230 research outputs found

    Nature-based tourism in the Algarve: a fact or a myth?

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    The Algarve is a mature destination in the south of Portugal and is mainly well-known for its offerings of sun and sea. In addition to strong seasonal changes, the region also faces strong competition from other nearby destinations, which has affected its ability to better attract tourists. Regional stakeholders have recognized the need to diversify the tourist experience, and a strong effort has been dedicated to the development of complementary tourist products, with special attention to eco-tourism. The present study uses data from a survey of tourists who visited the Algarve in December 2010 (low season) to determine the extent to which tourists visiting the region would actively search for nature-related activities, and the profile of these individuals. In particular, the study aims to understand whether these tourists share environmentally friendly values or, instead, have chosen the Algarve based on its attributes of traditional appealing climatic conditions and beaches. Depending on whether nature-based tourism in the Algarve is a fact or a myth, strategies for repositioning the destination can be adapted, new tourist products can be proposed and communication campaigns may need to be rethought.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistema de gestão de segurança para a prevenção de acidentes graves (SGSPAG): manual de implementação para o sector químico: volume I

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    A evolução dos acidentes graves envolvendo substâncias perigosas ocorridos no Sector Químico, não deixa dúvidas de que as características intrínsecas da própria actividade industrial podem estimular a ocorrência dos acidentes graves, proporcionando sérias consequências à Comunidade envolvente, à própria Propriedade e ao meio ambiente, cujas responsabilidades estão inseridas na Gestão Empresarial. Desta forma torna-se fundamental o desenvolvimento e implementação de um Sistema de Gestão de Segurança para a Prevenção de Acidentes Graves num Estabelecimento de Nível Superior de Perigosidade. O objectivo global deste trabalho, baseia-se no estabelecimento de um Quadro Metodológico de aplicação do Regime de Prevenção de Acidentes Graves ao Sector Químico, suportado num Sistema de Gestão de Segurança para a Prevenção de Acidentes Graves (SGSPAG) e no respectivo Manual de Implementação. Para tal foi realizado um enquadramento teórico, técnico-científico, e legal da prevenção de acidentes graves que envolvam substâncias perigosas, a concepção de um SGSPAG e elaboração do Manual de Implementação e a aplicação a um Caso de Estudo Industrial do SGSPAG com a correspondente análise crítica. O contexto específico foi o da Refinaria de Sines - Instalação de Dessulfuração de Gasóleo. A pesquisa foi acompanhada por um conjunto de métodos que permitiram uma visão mais actual do assunto no contexto seleccionado (dados adquiridos através de referências bibliográficas, da observação in-loco de auditorias de SGSPAG, da consulta de documentação relativa a auditorias SGSPAG e do estudo da legislação vigente e passada). Os resultados obtidos no Caso de Estudo Industrial, demonstraram que uma visão mais integradora e global podem contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos acidentes graves envolvendo substâncias perigosas e a sua prevenção, possibilitando um envolvimento maior e o comprometimento efectivo de todos, sejam eles trabalhadores (internos ou serviços subcontratados), Chefes de Secção, Responsáveis de Área, fornecedores, profissionais de outras áreas, Direcção da Empresa, representantes sindicais ou governamentais ou a própria Comunidade envolvente, estando o SGSPAG da Refinaria de Sines globalmente concebido, implementado e a demonstrar aptidão para, de uma forma consistente, cumprir os requisitos aplicáveis no DL nº 254/2007 e atingir os objectivos da Politica de Prevenção de Acidentes Graves

    Modulation of human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) functions for breast cancer therapy

