34 research outputs found

    Endocrine Regulation of Male Fertility by the Skeleton

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    Although the endocrine capacity of bone is widely recognized, interactions between bone and the reproductive system have until now focused on the gonads as a regulator of bone remodeling. We now show that in males, bone acts as a regulator of fertility. Using co-culture assays, we demonstrate that osteoblasts are able to induce testosterone production by the testes, while they fail to influence estrogen production by the ovaries. Analyses of cell-specific loss- and gain-of-function models reveal that the osteoblast-derived hormone osteocalcin performs this endocrine function. By binding to a G-protein coupled receptor expressed in the Leydig cells of the testes, osteocalcin regulates in a CREB-dependent manner the expression of enzymes required for testosterone synthesis, promoting germ cell survival. This study expands the physiological repertoire of osteocalcin, and provides the first evidence that the skeleton is an endocrine regulator of reproduction

    A Novel Role for GADD45\u3ci\u3eβ\u3c/i\u3e as a Mediator of \u3ci\u3eMMP-13\u3c/i\u3e Gene Expression during Chondrocyte Terminal Differentiation

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    The growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible 45β (GADD45β) gene product has been implicated in the stress response, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis. Here we demonstrated the unexpected expression of GADD45β in the embryonic growth plate and uncovered its novel role as an essential mediator of matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) expression during terminal chondrocyte differentiation. We identified GADD45β as a prominent early response gene induced by bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) through a Smad1/Runx2-dependent pathway. Because this pathway is involved in skeletal development, we examined mouse embryonic growth plates, and we observed expression of Gadd45β mRNA coincident with Runx2 protein in prehypertrophic chondrocytes, whereas GADD45β protein was localized prominently in the nucleus in late stage hypertrophic chondrocytes where Mmp-13 mRNA was expressed. In Gadd45β−/− mouse embryos, defective mineralization and decreased bone growth accompanied deficient Mmp-13 and Col10a1 gene expression in the hypertrophic zone. Transduction of small interferin

    The two faces of serotonin in bone biology

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    The serotonin molecule has some remarkable properties. It is synthesized by two different genes at two different sites, and, surprisingly, plays antagonistic functions on bone mass accrual at these two sites. When produced peripherally, serotonin acts as a hormone to inhibit bone formation. In contrast, when produced in the brain, serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter to exert a positive and dominant effect on bone mass accrual by enhancing bone formation and limiting bone resorption. The effect of serotonin on bone biology could be harnessed pharmacologically to treat diseases such as osteoporosis

    Contrôle génétique de la squelettogenèse

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    Les progrès de la génétique ont permis d’établir avec précision au cours de ces dix dernières années la succession des événements moléculaires et cellulaires présidant à la mise en place du squelette. Dans l’embryon, les bourgeons squelettiques s’individualisent à partir de trois régions : le mésoderme de la plaque latérale, les somites et les cellules des crêtes neurales. Cette spécification des cellules mésenchymateuses est sous le contrôle de facteurs dits « organisateurs » FGF, BMP, ou Ihh dont l’altération conduit à des troubles de la forme générale du squelette. Ces ébauches évoluent ensuite indépendamment, et suivent deux voies d’ossification très distinctes : ossification dite membranaire, où les cellules mésenchymateuses se différencient in situ en ostéoblastes ; ossification endochondrale, où une population centrale de chondrocytes se différencient et s’organisent en une plaque de croissance cartilagineuse, primordiale pour la croissance longitudinale des os. Chacun de ces processus d’ossification est très étroitement contrôlé par des facteurs de transcription (Sox-9, cbfa1), des facteurs de croissance et leurs récepteurs (FGFR3, PTHrP), chacun intervenant à une étape très précise de la cascade moléculaire assurant la différenciation chondrocytaire et ostéoblastique. L’altération de la fonction de ces signaux, conséquence de mutations souvent activatrices, entraîne des anomalies du squelette correspondant à des maladies humaines

    Recherche ligand désespérément…

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    Osteocalcin differentially regulates β cell and adipocyte gene expression and affects the development of metabolic diseases in wild-type mice

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    The osteoblast-specific secreted molecule osteocalcin behaves as a hormone regulating glucose metabolism and fat mass in two mutant mouse strains. Here, we ask two questions: is the action of osteocalcin on β cells and adipocytes elicited by the same concentrations of the molecule, and more importantly, does osteocalcin regulate energy metabolism in WT mice? Cell-based assays using isolated pancreatic islets, a β cell line, and primary adipocytes showed that picomolar amounts of osteocalcin are sufficient to regulate the expression of the insulin genes and β cell proliferation markers, whereas nanomolar amounts affect adiponectin and Pgc1α expression in white and brown adipocytes, respectively. In vivo the same difference exists in osteocalcin's ability to regulate glucose metabolism on the one hand and affect insulin sensitivity and fat mass on the other hand. Furthermore, we show that long-term treatment of WT mice with osteocalcin can significantly weaken the deleterious effect on body mass and glucose metabolism of gold thioglucose-induced hyperphagia and high-fat diet. These results establish in WT mice the importance of this novel molecular player in the regulation of glucose metabolism and fat mass and suggest that osteocalcin may be of value in the treatment of metabolic diseases

    Continuous expression of Cbfa1 in nonhypertrophic chondrocytes uncovers its ability to induce hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation and partially rescues Cbfa1-deficient mice

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    Chondrocyte hypertrophy is a mandatory step during endochondral ossification. Cbfa1-deficient mice lack hypertrophic chondrocytes in some skeletal elements, indicating that Cbfa1 may control hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation. To address this question we generated transgenic mice expressing Cbfa1 in nonhypertrophic chondrocytes (α1(II) Cbfa1). This continuous expression of Cbfa1 in nonhypertrophic chondrocytes induced chondrocyte hypertrophy and endochondral ossification in locations where it normally never occurs. To determine if this was caused by transdifferentiation of chondrocytes into osteoblasts or by a specific hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation ability of Cbfa1, we used the α1(II) Cbfa1 transgene to restore Cbfa1 expression in mesenchymal condensations of the Cbfa1-deficient mice. The transgene restored chondrocyte hypertrophy and vascular invasion in the bones of the mutant mice but did not induce osteoblast differentiation. This rescue occurred cell-autonomously, as skeletal elements not expressing the transgene were not affected. Despite the absence of osteoblasts in the rescued animals there were multinucleated, TRAP-positive cells resorbing the hypertrophic cartilage matrix. These results identify Cbfa1 as a hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation factor and provide a genetic argument for a common regulation of osteoblast and chondrocyte differentiation mediated by Cbfa1