3,055 research outputs found

    Agriculturización e impactos ambientales en un área representativa de la ecorregión de las pampas, argentina.

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    Estudos prévios demonstram a existência do processo de agriculturização na ecorregião das Pampas, e o partido de Tandil constitui um exemplo desse processo. Esse trabalho compara as áreas ocupadas pelos distintos usos da terra e seus impactos ambientais na Bacia Superior do Arroio Langueyú e no Partido de Tandil, na qual ela está inserta, em três cortes temporais: 1988, 2002 e 2010. Aplicou-se uma classificação supervisada sobre imagens captadas pelo sensor TM com ajustes realizados no campo. Entre 1988 e 2002, os usos agrícolas têm aumentado significativamente na Bacia (159,5%), enquanto no Partido aumentaram 39,4%. Como conseqüência, os impactos ambientais sobre o meio natural, medidos com indicadores de sustentabilidade, foram mais intensos na Bacia do que no conjunto do Partido. Os resultados obtidos permitem colaborar no desenvolvimento de propostas de gestão ambiental tendentes à sustentabilidade agroecológica.Previous studies have shown the existence of the process of agriculturization in the Ecoregion of the Pampas, and Tandil County is a representative example of the process. This paper compares the areas occupied by different land uses and their environmental impacts in the Upper Basin of the Langueyú Creek and in Tandil County, in which the basin is located, in three points of time: 1988, 2002, and 2010. Supervised classification was applied on images captured by the sensor TM with adjustments to field. Between 1988 and 2010, agricultural uses in the Basin increased significantly (159.5%) while in the County, the agricultural areas increased 39.4%. Consequently, the environmental impacts on the environment, measured by sustainability indicators, were more intense in the Basin than in the County as a whole. The results allow collaborate in the development of environmental management proposals aimed at agroecological sustainability.Des études préalables démontrent l’existence d’un processus d’agriculturization dans l’écorégion des Pampas, et le département de Tandil constitue un exemple de ce processus. Ce travail compare des zones occupées par des différents usages de la terre et ses impacts environnementaux dans le Bassin Supérieur du Ruisseau Langueyú et dans le département de Tandil, où elle s’insère, dans trois périodes de temps: 1988, 2002 et 2010. On a appliqué une classification supervisée par des images captées avec le senseur TM et des ajustements réalisé sur le terrain. Entre 1988 et 2002, des usages agricoles ont augmenté considérablement dan le Bassin (159,5%), alors que l’augmentation dans tout le département a été de 39,4%. En conséquence, les impacts environnementaux sur le milieu naturel, mesurés avec des indicateurs de durabilité, ont été plus intenses dans le Bassin que dans la totalité du département. Les résultats obtenues permettent de collaborer dans le développement de propositions de gestion environnemental tendent à durabilité agroécologique.Estudios previos demuestran la existencia del proceso de agriculturización en la Ecorregión de las Pampas y el partido de Tandil constituye un ejemplo del proceso. Este trabajo, compara las áreas ocupadas por distintos usos de la tierra y sus impactos ambientales en la Cuenca Superior del Arroyo Langueyú y en el partido de Tandil, en el cual se haya inserta, en tres cortes temporales: 1988, 2002 y 2010. Se aplicó una clasificación supervisada sobre imágenes captadas por el sensor TM con ajustes realizados a campo. Entre 1988 y 2010, los usos agrícolas aumentaron significativamente en la Cuenca (159,5%), mientras que en el Partido 39,4%. En consecuencia, los impactos ambientales sobre el medio natural, medidos con indicadores de sustentabilidad, fueron más intensos en la Cuenca que en el Partido en su conjunto. Los resultados obtenidos permiten colaborar en el desarrollo de propuestas de gestión ambiental tendientes a la sustentabilidad agroecológica.Fil: Vazquez, Patricia Susana. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Zulaica, Maria Laura. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Three-dimensional electrode array for brain slice culture

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    Multielektroder arrays (MEA) er rækker af elektroder mest i mikrometer størrelse, som er blevet brugt i stor omfang til at stimulere og måle elektrisk aktivitet fra neuronale netværker. Brug af disse for at analysere hjerne slices (hjerneskiver) kan give indsigt i interaktioner mellem neuroner, eftersom dyrkninger af hjerneskiver in vitro beholder funktionaliteten af netværkerne i den levende hjerne. Elektroder var designet og fabrikeret med det formal at optimere MEA præstationen ved stimulering af og måling fra hjerneskiver in vitro. Meget af arbejdet beskrevet her beskæftiger sig med studiet af silicium mikrofabrikations teknikker for at opnå 3D elektroder med en høj dimensionsforhold, som er de mest egnede til at interagere med hjerneskiver. Elektroderne blev karakteriseret bade elektrisk og mekanisk for at demonstrere deres bedre egenskaber ved elektriske malinger og væv indtrægningsevne. Ved et andet sæt eksperimenter, det fabrikeret MEA system blev forsøgt integreret med et dyrkningsplatform som skal gøre længerevarende målinger mulige. Baseret på eksisterende litteratur mange forskellige platformer blev udviklet og tested med hjerneskiver. Selvom dyrkningen af væv ikke var mulig i disse systemer, eksperimenterne viser at de mikrofluidiske dele af systemet var funktionelle og det var muligt at integrere MEA systemet med ved at modificere den og lave den del af gennemstrømningsmekanismen. Til sidst en mekanisme som var I stand til at flytte elektroderne ind og ud af hjerneskiveren blev udviklet, simuleret og testet. Systemet var i stand til at flytte MEA chippen. Selvom mindre modifikationer vil være ønskelige for at forbedre bevægelsespræcisionen, integrering af denne mekanisme med MEA chippen var mulig og funktionaliteten af systemet blev påvist

