105 research outputs found

    Volatile organic compounds removal by means of a felt-based living wall to improve indoor air quality

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    Currently, the population spends most of the time in indoor environments, which makes Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) very important for health and comfort. As vegetation can act as a biofilter capturing air pollutants, this study aims to assess the effectiveness of a living wall module in the removal of the Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs) for IAQ improvement. An airtight glass chamber was used to release contaminants, monitoring the TVOCs both with the chamber empty (control) and with a small Fytotextile® living wall module planted with Nephrolepis exaltata L. A substantial reduction of TVOCs was observed when the living wall was inside the chamber. In few hours, TVOCs levels were reduced below the recommended limit (following Spanish regulations). More tests are recommended considering different plant species and other variables related to the IAQ.Junta de Andalucía - P18-TP-165

    Efectividad y seguridad del uso de ior® EPOCIM en pacientes en prediálisis Ensayo clínico

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    Introducción: El ior® EPOCIM (eritropoyetina humana recombinante), es un medicamento cubano que se produce en el Centro de Inmunología Molecular, el cual ha resultado ser seguro y no se han reportado eventos adversos graves asociados a su uso en pacientes dialíticos, sin embargo, en pacientes en prediálisis la información divulgada sobre su uso es insuficiente.Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad y seguridad de ior® EPOCIM en pacientes con Enfermedad Renal Crónica en prediálisis, estadios 3 y 4.Material y Métodos: Se realizó un ensayo clínico multicéntrico, abierto, no aleatorizado, fase IV, que incluyó una muestra de 242 pacientes con y sin anemia.  Durante 12 meses se evaluó el tratamiento con iorâ EPOCIM, dosis inicial de 30 U/Kg/dosis e incrementó según respuesta hematológica hasta 150 U/Kg/dosis, para lograr estabilización de la hemoglobina entre 10,5-12,5 g/dl y/o hematocrito entre 33-36 %.Resultados: la hemoglobina inicial promedio fue 10 ± 1,5 g/dl, se incrementó progresivamente hasta el cuarto mes estabilizando su valor en 11,7 ± 1,2 g/dl y el hematocrito tuvo similar comportamiento. La función renal se mantuvo estable; la calidad de vida mejoró; hubo mayor beneficio en las escalas de rol físico y salud general. Se reportaron 147 eventos adversos; tuvieron alguna relación causal 13,6%. El evento más frecuente fue la hipertensión arterial. Ninguna muerte estuvo relacionada con el producto.Conclusión: El ior® EPOCIM fue seguro y efectivo en los pacientes estudiados con Enfermedad Renal Crónica en prediálisis, estadios 3 y 4. Palabras clave: Enfermedad renal crónica, prediálisis, ior®EPOCIM, eritropoyetina, anemia, ensayo clínico </p

    Reaction Electronic Flux Perspective on the Mechanism of the Zimmerman Di-π-methane Rearrangement

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    The reaction electronic flux (REF) offers a powerful tool in the analysis of reaction mechanisms. Noteworthy, the relationship between aromaticity and REF can eventually reveal subtle electronic events associated with reactivity in aromatic systems. In this work, this relationship was studied for the triplet Zimmerman di-π-methane rearrangement. The aromaticity loss and gain taking place during the reaction is well acquainted by the REF, thus shedding light on the electronic nature of reactions involving dibenzobarrelenes

    Relación entre las horas de sueño y la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos en niños y niñas en Andalucía en 2015

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    Introducción: La frecuencia de consumo de alimentos y bebidas en los niños depende de diferentes patrones de comportamiento. Objetivos:Evaluar el efecto de la duración del sueño de los niños sobre la frecuencia de consumo de alimentos, y describir las frecuencias de consumo según su estado ponderal y el nivel de educación familiar. Método: Se estudiaron 2721 niños y niñas de 6 a 9 años del Estudio ALADINO 2015 en Andalucía. Se recogieron el número de horas de sueño y la frecuencia semanal de consumo de 24 grupos de alimentos. Se calculó el estado ponderal mediante el índice de masa corporal, con los estándares de crecimiento de la OMS, se recogió el nivel educativo de los padres y madres. Las frecuencias medias de consumo de alimentos se calcularon según la duración del sueño (mayor o menor que la media diaria). Se ajustaron modelos de regresión logística para evaluar las asociaciones independientes de las horas de sueño sobre las frecuencias de consumo de alimentos (variables resultado), ajustando por edad, sexo, nivel de educación de los padres, estado ponderal y disponibilidad de medios de ocio pasivo en la habitación. Resultados: Dormir suficiente número de horas se asocia con mayor probabilidad de consumir fruta (OR:1,23;IC95%:1,06-1,42) y verdura (OR:1,19;IC95%:1,01-1,40), y menor probabilidad de consumir refrescos azucarados (OR:0,80;IC95%:0,67-0,97), zumos con azúcar (OR:0,79;IC95%:0,64-0,99), snacks salados (OR:0,46;IC95%:0,33-0,65), chocolates o caramelos (OR:0,71;IC95%:0,55-0,92), y galletas y bollos (OR:0,70;IC95%:0,58-0,84). El consumo de frutas y verduras medio semanal es mayor en niños sin sobrepeso y en hijos de padres con mayor nivel educativo. Conclusiones: Una duración de sueño adecuada está asociada con mayor consumo de frutas y verduras, y menos alimentos con alta densidad de energía. Mejorar la higiene del sueño es fundamental para mejorar los hábitos alimentarios, y especialmente en niños con sobrepeso, y de menor nivel educativoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Ecosystem services of tropical dry forests : insights from longterm ecological and social research on the Pacific coast of Mexico

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    In the search for an integrated understanding of the relationships among productive activities, human well-being, and ecosystem functioning, we evaluated the services delivered by a tropical dry forest (TDF) ecosystem in the Chamela Region, on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. We synthesized information gathered for the past two decades as part of a long-term ecosystem research study and included social data collected in the past four years using the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) conceptual framework as a guide. Here we identify the four nested spatial scales at which information has been obtained and emphasize one of them through a basin conceptual model. We then articulate the biophysical and socio-economic constraints and drivers determining the delivery of ecosystem services in the Region. We describe the nine most important services, the stakeholders who benefit from those services, and their degree of awareness of such services. We characterize spatial and temporal patterns of the services&rsquo; delivery as well as trade-offs among services and stakeholders. Finally, we contrast three alternative future scenarios on the delivery of ecosystem services and human well-being. Biophysical and socioeconomic features of the study site strongly influence human&minus;ecosystem interactions, the ecosystem services delivered, the possible future trajectories of the ecosystem, and the effect on human well-being. We discuss future research approaches that will set the basis for an integrated understanding of human&minus;ecosystem interactions and for constructing sustainable management strategies for the TDF.<br /

    The effect of hexose ratios on metabolite production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains obtained from the spontaneous fermentation of mezcal

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    Mezcal from Tamaulipas (Me´xico) is produced by spontaneous alcoholic fermentation using Agave spp. musts, which are rich in fructose. In this study eight Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates obtained at the final stage of fermentation from a traditional mezcal winery were analysed in three semisynthetic media. Medium M1 had a sugar content of 100 g l-1 and a glucose/fructose (G/F) of 9:1. Medium M2 had a sugar content of 100 g l-1 and a G/F of 1:9. Medium M3 had a sugar content of 200 g l-1 and a G/F of 1:1. In the three types of media tested, the highest ethanol yield was obtained from the glucophilic strain LCBG-3Y5, while strain LCBG-3Y8 was highly resistant to ethanol and the most fructophilic of the mezcal strains. Strain LCBG-3Y5 produced more glycerol (4.4 g l-1) and acetic acid (1 g l-1) in M2 than in M1 (1.7 and 0.5 g l-1, respectively), and the ethanol yields were higher for all strains in M1 except for LCBG-3Y5, -3Y8 and the Fermichamp strain. In medium M3, only the Fermichamp strain was able to fully consume the 100 g of fructose l-1 but left a residual 32 g of glucose l-1. Regarding the hexose transporters, a high number of amino acid polymorphisms were found in the Hxt1p sequences. Strain LCBG-3Y8 exhibited eight unique amino acid changes, followed by the Fermichamp strain with three changes. In Hxt3p, we observed nine amino acid polymorphisms unique for the Fermichamp strain and five unique changes for the mezcal strains

    "Acute kidney injury in critically ill patients with COVID-19 : The AKICOV multicenter study in Catalonia"

