19 research outputs found

    Soluciones Creativas de Intervención (LUGH)

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    En este texto se puede encontrar información sobre los antecedentes del proyecto LUGH ITESO Soluciones creativas de intervención, así como los objetivos del trabajo que incluyen la vinculación entre empresas socialmente responsables con escenarios, comunidades, organizaciones u otros esfuerzos de la sociedad por mejorar su entorno. De este modo la empresa obtiene un beneficio en términos de posicionamiento, a la vez que produce un beneficio social tangible. Durante el período primavera 2016, se desarrollaron estrategias y piezas de comunicación para las organizaciones Plenitud de vida, Concertando México, Juntos por los demás y Capeltic. En este informe se incluye también la descripción del método de trabajo que el proyecto propone para la realización de estrategias de comunicación e intervención social

    Evaluation of silver nanoparticles for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection in health workers: In vitro and in vivo

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    14 Pág.SARS-CoV-2 infection in hospital areas is of a particular concern, since the close interaction between health care personnel and patients diagnosed with COVID-19, which allows virus to be easily spread between them and subsequently to their families and communities. Preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare personnel is essential to reduce the frequency of infections and outbreaks during the pandemic considering that they work in high-risk areas. In this research, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were tested in vitro and shown to have an inhibitory effect on SARS-CoV-2 infection in cultured cells. Subsequently, we assess the effects of mouthwash and nose rinse with ARGOVIT® silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 contagion in health workers consider as high-risk group of acquiring the infection in the General Tijuana Hospital, Mexico, a hospital for the exclusive recruitment of patients diagnosed with COVID-19. We present a prospective randomized study of 231 participants that was carried out for 9 weeks (during the declaration of a pandemic). The "experimental" group was instructed to do mouthwash and nose rinse with the AgNPs solution; the "control" group was instructed to do mouthwashes and nose rinse in a conventional way. The incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly lower in the "experimental" group (two participants of 114, 1.8%) compared to the "control" group (thirty-three participants of 117, 28.2%), with an 84.8% efficiency. We conclude that the mouth and nasal rinse with AgNPs helps in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection in health personnel who are exposed to patients diagnosed with COVID-19.The authors of this study would like to thank the staff of General Tijuana Hospital for their invaluable participation in this research during the extremely difficult period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The health care personnel are under intense workout during this pandemic. The authors would also like to thank CONACyT “International Network of Bionanotechnology with an Impact on Biomedicine, Food and Biosafety” and Tomsk Polytechnic University for their important collaboration in the field of fundamental and applied research on nanomaterials in nanomedicine.Peer reviewe

    Estudio clínico y morfológico de los tumores odontogénicos: estudio comparativo de los tumores de maxilar y mandíbula

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Anatomía Patológica. Fecha de lectura: 6 de Julio de 1990

    Webradio Unila, Integración via ondas sonoras: avances, conclusiones y próximos objetivos

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    Nos dias 03 e 04 de outubro a PROEX realizou o SEUNI - Seminário de Extensão da UNILA, que teve como principal objetivo promover espaços de diálogo e socialização de conhecimento por meio das Ações de Extensão, transformando o espaço universitário em um ambiente democrático e participativo para a comunidade. O SEUNI apresentou os resultados obtidos durante a vigência dos projetos e programas de Extensão da UNILA, aprovados pelo Edital 01 e 07 de 2012, respectivamente. O Seminário teve uma programação bastante diversificada e contou com a participação ativa de estudantes, técnicos, professores e a comunidade externa. O evento contemplou em sua programação discussões, mesas redondas, palestras, apresentações de trabalhos orais, apresentação de pôsters, bem como de trabalhos artísticosEl Proyecto de Extensión Universitária "Webradio Unila: Integración vía ondas sonoras" ha actuado en diversas áreas de forma interdisciplinar e interinstitucional desarrollando actividades pluriparticipativas que involucran directamente la comunidad universitaria, concebida como el conjunto de prefesores, técnicos administrativos y estudiantes, con la sociedad de Foz do Iguaçu y la triple fronter

    Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induced by Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles

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    The constant evolution and applications of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) make living organisms more susceptible to being exposed to them. Among the most used are zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs). Therefore, understanding the molecular effects of ZnO-NPs in biological systems is extremely important. This review compiles the main mechanisms that induce cell toxicity by exposure to ZnO-NPs and reported in vitro research models, with special attention to mitochondrial damage. Scientific evidence indicates that in vitro ZnO-NPs have a cytotoxic effect that depends on the size, shape and method of synthesis of ZnO-NPs, as well as the function of the cells to which they are exposed. ZnO-NPs come into contact with the extracellular region, leading to an increase in intracellular [Zn2+] levels. The mechanism by which intracellular ZnO-NPs come into contact with organelles such as mitochondria is still unclear. The mitochondrion is a unique organelle considered the “power station” in the cells, participates in numerous cellular processes, such as cell survival/death, multiple biochemical and metabolic processes, and holds genetic material. ZnO-NPs increase intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and, in particular, superoxide levels; they also decrease mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), which affects membrane permeability and leads to cell death. ZnO-NPs also induced cell death through caspases, which involve the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. The expression of pro-apoptotic genes after exposure to ZnO-NPs can be affected by multiple factors, including the size and morphology of the NPs, the type of cell exposed (healthy or tumor), stage of development (embryonic or differentiated), energy demand, exposure time and, no less relevant, the dose. To prevent the release of pro-apoptotic proteins, the damaged mitochondrion is eliminated by mitophagy. To replace those mitochondria that underwent mitophagy, the processes of mitochondrial biogenesis ensure the maintenance of adequate levels of ATP and cellular homeostasis

    Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induced by Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles

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    The constant evolution and applications of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) make living organisms more susceptible to being exposed to them. Among the most used are zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs). Therefore, understanding the molecular effects of ZnO-NPs in biological systems is extremely important. This review compiles the main mechanisms that induce cell toxicity by exposure to ZnO-NPs and reported in vitro research models, with special attention to mitochondrial damage. Scientific evidence indicates that in vitro ZnO-NPs have a cytotoxic effect that depends on the size, shape and method of synthesis of ZnO-NPs, as well as the function of the cells to which they are exposed. ZnO-NPs come into contact with the extracellular region, leading to an increase in intracellular [Zn2+] levels. The mechanism by which intracellular ZnO-NPs come into contact with organelles such as mitochondria is still unclear. The mitochondrion is a unique organelle considered the “power station” in the cells, participates in numerous cellular processes, such as cell survival/death, multiple biochemical and metabolic processes, and holds genetic material. ZnO-NPs increase intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and, in particular, superoxide levels; they also decrease mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), which affects membrane permeability and leads to cell death. ZnO-NPs also induced cell death through caspases, which involve the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. The expression of pro-apoptotic genes after exposure to ZnO-NPs can be affected by multiple factors, including the size and morphology of the NPs, the type of cell exposed (healthy or tumor), stage of development (embryonic or differentiated), energy demand, exposure time and, no less relevant, the dose. To prevent the release of pro-apoptotic proteins, the damaged mitochondrion is eliminated by mitophagy. To replace those mitochondria that underwent mitophagy, the processes of mitochondrial biogenesis ensure the maintenance of adequate levels of ATP and cellular homeostasis

    Scale up of Microbial Fuel Cell Stack System for Residential Wastewater Treatment in Continuous Mode Operation

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    The most important operational expense during wastewater treatment is electricity for pumping and aeration. Therefore, this work evaluated operational parameters and contaminant removal efficiency of a microbial fuel cell stack system (MFCSS) that uses no electricity. This system consists of (i) septic tank primary treatment, (ii) chamber for secondary treatment containing 18 MFCs, coupled to an energy-harvesting circuit (EHC) that stores the electrons produced by anaerobic respiration, and (iii) gravity-driven disinfection (sodium hypochlorite 5%). The MFCSS operated during 60 days (after stabilization period) and it was gravity-fed with real domestic wastewater from a house (5 inhabitants). The flow rate was 600 ± 100 L∙d−1. The chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, total nitrogen and total phosphorous were measured in effluent, with values of 100 ± 10; 12 ± 2; 9.6 ± 0.5 and 4 ± 0.2 mg∙L−1, and removal values of 86%, 87%, 84% and 64%, respectively. Likewise, an EHC (ultra-low energy consumption) was built with 6.3 V UCC® 4700 µF capacitors that harvested and stored energy from MFCs in parallel. Energy management was programmed on a microcontroller Atmega 328PB®. The water quality of the treated effluent complied with the maximum levels set by the Mexican Official Standard NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996-C. A cost analysis showed that MFCSS could be competitive as a sustainable and energy-efficient technology for real domestic wastewater treatment

    Características epidemiológicas de la hernia diafragmática diagnosticada en la edad adulta.

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    Diaphragmatic hernia is defined as the protrusion of abdominal viscera towards the thorax through a defect in the diaphragm, associated with a change in the pressure gradient between these two cavities. This is a rare pathology in adults, which can be of congenital or acquired origin, the latter being the most frequent etiology. The main causes of it are closed or open trauma, whether due to traffic accidents, falls from great heights, gunshot wounds or sharp injuries. This is why they tend to occur more frequently in young men. Due to the distribution of the abdominal organs, they occur more frequently in the left hemidiaphragm since they do not have the protection of the liver and various studies show a decrease in muscle thickness on this side. Due to the location, the most commonly evidenced viscera are: stomach, intestine, spleen and pancreas. The clinical manifestations of this pathology are non-specific, which is why they are commonly diagnosed incidentally when exploring other pathologies; however, it can have fatal complications secondary to strangulation of the herniated viscera. Its approach in all cases is surgical and depends on the individual factors of each patient and the surgeon's decision to choose an abdominal or thoracic procedure. Due to the mortality associated with the complications of this pathology, there is a need to know the epidemiology and establish a clinical suspicion to achieve early diagnosis and treatment.La hernia diafragmática se define como la protrusión de vísceras abdominales hacia el tórax a través de un defecto en el diafragma, asociado a un cambio en el gradiente de presiones entre estas dos cavidades. Esta es una patología rara en el adulto, que puede ser de origen congénito o adquirido, siendo este último la etiología más frecuente. Las causas principales de la misma son traumatismos cerrados o abiertos, ya sea por accidentes de tránsito, caídas a grandes alturas, heridas por arma de fuego o cortopunzantes. Es por esto por lo que suelen presentarse con mayor frecuencia en hombres jóvenes. Debido a la distribución de los órganos abdominales, se presentan con mayor frecuencia en el hemidiafragma izquierdo ya que no cuentan con la protección del hígado y diversos estudios muestran una disminución en el grosor del músculo en este lado. Debido a la localización, las vísceras más comúnmente evidenciadas son: estómago, intestino, bazo y páncreas. Las manifestaciones clínicas de esta patología son inespecíficas por lo que comúnmente se diagnostican de forma incidental al explorar otras patologías, sin embargo puede tener complicaciones fatales secundarias al estrangulamiento de las vísceras herniadas. Su abordaje en todos los casos es quirúrgico y depende de los factores individuales de cada paciente y de la decisión del cirujano la elección de un procedimiento abdominal o torácico.  Debido a la mortalidad asociada a las complicaciones de esta patología surge la necesidad de conocer la epidemiología y establecer una sospecha clínica para lograr un diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano