384 research outputs found

    INFO2009 Group SD Poster - Computer Misuse

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    Group SD's poster for the INFO2009 coursework on Computer Misuse


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    The collection of items for Group SD's coursework assignment

    L’apparato effimero allestito nella cattedrale di Palermo per le cerimonie funebri di Carlo III di Borbone (1789): storia e rappresentazione digitale

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    The paper focus on the ephemeral apparatus realized by the architect Salvatore Attinelli on the occasion of the funeral of Charles III of Bourbon, to be set up inside the cathedral of Palermo, in those years affected by a total internal modernization based on the project commissioned in 1767 to Ferdinando Fuga. This apparatus, in an article published by the academic Giuseppina Leone in 2001, was considered an alternative project to the proposal of Ferdinando Fuga, considered expensive and with a language not responding to the rules of good and modern architecture. The purpose of this paper is to reinforce the hypothesis of an apparatus having design purposes, and to verify its feasibility through research, design and digital representation

    che cos'è il canone del design? i discorsi e la pratica

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    Una risposta all'interrogativo "che cos'è il canone del design?", ovvero un'analisi della pratica del design in quanto discorso - nell'accezione foucaultiana del termine. Secondo questo inquadramento teorico, la tesi dimostra come il canone non può più figurare in quanto oggetto circoscrivibile e facilmente superabile; tutt'al più come prodotto e funzione di suddetto discorso: un agente che preserva e perpetra lo svolgersi di una pratica - quella del design - del tutto "riducibile" a prodotto materiale dell'uomo.Una risposta all'interrogativo "che cos'è il canone del design?", ovvero un'analisi della pratica del design in quanto discorso - nell'accezione foucaultiana del termine. Secondo questo inquadramento teorico, la tesi dimostra come il canone non può più figurare in quanto oggetto circoscrivibile e facilmente superabile; tutt'al più come prodotto e funzione di suddetto discorso: un agente che preserva e perpetra lo svolgersi di una pratica - quella del design - del tutto "riducibile" a prodotto materiale dell'uomo

    A broad overview of genotype imputation: Standard guidelines, approaches, and future investigations in genomic association studies

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    The advent of genomic big data and the statistical need for reaching significant results have led genome-wide association studies to be ravenous of a huge number of genetic markers scattered along the whole genome. Since its very beginning, the so-called genotype imputation served this purpose; this statistical and inferential procedure based on a known reference panel opened the theoretical possibility to extend association analyses to a greater number of polymorphic sites which have not been previously assayed by the used technology. In this review, we present a broad overview of the genotype imputation process, showing the most known methods and presenting the main areas of interest, with a closer look to the most up-to-date approaches and a deeper understanding of its usage in the present-day genomic landscape, shedding a light on its future developments and investigation areas

    Pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis: pro-inflammatory role of ET-1 receptors

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    L'endotelina-1 (ET-1) gioca un ruolo fondamentale nella vasocostrizione, nella fibrosi e nell\u2019infiammazione, tre aspetti fondamentali nella patogenesi della sclerosi sistemica (SSc) . I recettori dell\u2019ET-1 sono ETA ed ETB. Essi sono espressi sulla maggioranza delle cellule coinvolte nella patogenesi della SSc, come le cellule endoteliali, le cellule muscolari lisce e i fibroblasti. Poco si conosce riguardo l'espressione dei recettori dell\u2019ET-1 sui leucociti. A eccezione dei macrofagi e dei monociti, non ci sono informazioni sull'espressione di ETA e ETB su linfociti, neutrofili e le altre cellule coinvolte nella risposta immunitaria innata e acquisita. Gli antagonisti dei recettori dell\u2019ET-1 sono utilizzati nel trattamento di pazienti con SSc e ulcere digitali e/o con ipertensione arteriosa polmonare. Essi hanno effetti benefici sulla vasocostrizione e la fibrosi, ma poco noto \ue8 il loro ruolo nell\u2019infiammazione. Abbiamo pertanto deciso di studiare il ruolo dell\u2019ET-1 nell\u2019infiammazione in pazienti affetti da SSc. Poich\ue9 le cellule T e B, i monociti e i neutrofili sono tra le cellule pi\uf9 importanti nelle risposta infiammatoria che si osserva nella SSc , abbiamo studiato l\u2019espressione di ETA ed ETB su queste cellule con citometria a flusso, valutando inoltre la presenza dell\u2019mRNA codificante per ETA ed ETB sulle cellule T CD4+ e sui neutrofili mediante RT-PCR . Abbiamo studiato la diversa espressione dei recettori dell\u2019ET-1 sui linfociti T e B e sui monociti di pazienti e controlli, nonch\ue9 la correlazione tra la loro espressione e alcune caratteristiche della malattia. Abbiamo inoltre valutato la modulazione dei recettori dell\u2019ET-1 sulle cellule T attivate. Al fine di valutare gli effetti pro-infiammatori dell\u2019ET-1 e il ruolo antinfiammatorio del Bosentan, antagonista dei recettori dell\u2019ET-1, abbiamo osservato come ET-1 influenzi la produzione di IFN-\u3b3 e IL-4 nelle cellule CD4+ T, in presenza o assenza del blocco recettoriale. Abbiamo studiato anche l'espressione degli mRNA codificanti per IFN-\u3b3, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 e IL-17 sulle cellule CD4+ T mediante Real Time PCR in tempi diversi per meglio valutare in queste cellule il timing di risposta allo stimolo. Abbiamo osservato che le cellule T e i monociti esprimono sia ETA sia ETB. Abbiamo convalidato nostri dati su una coorte di pazienti e controlli. Abbiamo confermato che non solo le cellule T e i monociti, ma anche i linfociti B e i neutrofili esprimono ETA ed ETB sulla loro superficie. Abbiamo visto che l'espressione di ETA \ue8 maggiore di quella di ETB sia per quanto riguarda i linfociti T che i monociti di pazienti e controlli, mentre per le cellule B non c'\ue8 alcuna differenza di espressione. Anche i neutrofili esprimono sia ETA sia ETB. I neutrofili partecipano alle primissime fasi della risposta infiammatoria nella SSC e contribuiscono al danno endoteliale, alla produzione di specie reattive dell'ossigeno, all\u2019attivazione dei fibroblasti e al reclutamento dei linfociti B e T. Inoltre i neutrofili, sotto stimolo dell\u2019ET-1 sono incoraggiati a produrre citochine proinfiammatorie, come IL-8. IL-17 e TNF. L\u2019ET-1, attraverso l'ETA e l\u2019ETB, pu\uf2 contribuire dunque a innescare l'attivazione dei neutrofili, che contribuiscono al danno vascolare . Considerando che l'espressione ETB \ue8 inferiore nei pazienti affetti dalla forma limitata si SSc piuttosto in quelli con forma diffusa di malattia, l\u2019ETA sembrava essere importante per gli effetti profibrotici innescati dell\u2019ET-1. Poich\ue9 la minor espressione di ETB sui monociti correla con la presenza di ipertensione arteriosa polmonare e una diminuita espressione di ETA sulle cellule T correla con la presenza di interstiziopatia polmonare, possiamo ipotizzare che un diverso pattern di espressione recettoriale \ue8 associato a una differente risposta delle cellule T o dei monociti nell'induzione dell\u2019ipertensione arteriosa polmonare o dell\u2019interstiziopatia polmonare. Pertanto la differente espressione di ETA o ETB pu\uf2 portare allo sviluppo di complicanze cliniche differenti. Considerando che l'espressione ETB \ue8 aumentata sulle cellule T attivate, ETB probabilmente giocato un ruolo importante nel processo infiammatorio. Infine, l\u2019ET-1 ha un\u2019azione modulante sulla risposta immune e il pattern citochinico che i linfociti producono sotto stimolo con ET-1 \ue8 diverso a seconda del recettore dell\u2019ET-1 che \ue8 bloccato. Questi risultati confermano l'ipotesi che ET-1 possa avere un ruolo non solo sulla vasocostrizione e fibrosi ma anche sull\u2019infiammazione .Endothelin-1 (ET-1) plays a pivotal role in vasoconstriction, fibrosis and inflammation, the three major aspects in the pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis (SSc). ET-1 receptors are ETA and ETB. The receptors are expressed on the majority of cells involved in SSc, such as endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. Little is known about the expression of ET-1 receptors on leukocytes, except for macrophages and monocytes; there is no information about the expression of ETA and ETB on lymphocytes, neutrophils and other cells involved in the innate and acquired immune response. Endothelin receptors antagonists are used in the treatment of scleroderma patients with recurrent ischemic digital ulcers and/or pulmonary arterial hypertension. They have beneficial effects on vasoconstriction and fibrosis, but less is known about their anti-inflammatory role. We aimed at studying the link between ET-1 and inflammation in SSc. Since T and B cells, monocytes and neutrophils are among the most important cells in inflammatory responses in SSc, we studied ETA and ETB expression on these cells with flow cytometry, and also ETA- and ETB-coding mRNA expression in T CD4+ cells and neutrophils by RT-PCR. We have studied the different expression of receptors on T and B cell and monocytes between patients and controls, the correlations of the expression with the cutaneous form of disease, with Bosentan therapy, and ischemic digital ulcers, pulmonary arterial hypertension and interstitial lung disease. We also studied the receptors modulation on activated T cells by flow cytometry. In order to evaluate the pro-inflammatory effects of ET-1 and the anti-inflammatory role of Bosentan, we studied how ET-1 influences IFN-\u3b3 and IL-4 production by T CD4+ cells, with or without receptors blockage. We also studied the expression of IFN-\u3b3-, IL-4- IL-6-, IL-10- and IL-17-coding mRNA in T CD4+ cells by Real Time PCR at different times in order to understand the timing of T CD4+ cells response to stimulation with ET-1. We previously described that T cells and monocytes express both ETA and ETB receptors. We have validated our data in a larger cohort of patients and controls. We confirmed that not only T cells and monocytes but also B lymphocytes and neutrophils express ETA and ETB on their surface. Moreover, the expression of ETA was greater than ETB both in patients and controls in T cells and monocytes, while for B cells there was not difference between ETA and ETB expression. Interesting, neutrophils express both ETA and ETB. Neutrophils participate in the early stages of SSc and contribute to endothelial damages, by production of reactive oxygen species, fibroblasts activation and recruitment T and B cells. ET-1, through ETA and ETB, can contribute to trigger neutrophils activation, that lead to vascular damage. Considering that ETB expression was lower in dSSc- rather than lSSc-patients, ETA signal seemed to be important in the cutaneous profibrotic effects of ET-1. Since a lower ETB expression on monocytes correlated with PAH and a lower ETA expression on T cells correlates with ILD, we can hypothesize that a different pattern of receptors expression is associated with a different response of T cells or monocytes in the preferential induction of PAH or ILD. Therefore ETA or ETB signalling may lead to different clinical features. Considering that ETB expression is increased on activated T cells, ETB signal probably played a major role in inflammation. We also show that activation of ETA and ETB receptors plays an immunomodulatory role, since the production of cytokines changes over time in relation to the stimulation by ET-1 in the presence or absence of the selective blockade of one or both receptors. Furthermore these results support the hypothesis that ET-1 system has a role not only on vasoconstriction and fibrosis but also on inflammation

