to market responses, organizations look to innovation to take advantage of likely opportunities. The objective is to propose indicators that allow to diagnose competencies considered ideal to the collaborators in a way that allows the qualification of the same ones and the fomentation of the skilled labor to attend the demands of the organizations in the São Paulo ABC, exactly, in the municipality of Santo André like fact of reference. In order to do so, the article will guide the qualitative research methodological approach based on a bibliographical survey and on open questions (company) to be evaluated through content analysis (Bardin) to obtain indicators that aid management in the decision-making processes regarding qualification and selection of its collaborators. As a result, one can gauge the distance between theory and practice in relation to human resources linked to the area of technology and, in conclusion, the need to develop studies in this area emerges in order to fill this gap, that is, there is still a significant gap between the individual skills and competences required to meet the organizational demands of technology companies in ABC Paulista.Dado que la manera en que las organizaciones afectan y son impactadas se ha vuelto más dinámica, exigiendo agilidad para adaptarse a las respuestas del mercado, las organizaciones buscan en la innovación la manera de aprovechar oportunidades. En este contexto, el objetivo de este artículo es proponer indicadores que permitan diagnosticar competencias consideradas ideales a los colaboradores de manera que se permita la capacitación de los mismos y la fomentación de la mano de obra calificada para atender las demandas organizacionales en el ABC paulista, en exactitud, en el municipio de Santo André como factor de referencia. Para ello, el artículo traerá el camino metodológico de investigación cualitativa con base en levantamiento bibliográfico y en cuestiones abiertas (empresa) a ser evaluadas por medio de análisis de contenido (Bardin) para que se obtenga indicadores que auxilien la gestión en los procesos decisorios referentes a la gestión la cualificación y selección de sus colaboradores. Como resultado, se puede alejar distanciamiento entre teoría y práctica en lo que se refiere a recursos humanos vinculados al área de tecnología y, como conclusión, emerge la necesidad de desarrollar estudios en esa área a fin de llenar esa laguna, es decir, todavía persiste una distancia significativa entre las habilidades y competencias individuales necesarias para atender las demandas organizacionales de empresas tecnológicas en el ABC Paulista.Visto que a maneira como as organizações impactam e são impactadas se tornou mais dinâmica, exigindo agilidade para se adaptar às respostas do mercado, as organizações buscam na inovação a maneira de aproveitar oportunidades. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse artigo é propor indicadores que permitam diagnosticar competências consideradas ideais aos colaboradores de maneira que se permita a capacitação dos mesmos e a fomentação da mão de obra qualificada para atender as demandas organizacionais no ABC paulista, em exatidão, no município de Santo André como fator de referência. Para tanto, o artigo trilhará o caminho metodológico de pesquisa qualitativa com base em levantamento bibliográfico e em questões abertas (empresa) a serem avaliadas por meio de análise de conteúdo (Bardin) para que se obtenha indicadores que auxiliem a gestão nos processos decisórios referentes à qualificação e seleção de seus colaboradores. Como resultado, pode-se aferir distanciamento entre teoria e prática no que tange a recursos humanos vinculados a área de tecnologia e, como conclusão, emerge a necessidade de se desenvolver estudos nessa área a fim de preencher essa lacuna, ou seja, ainda persiste uma distância significativa entre as habilidades e competências individuais necessárias para se atender as demandas organizacionais de empresas tecnológicas no ABC Paulista

    Exploration of cognitive strategies used on egocentric perspective-taking : an eye-tracking study on 2 different experimental settings : controlled laboratory conditions and simulated-microgravity conditions

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    In recent years, eye-tracking is widely used in neuroergonomics and human factors research to explore visual screening and cognitive strategies during complex visuospatial tasks. More especially, aircraft, aerial vehicles, and space navigation require reliable spatial abilities that rely on a frame of reference, i.e. a perspective an operator chooses to describe a location in space or to perform an action. This can be done by using an allocentric or object-centered reference frame, when the object itself or its features orients an operator in space, according to an egocentric frame of reference that exploits the operator’s’ own perspective, and generally involves a body-axis rotation, or according to a third person that requires an operator to adopt another persons’ perspective. Reference frames and thus orientations in space, either real or mental, result from multisensory integration of visual, proprioceptive and vestibular information


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    This work presents the proposal of an environmental activity, in an interdisciplinary way, as a tool for the development of integration between students, teachers and guardians, from all segments of a private school in the south of Minas Gerais, in order to raise awareness of the formation of values ​​for the environment. Subjects related to the impacts that fires can cause in aggravating the greenhouse effect, the situation of the fauna and flora in the region where the students live were discussed during the classes, and possible solutions for environmental preservation were listed. The project began with the collection of native seedlings and fruit trees in the region in line with the local biome, for planting and reforesting degraded areas in the municipality. As a result, we realized that conservation and preservation measures of the environment in which people are inserted are essential, especially in situations in which the human being can become an active actor and participant in this essential process to maintain the quality of life. It is concluded that making the student protagonist in the midst of an educational process enables a broader formation, while the teacher acts as a mediator of the planned and executed activities, providing greater responsibility, decision-making and a greater relationship between student and teacher.Este trabajo presenta la propuesta de una actividad ambiental, de forma interdisciplinaria, como herramienta para el desarrollo de la integración entre alumnos, profesores y tutores, de todos los segmentos de una escuela privada del sur de Minas Gerais, con el fin de sensibilizar sobre la formación de valores para el medio ambiente. Durante las clases se discutieron temas relacionados con los impactos que pueden causar los incendios al agravar el efecto invernadero, la situación de la fauna y flora en la región donde viven los estudiantes y se enumeraron posibles soluciones para la preservación del medio ambiente. El proyecto se inició con la recolección de plántulas y árboles frutales nativos de la región acordes con el bioma local, para la siembra y reforestación de áreas degradadas en el municipio. Como resultado, nos dimos cuenta de que las medidas de conservación y preservación del medio ambiente en el que las personas están insertas son esenciales, especialmente en situaciones en las que el ser humano puede convertirse en un actor activo y partícipe de este proceso esencial para mantener la calidad de vida. Se concluye que hacer protagonista al alumno en medio de un proceso educativo posibilita una formación más amplia, en tanto el docente actúa como mediador de las actividades planificadas y ejecutadas, brindando mayor responsabilidad, toma de decisiones y una mayor relación entre alumno y docente.O presente trabalho apresenta a proposta de uma atividade ambiental, de forma interdisciplinar, como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento da integração entre alunos, professores e responsáveis, de todos os segmentos de uma escola privada no Sul de Minas Gerais, no intuito de conscientizar a formação de valores em prol do meio ambiente. Foram debatidos durante as aulas assuntos referentes aos impactos que as queimadas podem causar no agravamento do efeito estufa, à situação da fauna e flora da região em que os alunos vivem e foram elencadas as possíveis soluções para a preservação ambiental. O projeto iniciou com arrecadação de mudas nativas e frutíferas da região em consonância com o bioma local, para o plantio e reflorestamento de áreas degradas do município. Como resultados percebemos que é essencial medidas de conservação   e   preservação do meio em que as pessoas estão inseridas, principalmente, em situações nas quais o ser humano possa tornar um ator ativo e participante deste processo essencial à manutenção da qualidade de vida. Conclui-se que tornar o aluno protagonista em meio a um processo educacional possibilita uma formação mais ampla, enquanto o professor atua como um mediador das atividades planejadas e executadas proporcionando maior responsabilidade, tomada de decisão e maior relação entre aluno e professor

    Empresas con potencial para adherirse a la cuarta revolución industrial cotizada en Brasil, Bolsa, Balcao

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    Neste artigo buscou-se apresentar os principais conceitos da indústria 4.0 e da quarta revolução industrial, assim como sua importância para a indústria mundial. Realizar reinvestimentos na empresa como matéria de buscar inovação e sobrevivência a longo prazo ainda é um desafio para as empresas brasileiras. O objetivo do artigo é realizar um levantamento das indústrias que estão listadas na Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3) e identificar sua possível adesão à quarta revolução utilizando a fórmula do Pi como matéria de delimitar empresas que podem ser insolventes e assim participar da quarta revolução industrial no futuro. A metodologia utilizada foi uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa em uma regressão logística utilizando como base empresas de capital aberto extraídos da Capital IQ e da Bloomberg. Um estudo utilizando modelo econométrico foi adotado para realizar os cálculos e os resultados demonstram que apenas 10 empresas industriais de uma amostra de 78 estão reinvestindo os seus lucros em Capex, buscando inovação tecnologia e consequentemente sobreviver ao longo prazo. This article sought to present the main concepts of industry 4.0 and the fourth industrial revolution, as well as its importance for the world industry. Reinvestments in the company as a matter of seeking innovation and long-term survival is still a challenge for Brazilian companies. The aim of this article is to conduct a survey of industries that are listed in Brazil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3) and identify its possible adherence to the fourth revolution using the Pi formula as a matter of delimiting companies that can be insolvent and thus participate in the fourth industrial revolution in the future. The methodology used was a descriptive and quantitative research in a logistic regression using as a base publicly traded companies extracted from Capital IQ and Bloomberg. A study using econometric model was adopted to perform the calculations and the results show that only 10 industrial companies in a sample of 78 are reinvesting their profits in Capex, seeking technology innovation and consequently survive in the long run.Este artículo buscaba presentar los principales conceptos de la industria 4.0 y la cuarta revolución industrial, así como su importancia para la industria mundial. Las reinversiones en la empresa como una cuestión de búsqueda de la innovación y la supervivencia a largo plazo sigue siendo un desafío para las empresas brasileñas. El objetivo de este artículo es llevar a cabo una encuesta de las industrias que se enumeran en Brasil, Bolsa, Balco (B3) e identificar su posible adhesión a la cuarta revolución utilizando la fórmula Pi como una cuestión de delimitación de empresas que pueden ser insolventes y por lo tanto participar en la cuarta revolución industrial en el futuro. La metodología utilizada fue una investigación descriptiva y cuantitativa en una regresión logística utilizando como base empresas que cotizan en bolsa extraídas de Capital IQ y Bloomberg. Se adoptó un estudio con un modelo econométrico para realizar los cálculos y los resultados muestran que sólo 10 empresas industriales en una muestra de 78 están reinvirtiendo sus beneficios en Capex, buscando innovación tecnológica y, en consecuencia, sobrevivir a largo plazo