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    Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Toxicologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016DNA repair is required for the maintenance of genome stability. In the last years DNA repair pathways have emerged as important targets for cancer therapy. Since standard anticancer agents are mainly DNA-damaging drugs, its combination with DNA repair inhibitors may contribute to improve treatment outcomes. Among the multiple effectors involved in DNA repair, the multifunctional base excision repair (BER) protein apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) is one of the most attractive druggable targets in this field. APE1 is the major endonuclease in BER participating in the repair of different DNA lesions including toxic abasic sites. In addition to the DNA repair activity, APE1 also acts independently as a reduction/oxidation signalling protein modulating the activation and DNA binding ability of several transcription factors implicated in cell survival and tumour promotion and progression. In this context, this thesis is focused on the combination of APE1 pharmacological inhibitors with conventional anticancer agents in the highly aggressive human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell line. Endonuclease activity has been the most studied function of APE1 in cancer therapy. Methoxyamine (MX), a commercially available indirect inhibitor of APE1 DNA repair function, was evaluated in combination with doxorubicin (Dox) in MDA-MB-231 cells. The chemotherapeutic drug Dox is widely used in the treatment of advanced breast cancer and may act, in part, by inducing oxidative DNA damage. MX had little effects in viability and colony formation of MDA-MB-231 cells. However, a significant increase in the frequency of micronucleated cells and an alteration in the pattern of micronuclei distribution were observed suggesting an increase in Dox genotoxicity. The differential results obtained in terms of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity showed that a therapeutic strategy based on APE1 inhibition is likely to have no relevance for the improvement of outcomes of Dox treatment. Although several putative inhibitors of APE1 endonuclease activity have been reported they still lack potential to be translated to the clinical setting. Therefore, in this thesis a structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) study based on molecular docking analysis of National Cancer Institute (NCI) database of compounds was performed to identify novel small-molecule inhibitors of APE1. The evaluation of SBVS study most promising compounds in a fluorescence-based APE1 endonuclease activity assay revealed three APE1 inhibitors. Compound 22 was a potent APE1 inhibitor showing inhibitory effects at nanomolar concentrations, while compounds 37 and 41 inhibited the enzyme in the micromolar range. These novel scaffolds for the design of more potent APE1 inhibitors did not affect the viability of non-tumourigenic human breast epithelial MCF10A cell line highlighting their promising features. The importance of APE1 modulation is beyond its functions in DNA repair. Therefore, E3330, a commercially available inhibitor of APE1 redox function, was also evaluated as single agent and in combination with the taxane drug docetaxel (DTX) in MDA-MB- 231 cells. DTX has anti-migratory and anti-angiogenic effects and is frequently used in advanced breast cancer refractory to anthracycline-based regimens. Consequently, relevant endpoints of cell migration and invasion were studied in addition to cell viability, proliferation and cell cycle profile assessment. Minor effects were observed in cell proliferation. However, E3330 alone significantly reduced the collective cell migration evaluated by the wound-healing assay without affecting chemotaxis and chemoinvasion. The combination of E3330 with DTX significantly decreased invasion of MDA-MB-231 cells suggesting a potential therapeutic role in metastatic breast cancer. The results described in this work emphasise the importance of preclinical studies of APE1 functions in cancer therapy and highlight the potential of novel drug combinations based on APE1 inhibitors reinforcing the role of targeting DNA repair in cancer treatment

    Machine learning: Challenges and opportunities on credit risk

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    The constant challenge in anticipating the risk of default by borrowers has led financial institutions to develop techniques and models to improve their credit risk monitoring, and to predict how likely it is for certain customers to default on a loan, as well as how likely it is for others to meet their financial obligations. Thus, it is interesting to investigate how financial institutions can anticipate this occurrence using Machine Learning algorithms. This dissertation aims to demonstrate the power of Machine Learning algorithms in credit risk analysis, focusing on building the models, training them, and testing the data, and presenting the opportunities and challenges of Machine Learning that are still open to developing future studies. For this purpose, we present two Machine Learning classification algorithms: Decision Trees and Logistic Regression. In addition, numerical results obtained from various comparisons of these algorithms, which were programmed and ran in Python using the Jupyter Notebook application, are also presented. The initial sample data, consisting of 850 observations, contained credit details about borrowers in the United States of America, and is freely available data. To check the model execution and performance, between Logistic Regression and Decision Trees, we used measures such as AUC, precision and F1-score.O constante desafio na antecipação do risco de incumprimento por parte dos tomadores de crédito, levou a que as instituições financeiras desenvolvessem técnicas e modelos de forma a melhorar a sua monitorização do risco de crédito, e antever o quão provável será para determinados clientes entrar em incumprimento, assim como o quão provável será para outros de cumprirem com as suas obrigações financeiras. Portanto, interessa averiguar como as instituições financeiras podem antecipar esta ocorrência beneficiando de algoritmos de Machine Learning. A presente dissertação pretende demonstrar o poder dos algoritmos de Machine Learning na análise de risco de crédito, com foco no processo de construção dos modelos, treinando-os e testando os dados, e apresentar as oportunidades e os desafios de Machine Learning que ainda estão em aberto para desenvolver futuros estudos. Para esse propósito, apresentamos dois algoritmos de classificação de Machine Learning: as Árvores de Decisão e a Regressão Logística. Adicionalmente, também se apresenta os resultados numéricos obtidos entre várias comparações desses algoritmos que foram programados e corridos em Python, utilizando a aplicação Jupyter Notebook. Os dados da amostra inicial, constituída por 850 observações, contêm detalhes de crédito sobre os tomadores de empréstimos nos Estados Unidos da América, sendo os dados de livre acesso e uitilização. Para verificar a execução e a performance do modelo, entre Regressão Logística e Árvores de Decisão, usamos medidas como o AUC, precisão e F1-score

    Estratégias e raciocínios de alunos do Ensino Básico em situações envolvendo a divisão

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2014O presente relatório elaborado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresenta todo o trabalho realizado durante o período de estágio, demonstrando as vitórias, dificuldades e metas atingidas e ultrapassadas. O objetivo principal deste documento consiste na reflexão permanente das várias situações com que me deparei e também avaliar a minha prestação ao longo das semanas de estágio. A partir das minhas observações, conversas entre professores cooperantes e supervisores e dificuldades ultrapassadas, aumentei os meus conhecimentos, aprendi novas estratégias e métodos de ensino e presenciei realidades que até hoje não tinha noção de quanto presentes estavam na nossa sociedade. Optei por uma investigação no domínio matemático, mais concretamente na divisão como partilha e como operação inversa pois as estratégias e métodos utilizados numa temática podem ser facilmente aproveitados para outros conteúdos

    Deflamin, an edible anti-inflammatory and anticancer protein isolated from legume seeds

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    Doutoramento em Biologia / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de LisboaPrevious reports revealed a novel MMP-2 and -9 inhibitor in Lupinus albus seeds, named deflamin, with a strong potential as a nutraceutical for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). In the present work our goal was 1) to better understand deflamin’s mode of action and 2) to produce an effective delivery system for it to be incorporated in IBD functional diets. Deflamin was found to be an oligomer comprising similar fragments from δ-conglutin and β-conglutin. It inhibited MMP-2 and -9 activities but not their gene expression and presented no cytotoxic effects. In vivo, it effectively reduced gelatinases activity in situ, hence minimizing the risk of secondary effects. Based on a previous patented method we were able to develop a lupin protein concentrate (LPC) which was used as an additive to cookies (10g/100g dough). Sweet and savory, as well as different flours (wheat, rice, buckwheat, oat, kamut and spelt) were tested. Overall, the LPC was found to improve the organoleptic and physical properties of the cookies. The biochemical compositions of all cookies with LPC presented higher protein and a golden-brown coloring. Furthermore, the aw and moisture content values suggested a high stability food product. Whilst the baking itself did not interfere with the gelatinase inhibitory activity in the cookies, the type of flour and the presence of sugar did, suggesting that the presence of carbohydrates can interfere with deflamin. Our final goal was tested the efficacy of the LPC in vivo, either alone or as added to cookies using two different types of colitis. Results confirmed that the LPC alone was effective against TNBS-induced colitis, in a dose dependent-manner, reducing more than 50% the DAI scores and inhibiting MMP-9 activity. When added to cookies, the LPC induced a significant protective effect against acetic acid-induced colitis, reducing lesion, oxidative stress and DNA damage levels. Overall, deflamin was shown to be an efficient and safe way to reduce IBDs symptoms, without prompting secondary effects. The developed LPC was found to be effective as a delivery system for deflamin and besides its activity towards MMP-9, the LPC further added a higher nutritional and antioxidant value to the already potential health benefits of deflamin. These findings can open new perspectives and novel approaches to tackle IBDS via functional diets.N/

    Deciphering the interplay of molecular alterations underpinning renal cell carcinoma by label-free mass spectrometry and clinical proteomics: A systems medicine approach for precision diagnosis

