148 research outputs found

    Evidence for Quantum Interference in SAMs of Arylethynylene Thiolates in Tunneling Junctions with Eutectic Ga-In (EGaIn) Top-Contacts

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    This paper compares the current density (J) versus applied bias (V) of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of three different ethynylthiophenol-functionalized anthracene derivatives of approximately the same thickness with linear-conjugation (AC), cross-conjugation (AQ), and broken-conjugation (AH) using liquid eutectic Ga-In (EGaIn) supporting a native skin (~1 nm thick) of Ga2O3 as a nondamaging, conformal top-contact. This skin imparts non-Newtonian rheological properties that distinguish EGaIn from other top-contacts; however, it may also have limited the maximum values of J observed for AC. The measured values of J for AH and AQ are not significantly different (J ≈ 10-1 A/cm2 at V = 0.4 V). For AC, however, J is 1 (using log averages) or 2 (using Gaussian fits) orders of magnitude higher than for AH and AQ. These values are in good qualitative agreement with gDFTB calculations on single AC, AQ, and AH molecules chemisorbed between Au contacts that predict currents, I, that are 2 orders of magnitude higher for AC than for AH at 0 < |V| < 0.4 V. The calculations predict a higher value of I for AQ than for AH; however, the magnitude is highly dependent on the position of the Fermi energy, which cannot be calculated precisely. In this sense, the theoretical predictions and experimental conclusions agree that linearly conjugated AC is significantly more conductive than either cross-conjugated AQ or broken conjugate AH and that AQ and AH cannot necessarily be easily differentiated from each other. These observations are ascribed to quantum interference effects. The agreement between the theoretical predictions on single molecules and the measurements on SAMs suggest that molecule-molecule interactions do not play a significant role in the transport properties of AC, AQ, and AH.

    A self-consistent quantum master equation approach to molecular transport

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    We propose a self-consistent generalized quantum master equation (GQME) to describe electron transport through molecular junctions. In a previous study [M.Esposito and M.Galperin. Phys. Rev. B 79, 205303 (2009)], we derived a time-nonlocal GQME to cure the lack of broadening effects in Redfield theory. To do so, the free evolution used in the Born-Markov approximation to close the Redfield equation was replaced by a standard Redfield evolution. In the present paper, we propose a backward Redfield evolution leading to a time-local GQME which allows for a self-consistent procedure of the GQME generator. This approach is approximate but properly reproduces the nonequilibrium steady state density matrix and the currents of an exactly solvable model. The approach is less accurate for higher moments such as the noise.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    The impact of resolution on the representation of Greenland barrier winds and katabatic flows

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 42 (2015): 3011–3018, doi:10.1002/2015GL063550.Southern Greenland is characterized by a number of low-level high wind speed weather systems that are the result of topographic flow distortion. These systems include barrier winds and katabatic flow that occur along its southeast coast. Global atmospheric reanalyses have proven to be important tools in furthering our understanding of these orographic winds and their role in the climate system. However, there is evidence that the mesoscale characteristics of these systems may be missed in these global products. Here we show that the Arctic System Reanalysis, a higher-resolution regional reanalysis, is able to capture mesoscale features of barrier winds and katabatic flow that are missed or underrepresented in ERA-I, a leading modern global reanalysis. This suggests that our understanding of the impact of these wind systems on the coupled-climate system can be enhanced through the use of higher-resolution regional reanalyses or model data.2015-10-1

    Observation of Quantum Interference in Molecular Charge Transport

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    As the dimensions of a conductor approach the nano-scale, quantum effects will begin to dominate its behavior. This entails the exciting possibility of controlling the conductance of a device by direct manipulation of the electron wave function. Such control has been most clearly demonstrated in mesoscopic semiconductor structures at low temperatures. Indeed, the Aharanov-Bohm effect, conductance quantization and universal conductance fluctuations are direct manifestations of the electron wave nature. However, an extension of this concept to more practical emperatures has not been achieved so far. As molecules are nano-scale objects with typical energy level spacings (~eV) much larger than the thermal energy at 300 K (~25 meV), they are natural candidates to enable such a break-through. Fascinating phenomena including giant magnetoresistance, Kondo effects and conductance switching, have previously been demonstrated at the molecular level. Here, we report direct evidence for destructive quantum interference in charge transport through two-terminal molecular junctions at room temperature. Furthermore, we show that the degree of interference can be controlled by simple chemical modifications of the molecule. Not only does this provide the experimental demonstration of a new phenomenon in quantum charge transport, it also opens the road for a new type of molecular devices based on chemical or electrostatic control of quantum interference

    Les grands accélérateurs de particules

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    The different types of accelerators are recalled with emphasis on the most powerful : the synchrotron particle colliders. The use of superconductors in accelerator magnets as well as in RF cavities is discussed. The characteristics of the large accelerators, existing and planned, are given together with the level of industry involvement in their construction. Details concerning superconducting magnets and cryogenic plants are investigated. Finally, detectors, the most important tool for physics, are mentionned.Après avoir rappelé les différents types d'accélérateurs utilisés, l'accent est mis sur les plus puissants, c'est-à-dire les synchrotrons fonctionnant en anneaux de collision. Le rôle des supraconducteurs est analysé aussi bien pour les aimants que pour les cavités accélératrices. Les caractéristiques des principaux accélérateurs existants ou en projet sont données ainsi que l'implication de l'industrie dans leur fabrication. On insiste plus particulièrement sur les aimants supraconducteurs et les installations cryogéniques. Enfin les détecteurs, éléments indispensables à la physique, sont également évoqués


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    The UW Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) model is used to derive surface pressure fields from scatterometer surface measurements. After a decade of comparison with NMC wind products, it is clear that the combination of the scatterometer and the PBL model yield superior information about the global pressure fields. The pressure fields are used to correct the scatterometer winds where they are contaminated by rain or poorly retrieved due to antenna geometry. The new winds are compared to buoy wind measurements. The scatterometer-derived surface pressure fields are assessed with buoy measurements and NWS analyses (NCEP, ECMWF and MM5 in the Gulf of Alaska). The gradients are systematically compared to buoy-measured pressure gradients. The model has been used to initialize a GCM with Geostrophic (pressure gradient) winds, yielding superior prognoses to initialization with surface winds. Original and corrected scatterometer winds are being assimilated in a NWF model


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    Numerous cold fronts associated with mature extratropical storms sweep the coast of Chile every year. The large expanses of the Southern Pacific Ocean offer an ideal setting for up to 4000-km long cold fronts to develop as their parent cyclones travel from Australia to South America. These fronts sometimes break and spawn secondary cyclones that deepen significantly in one or two days. Examples of such frontal waves will be shown and discussed. An attribution technique applied to scatterometer wind measurements is used to diagnose the development of those frontal waves. Necessary conditions for their development are reveale