41 research outputs found
Systematische Ăbersicht und Bewertung digitaler Interventionen zur DiabetesprĂ€vention und âversorgung
Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and the number of patients with comorbidities like hypertension, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular diseases are increasing worldwide. Evidence-based medicine uses the best available evidence from systematic research to make decisions about the care of individual patients. The systematisation and appraisal of evidence are done in care guidelines, which in turn aim to guide the application of effective diabetes prevention and care interventions in different age groups and settings. Patients with T2D need continuous and individualised care. They are therefore seen as the ideal target group for the use of digital health interventions like telemedicine. However, heterogeneous patient populations, telemedicine phenotypes and settings hamper the evaluation of digital health interventions. Comparing study results to provide evidence-based recommendations is further complicated by the diversity of applied study designs. Therefore, there is a need for a systematic review of the current state of research while considering the described variability. In line with this aim five research studies were conducted.
Objective: The overall objective of this thesis was, to identify current needs of patients with diabetes (publication 1), to systematically analyse the effectiveness of different diabetes prevention and care interventions (publications 2+3) and to evaluate digital diabetes prevention and care interventions (publications 4+5). Material und Method: To analyse current needs of patients with diabetes, three substudies were conducted in the beginning (publication 1). They consisted of a standardised survey of experts to analyse existing chronic care programs, an expert workshop to identify patientsâ needs and an online survey to prioritise the categorised needs dimensions seen from the perspective of patients and health care providers. Two literature overviews were performed to analyse the best available evidence in diabetes prevention and care. An umbrella review analysed the available evidence to identify effective interventions of blood sugar regulation on cardiovascular risk (publication 2). Study quality was assessed using OQAQ (Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire). Afterwards, a literature overview aimed to identify effective measures of population-based prevention and communication strategies to provide recommendations for policy makers on how to prevent diabetes in different age groups and settings (publication 3). In a next step, digital diabetes prevention and care interventions were summarised. To evaluate digital health interventions with more than one active function, a study protocol was developed. It describes the evaluation of a hypothetical gamification-based smartphone application for weight loss in overweight and obese adolescents (publication 4). As a last step, an umbrella review (publication 5) systematically analysed the effectiveness of telemedicine interventions in diabetes, dyslipidaemia and hypertension. Potentially relevant records had to analyse the effectiveness of telemedicine on clinical outcomes under real-life conditions in patients with one of the defined target diseases using either a systematic review or meta-analysis based on RCTs. Results of meta-analyses and their subgroup analyses were used to identify effective components or other characteristics (e.g. intensity or frequency of feedback). Overall certainty of outcomes was assessed using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) tool. Results and Implications: The standardised survey on current care models indicated that a lack of national guidelines, cost-ineffective and non-individualised health care as well as long waiting periods were criticised. Education of patients, communication within the team and with the patient, prevention and health promotion as well as the accessibility of services were significantly more important to patients when compared to health care providers. The identified differences in priorities support the early assessment of these preferences. The umbrella review on the potential of blood sugar regulation for the reduction of cardiovascular risk identified 44 records which were of good quality (OQAQ-median = 17). The results suggest that pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions have the potential to improve cardiovascular outcomes. When deciding for a certain intervention as well as its intensity, baseline blood pressure and cardiovascular risks of the patient should be considered. Guidelines on cardiovascular prevention should take into account pathophysiological mechanisms as well as individual lifestyle interventions. While effective measures for individual level prevention including physical activity and diet programs were found, available evidence for population-based intervention was scarce and insufficient. The literature overview conducted afterwards identified evidence-based interventions for population-based prevention, including taxation of unhealthy products and specific prevention strategies in certain settings (e.g. kindergartens, schools). These strategies may contribute to the development of policies and governmental regulations for the prevention of diabetes in different age groups and settings. To evaluate a digital mobile health intervention consisting of more than one component, a study protocol for a single-centre, two-arm, triple-blinded, randomised controlled trial following the CONSORT recommendations was developed. The intervention consists of a smartphone application that provides both tracking and gamification elements for lifestyle change. The control group uses an identically designed application, which solely features the tracking of health information. It appears favourable to use RCTs for proof of concept assessments, to evaluate the effectiveness of an app or specific components in controlled settings. The fifth publication of this thesis shows that telemedicine may lead to significant and clinically relevant reductions of HbA1c (†-0,5 %) in patients with T2D. The identified reduction rates are comparable to those of non-pharmacological and even some pharmacological interventions. Extracted subgroup analyses showed that certain population and intervention characteristics seem to be associated with improved clinical benefits. This applies to interventions with a rather short duration ( 8,0 %) were identified as population characteristics favourable for clinically relevant improvements of HbA1c. In addition to the characteristics, future updates of guidelines should carefully consider the low levels of certainty as indicated by the low GRADE results. The present thesis provides a systematic overview of effective measures in diabetes prevention and care. Overall, there is a potential for the early and structured assessment of patientsâ preferences. The systematisation and appraisal of the best available evidence on the effectiveness of telemedicine in patients with diabetes and associated comorbidities revealed areas for the update of present guidelines. There is a need for methodologically robust studies on the effectiveness of telemedicine in specific populations and in consideration of combined digital health components. The results and identified research needs have the potential to motivate future studies.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I
AbkĂŒrzungsverzeichnis III
Abbildungsverzeichnis VI
Tabellenverzeichnis VII
Liste der entstandenen Publikationen VIII
1 EinfĂŒhrung in die Thematik 1
1.1 Diabetes 1
1.1.1 Epidemiologie 1
1.1.2 Krankheitstypen, Krankheitsstadien und Begleiterkrankungen 2
1.1.3 DiabetesprÀvention 5
1.1.4 Diabetesversorgung 6
1.2 Evidenzbasierte Medizin 9
1.3 Digitalisierung 14
1.4 Stand der Forschung 15
1.4.1 UnterstĂŒtzungs- und Versorgungsprobleme 15
1.4.2 Individuelle und populationsbasierte MaĂnahmen zur DiabetesprĂ€vention 16
1.4.3 Herausforderungen digitaler DiabetesprÀvention und -versorgung 22
1.5 Zieldefinition und Fragestellung 25
2 Thematischer Zusammenhang und MethodenĂŒberblick 26
3 Individualising Chronic Care Management by Analysing Patientsâ Needs â A Mixed Method Approach 28
4 Blood Sugar Regulation for Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 31
5 What should governments be doing to prevent diabetes throughout the life course? 34
6 Efficacy of gamification-based smartphone application for weight loss in overweight and obese adolescents: study protocol for a phase II randomized controlled trial 36
7 Mapping the Evidence on the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Interventions in Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, and Hypertension: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 38
8 Diskussion und Ausblick 41
8.1 Einordnung der Ergebnisse 41
8.2 Limitationen und Methodenkritik 49
8.3 Wissenschaftliche Kontribution und Ausblick 50
9 Schlussfolgerung 51
10 Zusammenfassung 53
11 Summary 57
12 Literaturverzeichnis 60
13 Anhang 110
13.1 Wissenschaftliche Kontribution der Publikationen 110
13.2 Details zu Publikationen als Erstautor 112
13.3 Volltexte der entstandenen Veröffentlichungen 117
13.4 Curriculum Vitae 198
13.5 Danksagung 199
Anlage 1 200
Anlage 2 202Hintergrund: Die HĂ€ufigkeit des Typ-2-Diabetes mellitus (T2D) sowie die Zahl von Patienten mit Begleiterkrankungen wie Hypertonie, Lipidstoffwechselstörungen und kardiovaskulĂ€ren Erkrankungen sind weltweit ansteigend. Die evidenzbasierte Medizin nutzt die beste verfĂŒgbare Evidenz aus systematischer Forschung um Entscheidungen fĂŒr die individuelle Patientenversorgung zu treffen. Die Aufarbeitung und Bewertung der Evidenz erfolgt in Versorgungsleitlinien, welche wiederum zur Verwendung wirksamer MaĂnahmen der DiabetesprĂ€vention und -versorgung in verschiedenen Altersgruppen und Settings anleiten können. Patienten mit T2D bedĂŒrfen der kontinuierlichen und individualisierten Versorgung. Sie gelten daher als ideale Patientengruppe, um digitale Versorgungsformen wie Telemedizin zu nutzen. Heterogene Patientenpopulationen, Telemedizinanwendungen und Settings erschweren jedoch die Evaluation digitaler Gesundheitsanwendungen. ZusĂ€tzlich wird durch die DiversitĂ€t der angewandten Studiendesigns ein Vergleich der Studienergebnisse, mit dem Ziel evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen zu formulieren, verkompliziert. Es fehlt daher an einer systematischen Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstands unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der geschilderten VariabilitĂ€t. Mit diesem Ziel wurden fĂŒnf Forschungsarbeiten angefertigt. Fragestellung: Ăbergeordnetes Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, bestehende UnterstĂŒtzungs- und Versorgungsprobleme von Patienten mit Diabetes zu identifizieren (Publikation 1), die Wirksamkeit verschiedener MaĂnahmen der PrĂ€vention und Versorgung des Diabetes systematisch aufzubereiten (Publikationen 2+3) und digitale DiabetesprĂ€ventions- und âversorgungsstrategien zu bewerten (Publikationen 4+5). Material und Methode: Mit dem Ziel, bestehende UnterstĂŒtzungs- und Versorgungsprobleme von Patienten mit Diabetes zu analysieren, wurden zu Beginn drei Teilstudien durchgefĂŒhrt (Publikation 1). Diese beinhalteten eine standardisierte Expertenbefragung zu bestehenden Versorgungsmodellen, einen Workshop zur Identifikation von Versorgungs- und UnterstĂŒtzungsproblemen und die DurchfĂŒhrung einer mehrsprachigen Online-Befragung zur Priorisierung der kategorisierten Problembereiche aus Sicht der Patienten und Leistungserbringer. Zur Analyse der besten verfĂŒgbaren Evidenz zur DiabetesprĂ€vention und âversorgung wurden zwei Ăbersichtsarbeiten durchgefĂŒhrt. Ein Umbrella Review untersuchte die verfĂŒgbare Evidenz effektiver MaĂnahmen der Blutzuckerregulation auf das kardiovaskulĂ€re Risiko (Publikation 2). Die StudienqualitĂ€t wurde durch OQAQ (Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire) bewertet. Im Anschluss hatte eine LiteraturĂŒbersicht das Ziel, wirksame MaĂnahmen der VerhĂ€ltnisprĂ€vention sowie Kommunikations-strategien zu identifizieren, um Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten, wie politische EntscheidungstrĂ€ger in verschiedenen Altersgruppen und Settings Diabetes verhindern können (Publikation 3). In einem nĂ€chsten Schritt wurden AnsĂ€tze der digitalen DiabetesprĂ€vention und âversorgung aufgearbeitet. Zur Evaluation von digitalen Interventionen mit mehr als einer aktiven Funktion wurde ein Studienprotokoll entwickelt. Dieses beschreibt die Evaluation einer (hypothetischen) spielbasierten mobilen Applikation zur Gewichtsreduzierung bei ĂŒbergewichtigen und adipösen Jugendlichen (Publikation 4). Im letzten Schritt wurde ein Umbrella Review (Publikation 5) durchgefĂŒhrt, um die Wirksamkeit von Telemedizin bei Patienten mit Diabetes, Lipidstoffwechselstörungen und Hypertonie systematisch zu erheben. Potentiell relevante Forschungsarbeiten mussten die Wirksamkeit (effectiveness) von Telemedizin auf klinische Outcomeparameter unter realweltlichen Bedingungen bei mindestens einer der definierten Erkrankungen in Form von systematischen Ăbersichtsarbeiten und Meta-Analysen auf Basis von RCTs untersucht haben. Ergebnisse von Meta-Analysen und deren Subgruppenanalysen wurden herangezogen, um effektive Funktionen oder andere Charakteristika (z.B. IntensitĂ€t oder HĂ€ufigkeit von Feedback) zu identifizieren. Um das Vertrauen in den EffektschĂ€tzer der Subgruppenanalysen zu bewerten, wurde das GRADE-Schema (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) angewandt. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen: Die standardisierte Befragung zu verfĂŒgbaren Versorgungsmodellen von Patienten mit Diabetes ergab, dass das Fehlen nationaler Versorgungsleitlinien, nicht kosteneffektive und nicht-individualisierte Versorgung sowie lange Wartezeiten hĂ€ufig bemĂ€ngelt wurden. FĂŒr die befragten Patienten waren im Vergleich zu den befragten Leistungserbringern die Patientenschulung, Kommunikation im Behandlungsteam und mit dem Patienten, die PrĂ€vention und Gesundheitsförderung, sowie die VerfĂŒgbarkeit der Versorgungsdienstleistungen signifikant wichtiger. Die identifizierten unterschiedlichen PrioritĂ€ten zwischen den an der Versorgung beteiligten Akteuren legen nahe, diese PrĂ€ferenzen frĂŒhzeitig zu erfassen. Der Umbrella Review zum Potential der Blutzuckerregulation fĂŒr Verbesserungen kardiovaskulĂ€rer Risiken identifizierte 44 Ăbersichtsarbeiten mit mehrheitlich guter QualitĂ€t (OQAQ-Median = 17). Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung unterschiedlicher Endpunkte legen die Erkenntnisse nahe, dass sowohl pharmakologische als auch nicht-pharmakologische Interventionen kardiovaskulĂ€re Endpunkte verbessern können. Die Entscheidung fĂŒr eine Intervention und ihre IntensitĂ€t sollte neben dem Blutdruck auch das bestehende kardiovaskulĂ€re Risiko zu Beginn der Behandlung berĂŒcksichtigen. Leitlinien im Bereich der kardiovaskulĂ€ren PrĂ€vention sollten sowohl pathophysiologische Mechanismen als auch individuelle verhaltensorientierte PrĂ€ventionsmaĂnahmen einbeziehen. WĂ€hrend im Bereich der VerhaltensprĂ€vention wirksame Strategien, wie die Steigerung der körperlichen AktivitĂ€t und die Anpassung der ErnĂ€hrungsgewohnheiten, identifiziert wurden, war die verfĂŒgbare Evidenz von populationsbasierten MaĂnahmen der VerhĂ€ltnisprĂ€vention im durchgefĂŒhrten Umbrella Review begrenzt und nicht belastbar. Die im Anschluss durchgefĂŒhrte LiteraturĂŒbersicht konnte jedoch belastbare Evidenz zur VerhĂ€ltnisprĂ€vention, wie die Besteuerung ungesunder Nahrungsmittel und spezifische PrĂ€ventionsmaĂnahmen in Settings (z.B. Kindergarten, Schule etc.), identifizieren. Diese AnsĂ€tze können dazu beitragen, regulatorische MaĂnahmen zur DiabetesprĂ€vention in verschiedenen Altersgruppen und Settings zu entwickeln. Zur Evaluation einer mobilen digitalen Gesundheitsanwendung mit mehreren Funktionen wurde ein CONSORT-konformes Studienprotokoll fĂŒr eine monozentrische, zweiarmige, dreifach verblindete, randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie entwickelt. Die Intervention bestand aus einer Smartphone-Applikation, die âTrackingâ und spielerische Anregungen zur LebensstilĂ€nderung verbindet. Die Kontrollgruppe erhielt eine Smartphone-Applikation mit identischem Design, die jedoch ausschlieĂlich Tracking von Gesundheitsinformationen anbietet. Im Rahmen des frĂŒhen Wirksamkeitsnachweises scheinen RCTs hilfreich, um die Wirksamkeit einer App bzw. ausgewĂ€hlter Funktionen klinisch kontrolliert zu testen. Die fĂŒnfte Publikation der vorliegenden Dissertation zeigt, dass Telemedizin den HbA1c bei Patienten mit T2D klinisch relevant (†-0,5 %) reduzieren kann. Die identifizierten Reduktionsraten sind mit jenen von etablierten lebensstilmodifizierenden und selbst einigen pharmakologischen Interventionen vergleichbar. Extrahierte Subgruppenanalysen legen nahe, dass bestimmte Populations- und Interventionscharakteristika mit einer gesteigerten Wirksamkeit assoziiert sind. Hierzu gehören Interventionen mit relativ kurzer Dauer ( 8,0 %) wurden als Patientencharakteristika identifiziert, bei denen Telemedizin zu klinisch relevanten und signifikanten Verbesserungen des HbA1c fĂŒhrte. Neben diesen Charakteristika sollten zukĂŒnftige Leitlinienupdates das geringe Vertrauen in die EffektschĂ€tzer, in Form der schlechten GRADE Bewertungen, berĂŒcksichtigen. Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation liefert einen Beitrag zur systematischen Ăbersicht ĂŒber wirksame AnsĂ€tze der DiabetesprĂ€vention und âversorgung. In der Gesamtschau zeigt sich ein Potential fĂŒr die frĂŒhzeitige und strukturierte BerĂŒcksichtigung von PatientenprĂ€ferenzen. Durch die Aufbereitung und methodische Bewertung der verfĂŒgbaren Evidenz zur Wirksamkeit von Telemedizin bei Diabetes und assoziierten Begleiterkrankungen wurden AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die gezielte Aktualisierung bestehender Leitlinien identifiziert. Es besteht ein Bedarf fĂŒr methodisch robuste Studien zur Wirksamkeit von Telemedizin in spezifischen Populationen und unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Kombination digitaler Interventionsfunktionen. Die Ergebnisse und identifizierten Forschungsbedarfe haben das Potential, zukĂŒnftige Studien zu motivieren.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I
AbkĂŒrzungsverzeichnis III
Abbildungsverzeichnis VI
Tabellenverzeichnis VII
Liste der entstandenen Publikationen VIII
1 EinfĂŒhrung in die Thematik 1
1.1 Diabetes 1
1.1.1 Epidemiologie 1
1.1.2 Krankheitstypen, Krankheitsstadien und Begleiterkrankungen 2
1.1.3 DiabetesprÀvention 5
1.1.4 Diabetesversorgung 6
1.2 Evidenzbasierte Medizin 9
1.3 Digitalisierung 14
1.4 Stand der Forschung 15
1.4.1 UnterstĂŒtzungs- und Versorgungsprobleme 15
1.4.2 Individuelle und populationsbasierte MaĂnahmen zur DiabetesprĂ€vention 16
1.4.3 Herausforderungen digitaler DiabetesprÀvention und -versorgung 22
1.5 Zieldefinition und Fragestellung 25
2 Thematischer Zusammenhang und MethodenĂŒberblick 26
3 Individualising Chronic Care Management by Analysing Patientsâ Needs â A Mixed Method Approach 28
4 Blood Sugar Regulation for Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 31
5 What should governments be doing to prevent diabetes throughout the life course? 34
6 Efficacy of gamification-based smartphone application for weight loss in overweight and obese adolescents: study protocol for a phase II randomized controlled trial 36
7 Mapping the Evidence on the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Interventions in Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, and Hypertension: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 38
8 Diskussion und Ausblick 41
8.1 Einordnung der Ergebnisse 41
8.2 Limitationen und Methodenkritik 49
8.3 Wissenschaftliche Kontribution und Ausblick 50
9 Schlussfolgerung 51
10 Zusammenfassung 53
11 Summary 57
12 Literaturverzeichnis 60
13 Anhang 110
13.1 Wissenschaftliche Kontribution der Publikationen 110
13.2 Details zu Publikationen als Erstautor 112
13.3 Volltexte der entstandenen Veröffentlichungen 117
13.4 Curriculum Vitae 198
13.5 Danksagung 199
Anlage 1 200
Anlage 2 20
Individualising Chronic Care Management by Analysing Patientsâ Needs â A Mixed Method Approach
Background: Modern health systems are increasingly faced with the challenge to provide effective, affordable and accessible health care for people with chronic conditions. As evidence on the specific unmet needs and their impact on health outcomes is limited, practical research is needed to tailor chronic care to individual needs of patients with diabetes. Qualitative approaches to describe professional and informal caregiving will support understanding the complexity of chronic care. Results are intended to provide practical recommendations to be used for systematic implementation of sustainable chronic care models.
Method: A mixed method study was conducted. A standardised survey (n = 92) of experts in chronic care using mail responses to open-ended questions was conducted to analyse existing chronic care programs focusing on effective, problematic and missing components. An expert workshop (n = 22) of professionals and scientists of a European funded research project MANAGE CARE was used to define a limited number of unmet needs and priorities of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and comorbidities. This list was validated and ranked using a multilingual online survey (n = 650). Participants of the online survey included patients, health care professionals and other stakeholders from 56 countries.
Results: The survey indicated that current care models need to be improved in terms of financial support, case management and the consideration of social care. The expert workshop identified 150 patient needs which were summarised in 13 needs dimensions. The online survey of these pre-defined dimensions revealed that financial issues, education of both patients and professionals, availability of services as well as health promotion are the most important unmet needs for both patients and professionals.
Conclusion: The study uncovered competing demands which are not limited to medical conditions. The findings emphasise that future care models need to focus stronger on individual patient needs and promote their active involvement in co-design and implementation. Future research is needed to develop new chronic care models providing evidence-based and practical implications for the regional care setting
Versorgungssituation von Parkinson-Patienten in Sachsen: Eine sekundÀrdatenbasierte Analyse der Inanspruchnahme im Beobachtungszeitraum 2011 bis 2019
Als Bundesland mit dem höchsten Altersdurchschnitt in Deutschland und besonderen Strukturmerkmalen lĂ€ndlich geprĂ€gter Gebiete sind die Folgen des demographischen Wandels bereits heute in Sachsen spĂŒrbar. Um die medizinische Versorgung von Parkinson-Patienten zu verbessern, bedarf es einer Status-quo-Analyse der aktuellen Versorgungspraxis.
