9 research outputs found

    Induced and non-induced forbidden subposet problems

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    The problem of determining the maximum size La(n,P)La(n,P) that a PP-free subposet of the Boolean lattice BnB_n can have, attracted the attention of many researchers, but little is known about the induced version of these problems. In this paper we determine the asymptotic behavior of La(n,P)La^*(n,P), the maximum size that an induced PP-free subposet of the Boolean lattice BnB_n can have for the case when PP is the complete two-level poset Kr,tK_{r,t} or the complete multi-level poset Kr,s1,,sj,tK_{r,s_1,\dots,s_j,t} when all sis_i's either equal 4 or are large enough and satisfy an extra condition. We also show lower and upper bounds for the non-induced problem in the case when PP is the complete three-level poset Kr,s,tK_{r,s,t}. These bounds determine the asymptotics of La(n,Kr,s,t)La(n,K_{r,s,t}) for some values of ss independently of the values of rr and tt

    Supersaturation and stability for forbidden subposet problems

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    We address a supersaturation problem in the context of forbidden subposets. A family F\mathcal{F} of sets is said to contain the poset PP if there is an injection i:PFi:P \rightarrow \mathcal{F} such that pPqp \le_P q implies i(p)i(q)i(p) \subset i (q). The poset on four elements a,b,c,da,b,c,d with a,bc,da,b \le c,d is called butterfly. The maximum size of a family F2[n]\mathcal{F} \subseteq 2^{[n]} that does not contain a butterfly is Σ(n,2)=(nn/2)+(nn/2+1)\Sigma(n,2)=\binom{n}{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}+\binom{n}{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor+1} as proved by De Bonis, Katona, and Swanepoel. We prove that if F2[n]\mathcal{F} \subseteq 2^{[n]} contains Σ(n,2)+E\Sigma(n,2)+E sets, then it has to contain at least (1o(1))E(n/2+1)(n/22)(1-o(1))E(\lceil n/2 \rceil +1)\binom{\lceil n/2\rceil}{2} copies of the butterfly provided E2n1εE\le 2^{n^{1-\varepsilon}} for some positive ε\varepsilon. We show by a construction that this is asymptotically tight and for small values of EE we show that the minimum number of butterflies contained in F\mathcal{F} is exactly E(n/2+1)(n/22)E(\lceil n/2 \rceil +1)\binom{\lceil n/2\rceil}{2}

    On LL-close Sperner systems

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    For a set LL of positive integers, a set system F2[n]\mathcal{F} \subseteq 2^{[n]} is said to be LL-close Sperner, if for any pair F,GF,G of distinct sets in F\mathcal{F} the skew distance sd(F,G)=min{FG,GF}sd(F,G)=\min\{|F\setminus G|,|G\setminus F|\} belongs to LL. We reprove an extremal result of Boros, Gurvich, and Milani\v c on the maximum size of LL-close Sperner set systems for L={1}L=\{1\} and generalize to L=1|L|=1 and obtain slightly weaker bounds for arbitrary LL. We also consider the problem when LL might include 0 and reprove a theorem of Frankl, F\"uredi, and Pach on the size of largest set systems with all skew distances belonging to L={0,1}L=\{0,1\}

    On the sizes of t-intersecting k-chain-free families

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    A set system F{\mathcal F} is tt-intersecting, if the size of the intersection of every pair of its elements has size at least tt. A set system F{\mathcal F} is kk-Sperner, if it does not contain a chain of length k+1k+1. Our main result is the following: Suppose that kk and tt are fixed positive integers, where n+tn+t is even and nn is large enough. If F2[n]{\mathcal F}\subseteq 2^{[n]} is a tt-intersecting kk-Sperner family, then F{\mathcal F} has size at most the size of the sum of kk layers, of sizes (n+t)/2,,(n+t)/2+k1(n+t)/2,\ldots, (n+t)/2+k-1. This bound is best possible. The case when n+tn+t is odd remains open

    On The Ratio Of Maximum And Minimum Degree In Maximal Intersecting Families

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    To study how balanced or unbalanced a maximal intersecting family F subset of ((vertical bar n vertical bar) (r)) is we consider the ratio R(F) = Delta(F)/delta(F) of its maximum and minimum degree. We determine the order of magnitude of the function m(n, r), the minimum possible value of R(F), and establish some lower and upper bounds on the function M(n, r), the maximum possible value of R(F). To obtain constructions that show the bounds on m(n, r) we use a theorem of Blokhuis on the minimum size of a non-trivial blocking set in projective planes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.WoSScopu

    Stability results for vertex Turan problems in Kneser graphs

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    The vertex set of the Kneser graph K(n, k) is V = (([n])(k)) and two vertices are adjacent if the corresponding sets are disjoint. For any graph F, the largest size of a vertex set U subset of V such that K(n, k)[U] is F-free, was recently determined by Alishahi and Taherkhani, whenever n is large enough compared to k and F. In this paper, we determine the second largest size of a vertex set W subset of V such that K(n, k)[W] is F-free, in the case when F is an even cycle or a complete multi-partite graph. In the latter case, we actually give a more general theorem depending on the chromatic number of F