23 research outputs found

    Minimal Energy Efficient Routing (MEER) Protocol using GSP For Sensor Network

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    The most important criterion while designing wireless sensor network is the consumption of energy[5,6,7]. There are many schemes cited for conservation of energy issues[1,2,8]. Again the efficient minimal energy consumption routing schemes are an important consideration. In this paper, we have proposed an energy saving scheme, named as minimal energy efficient routing (MEER) Protocol, which uses GSP (Gossip based sleep Protocol) to achieve energy efficiency in sensor networks. Here, we have compared our work with the existing work given by GSP[1] . We have shown the correctness & effectiveness of our protocol by mathematical simulation studies

    Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in the coastal districts of Odisha

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    Ethnobotanical study was carried out in the coastal districts of Odisha during 2010-2011 to document the medicinal utility of plants. The present paper deals with traditional uses of 46 plant species belonging to 44 genera and 32 families along with correct botanical identification, local names, parts used and mode of administration in respect to different diseases.  The documented ethnomedicinal plants are mostly used to cure skin diseases, diarrhoea, jaundice, piles and urinary troubles

    Range extension of a mantis Shrimp <em>Harpiosquilla harpax</em> (Family: Squillidae) in the Chilika Lagoon

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    18-24The present study describes the first live occurrence of a species of mantis shrimp i.e. Harpiosquilla harpax from the Chilika lagoon. It was a new record to Chilika after the opening of natural inlet due to super cyclone Phailin during October 2013 and range extension from Visakhapatnam coast.  However, concrete information regarding its population and spatio-temporal distribution is certainly not known. since it was caught as by catch. Food and feeding behaviour and morphological structure of the compound eye and ommatidia was also studied

    Integrated analysis for genotypic adaptation in rice

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    Development of varieties with high yield potential coupled with wide adaptability is an important plant breeding objective. The presence of genotype by environment (GxE) interaction plays a crucial role in determining the performance of genetic materials, tested at different locations and in different years. This study was undertaken to assess yield performance, stability and adaptability of thirty-six rice genotypes of three different maturity groups evaluated over 12 environments. There were highly significant (P&lt;0.05) genotype-environment interaction in three different maturity groups. The AMMI analysis of variance in the maturity groups also showed significant genotype, location and G\ub4L. Stability in yield performance was predicted using nine stability parameters (b, S2d , CV, SF, R1, R2, W, S1 and ASV). The rank correlation coefficient among nine parameters indicated that the stability parameters were dissimilar in for all the maturity groups. Stability index (STI) computed by integrating all the nine stability parameters indicated that genotypes Lalat and OR 2006-12 of mid-early group, genotypes OR 1912-25, OR 2310-12 and MTU 1001 of mid-late group, and genotypes OR 1898-3-16, OR 1901-14-32, OR 2109-2, OR 2001-1, Mahanadi and Jagabandhu of late group yielded higher consistently over the 3 years in the different agroclimatic zones.Le d\ue9veloppement de vari\ue9t\ue9s \ue0 potentiel \ue9lev\ue9 de rendement coupl\ue9 \ue0 une large adaptabilit\ue9 est un objectif important de l'am\ue9lioration des plantes. La pr\ue9sence de g\ue9notype par interaction avec l'environnement (GxE) joue un r\uf4le crucial dans la d\ue9termination des performances de mat\ue9riels g\ue9n\ue9tiques test\ue9s dans diff\ue9rentes localisations et dans des ann\ue9es diff\ue9rentes. Cette'\ue9tude \ue9tait entreprise pour \ue9valuer la performance en rendement, la stabilit\ue9 et l'adaptabilit\ue9 de trente six g\ue9notypes de riz de trois groupes de maturit\ue9 diff\ue9rente \ue9valu\ue9es sur 12 environnements. L'interaction g\ue9notype-environnement \ue9tait significativement \ue9lev\ue9 (P&lt;0.05) dans trois groupes de maturit\ue9 diff\ue9rente. L'analyse AMM de la variance dans les groupes de maturit\ue9 avait aussi montr\ue9 un effet significatif du g\ue9notype, localisation et G'L. La stabilit\ue9 en performance de rendement \ue9tait pr\ue9dite utilisant neuf param\ue8tres de stabilit\ue9 (b, S2d, CV, SF, R1, R2, W, S1 et ASV). Le rang du co\ue9fficient de corr\ue9lation parmi les neuf param\ue8tres a indiqu\ue9 que les param\ue8tres de stabilit\ue9\ue9taient dissemblables pour tous les groupes de maturit\ue9. L'index de stabilit\ue9 (STI) calcul\ue9 en int\ue9grant tous les neuf param\ue8tres de stabilit\ue9 a indiqu\ue9 que les g\ue9notypes Lalat et OR 2006-12 du mi-premier groupe, les g\ue9notypes OR 1912-25, OR 2310-12 et MTU 1001 du mi-dernier groupe et les g\ue9notypes OR 1898-3-16, OR 1901-14-32, OR 2109-2, OR 2001-1, Mahanadi et Jagabandhu du dernier groupe ont produit consid\ue9rablement de rendements tr\ue8s \ue9lev\ue9s au cours des 3 ans dans diff\ue9rentes zones agroclimatiques

    An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Of frequent items using incremental model