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    This study describes the incidence, evolution and prognosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in critical COVID-19 during the first pandemic wave. We performed a prospective, observational, multicenter study of confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted to 19 intensive care units (ICUs) in Catalonia (Spain). Data regarding demographics, comorbidities, drug and medical treatment, physiological and laboratory results, AKI development, need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) and clinical outcomes were collected. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis for AKI development and mortality were used. A total of 1,642 patients were enrolled (mean age 63 (15.95) years, 67.5% male). Mechanical ventilation (MV) was required for 80.8% and 64.4% of these patients, who were in prone position, while 67.7% received vasopressors. AKI at ICU admission was 28.4% and increased to 40.1% during ICU stay. A total of 172 (10.9%) patients required RRT, which represents 27.8% of the patients who developed AKI. AKI was more frequent in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) ARDS patients (68% vs 53.6%, p<0.001) and in MV patients (91.9% vs 77.7%, p<0.001), who required the prone position more frequently (74.8 vs 61%, p<0.001) and developed more infections. ICU and hospital mortality were increased in AKI patients (48.2% vs 17.7% and 51.1% vs 19%, p <0.001) respectively). AKI was an independent factor associated with mortality (IC 1.587-3.190). Mortality was higher in AKI patients who required RRT (55.8% vs 48.2%, p <0.04). Conclusions There is a high incidence of AKI in critically ill patients with COVID-19 disease and it is associated with higher mortality, increased organ failure, nosocomial infections and prolonged ICU stay

    “Acute kidney injury in critically ill patients with COVID–19: The AKICOV multicenter study in Catalonia”

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    This study describes the incidence, evolution and prognosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in critical COVID-19 during the first pandemic wave. We performed a prospective, observational, multicenter study of confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted to 19 intensive care units (ICUs) in Catalonia (Spain). Data regarding demographics, comorbidities, drug and medical treatment, physiological and laboratory results, AKI development, need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) and clinical outcomes were collected. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis for AKI development and mortality were used. A total of 1,642 patients were enrolled (mean age 63 (15.95) years, 67.5% male). Mechanical ventilation (MV) was required for 80.8% and 64.4% of these patients, who were in prone position, while 67.7% received vasopressors. AKI at ICU admission was 28.4% and increased to 40.1% during ICU stay. A total of 172 (10.9%) patients required RRT, which represents 27.8% of the patients who developed AKI. AKI was more frequent in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) ARDS patients (68% vs 53.6%, p<0.001) and in MV patients (91.9% vs 77.7%, p<0.001), who required the prone position more frequently (74.8 vs 61%, p<0.001) and developed more infections. ICU and hospital mortality were increased in AKI patients (48.2% vs 17.7% and 51.1% vs 19%, p <0.001) respectively). AKI was an independent factor associated with mortality (IC 1.587-3.190). Mortality was higher in AKI patients who required RRT (55.8% vs 48.2%, p <0.04). Conclusions There is a high incidence of AKI in critically ill patients with COVID-19 disease and it is associated with higher mortality, increased organ failure, nosocomial infections and prolonged ICU stay

    A happiness degree predictor using the conceptual data structure for deep learning architectures

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    [EN] Background and Objective: Happiness is a universal fundamental human goal. Since the emergence of Positive Psychology, a major focus in psychological research has been to study the role of certain factors in the prediction of happiness. The conventional methodologies are based on linear relationships, such as the commonly used Multivariate Linear Regression (MLR), which may suffer from the lack of representative capacity to the varied psychological features. Using Deep Neural Networks (DNN), we define a Happiness Degree Predictor (H-DP) based on the answers to five psychometric standardized questionnaires. Methods: A Data-Structure driven architecture for DNNs (D-SDNN) is proposed for defining an HDP in which the network architecture enables the conceptual interpretation of psychological factors associated with happiness. Four different neural network configurations have been tested, varying the number of neurons and the presence or absence of bias in the hidden layers. Two metrics for evaluating the influence of conceptual dimensions have been defined and computed: one quantifies the influence weight of the conceptual dimension in absolute terms and the other one pinpoints the direction (positive or negative) of the influence. Materials: A cross-sectional survey targeting the non-institutionalized adult population residing in Spain was completed by 823 cases. The total of 111 elements of the survey are grouped by socio-demographic data and by five psychometric scales (Brief COPE Inventory, EPQR-A, GHQ-28, MOS-SSS, and SDHS) measuring several psychological factors acting one as the outcome (SDHS) and the four others as predictors. Results: Our D-SDNN approach provided a better outcome (MSE: 1.46 · 10^-2 ) than MLR (MSE: 2.30 · 10^-2 ), hence improving by 37% the predictive accuracy, and allowing to simulate the conceptual structure. Conclusions: We observe a better performance of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) with respect to traditional methodologies. This demonstrates its capability to capture the conceptual structure for predicting happiness degrees through psychological variables assessed by standardized questionnaires. It also permits to estimate the influence of each factor on the outcome without assuming a linear relationship.Perez-Benito, FJ.; Villacampa-Fernandez, P.; Conejero, JA.; Garcia-Gomez, JM.; Navarro-Pardo, E. (2019). A happiness degree predictor using the conceptual data structure for deep learning architectures. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 168:59-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2017.11.004S596816