    Additive synthesis by sol-gel method for its use as antimicrobial

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    The antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles makes this chemical element attractive for their incorporation in different materials. Additionally, heteropolyacids (HPAs) have advantages as catalysts which make them environmentally very interesting. The objective of this work is to incorporate in a silica matrix obtained by sol-gel an HPA together with Ag, for their use as fillers in paints or adhesives. Six samples were synthesized, using tetraethoxysilane, methyltrimethoxysilane, acetic acid, molybdophosphoric acid and silver acetate. The silicas were characterized by potentiometric titration, XRD, SEM, TEM, SBET and FT-IR. When HPA is used instead of acetic acid, a variation on the final acidity is produced. The specific surface area decreases when HPA is incorporated into the silica synthesized using tetraethoxysilane as precursor, noticing a slight increase when Ag is added because a different distribution of HPA in the matrix. By SEM, it was observed that the particle size is bigger when the silicas are synthesized with TEOS-HPA, but it still shows the characteristic morphology of bulk silica. Additionally, preliminary test to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of the solids were carried out with fungi as Chaetomium globosum and Alternaria alternate, isolated from contaminated paints, and the first results are encouraging to continue with the development of these materials.Fil: Arreche, Romina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicadas ; ArgentinaFil: Hernández, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicadas ; ArgentinaFil: Blanco, Mirta Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicadas ; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Patricia Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicadas ; Argentin

    Roles of transcriptional and translational control mechanisms in regulation of ribosomal protein synthesis in Escherichia coli

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    ABSTRACTBacterial ribosome biogenesis is tightly regulated to match nutritional conditions and to prevent formation of defective ribosomal particles. InEscherichia coli, most ribosomal protein (r-protein) synthesis is coordinated with rRNA synthesis by a translational feedback mechanism: when r-proteins exceed rRNAs, specific r-proteins bind to their own mRNAs and inhibit expression of the operon. It was recently discovered that the second messenger nucleotide guanosine tetra and pentaphosphate (ppGpp), which directly regulates rRNA promoters, is also capable of regulating many r-protein promoters. To examine the relative contributions of the translational and transcriptional control mechanisms to the regulation of r-protein synthesis, we devised a reporter system that enabled us to genetically separate thecis-acting sequences responsible for the two mechanisms and to quantify their relative contributions to regulation under the same conditions. We show that the synthesis of r-proteins from the S20 and S10 operons is regulated by ppGpp following shifts in nutritional conditions, but most of the effect of ppGpp required the 5′ region of the r-protein mRNA containing the target site for translational feedback regulation and not the promoter. These results suggest that most regulation of the S20 and S10 operons by ppGpp following nutritional shifts is indirect and occurs in response to changes in rRNA synthesis. In contrast, we found that the promoters for the S20 operon were regulated during outgrowth, likely in response to increasing nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) levels. Thus, r-protein synthesis is dynamic, with different mechanisms acting at different times.IMPORTANCEBacterial cells have evolved complex and seemingly redundant strategies to regulate many high-energy-consuming processes. InE. coli, synthesis of ribosomal components is tightly regulated with respect to nutritional conditions by mechanisms that act at both the transcription and translation steps. In this work, we conclude that NTP and ppGpp concentrations can regulate synthesis of ribosomal proteins, but most of the effect of ppGpp is indirect as a consequence of translational feedback in response to changes in rRNA levels. Our results illustrate how effects of seemingly redundant regulatory mechanisms can be separated in time and that even when multiple mechanisms act concurrently their contributions are not necessarily equivalent.</jats:p

    Agriculturización e impactos ambientales desde 1988 a la actualidad, en la cuenca superior del Arroyo Langueyú y en el partido de Tandil (Provincia de Buenos Aires)