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    Renal neoplasia is the 14th most common tumor type diagnosed worldwide. With a vast heterogeneity, renal neoplasia encompasses different subtypes. 90% of the neoplasms arise from the epithelial layer of the nephron and vary from benign renal masses (renal oncocytoma, RO) to more indolent or aggressive cancers (renal cell carcinomas, RCC). As RCC subtypes, clear cell (ccRCC) subtype is the most predominant subtype, followed by papillary (pRCC) and chromophobe (chRCC). Despite the different outcomes, some overlapped histological and morphological features difficult their differentiation and diagnosis. Therefore, new approaches for a clear and accurate diagnosis are still needed. To achieve this goal, renal tissue biopsies diagnosed with ccRCC (n = 7), pRCC (n = 5), chRCC (n = 5), RO (n = 5) and normal adjacent tissue (NAT, n= 5) were enrolled in this study. As a very resourceful tool for proteome analysis and biomarker discovery, mass spectrometry (MS)-based methods were used to interrogate the proteome of each tumor in order to undisclosed differences trough which to develop faster and accurate diagnostics. The results achieved with this doctoral thesis include i) the accomplishment of an effective ultrasonic workflow to recover the proteome of optimal cutting temperature (OCT)-embedded tissues, ii) a novel analytical approach based on MALDI-MS profiling to distinguish chRCC from RO, iii) a 109-protein panel to discriminate between chRCC and RO and NAT, iv) a top 24-protein panel to diagnose ccRCC, pRCC, chRCC and RO based on absolute concentration values, v) the translation and validation of three promising biomarkers by immunohistochemical analysis, and vi) an approach for phosphopeptide enrichment. This work brings new insights into the different mechanisms underlying formation of these tumors as well as it provides valuable information to improve clinical diagnosis by opening new avenues for immunohistochemistry and mass spectrometry-based approaches

    Allgarve events: Implications for the Algarve image

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    Located in the south of Portugal, the Algarve belongs to the top twenty travel destinations worldwide, with a local economy relying strongly on tourism-related activities. The Allgarve programme was launched in 2007 and is an umbrella brand that aims to reposition the Algarve as a refi ned tourism destination with glamour. Allgarve is a set of cultural, artistic and sports events off ered mainly during the summer season. Based on data from a questionnaire carried out with 282 foreign tourists who visited the Algarve, this study identifi es and profi les clusters of tourists based on their perceptions of Allgarve. In addition, we analyse to what extent the image of the Algarve has changed as a consequence of the Allgarve events. The results show that most respondents agree with the Allgarve brand name, report a positive perception of the campaign, and agree that it has a positive impact for the Algarve differentiation. However, the results suggest that the majority of tourists still come to the region attracted by the Algarve brand, and that this brand has not been aff ected by the Allgarve programme's content. Th e fi ndings of this study are important in understanding the implications of events in repositioning strategies of mature tourism destinations

    A qualidade para a eficácia da comunicação nas organizações: estudo de caso na Câmara Municipal de Santiago do Cacém

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    Para se atingir a excelência numa organização esta deve utilizar dois instrumentos essenciais: a qualidade e uma comunicação eficiente e eficaz entre todos os trabalhadores, pois é através desta que se pode atingir a gestão pela qualidade. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal averiguar se a comunicação organizacional e a qualidade estão interligadas, isto é, qual a necessidade em melhorar a comunicação dentro de uma organização, de modo a desenvolver-se eficazmente uma gestão pela qualidade. Para tal, efetuou-se uma recolha de dados através da aplicação de questionários aos trabalhadores da Câmara Municipal de Santiago do Cacém. Quanto ao conteúdo, o instrumento de recolha de dados foi adaptado dos questionários aplicados nas investigações de Quintino (2009), do artigo científico de Downs e Hazen (1977) e do livro adaptado por Goldhaber e Rogers (1979). Os resultados obtidos revelaram que nesta organização a comunicação entre os trabalhadores dos vários setores é satisfatória e que existe entreajuda entre os mesmos, afim de melhorar o desempenho organizacional; Abstract: Quality for effective communication in organizations. Case study in the Câmara Municipal de Santiago do Cacém. In order to attain excellence in an organization, two key tools should be used: Quality and an efficient and effective Communication between all employees. Only through these tools can we achieve quality management. This study aims to determine whether or not organizational communication and quality are interrelated. That is to say, to identify the need to improve communication within an organization in order to effectively develop quality management. To this end, data was collected through questionnaires given to employees of the Câmara Municipal de Santiago do Cacém. Regarding content, the instrument of data collection was adapted from questionnaires used in investigations of Quintino (2009), the scientific article by Downs and Hazen (1977) and adapted from the book by Goldhaber and Rogers (1979). The results obtained revealed that the communication between the employees of various sectors within the organization is satisfactory and that there exists mutual assistance between the employees in order to improve the organizational performance