150 research outputs found

    Postpartum Thyroiditis: A Case Report

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    ABSTRACT: Background: Postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) is a thyroid dysfunctionn syndrome which is temporary or permanent that occurs 1 year after giving birth or abortion. The occurrence of postpartum thyroiditis is 5 – 10% of postpartum women in the world. It is caused by an inflammation of the thyroid gland which leads to a destruction of the thyroid follicle and proteolysis of thyroglobulin. Case presentation: A woman, 31 years old, was admitted to the hospital complaining an enlargement on her neck. The patient said her the enlargement keeps getting larger and she also complained a feeling of something stuck in the throat. The patient also complained a hoarse voice. The patient has just given birth of her second child 5 months ago. From a hematologic examination, radiologic, and blood culture, the patient was diagnosed with Postpartum Thyroiditis. The patient was given Euthyrox therapy and will undergo repeated evaluation after 1 months of the therapy. Conclusion: We reported a case of Postpartum Thyroiditis that was treated comprehensively, and showed a good prognosis. &nbsp


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    The use of learning media, especially digital teaching materials for water cycle material in class V, is less than optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to develop digital flipbook-based water cycle teaching materials. This study aims to determine that digital flipbook-based water cycle teaching materials in grade V elementary schools have met the criteria of validity and practicality. Criteria for validity are carried out by material experts, media experts and linguists. While practicality is done by the response of students through a questionnaire sheet. This research uses the R&D method with the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely analyzie, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research was conducted at SD Negeri 95 Palembang. The results of validation by validators obtained an average score of 85.46% with a very valid category. The results of the practicality of the learner response questionnaire were in the very practical category with an average value of 83.25%. From the results of these data it can be concluded that the development of digital flipbook-based water cycle teaching materials in grade V elementary schools is categorized as very valid and very practical so it is feasible to use in achieving learning objectives at school


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    Introduction: Plasmodium knowlesi is a malaria agent that initially only infected monkeys, Macaca fascicularis and Macaca nemestrina. P. knowlesi has developed to infect zoonotically by transmitting from animals to humans by the female Anopheles vector. Since the first endemic incidence of knowlesi malaria in 2004 in Sarawak, Malaysia, the number of its infection cases has expanded to almost all regions in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. The P. knowlesi infection cases increase results from complex interactions between humans, agents, and environment. Individual and environmental factors are risk factors for knowlesi malaria. The life cycle of P. knowlesi is concise and tends to infect all erythrocyte types along with other Plasmodium species. The P. knowlesi morphology and clinical features are very similar to the other Plasmodium species, making them difficult to differentiate and contributing to the increase in infection cases. Presently, the knowlesi malaria molecular PCR diagnosis technique is the most accurate method. Immediate treatment is needed to prevent severe malaria and death. Objective: This article aims to study epidemiology, risk factors, life cycle, morphology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and the latest management of knowlesi malaria cases, especially in Indonesia. Method: Writing articles used a literature review method from various literature on knowlesi malaria. Discussion: Knowledge of epidemiology, risk factors, life cycle, morphology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and management of malaria cases can add information to the development of research on the distribution and control of knowlesi malaria. This article can help accelerate the target of malaria elimination in Indonesia by 2030.Pendahuluan: Plasmodium knowlesi merupakan agen malaria yang mulanya hanya menginfeksi kera, yakni kera ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) dan kera ekor babi (Macaca nemestrina). P. knowlesi  telah berkembang untuk menginfeksi secara zoonotik, yaitu ditransmisikan dari hewan kepada manusia oleh vektor nyamuk Anopheles betina. Sejak kejadian endemik malaria knowlesi pertama pada tahun 2004 di Serawak, Malaysia, jumlah kasus infeksi P. knowlesi meluas dan meningkat hingga hampir ke seluruh wilayah di Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia. Peningkatan kasus infeksi P. knowlesi merupakan hasil interaksi yang kompleks antara manusia, agen, dan lingkungan. Faktor individu dan lingkungan merupakan faktor risiko malaria knowlesi. Siklus hidup P. knowlesi sangat singkat dan cenderung menginfeksi semua jenis eritrosit bersama dengan spesies Plasmodium lainnya (infeksi campuran). Morfologi dan gejala klinis P. knowlesi sangat mirip dengan spesies Plasmodium lain, membuatnya sulit didiferensiasi dan turut memengaruhi peningkatan kasus infeksi. Diagnosis malaria knowlesi dengan teknik molekuler PCR merupakan metode yang paling akurat saat ini. Pengobatan terhadap malaria knowlesi harus segera dilakukan untuk mencegah progresivitas menjadi malaria berat hingga kematian. Tujuan: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari epidemiologi, faktor risiko, siklus hidup, morfologi, gejala klinis, diagnosis dan tatalaksana terbaru terhadap kasus malaria knowlesi, terutama di Indonesia. Metode: Penulisan artikel menggunakan metode tinjauan pustaka dari berbagai literatur mengenai malaria knowlesi.     Diskusi: Pengetahuan akan epidemiologi, faktor risiko, siklus hidup, morfologi, gejala klinis, diagnosis, dan tatalaksana terhadap kasus malaria knowlesi dapat menambah informasi untuk perkembangan penelitian terhadap distribusi dan pengendalian kasus malaria knowlesi. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat membantu mempercepat target eliminasi malaria di Indonesia pada tahun 2030. Kata Kunci: Infeksi, malaria knowlesi, manusia, Plasmodium knowles


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    The use of learning media, especially digital teaching materials for water cycle material in class V, is less than optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to develop digital flipbook-based water cycle teaching materials. This study aims to determine that digital flipbook-based water cycle teaching materials in grade V elementary schools have met the criteria of validity and practicality. Criteria for validity are carried out by material experts, media experts and linguists. While practicality is done by the response of students through a questionnaire sheet. This research uses the R&D method with the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely analyzie, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research was conducted at SD Negeri 95 Palembang. The results of validation by validators obtained an average score of 85.46% with a very valid category. The results of the practicality of the learner response questionnaire were in the very practical category with an average value of 83.25%. From the results of these data it can be concluded that the development of digital flipbook-based water cycle teaching materials in grade V elementary schools is categorized as very valid and very practical so it is feasible to use in achieving learning objectives at school

    Development of Problem Solving-Based Modules Assisted by Tracker Software to Improve Students' Problem-Solving Skills in High School

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    This study aims to 1) produce problem solving-based modules assisted by software tracker to improve valid problem-solving abilities; 2) produce problem solving based modules assisted by tracking software to improve practical problem solving skills; 3) find out the potential effects of problem solving-based modules assisted by tracker software to improve students’ problem solving skills. This study used research and development (RD) methods which refer to the ADDIE development procedure. includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. One of the ADDIE's stages is modifying the development stage using Tessmer's evaluation. If it consists of self-evaluation, expert review, one to one, and small group. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires/questions. The research subjects were class X IPA students at SMA Negeri 3 Sungai Lilin. Based on the analysis, the data is stated to be valid, practical and has the potential to influence students. The results obtained 1) The expert review stage showed the average value from the three experts, namely 91.11% for material aspects, 93.33% for media aspects, and 81.11% for language aspects. 2) The one-to-one stage has a percentage value of 84.44 % which is categorized as practical. 3) The small group students’ response questionnaire has a score percentage of 87.778% which is categorized as practical. and 4) the field test stage shows an average value of 44 .2563 in the pretest and 83.9063 in the post-test. Therefore, it can be concluded that the problem solving-based module assisted by tracker software can be stated as valid, practical, and effective to improve students’ problem-solving skills

    The Camden African-American Heritage Project

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    This report is divided into six sections that present a history of African Americans in Camden, South Carolina from the perspective of historic preservation. The first three sections constitute the historical narrative, organized into three general time periods: the colonial period through the Civil War, emancipation and Reconstruction through the civil rights movement, and a short section on the recent past since about 1970. Within each of these sections, the report assesses political participation, economic life, the impact of war, education, religion, and the built environment. Section four offers a set of recommendations for how the information in this report can be used to encourage public education about black Camden and preservation of the city‘s African-American historic resources. The primary and secondary sources consulted in this study are listed in the bibliography in section five. The appendix in section six contains a map and database of black Camden in 1941, based on the treasure trove of information in the city directory of that year.https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/pubhist_books/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Gesto de amor, não como ato subversivo