    El comercio internacional de servicios en Brasil: una visión sobre la liberalización en el GATS y sus implicaciones

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    Texto en español y resumen en inglésLa expansión de las actividades de servicios constituye uno de los más importantes cambios acaecidos en el devenir humano en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. La evolución seguida en las últimas décadas por las economías más desarrolladas ha puesto de manifiesto que los servicios se han convertido en la forma dominante de actividad económica de los países desarrollados y en vías de desarrollo. Un multiplicado número de actividades, que responde genéricamente al nombre de servicios, tiende a concentrar la mayor parte de la ocupación y el valor de la producción en las economías desarrolladas. Así, con la entrada de Brasil en el GATS, la investigación contribuyo al mejor entendimiento y conocimiento del comercio internacional de servicios en Brasil, analizándolo en profundidad desde una perspectiva histórica y actual, tratando de identificar los principales factores sobre las implicaciones de una mayor liberalización del sector servicios negociados en el GATS. La presentación del tema elegido presento algunas respuestas a las cuestiones propuestas y principalmente profundizo el estudio de los intercambios internacionales de servicios en Brasil, en virtud de sus malos resultados en la balanza de pagos en este sector. Y principalmente diserta sobre la liberalización de los servicios en el marco del GATS enfocado en el caso de Brasil. Ensalzó sobre las implicaciones para Brasil como la importancia de la liberalización del comercio de servicios para las economías. Trazando el papel del Estado brasileño en dicha liberalización y las barreras impuestas al comercio de servicios que pueden ser llevados a cabo por los Estados. Sin embargo, el foco principal de la tesis fue desarrolla sobre la liberalización de los servicios en el marco del GATS, aludiendo algunas implicaciones que pueden ser buenas y malas para Brasil si no fueren hechas las negociaciones con políticas adecuadas para el país

    Resistome, mobilome and virulome analysis of Shewanellaalgae and Vibrio spp. strains isolated in italian aquaculture centers

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    Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health concern restricted not only to healthcare settings but also to veterinary and environmental ones. In this study, we analyzed, by whole genome sequencing (WGS) the resistome, mobilome and virulome of 12 multidrug-resistant (MDR) marine strains belonging to Shewanellaceae and Vibrionaceae families collected at aquaculture centers in Italy. The results evidenced the presence of several resistance mechanisms including enzyme and efflux pump systems conferring resistance to beta-lactams, quinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides, polymyxins, chloramphenicol, fosfomycin, erythromycin, detergents and heavy metals. Mobilome analysis did not find circular elements but class I integrons, integrative and conjugative element (ICE) associated modules, prophages and different insertion sequence (IS) family transposases. These mobile genetic elements (MGEs) are usually present in other aquatic bacteria but also in Enterobacteriaceae suggesting their transferability among autochthonous and allochthonous bacteria of the resilient microbiota. Regarding the presence of virulence factors, hemolytic activity was detected both in the Shewanella algae and in Vibrio spp. strains. To conclude, these data indicate the role as a reservoir of resistance and virulence genes in the environment of the aquatic microbiota present in the examined Italian fish farms that potentially might be transferred to bacteria of medical interest

    Genomic characterization of Achromobacter species isolates from chronic and occasional lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients

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    Achromobacter species are increasingly being detected in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, where they can establish chronic infections by adapting to the lower airway environment. To better understand the mechanisms contributing to a successful colonization by Achromobacter species, we sequenced the whole genome of 54 isolates from 26 patients with occasional and early/late chronic lung infection. We performed a phylogenetic analysis and compared virulence and resistance genes, genetic variants and mutations, and hypermutability mechanisms between chronic and occasional isolates. We identified five Achromobacter species as well as two non-affiliated genogroups (NGs). Among them were the frequently isolated Achromobacter xylosoxidans and four other species whose clinical importance is not yet clear: Achromobacter insuavis, Achromobacter dolens, Achromobacter insolitus and Achromobacter aegrifaciens. While A. insuavis and A. dolens were isolated only from chronically infected patients and A. aegrifaciens only from occasionally infected patients, the other species were found in both groups. Most of the occasional isolates lacked functional genes involved in invasiveness, chemotaxis, type 3 secretion system and anaerobic growth, whereas the great majority (>60%) of chronic isolates had these genomic features. Interestingly, almost all (n=22/23) late chronic isolates lacked functional genes involved in lipopolysaccharide production. Regarding antibiotic resistance, we observed a species-specific distribution of blaOXA genes, confirming what has been reported in the literature and additionally identifying blaOXA-2 in some A. insolitus isolates and observing no blaOXA genes in A. aegrifaciens or NGs. No significant difference in resistance genes was found between chronic and occasional isolates. The results of the mutator genes analysis showed that no occasional isolate had hypermutator characteristics, while 60% of early chronic (<1 year from first colonization) and 78% of late chronic (>1 year from first colonization) isolates were classified as hypermutators. Although all A. dolens, A. insuavis and NG isolates presented two different mutS genes, these seem to have a complementary rather than compensatory function. In conclusion, our results show that Achromobacter species can exhibit different adaptive mechanisms and some of these mechanisms might be more useful than others in establishing a chronic infection in CF patients, highlighting their importance for the clinical setting and the need for further studies on the less clinically characterized Achromobacter species