1,441 research outputs found

    Les élites de la colonie et de l’Empire à Arles, au début du Principat: nouveaux témoignages épigraphiques

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    Dieser Artikel bietet eine detaillierte Untersuchung von in Arles in Wiederverwendung gefundenen, fragmentarischen Inschriften. Die meisten von ihnen stammen aus den Ausgrabungen der Kryptoportiken des Forums und waren bisher nur kurz angezeigt worden. Eine erste Gruppe beleuchtet die den Angehörigen des Ritterstandes von Arles zu Beginn der Kaiserzeit übertragenen militärischen Kommandofunktionen. Nach der Diskussion von drei bereits bekannten Dokumenten werden zwei Texte untersucht, die militärische Funktionen erwähnen, die erstmals belegt sind: die eines tribunus speculatorum und eines praefectus equitum et peditum, ausgeübt vermutlich zwischen der Einrichtung des Prinzipats und der Herrschaft des Claudius. Eine zweite Gruppe von sechs Texten bilden Monumente, die auf dem Forum der Kolonie gestanden haben müssen. Es handelt sich um zwei Inschriften zu Ehren örtlicher Honoratioren, einer Ehrung für einen neuen Prokonsul der Narbonensis namens Crassus, wahrscheinlich einen Auszug aus einem Ehrendekret, eine Inschrift, die an die Errichtung von zwei Statuen erinnert, und einen Text, in dem ein Dekret der Dekurionen erwähnt wird. Die Analyse erlaubt es, endgültig zu bestätigen, dass der Senator M. Pompeius Silvanus Staberius Flavenus aus Arles stammte, und seinen Namen zu präzisieren (Flavenus, nicht Flavinus). Abschliessend wird eine Gruppe von Texten präsentiert, die aus zwei Epitaphfragmenten und sieben weiteren, sehr kleinen Fragmenten besteht. Insgesamt bezeugen diese Inschriften die Vitalität des bürgerlichen Lebens in Arles und die frühe Existenz einer leistungsfähigen und loyalen Elite, die schon in den ersten Jahrzehnten der Geschichte der Kolonie in der Lage war, in die höheren Schichten der römischen Gesellschaft aufzusteigen.This article provides a detailled analysis of fragmentary inscriptions found as spolia in Arles. Most of them were found during the excavation of the cryptoporticos of the forum and had only been briefly announced so far. The first group sheds light on the military functions exercised by the equestrians of Arles at the beginning of the imperial period. After a discussion of three previously known documents, two texts are examined that mention hitherto unknown military posts: that of a tribunus speculatorum and of a praefectus equitum et peditum, presumably fulfilled between the beginning of the principate and the reign of Claudius. A second group consists of six texts which must have belonged to monuments that stood on the forum of the colony. These include two inscriptions in the honour of local notables, an homage to a new proconsul of Gallia Narbonensis named Crassus, presumably an extract from an honorary decree, an inscription that records the erection of two statues, and a text that mentions a decree of the decurions. The analysis makes it possible to establish with certainty that the senator M. Pompeius Silvanus Staberius Flavenus came from Arles and was in fact named Flavenus and not Flavinus. The last group presented is somewhat different and consists of two fragments of epitaphs and seven other, small fragments. The corpus attests to the vitality of civic life in Arles and the earlyexistence of a capable and loyal elite that was able to claim positions in the higher ranks of Roman society already in the first decades of the colony’s history.Cet article procède à l’étude détaillée de fragments d’inscriptions découverts à Arles, en remploi. La plupart d’entre eux proviennent des fouilles des cryptoportiques du forum et n’avaient été que brièvement signalés jusqu’alors. Un premier groupe met en lumière les commandements militaires reçus par des chevaliers arlésiens au début de l’époque impériale. Après l’évocation de trois documents déjà connus, sont étudiés deux textes mentionnant des fonctions militaires nouvellement attestées: celles de tribunus speculatorum et de praefectus equitum et peditum, sans doute remplies entre l’instauration du Principat et le règne de Claude. Un deuxième groupe de six textes est formé par des monuments qui devaient prendre place sur le forum de la colonie. Il s’agit de deux inscriptions en l’honneur de notables locaux, d’un hommage à un nouveau proconsul de Narbonnaise dénommé Crassus, d’un probable extrait de décret honorifique, d’une inscription commémorant l’érection de deux statues, et d’un texte mentionnant un décret des décurions. L’analyse permet d’établir définitivement l’origine arlésienne du sénateur M. Pompeius Silvanus Staberius Flavenus, et de mieux établir sa dénomination (Flavenus et non Flavinus). Un dernier groupe, d’une autre nature (deux fragments d’épitaphes et sept menus fragments), est enfin présenté. L’ensemble confirme la vitalité de la vie civique arlésienne et l’existence précoce d’une élite assez puissante et loyale pour accéder, dès les premières décennies de l’histoire de la colonie, aux ordres supérieurs de la société romaine

    PDM-QPSK: on the system benefits arising from temporally interleaving polarization tributaries at 100Gb/s.

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    We experimentally study, over a dispersion-managed link relying on low chromatic dispersion fibre, the origins of the system benefits provided by temporally interleaving the polarization tributaries of 100Gb/s coherent RZ-PDM-QPSK by half a symbol period. Hence, we demonstrate that the amount of benefits provided by this technique is dependent on the configuration of the WDM transmission system

    Semaphorin 3A Contributes to Distal Pulmonary Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Lung Morphogenesis

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    altered distal lung structure.) littermate controls. mice that survived the immediate perinatal period. Furthermore, Sema3A deletion was linked with enhanced postnatal alveolar septal cell death.These data suggest that Sema3A modulates distal pulmonary epithelial cell development and alveolar septation. Defining how Sema3A influences structural plasticity of the developing lung is a critical first step for determining if this pathway can be exploited to develop innovative strategies for repair after acute or chronic lung injury

    Les origines de la colonie romaine de Valence (Drôme)

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    International audienceA recent archaeological investigation and re-examination of ancient sources allow a reassessment on the beginnings of urbanisation at Valence and on the original status of the city. For the first time, remains dating to the town foundation have been recovered during excavations conducted at the junction of rue d'Arménie and rue Bouffier. A first series of constructions could correspond to the traces of a pre-colonial occupation but then a range of buildings erected in the years 50-30 BC, positioned along the cadastre B of Valentia, presumably refer to the original town planning of the colonia. These pieces of information don't bring determining facts on the town status and can match to the prevailing hypothesis of a Latin colony becoming Roman. But they also can be linked to a new interpretation of the texts. The Late Republican dating of the inscription in honour of the propraetor Lucius Nonius Asprenas, combined with a new reading (geographical and/or hodographic) of the Pliny's list of the Narbonensis coloniae, make it possible to suggest a foundation straight away endowed with the Roman law, perhaps between 46 and 36 BC. Archaeology also shows that from the years 30 BC, in the area being excavated, a small block of buildings including the construction of an Italic style domus and of a street system has been totally rebuilt. This phase seems to be in accordance with the new Augustan urbanism norms, noticed in other Roman coloniae in Gaul.Une opération archéologique récente et un réexamen des textes antiques permettent de nouvelles observations sur Us débuts de l'urbanisation à Valence et sur le statut originel de la cité. Pour la première fois, des vestiges remontant à la fondation de la ville ont été mis au jour lors des fouilles conduites à l'angle dis rues d'Arménie et Bouffier. Si un premier ensemble de structures pourrait correspondre aux traces d'une occupation précoloniale, un groupe de bâtiments, construits dans les années 50-30 av. J.-C, orientés suivant le cadastre B de Valence, relève vraisemblablement du premier plan d'urbanisme de la colonia Valentia. Ces données ne livrent pas d'éléments déterminants sur le statut de la cité et peuvent s'articuler à l'hypothèse dominante d'une colonie latine devenue romaine. Mais elles pourraient aussi s'accorder avec une nouvelle interprétation des textes. En effet, la datation tardo-républicaine de l'inscription en l'honneur du propréteur Lucius Nonius Asprenas, associée à une nouvelle lecture (géographique et/ou hodographique) de la liste plinienne des colonies de Gaule Narbonnaise, conduit à envisager la possibilité d'une fondation directement pourvue du droit romain, peut-être entre 46 et 36 av. J.-C. L'archéologie révèle encore qu'à partir des années 30 av. J.-C, le quartier fouillé a été marqué par une reconstruction complète de l'îlot, comprenant l'édification d'une domus de style italique et l'aménagement de la voirie. Cette phase paraît conforme aux nouvelles normes de l'urbanisme augustéen, observables dans d'autres colonies romaines de Gaule

    CD4+c-Met+Itgα4+ T cell subset promotes murine neuroinflammation

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    Objective c-Met, a tyrosine kinase receptor, is the unique receptor for hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). The HGF/c-Met axis is reported to modulate cell migration, maturation, cytokine production, and antigen presentation. Here, we report that CD4(+)c-Met(+) T cells are detected at increased levels in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods c-Met expression by CD4(+) T cells was analyzed mostly by flow cytometry and by immunohistochemistry from mice and human PBMCs. The in vivo role of CD4(+)c-Met(+) T cells was assessed in EAE. Results CD4(+)c-Met(+) T cells found in the CNS during EAE peak disease are characterized by a pro-inflammatory phenotype skewed towards a Th1 and Th17 polarization, with enhanced adhesion and transmigration capacities correlating with increased expression of integrin alpha 4 (Itg alpha 4). The adoptive transfer of Itg alpha 4-expressing CD4(+)V alpha 3.2(+)c-Met(+) T cells induces increased disease severity compared to CD4(+)V alpha 3.2(+)c-Met(-) T cells. Finally, CD4(+)c-Met(+) T cells are detected in the brain of MS patients, as well as in the blood with a higher level of Itg alpha 4. These results highlight c-Met as an immune marker of highly pathogenic pro-inflammatory and pro-migratory CD4(+) T lymphocytes associated with neuroinflammation

    Differential regulation of abundance and deadenylation of maternal transcripts during bovine oocyte maturation in vitro and in vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In bovine maturing oocytes and cleavage stage embryos, gene expression is mostly controlled at the post-transcriptional level, through degradation and deadenylation/polyadenylation. We have investigated how post transcriptional control of maternal transcripts was affected during in vitro and in vivo maturation, as a model of differential developmental competence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using real time PCR, we have analyzed variation of maternal transcripts, in terms of abundance and polyadenylation, during in vitro or in vivo oocyte maturation and in vitro embryo development. Four genes are characterized here for the first time in bovine: ring finger protein 18 (<it>RNF18</it>) and breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 4 (<it>BCAR4</it>), whose oocyte preferential expression was not previously reported in any species, as well as Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (<it>MELK</it>) and <it>STELLA</it>. We included three known oocyte marker genes (Maternal antigen that embryos require (<it>MATER</it>), Zygote arrest 1 (<it>ZAR1</it>), NACHT, leucine rich repeat and PYD containing 9 (<it>NALP9</it>)). In addition, we selected transcripts previously identified as differentially regulated during maturation, peroxiredoxin 1 and 2 (<it>PRDX1, PRDX2</it>), inhibitor of DNA binding 2 and 3 (<it>ID2</it>, <it>ID3</it>), cyclin B1 (<it>CCNB1</it>), cell division cycle 2 (<it>CDC2</it>), as well as Aurora A (<it>AURKA</it>). Most transcripts underwent a moderate degradation during maturation. But they displayed sharply contrasted deadenylation patterns that account for variations observed previously by DNA array and correlated with the presence of a putative cytoplasmic polyadenylation element in their 3' untranslated region. Similar variations in abundance and polyadenylation status were observed during in vitro maturation or in vivo maturation, except for <it>PRDX1</it>, that appears as a marker of in vivo maturation. Throughout in vitro development, oocyte restricted transcripts were progressively degraded until the morula stage, except for <it>MELK </it>; and the corresponding genes remained silent after major embryonic genome activation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether, our data emphasize the extent of post-transcriptional regulation during oocyte maturation. They do not evidence a general alteration of this phenomenon after in vitro maturation as compared to in vivo maturation, but indicate that some individual messenger RNA can be affected.</p

    Arabidopsis thaliana cells: a model to evaluate the virulence of Pectobacterium carotovorum.

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    Pectobacterium carotovorum are economically important plant pathogens that cause plant soft rot. These enterobacteria display high diversity world-wide. Their pathogenesis depends on production and secretion of virulence factors such as plant cell wall-degrading enzymes, type III effectors, a necrosis-inducing protein, and a secreted virulence factor from Xanthomonas spp., which are tightly regulated by quorum sensing. Pectobacterium carotovorum also present pathogen-associated molecular patterns that could participate in their pathogenicity. In this study, by using suspension cells of Arabidopsis thaliana, we correlate plant cell death and pectate lyase activities during coinfection with different P. carotovorum strains. When comparing soft rot symptoms induced on potato slices with pectate lyase activities and plant cell death observed during coculture with Arabidopsis thaliana cells, the order of strain virulence was found to be the same. Therefore, Arabidopsis thaliana cells could be an alternative tool to evaluate rapidly and efficiently the virulence of different P. carotovorum strains

    Sensor Webs with a Service-Oriented Architecture for On-demand Science Products

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    This paper describes the work being managed by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Information System Division (ISD) under a NASA Earth Science Technology Ofice (ESTO) Advanced Information System Technology (AIST) grant to develop a modular sensor web architecture which enables discovery of sensors and workflows that can create customized science via a high-level service-oriented architecture based on Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) web service standards. These capabilities serve as a prototype to a user-centric architecture for Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). This work builds and extends previous sensor web efforts conducted at NASA/GSFC using the Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) satellite and other low-earth orbiting satellites

    RNA Sequencing-Based Genome Reannotation of the Dermatophyte Arthroderma benhamiae and Characterization of Its Secretome and Whole Gene Expression Profile during Infection.

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    Dermatophytes are the most common agents of superficial mycoses in humans and animals. The aim of the present investigation was to systematically identify the extracellular, possibly secreted, proteins that are putative virulence factors and antigenic molecules of dermatophytes. A complete gene expression profile of Arthroderma benhamiae was obtained during infection of its natural host (guinea pig) using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) technology. This profile was completed with those of the fungus cultivated in vitro in two media containing either keratin or soy meal protein as the sole source of nitrogen and in Sabouraud medium. More than 60% of transcripts deduced from RNA-seq data differ from those previously deposited for A. benhamiae. Using these RNA-seq data along with an automatic gene annotation procedure, followed by manual curation, we produced a new annotation of the A. benhamiae genome. This annotation comprised 7,405 coding sequences (CDSs), among which only 2,662 were identical to the currently available annotation, 383 were newly identified, and 15 secreted proteins were manually corrected. The expression profile of genes encoding proteins with a signal peptide in infected guinea pigs was found to be very different from that during in vitro growth when using keratin as the substrate. Especially, the sets of the 12 most highly expressed genes encoding proteases with a signal sequence had only the putative vacuolar aspartic protease gene PEP2 in common, during infection and in keratin medium. The most upregulated gene encoding a secreted protease during infection was that encoding subtilisin SUB6, which is a known major allergen in the related dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum. IMPORTANCE Dermatophytoses (ringworm, jock itch, athlete's foot, and nail infections) are the most common fungal infections, but their virulence mechanisms are poorly understood. Combining transcriptomic data obtained from growth under various culture conditions with data obtained during infection led to a significantly improved genome annotation. About 65% of the protein-encoding genes predicted with our protocol did not match the existing annotation for A. benhamiae. Comparing gene expression during infection on guinea pigs with keratin degradation in vitro, which is supposed to mimic the host environment, revealed the critical importance of using real in vivo conditions for investigating virulence mechanisms. The analysis of genes expressed in vivo, encoding cell surface and secreted proteins, particularly proteases, led to the identification of new allergen and virulence factor candidates