Ziel der Arbeit (Fragestellung)
Inwieweit unterscheidet sich die Inanspruchnahme der medizinischen Leistungserbringung von Parkinson-Patienten im Vergleich von stÀdtisch und lÀndlich geprÀgten Gebieten sowie im Vergleich von Parkinson-Patienten mit und ohne Neurologenkontakt im Beobachtungszeitraum von 2011 bis 2019?
Material und Methoden
Die Kohortenstudie basiert auf umfangreichen Routinedaten der Krankenkasse AOK PLUS der Jahre 2010 bis 2019 fĂŒr Sachsen. Untersucht wurde eine Kohorte von insgesamt 15.744 Parkinson-Patienten (nâŻ=â67.448 Patientenjahre) und eine gematchte Vergleichskohorte (nâŻ=â674.480 Patientenjahre; Kriterien: Geburtsjahr, Geschlecht, Versicherungsjahr, Wohnsitz Stadt/Land) ohne ICD-10-Kodierung einer Bewegungsstörung.
Insgesamt war eine kontinuierliche Zunahme der Anzahl der Erkrankten in der dynamischen Kohorte von 2011 (nâŻ=â6829) bis 2019 (nâŻ=â8254) zu beobachten. Stadt-Land-Unterschiede zeigten sich insbesondere in der geringeren (Mitâ)Behandlung durch niedergelassene Neurologen in lĂ€ndlich geprĂ€gten Gebieten. Parkinson-Patienten hatten ein 3,5- bzw. 4âfach erhöhtes Risiko zu versterben im Vergleich zu Versicherten der Vergleichskohorte. VerĂ€nderungen der medikamentösen Parkinson-Therapie (Zunahme COMT- und MAO-Inhibitoren) sowie der Heilmittelerbringung (Zunahme Ergotherapie und LogopĂ€die) ĂŒber die Beobachtungszeit zeigten sich primĂ€r bei Parkinson-Patienten mit Neurologenkontakt.
In der Studie konnten eine erhöhte MorbiditĂ€t und MortalitĂ€t bei Parkinson-Patienten identifiziert werden, die sich als Ziel fĂŒr innovative Versorgungskonzepte eignen. Die zunehmende Zahl an Patienten und die beschriebenen Unterschiede dokumentieren hierfĂŒr den Bedarf. Gleichzeitig zeigen die VerĂ€nderungen in der Verordnungspraxis, dass innovative Therapien von niedergelassenen Neurologen eingesetzt werden.Background
The consequences of demographic change are already noticeable in Saxony, the federal state with the highest average age in Germany and predominantly rural areas. In order to improve medical care for patients with Parkinsonâs disease (PwP), a status quo analysis of current care practice is required.
To what extent does the utilization of medical services by PwP differ a) between urban and rural areas in Saxony and b) between PwP with and without neurologist contact in the observation period from 2011 to 2019?
Material and methods
The cohort study was based on extensive routine data for Saxony from the health insurance company AOK PLUS from 2010 to 2019. A cohort of 15,744 PwP (nâŻ=â67,448 patient-years) was compared to a matched cohort (nâŻ=â674,480 patient-years; criteria: year of birth, gender, year of insurance, place of residence: urban/rural) without an ICD-10 coding of a movement disorder.
Overall, there was a steady increase in the number of PwP in the dynamic cohort from 2011 (nâŻ=â6829) to 2019 (nâŻ=â8254). Urban-rural differences included a smaller proportion of patients being seen by a neurologist in rural areas. The PwP had a 3.5 to 4âfold higher risk of dying compared to those in the comparison cohort. Changes in drug therapy for Parkinsonâs disease (i.e., increases in COMT and MAO inhibitors) and in remedy delivery (i.e., increases in occupational therapy and speech therapy) over the observation period were primarily seen in PwP who were seen by a neurologist.
The study identified increased morbidity and mortality in PwP who are suitable targets for innovative care concepts. The increasing number of patients and the described differences document the need for this. At the same time, changes in prescription practice show that innovative forms of treatment are being used by neurologists in outpatient care
Cross-sectional associations between mothers and childrenâs breakfast routine : the Feel4Diabetes study
Positive influences of family members have been associated with a high probability of children's daily breakfast consumption. Therefore, the aim of this study was to scrutinize the association of breakfast routines between mothers and their children. The baseline data of the Feel4Diabetes-study was obtained in 9760 children (49.05% boys)-mother pairs in six European countries. A parental self-reported questionnaire gauging the frequency of breakfast consumption and of breakfast ' foods and beverages consumption was used. Agreement in routines of mothers and their children's breakfast consumption was analyzed in sex-specific crosstabs. The relationship of breakfast routine and food groups' consumption between mothers and their children was assessed with analysis of covariance. The highest proportion of children who always consumed breakfast were those whose mothers always consumed it. Children consuming breakfast regularly had a higher intake of milk or unsweetened dairy products and all kind of cereal products (low fiber and whole-grain) than occasional breakfast consumers (p < 0.05). The strong similarity between mothers and children suggests a transfer of breakfast routine from mothers to their children, as a high proportion of children who usually consume breakfast were from mothers also consuming breakfast. All breakfast foods and beverages consumption frequencies were similar between children and their mothers
Longitudinal Associations between Food Parenting Practices and Dietary Intake in Children: The Feel4Diabetes Study
Food parenting practices (FPPs) have an important role in shaping childrenâs dietary behaviors. This study aimed to investigate cross-sectional and longitudinal associations over a twoyear follow-up between FPP and dietary intake and compliance with current recommendations in
6- to 11-year-old European children. A total of 2967 parent-child dyads from the Feel4Diabetes
study, a randomized controlled trial of a school and community-based intervention, (50.4% girls
and 93.5% mothers) were included. FPPs assessed were: (1) home food availability; (2) parental role
modeling of fruit intake; (3) permissiveness; (4) using food as a reward. Childrenâs dietary intake
was assessed through a parent-reported food frequency questionnaire. In regression analyses, the
strongest cross-sectional associations were observed between home availability of 100% fruit juice
and corresponding intake (ÎČ = 0.492 in girls and ÎČ = 0.506 in boys, p < 0.001), and between parental
role modeling of fruit intake and childrenâs fruit intake (ÎČ = 0.431 in girls and ÎČ = 0.448 in boys, p <
0.001). In multilevel logistic regression models, results indicated that improvements in positive FPPs over time were mainly associated with higher odds of compliance with healthy food recommendations, whereas a decrease in negative FPP over time was associated with higher odds of complying
with energy-dense/nutrient-poor food recommendations. Improving FPPs could be an effective way
to improve childrenâs dietary intake.European Unionâs Horizon 2020AragĂłnâs Regional Government (DiputaciĂłn General de AragĂłn, DGA
Accuracy of 1-Hour Plasma Glucose During the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults : A Meta-analysis
OBJECTIVE One-hour plasma glucose (1-h PG) during the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is an accurate predictor of type 2 diabetes. We performed a meta-analysis to determine the optimum cutoff of 1-h PG for detection of type 2 diabetes using 2-h PG as the gold standard. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We included 15 studies with 35,551 participants from multiple ethnic groups (53.8% Caucasian) and 2,705 newly detected cases of diabetes based on 2-h PG during OGTT. We excluded cases identified only by elevated fasting plasma glucose and/or HbA(1c). We determined the optimal 1-h PG threshold and its accuracy at this cutoff for detection of diabetes (2-h PG >= 11.1 mmol/L) using a mixed linear effects regression model with different weights to sensitivity/specificity (2/3, 1/2, and 1/3). RESULTS Three cutoffs of 1-h PG, at 10.6 mmol/L, 11.6 mmol/L, and 12.5 mmol/L, had sensitivities of 0.95, 0.92, and 0.87 and specificities of 0.86, 0.91, and 0.94 at weights 2/3, 1/2, and 1/3, respectively. The cutoff of 11.6 mmol/L (95% CI 10.6, 12.6) had a sensitivity of 0.92 (0.87, 0.95), specificity of 0.91 (0.88, 0.93), area under the curve 0.939 (95% confidence region for sensitivity at a given specificity: 0.904, 0.946), and a positive predictive value of 45%. CONCLUSIONS The 1-h PG of >= 11.6 mmol/L during OGTT has a good sensitivity and specificity for detecting type 2 diabetes. Prescreening with a diabetes-specific risk calculator to identify high-risk individuals is suggested to decrease the proportion of false-positive cases. Studies including other ethnic groups and assessing complication risk are warranted.Peer reviewe
Video-based smartphone app (âVIDEA bewegtâ) for physical activity support in German adults: a single-armed observational study