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    Continuamos nossa série de publicações de entrevistas com poetas italianos. Após a conversa dom Fabio Pusterla, seguimos com as palavras de Fabio Franzin. Poeta do interior do Vêneto, escreve tanto no dialeto de sua região (opitergino-mottense) quanto em italiano. Suas coletâneas, que ainda não possuem uma tradução no Brasil, se desenvolvem a partir de alguns temas fundamentais; como o trabalho nas fábricas, a relação entre homem e paisagem, a relação entre os homens, e entre palavra e realidade. A escolha do dialeto, nesse sentido, se dá não como um instrumento de exclusão, de quem não pertence aquele determinado grupo humano e geográfico, mas porque, aos olhos do poeta, é uma língua que, maiormente, conserva uma relação com as coisas, com o trabalho nos campos, com as tradições e a identidade de uma comunidade. Língua que, por sua vez, é vivificada pelos novos falantes que, misturando sua própria cultura e tradição linguística com o dialeto, contribuem para lhe dar nova linfa e nova força. a entrevista se encontra disponível na integra em italiano na revista Mosaico de maio de 2016, e na antologia Vozes: cinco décadas de poesia italiana, organizada por Patricia Peterle e Elena Santi. Publicamos aqui em trecho em que o poeta expressa suas palavra, poesia, língua

    A palavra é sempre um objeto: entrevista com Valentino Zeichen

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    Valentino Zeichen (1938-2016) é uma figura bastante peculiar no panorama italiano da poesia contemporânea. Uma voz profundamente crítica e irônica, um olhar que sabe se adentrar nas entranhas do quotidiano e da sociedade, uma ironia profunda e sagaz, instrumento principal para tecer sua crítica. A paixão para a poesia do século XVII, a leitura dos poetas clássicos, principalmente dos satíricos, a capacidade de se inserir no mundo permanecendo, de certa forma, afastado. Essas são apenas algumas das caraterísticas da voz poética de Zeichen. O temperamento iconoclasta se mistura a um grande rigor no uso da palavra, pensada, buscada, na sua materialidade. O olhar para a história e para os fatos humanos revela a grande sensibilidade e capacidade de leitura dos acontecimentos e das relações, com suas contradições. Seu trabalho em poesia se iniciou em 1974 com a publicação da coletânea Area di rigore, até chegar, em 2010 à publicação de um livro de aforismos Aforismi d'autunno (2010). A partir dos anos 2000 publicou diversos livros em prosa, o último é La sumera (2015). Zeichen faleceu no dia 5 de julho de 2016, em Roma, pouco tempo depois da entrevista para o livro Vozes: cinco décadas de poesia italiana (2017), publicado pela Editora Comunità, organizado por Patricia Peterle e Elena Santi, sem poder ver a publicação do volume. Aqui vai nossa homenagem, agradecendo pelo privilégio que foi ter essa conversa tão sincera e direta com ele

    A poesia tem a função de levar a comunicação ao seu limite último: Entrevista com Valerio Magrelli

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    Dando continuidade às publicações dos trechos de entrevistas com poetas italianos, publicadas no volume Vozes: cinco décadas de poesia italiana[1], que saiu em 2017 pela Editora Comunità e organizado por Patricia Peterle e Elena Santi, propomos hoje algumas reflexões a partir das afirmações de Valerio Magrelli (1957). Figura central no panorama literário italiano contemporâneo, Magrelli trabalha na encruzilhada entre escrita poética, ensaio, e tradução, além disso, é professor de literatura francesa. A escrita do outro é fundamental para Magrelli: em 1993 assumiu a direção da coleção da editora Einaudi Scrittori tradotti da scrittori [Escritores traduzidos porr escritores] e, em 1996, ganhou o importante prêmio de tradução da República Italiana. Sua estreia poética se dá em 1980 com a coletânea Ora serrata retinae, sua produção a partir de então é longa e complexa

    Nas palavras sobrevive ... um rastro do passado - Entrevista com Fabio Pusterla

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    Começa hoje uma série de pequenas entrevistas com poetas italianos, alguns já traduzidos e outros a serem ainda traduzidos, sobre a língua da poesia, o que significa escrever na contemporaneidade, a relação com a tradição, a confluência entre política e estética, poesia e ética. Uma parte desse material foi publicada no volume Vozes: cinco décadas de poesia italiana, organizado por Patricia Peterle e Elena Santi, publicado em 2017, pela Editora Comunità. “O público brasileiro terá o privilégio de reencontrar ou de descobrir uma gama diversificada de poetas e de poemas, mas também um repertório muito rico de referências e concepções de poesia” é o que afirmou Marcos Siscar na orelha de Vozes