576 research outputs found

    Modular Construction of Complete Coalgebraic Logics

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    We present a modular approach to defining logics for a wide variety of state-based systems. The systems are modelled by coalgebras, and we use modal logics to specify their observable properties. We show that the syntax, semantics and proof systems associated to such logics can all be derived in a modular fashion. Moreover, we show that the logics thus obtained inherit soundness, completeness and expressiveness properties from their building blocks. We apply these techniques to derive sound, complete and expressive logics for a wide variety of probabilistic systems, for which no complete axiomatisation has been obtained so far

    Extending du Bois-Reymond's Infinitesimal and Infinitary Calculus Theory

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    The discovery of the infinite integer leads to a partition between finite and infinite numbers. Construction of an infinitesimal and infinitary number system, the Gossamer numbers. Du Bois-Reymond's much-greater-than relations and little-o/big-O defined with the Gossamer number system, and the relations algebra is explored. A comparison of function algebra is developed. A transfer principle more general than Non-Standard-Analysis is developed, hence a two-tier system of calculus is described. Non-reversible arithmetic is proved, and found to be the key to this calculus and other theory. Finally sequences are partitioned between finite and infinite intervals.Comment: Resubmission of 6 other submissions. 99 page

    The analysis of user behaviour of a network management training tool using a neural network

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    A novel method for the analysis and interpretation of data that describes the interaction between trainee network managers and a network management training tool is presented. A simulation based approach is currently being used to train network managers, through the use of a simulated network. The motivation is to provide a tool for exposing trainees to a life like situation without disrupting a live network. The data logged by this system describes the detailed interaction between trainee network manager and simulated network. The work presented here provides an analysis of this interaction data that enables an assessment of the capabilities of the trainee network manager as well as an understanding of how the network management tasks are being approached. A neural network architecture is implemented in order to perform an exploratory data analysis of the interaction data. The neural network employs a novel form of continuous self-organisation to discover key features in the data and thus provide new insights into the learning and teaching strategies employed

    The Human Rights Act and the Doctrine of Precedent

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    Conflicts between domestic precedents and subsequent decisions of the European Court of Human Rights have resulted in the lower courts following prior domestic decisions even when convinced that they will be overruled on appeal. The standard interpretation of the decision of the House of Lords in Kay v Lambeth holds the lower courts to domestic precedents that are manifestly inconsistent with the subsequent Strasbourg jurisprudence and admits only the most limited exception. This paper advances an alternative approach to the relationship between the domestic courts' obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998 and the doctrine of precedent by analysis of the nature of the doctrine of precedent and the reasons offered by Lord Bingham in his leading judgment in Kay. This analysis is then extended and applied to two recent cases in which the lower courts have considered themselves bound by a decision of the UK's highest appeal court that fails to give due effect to the applicants' Convention rights

    'Horizontal Applicability and Horizontal Effect'

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    Autobiography and Symbolic Capital in Late Imperial China

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    This essay explores the use of autobiography to enhance symbolic capital in seventeenth-century China as exemplified by the chronological autobiography of the writer and geomancer Peng Shiwang 彭士望 (1610–1683). Peng was one of the Nine Masters of Changes Hall, a group of Ming loyalist scholars based in Ningdu in south-eastern Jiangxi province who gained a reputation among the cultural elite of the early Qing dynasty. Peng was not a major figure in the Ming–Qing transition period, and his own active participation in the Ming resistance to the Qing conquest was slight. Nevertheless, the economic effects of the Qing conquest, and his decision not to seek employment under the new dynasty, left him and his family in a financially and socially precarious position. When, in 1666, Peng published his collected poetry, he prefaced it with a chronological autobiography remarkable for devoting about half its space to the names of people he met during his peripatetic life. These names include a significant number of loyalists, even though Peng cannot have known some of the more famous ones very well. This essay argues that, through his autobiography, Peng sought to leverage his loyalist connections to create a form of symbolic capital which could be used to shore up his status among the educated elite of his time by increasing sales and circulation of his works and by expanding the social network he could draw upon for work as a geomancer or teacher, or for other support on his travels

    On the origin of nonequivalent states: How we can talk about preprints

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    Increasingly, preprints are at the center of conversations across the research ecosystem. But disagreements remain about the role they play. Do they "count" for research assessment? Is it ok to post preprints in more than one place? In this paper, we argue that these discussions often conflate two separate issues, the history of the manuscript and the status granted it by different communities. In this paper, we propose a new model that distinguishes the characteristics of the object, its "state", from the subjective "standing" granted to it by different communities. This provides a way to discuss the difference in practices between communities, which will deliver more productive conversations and facilitate negotiation, as well as sharpening our focus on the role of different stakeholders on how to collectively improve the process of scholarly communications not only for preprints, but other forms of scholarly contributions

    INN Placement Website

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    Work experience is a valuable experience for all students. It can be hard for students to find work experience and sometimes challenging for them to understand the job market. Students at Innovation North have an opportunity to undertake a Placement year between L5 and L6 and this is something we wish to actively promote, support and encourage. Innovation North had a website which held the details of the work opportunities, it was very dated, contained no images and was cumbersome to search. The project was to create a new website for Innovation North students holding details of all work placements (short, long term, voluntary, paid). Specification for the site included search facilities, providing information and giving reflections from students who had undertaken work opportunities. The website has been developed by three INN students. It has been live since September 2009
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