Objectives The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the video-based smartphone app âVIDEA bewegtâ over eight programme weeks on physical activity in German adults. - Design The study used a single-arm observational design, assessing the appâs effectiveness under real-life conditions. Data were collected from July 2019 to July 2020. - Setting The app is enabling users to access video-based educational content via their smartphone. A clinical visit or in-person contact was not required. Participants All individuals registered in the freely available app were invited to take part in the study. - Interventions The app aims to increase physical activity in everyday life. It combines educative videos on lifestyle-related benefits and instructional videos of strength and endurance exercises to do at home with motivational components like goal setting, documentation of progress and personalised messages. - Primary and secondary outcome measures Primary outcomes were physical activity based one MET minutes per week (metabolic equivalent) and step numbers. Secondary outcomes included physical self-efficacy (motivational, maintenance, recovery self-efficacy), health-related quality of life: Mental Health Component Summary score and Physical Health Component Summary score. - Results Of 97 people included in the data analysis, 55 successfully completed the programme and all questionnaires. Significant increases over eight programme weeks (between T0 and T2) were observed in physical activity based on MET minutes per week, health-related quality of life, and recovery self-efficacy. Time spent sitting and body mass index significantly decreased for those completing the programme. Conclusions Although significant benefits of physical activity were observed following a complete-case analysis, results should be dealt with caution. Studies with a larger and less heterogeneous sample and robust study designs able to measure causal effects would be desirable. Trial registration number DRKS00017392
Long-Term Effects of a Video-Based Smartphone App (âVIDEA Bewegtâ) to Increase the Physical Activity of German Adults: A Single-Armed Observational Follow-Up Study
As physical inactivity is one of the four leading risk factors for mortality, it should be intensively treated. Therefore, this one-year follow-up study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects of a preventive app to increase physical activity in German adults under real-life circumstances. Data collection took place from July 2019 to July 2021 and included six online questionnaires. Physical activity was studied as the primary outcome based on MET-minutes per week (metabolic equivalent). Secondary outcomes included health-related quality of life based on a mental (MCS) and physical health component summary score (PCS). At the time of publication, 46/65 participants completed the study (median 52 years, 81.5% women). A significant increase of physical activity was observed in people with a low/moderate baseline activity during the first four months of follow-up (median increase by 490 MET-minutes per week, p p = 0.006, r = 0.344) and PCS (median increase by 2.6, p 2, p < 0.001, r = 0.465). Thus, this study provides evidence for the medium-term impact of the app, since the effects decreased over time. However, due to the chosen study design and a sizeable loss to follow-up, the validity of these findings is limited
A qualitative study of usersâ experiences after 3 months: the first Rwandan diabetes self-management Smartphone application âKirâAppâ
Background: Owing to the increasing popularity of smartphones in Rwanda, almost 75% of the entire population currently has access to the internet. Although it has been shown that smartphone applications can support diabetes self-management, there was no diabetes selfmanagement application available in Rwanda until April 2019. Based on the findings of a prior study assessing the needs and expectations of potential users, âKirâAppâ was developed to fill that void. The aim of this study was to evaluate usersâ experiences after 3 months of use of the first KirâApp prototype.
Methods: The participants of the previous study were recruited to take part in the current study. Semi-structured, in-depth, face-to-face interviews were conducted. Findings were analysed thematically using Mayringâs method of qualitative content analysis. Both deductive and inductive approaches were used to analyse transcripts according to the original categories and subcategories of the previous study.
Results: A total of 14 people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes participated in the study. Age of participants ranged from 19 to 70 years, with a mean age of 34.4 years. Seven of the eight original themes and one additional theme were subjoined: diabetes education and desired information provision; increased diabetes knowledge and awareness; monitoring and reminder functions; nutrition; physical activity; coping with burden of disease; app features; use behaviour and usability. Overall, participants stated that the app increased their diabetes knowledge and assisted them with their diabetes self-management.
Conclusions: We found that the first prototype of KirâApp meets the overall needs and expectations of participating Rwandan diabetics. Having followed a strict user-centred design process, their qualitative insights will help to further improve the app