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    En las últimas décadas, la agricultura de la región pampeana, ha experimentado una notable expansión a partir de un desarrollo tecnológico basado en cultivos transgénicos, siembra directa, incremento en el uso de fertilizantes y plaguicidas y, más recientemente, agricultura de precisión. Esto produjo una fuerte expansión de la superficie cultivada, que han sido liderados por el cultivo de soja, este proceso, denominado como “agriculturización”, ha sido definido como el uso creciente y continuo de las tierras para cultivos agrícolas en reemplazo de usos ganaderos o mixtos. Estudios previos demuestran la existencia de un alto proceso de agriculturización en el partido de Tandil, aunque otros estudios muestran que el proceso es más intenso aún en la Cuenca Superior del Arroyo Langueyú (CuSAL). Es por esto que el objetivo del presente trabajo es, comparar las áreas ocupadas por distintos usos de la tierra y sus impactos ambientales en la CuSAL y en el partido de Tandil, en el cual se haya inserta, entre los años 1988 y 2010. Se aplicó una clasificación supervisada sobre imágenes captadas por el sensor TM con ajustes realizados a campo. Entre 1988 y 2010, los usos agrícolas aumentaron significativamente en la Cuenca (109,8%), mientras que los ganaderos disminuyeron un 90,8%. Sin embargo, en el Partido, las áreas agrícolas aumentaron 23,1%, y las ganaderas disminuyeron 22,8%. En consecuencia, los impactos ambientales (contaminación de suelos y aguas, pérdidas de biodiversidad, incremento de procesos erosivos), fueron más intensos en la Cuenca que en el Partido en su conjunto. Los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar que la percepción remota, constituye una herramienta fundamental para determinar cambios en los usos de la tierra y los impactos ambientales de la agriculturización. Lo anterior, puede colaborar en el desarrollo de propuestas de gestión ambiental tendientes a la sustentabilidad agroecológica.Fil: Vazquez, Patricia Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Sociales de America Latina; ArgentinaFil: Zulaica, Maria Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; Argentin

    Three dimensional electrochemical system for neurobiological studies

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    Metallization of high aspect ratio, out of plane structures

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    Synthesis and characterization of new carrier molecule-antibiotic conjugates for its study in the diagnosis of drug allergy

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    Motivation: Quinolones represent an important category of antibiotics. Among them, fluoroquinolones (FQs) constitute the most important group. FQs present a wide range of activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacterias.Despite their tremendous benefits against bacterial infections and the fact that FQ hypersensitivity reactions are considered unusual, recently there has been an increase of the number of reported cases of hypersensitivity to FQs.There are two types of hypersensitivity reactions, namely immediate reactions, which appear within one hour of the drug intake, and delayed reactions, which appear more than one hour after the drug intake.Immediate reactions are the most frequent reactions, with symptoms like anaphylaxis or uticaria. The most common FQs are ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin and levofloxacin.The methods of diagnosis to FQ hypersensitivity are usually complex, because the clinical history is usually unreliable, skin tests cause false-positives and the drug provocation test is a very risky method.In vitro tests are being developed, but there are currently no validated commercial tests.The goal of our work is to make a new solid phase for performing immunoassays, able to be employed in the diagnosis of hypersensitivity to FQs (siprofloxacin, moxifloxacin and levofloxacin) by means of in vitro test. In these systems, the solid phase is conjugated to the drug-carrier protein adduct, which is specifically recognized and bonded by specific IgE from patients.Methods: In order to optimize the conjugation of FQs to carrier protein, the reaction was first optimized with a simple primary amine molecule, like butylamine. After optimization of the reaction in solution, the same reaction is extrapolated to the solid phase.Since ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin have two reactive groups, the conjugation was performed with both groups, which will allow us to evaluate which part of the structure is recognized by specific IgE antibodies and, therefore, is involved in the allergic proccess

    Experimental study of the ageing of building stones exposed to sulfurous and nitric acid atmospheres

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    During the last few decades, due to remediation procedures, SO2 emissions in the atmosphere have decreased, unlike NOx. Air pollution has changed. Indeed, the aim of this research is to assess the effect of NOx and their interactions with SO2 on stones, particularly on limestones used in Champagne-Ardenne (France) during the restoration processes. Three French building limestones (Courville, Dom and Savonnières) and one reconstituted stone were exposed during 28 days to four strong acid atmospheres i.e. two H2SO3 solutions with different concentrations and two mixed atmospheres with different proportions of HNO3 and H2SO3. These tests produced an intensive acid attack on the stone, allowing the observation of short-term salt precipitation and the evolution of stone properties. Each day, one sample was removed from the acid atmosphere to measure the concentration of SO4(2-) and NO3(-) by ion-chromatography. The surface changes were assessed before and after the tests by 3D scanning and observations with electron microscopy. X-ray microtomography has been performed in the Centre for X-ray Tomography (UGCT) and the Department of Geology at Ghent University (Belgium) in order to observe the penetration of salts and the consequences in stones porosity. First observations showed that exposure to acid atmosphere, led to gypsum efflorescences. Obvious colour changes occurred in all tests. Salt crystallization entailed a change in the porous system, which was evidenced by 3D, mercury porosimetry and X-ray microtomography. Difference between weathered and fresh stone was highlighted by Ion chromatography analyses