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    Data mining is a part of know ledge Discovery in database process (KDD). As technology advances, floods of data can be produced and shared in many appliances such as wireless Sensor networks or Web click streams. This calls for extracting useful information and knowledge from streams of data. In this paper, We have proposed an efficient algorithm, where, at any time the current frequencies of all frequent item sets can be immediately produced. The current frequency of an item set in a stream is defined as its maximal frequency over all possible windows in the stream from any point in the past until the current state. The experimental result shows the proposed algorithm not only maintains a small summery of information for one item set but also consumes less memory then existing algorithms for mining frequent item sets over recent data streams

    Eumycetoma Caused By Pyrenochaeta Romeroi - A Case Report

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    A 36 year old male presented with an inflammatory mass over right foot with multiple sinuses and purulent discharge. It was clinically diagnosed as a case of madura foot. On microbiological investigation, it was finally diagnosed to be a case of eumycetoma and the fungus isolated was Pyrenochaeta romeroi, an unusual agent for eumycetoma

    Вплив high-K діелектричного матеріалу як буфера на аналогові та радіочастотні характеристики GS-DG-FinFET

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    У багатоканальній технології транзистор DG-FinFET є новою структурою завдяки кращому електростатичному контролю над каналом. У роботі представлено дослідження транзистора FinFET з подвійним затвором (DG-FinFET), який був модифікований за допомогою high-K діелектричного матеріалу як стека затворів (GS) та спейсерної інженерії, що здатна покращити його властивості. Характеристики транзисторів DG-FinFET, GS-DG-FinFET і GS-DG-FinFET зі спейсерною конфігурацією прирівнюються до показників якості короткоканальних ефектів (SCEs), аналогових і радіочастотних застосувань. Проаналізовані показники якості SCEs, такі як підпороговий нахил (SS), індуковане стоком зменшення бар'єру (DIBL) та відношення струмів переключення (ION/IOFF). У роботі аналогова ефективність пристроїв досліджується на базі таких параметрів, як транспровідність (gm), коефіцієнт посилення транспровідності (TGF), вихідна провідність (gd), струм стоку (ID), рання напруга (VEA), внутрішнє посилення (AV). Радіочастотна ефективність аналізується на основі показників якості паразитної ємності затвора (Cgd, Cgs та Cgg), порогової частоти (fT), коефіцієнта посилення частоти (GFP) і частотного коефіцієнту транспровідності (TFP). При цьому ми намагалися провести порівняльне дослідження, щоб запропонувати можливість поліпшення характеристик структури GS-DG при VDS = 0,05 В та 1,0 В. Тут параметр DIBL демонструє величину 49,8 %, а значення SS зменшилося на 32,65 %. Виходячи з дослідження аналогової ефективності, VEA підвищився на 4,31 %, TGF пристрою покращився на 33,9%, а його посилення порівняно зі звичайним. Моделювання виконане з урахуванням параметрів 45 нм вузла відповідно до дорожньої карти ITRS для високошвидкісних додатків та низькоенергоємних схем.In multi-gate technology, the DG-FinFET is an emerging structure due to its better electrostatic control over the channel. This paper shows a systematic study of the structure, double gate (DG) FinFET, which has been modified using the high-K dielectric material as the gate stack (GS) and spacer engineering which is going to boost its properties. The analyzed SCEs are sub-threshold slope (SS), drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL), and the switching current ratio (ION/IOFF ratio). The analog performance of the devices is studied on the basis of parameters are transconductance (gm), trans-conductance gain factor (TGF), the output conductance (gd), drain current (ID), early voltage (VEA), intrinsic gain (AV). The RF performance is analyzed on the merits of parasitic gate capacitance (Cgd, Cgs and Cgg), cutoff frequency (fT), gain frequency product (GFP), and transconductance frequency product (TFP). With this we intended to provide a comparative study to suggest the possibility for better performance of the GS-DG structure at VDS = 0.05 V and 1.0 V. Here, DIBL exhibits 49.8 % and SS value is decreased by 32.65 %. For the analog performance study, the VEA is raised by 4.31 %, the TGF of the device is improved by 33.9 % and the gain has been also improved as compared to the conventional one. The simulation is carried out considering 45 nm node parameters according to the ITRS road map for the high-speed applications and low power consuming circuits

    Surface properties for Ne, Na, Mg, Al and Si isotopes in the Coherent Density Fluctuation Model using the relativistic mean field densities

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    We have systematically studied the surface properties, such as symmetry energy, neutron pressure, and symmetry energy curvature coefficient for Ne, Na, Mg, Al, and Si nuclei from the proton to neutron drip-lines. The Coherent Density Fluctuation Model (CDFM) is used to estimate these quantities taking the relativistic mean-field densities as inputs. The Br uckner energy density functional is taken for the nuclear matter binding energy and local density approximation is applied for its conversion to coordinate space. The symmetry energy again decomposed to the volume and surface components within the liquid drop model formalism to the volume and surface parts separately. Before calculating the surface properties of finite nuclei, the calculated bulk properties are compared with the experimental data, whenever available. The NL3* parameter set with the BCS pairing approach in an axially deformed frame-work is used to take care of the pairing correlation when needed. The deformed density is converted to its spherical equivalent with a two Gaussian fitting, which is used as an input for the calculation of weight function in the CDFM approximation. With the help of the symmetry energy for the recently isotopesThe accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author