2,151 research outputs found

    A social accounting matrix approach to appraise sectors with a zero deficit public budget

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de una metodología empírica mixta para identificar, en un marco de déficit público cero, los sectores que tienen la capacidad de crecimiento de la producción y el empleo, teniendo también en cuenta las implicaciones ambientales de la producción de cada sector. Las actividades económicas se clasifican y seleccionan en función de sus multiplicadores de producción, empleo, y emisiones. Para un análisis empírico, se utiliza una Matriz de Contabilidad Social de la economía española para 2008. Entre los resultados, destaca el hecho de que la consideración del déficit cero en el presupuesto público altera significativamente la importancia de los sectores de desarrollo económico, resultando clave la elección de un criterio para determinar la asignación de los fondos públicos.The aim of this paper is to develop a mixed empirical methodology to identify, in a zero public deficit framework, those sectors with the capability for growth of output and employment, while also considering the environmental implications of the production of each sector. Their economic activities are ranked and selected in terms of their output, employment, and emissions multipliers. For an empirical analysis, a Social Accounting Matrix of the Spanish economy for 2008 is used. Among the findings, highlights the fact that consideration of the zero deficit in the public budget significantly alters the importance of the sectors for economic development, turning out key choosing a criterion for determining the allocation of public funds

    Understanding the Intersection of Environmental Pollution, Pneumonia, and Inflammation: Does Gender Play a Role?

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    Accumulating evidence indicates that exposure to air pollution is associated with increased mortality from respiratory disease. Exposure to ambient pollutants, such as ozone, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other agents has been associated with decrease in lung function and immunity, and with increased rates of hospitalization for lung disease, including pneumonia. Furthermore, sex differences in frequency and severity of pulmonary disease and infection have been reported, suggesting a role of sex hormones in mediating these differences. Pneumonia, which is commonly caused by bacterial infection and subsequent lung inflammation leading to hospitalization and death, occurs at different rates in men and women. In this context, male and female hormones can have direct effects on the immunity system by binding to receptors in immune cells, and these responses can be modulated by environmental exposures. This chapter summarizes clinical, animal, and epidemiological studies linking exposure to air pollution and pneumonia in both males and females. Understanding sex-specific mechanisms in pneumonia pathogenesis and environmental responses can help in the development of more effective therapeutics and treatment options to reduce negative health outcomes in men and women

    Evaluación de la conciencia fonológica en el incio lector

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    This study analyses the developnzent of assessment tools for the early identification of the possible risk of reading difficulties in preschool children. The assessment focuses on phonological awareness, a skill considered to be fundamental in beginning to read. Phonological awareness is evaluated through Word to Word Matching, Isolation of a Sound, and Invented Spelling tasks, using a sample of 214 kindergarten children. The results obtained show the existence of a significant linear connection between Phonological Awareness tasks and Reading Decoding, in particular Invented Spelling (r = .72; p = .0.1) were o f great importance for both research and reading-related educational practice.Se presenta una línea de investigación cuyo objetivo es establecer instrumentos de evaluación válidos para la identificación precoz de preescolares en posible riesgo de dificultades lectoras. La evaluación se ha centrado en unahabilidad considerada fundamental en el inicio y desarrollo lector: la conciencia fonológica, evaluada mediante las tareas Emparejar palabras, Aislar sonidos y Escritura inventada, en una muestra de 214 niños y niñas de Educación Infantil. Los resultados ohtenidos muestran la existencia de una relación lineal significativa entre las tareas de Conciencia fonológica y la Decodificación lectora, resaltando especialmente la Escritura inventada (r = .72; p = .OI), manifestándose ésta como una tarea con un gmn potencial tanto para la investigación como para la práctica educativa relacionada con la lectura

    Community identity, life satisfaction, empowerment and health: suggesting a model for the immigrant population

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    The academic literature shows that studies in the fields of Community Psychology and Group Psychology have reached the same conclusion: belonging to and identifying with a group has an impact on health. However, when the studies are reviewed, there seems to be little communication between those engaged in these two lines of work, as contributions made from the perspective of Community are not compared with those made from that of Social Identity. Therefore, this study opts for an integrative perspective that makes possible progress towards a political/social viewpoint. Specifically, it is sought to understand the relationship between identification with the neighbourhood in which one lives (what has been called "community identity") and the mental health of Malaga's immigrant population, a model being proposed in which the relationship between health and identity is mediated by empowerment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Government of Spain's Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, reference: PSI2013-40508-

    Rendimiento Laboral del Personal de Salud Mental Relacionado con el Riesgo Psicosocial

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    Los riesgos psicosociales impactan negativamente el rendimiento laboral; el objetivo de este estudio es determinar la asociación del rendimiento laboral con los riesgos psicosociales en personal de una unidad de salud mental. El estudio es cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, con alcance correlacional. La muestra es de 104 colaboradores de la unidad de salud mental en el estado de Veracruz México. El rendimiento laboral se evaluó con el cuestionario individual de rendimiento laboral auto percibido de Koopmans y el riesgo psicosocial se evaluó con el cuestionario de evaluación de riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo SUSESO/ISTAS 21 versión corta. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman indico que las dimensiones del riesgo psicosocial tienen una relación negativa o nula con el rendimiento laboral, excepto la dimensión de comportamientos contraproducentes donde presenta una relación positiva; la prueba de U de Mann Whitney mostró que no existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre rendimiento laboral y género. Se concluye que las demandas de la carga laboral del trabajo activo y apoyo social deben monitorearse en el personal de salud, debido a que tienen mayor impacto en el rendimiento laboral. El género no influye en el rendimiento laboral, mostrando igualdad de desempeño entre hombres y mujeres.   Psychosocial risks negatively impact work performance; The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between work performance with psychosocial risks in personnel of a mental health unit. The study is quantitative, non-experimental, and transversal, with a correlational and comparative scope. The sample is 104 collaborators of the mental health unit in the state of Veracruz Mexico. Word performance was assessed using Koopmans' Individual Work Performance Scale, and psychosocial risk was assessed with the SUSESO/ISTAS 21 short-form psychosocial risk assessment questionnaire at work. Spearman's correlation coefficient indicated that the dimensions for psychosocial risk have a negative or null relationship with work performance, except for the dimension of counterproductive behaviors where it has a positive relation; Mann-Whitney´s U test showed that there is no statistically significant difference between job performance and gender. Concluded that the demands of the workload of active work and social support should be monitored by health personnel because they have a greater impact on work performance. Gender does not influence work performance, showing equal performance between men and women

    Rendimiento Laboral del Personal de Salud Mental Relacionado con el Riesgo Psicosocial

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    Los riesgos psicosociales impactan negativamente el rendimiento laboral; el objetivo de este estudio es determinar la asociación del rendimiento laboral con los riesgos psicosociales en personal de una unidad de salud mental. El estudio es cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, con alcance correlacional y comparativo. La muestra es de 104 colaboradores de la unidad de salud mental. El rendimiento laboral se evaluó con el cuestionario individual de rendimiento laboral auto percibido de Koopmans y el riesgo psicosocial se evaluó con el cuestionario de evaluación de riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo SUSESO/ISTAS 2I versión corta. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman indico que las dimensiones del riesgo psicosocial tienen una relación negativa o nula con el rendimiento laboral, excepto con la dimensión de comportamientos contraproducentes donde presenta una relación positiva; la prueba de U de Man Whitney mostró que no existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre rendimiento laboral y género. Se concluye que las demandas de la carga laboral del trabajo activo y   apoyo social deben monitorearse en el personal de salud, debido a que tienen mayor impacto en el rendimiento laboral. El género no influye en el rendimiento laboral, mostrando igualdad de desempeño entre hombres y mujeres.   Psychosocial risks negatively impact job performance; The objective of this study is to determine the association of work performance with psychosocial risks in personnel of a mental health unit. The study is quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional, with a correlational and comparative scope. The sample is 104 collaborators of the mental health unit. Job performance was assessed with the individual self-perceived Koopmans job performance questionnaire and psychosocial risk was assessed with the SUSESO/ISTAS 2I short version psychosocial risk assessment questionnaire at work. Spearman's correlation coefficient indicated that the dimensions of psychosocial risk have a negative or null relationship with job performance, except with the dimension of counterproductive behaviors where it has a positive relationship; the Man-Whitney U test showed that there is no statistically significant difference between job performance and gender. It concludes that the demands of the workload of active work and social support should be monitored by health personnel because they have a greater impact on work performance. Gender does not influence job performance, showing equal performance between men and women

    Rendimiento Laboral del Personal de Salud Mental Relacionado con el Riesgo Psicosocial

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    Los riesgos psicosociales impactan negativamente el rendimiento laboral; el objetivo de este estudio es determinar la asociación del rendimiento laboral con los riesgos psicosociales en personal de una unidad de salud mental. El estudio es cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, con alcance correlacional y comparativo. La muestra es de 104 colaboradores de la unidad de salud mental. El rendimiento laboral se evaluó con el cuestionario individual de rendimiento laboral auto percibido de Koopmans y el riesgo psicosocial se evaluó con el cuestionario de evaluación de riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo SUSESO/ISTAS 2I versión corta. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman indico que las dimensiones del riesgo psicosocial tienen una relación negativa o nula con el rendimiento laboral, excepto con la dimensión de comportamientos contraproducentes donde presenta una relación positiva; la prueba de U de Man Whitney mostró que no existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre rendimiento laboral y género. Se concluye que las demandas de la carga laboral del trabajo activo y   apoyo social deben monitorearse en el personal de salud, debido a que tienen mayor impacto en el rendimiento laboral. El género no influye en el rendimiento laboral, mostrando igualdad de desempeño entre hombres y mujeres.   Psychosocial risks negatively impact job performance; The objective of this study is to determine the association of work performance with psychosocial risks in personnel of a mental health unit. The study is quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional, with a correlational and comparative scope. The sample is 104 collaborators of the mental health unit. Job performance was assessed with the individual self-perceived Koopmans job performance questionnaire and psychosocial risk was assessed with the SUSESO/ISTAS 2I short version psychosocial risk assessment questionnaire at work. Spearman's correlation coefficient indicated that the dimensions of psychosocial risk have a negative or null relationship with job performance, except with the dimension of counterproductive behaviors where it has a positive relationship; the Man-Whitney U test showed that there is no statistically significant difference between job performance and gender. It concludes that the demands of the workload of active work and social support should be monitored by health personnel because they have a greater impact on work performance. Gender does not influence job performance, showing equal performance between men and women

    Hey children! Do you feel listened by your politicians? Evaluating a participative democratic programme

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a participative democracy programme called Ágora infantil, carried out with students between the ages of 10 and 12. As in participatory budgets, the process is based on the research-action model (Lewin, 1946) and consists of the city council opening up decision-making on a part of the municipal budget or a concrete policy to the children of the municipality. This process of diagnosis, prioritization and decision-making was completed over the course of 5 to 7 sessions during school hours and implemented by the Coglobal association. Once the participants make a decision, the city council carries out the project selected in the municipality (the decision made is binding). The main goal of Ágora Infantil is to generate psychological empowerment and wellbeing amongst its participants, and to measure the effects of this programme on children’s psychological empowerment. To this end, we used Zimmerman´s model (Zimmerman, 1995; Zimmerman, 2000). The operationalization of the strengthening was based on: 1) knowledge of local politics (as a component of the interactional dimension of psychological empowerment) and 2) the self-perception of being able to influence the future of the municipality (component of the intrapersonal dimension of psychological empowerment). In addition, wellbeing was evaluated through the perception of being heard (Casas y Bello, 2012) and trust in the city council.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech