190 research outputs found

    Analysis of Cryptographic Techniques for Attribute based Data Sharing

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    Now a day’s most of the people move their data to cloud services due to which it saves enormous cost. But they are taken aback due to one main reason “Security”. The vulnerabilities of cloud storage are extremely high, even the leading service providers have been compromised at some point .This paper is focusing on various modern techniques like key policy attribute based encryption, Ciphertext policy attribute based encryption, Hierarchical attribute based Encryption are discussed. So that it will be helpful for us to provide more security against vulnerabilities in cloud storage that are identified to be exploited. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150515

    Reviewing effectivity in security approaches towards strengthening internet architecture

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    The usage of existing Internet architecture is shrouded by various security loopholes and hence is highly ineffective towards resisting potential threats over internet. Hence, it is claimed that future internet architecture has been evolved as a solution to address this security gaps of existing internet architecture. Therefore, this paper initiates its discussion by reviewing the existing practices of web security in conventional internet architecture and has also discussed about some recent solutions towards mitigating potentially reported threats e.g. cross-site scripting, SQL inject, and distributed denial-of-service. The paper has also discussed some of the recent research contribution towards security solution considering future internet architecture. The proposed manuscripts contributes to showcase the true effectiveness of existing approaches with respect to advantages and limitation of existing approaches along with explicit highlights of existing research problems that requires immediate attention

    The New-Normal of Talent & Knowledge Management – A Framework towards Virtual Learning – Post- COVID-19

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    Indian economy since the pre and post-independence period has witnessed a drastic transformation from an agrarian economy to a knowledge-based economy thus creating a knowledge-based workforce and organisations. With the change of time, the learning became more complex and necessity thus creating havoc and high-pace change in the character of the job in an organisation even creating a situation where artificial intelligence is replacing human intelligence. Today’s employees are more competitive in terms of skills, pay-packages, and also work challenges. Amidst of all these changes, the present uncertainty and crisis hovering the entire world i.e .the Corona Virus pandemic which has forced almost all organizations to accept virtual learning and virtual knowledge sharing as a competitive edge and adapting virtual-cost-effective learning and communication system. It is prime time when the management of the organisation has to initiate a holistic approach towards virtual learning and knowledge sharing with a clear objective of up-skilling its workforce to new normals during and post-pandemic. The new normal norms will bring in new challenges of a new set of skills and competencies and operational processes to revive the broken economy and business setbacks. This paper further concentrates and focuses on applying and improving virtual knowledge management practices in organisation. It also focuses on effective talent up-gradation and management systems which most important in the present scenario to have a ‘Fact-Based Communication' And 'Virtual Connectivity'. Here, Descriptive Research is adopted for the study. Literature review of articles and research papers is analytically conducted to develop a significant process for crucial talent management systems that will aid in the up-skilling workforce through virtual mode to combat and resurgence the Post- COVID-19

    Cystic hygroma with hydrops fetalis: a rare case report

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    Cystic hygromas are malformations of the lymphatics system that appear as fluid-filled, membranous cysts, lined by true epithelium in the anterolateral or occipito-cervical area. They result from the jugular lymphatic obstruction sequence, in which the normal communication between the jugular veins and the jugular lymphatic sacs fail to develop by 40th day of gestation. Most of the cystic hygromas are associated with chromosomal anomalies. When diagnosed in-utero, the survival rate of foetuses affected with cystic hygroma is only 2-6%.When hydrops is present alongwith cystic hygroma, the mortality rate is near 100%. The incidence of cystic hygroma is estimated to be 1 case per 6000-16000 live births. We here present a case of 25 years old primigravida with 16 weeks 5 days of gestation was diagnosed prenatally during ultrasonography for the foetal well-being with a large cystic hygroma with septation extending in the entire length, associated with bilateral pleural effusion and ascites with a variable heart rate. The pregnancy was terminated with the consent of the parents. Foetuses with cystic hygroma are at high risk for adverse outcomes. Due to its extremely poor prognosis, termination should be considered when the diagnosis is made before viability and the chromosomes are abnormal.


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    Abstract Title: Correlation of total antioxidant status (TAS) with DNA damage in HIV/AIDS patients. Background: The antioxidant deficiency in HIV-positive populations is probably due to increased utilization of antioxidant micronutrients because of increased oxidative stress rather than to inadequate dietary intake [1].  Objectives: The study had 2 principal objectives. The first was to determine total antioxidant status (TAS) and DNA damage in HIV /AIDS patients on varying antiretroviral therapy(ART)  and those not on ART. The second objective was to ascertain whether there is any correlation between TAS and oxidative DNA damage in these patients. Design: This was a cross-sectional study involving 300 HIV positive and 100 HIV-negative subjects aged 20–60 yrs. Results: The varying ART has not have much effect on TAS levels but there was different levels of DNA damage in ART first line, ART second line and ART not yet started patients. There is a negative correlation between TAS & DNA damage. Conclusions: In this study, we observed that ART plays a significant role in the oxidative DNA damage. Decreased TAS is associated with increased DNA damage. Â

    Plants of ethnomedicinal importance from Yawalforest area Yawal, Jalgaon (India)

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    Ethnobotany is holistic study, which involves the reciprocal and dynamic aspect of interactions of Adivasis people with plants. There are thousands of plants that yields medicines are very useful to mankind .The plants which naturally contain certain chemical constituents having therapeutic properties are called medicinal plants .Several plants in Yawal forest area have potential of better economic exploitation.Tribal having tremendous ethnomedical knowledge that has passed from one generation to the next generation.Yawal forest area is store house of numerous medicinal plants, various plants are used traditionally by Pawara people in skin , diseases , cough , cold , asthma, jaundice, fever , indigestion etc. Present article deals with some important plants used to cure cough , cold , asthma, by Pawara people in Yawal forest area .12 species belonging to 11 families and their traditional uses for curing respiratory diseases are recorded

    Obstetric near miss events and maternal deaths in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Maternal mortality is one of the important indicators of maternal health. Objectives of present study were to determine the frequency of maternal near miss, maternal near miss incidence ratio, maternal near miss to mortality ratio and mortality index and to study the risk factors associated with near miss events.Methods: A retrospective analysis of severe maternal morbidity from January 2015 to December 2015 was studied. Data was collected from women with pregnancy related life-threatening complications, near miss cases and maternal deaths.Results: The total number of deliveries were 5247. The numbers of maternal deaths were 12. Maternal mortality ratio was 228 per one lakh deliveries. There were 5.3 near miss events for every 1 maternal death. The nature and course of near miss cases were analysed. Severe maternal odds ratio was 14.48. Mortality index was 15.78%. Maternal near miss incidence ratio was 12.19.Conclusions: Near Miss Mortality indicator is helpful in identifying the life-threatening conditions and thus aiming to prevent maternal mortality. Hypertensive disorders and its complications are the leading causes of near miss events. Sepsis is the main cause of maternal death

    Metanephric adenoma of kidney: a rare and distinct entity

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    Metanephric adenoma (MA) is an unusual renal neoplasm with benign behaviour most of the times. Clinically MA mimics malignant renal neoplasms due to nonspecific signs and symptoms such as polycythaemia, haematuria and abdominal pain. MA usually presents as a mass lesion on radiographic studies and can be found incidentally. The treatment of choice is surgical excision. Though MA is usually a benign tumour, increase in the knowledge of MA pathology may lead to less invasive treatments in the future. Less than 200 cases of metanephric adenoma are reported till date in the literature

    Comparative study on morpho-anatomy of leaf, stem and root of Boerhaavia diffusa L. (Nyctaginaceae) and its adulterant plants

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    Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa L.- Nyctaginaceae) is a promising drug to rejuvenate new cells in the body. It is well known in Ayurvedic medicine and locally called Tambadivasu. Superficially it is similar to other species of Boerhaavia and species of Trianthema and Sesuvium. Due to the minute morphological differences, the above plants are erroneously used in medicine as Punarnava, and at times on purpose as an adulterant. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the anatomical features of Punarnava for proper identification of the medicinal plant species for local people and for scientific research. Due to the ambiguity in local names and similar apparent appearance, market samples of Punarnava are often adulterated with various species of Trianthema and Sesuvium. These adulterated samples contain neither the Punarnavine alkaloid, nor does it possess anisocytic stomata but possess paracytic stomata. Comparative study of stem anatomy showed two main characteristic differences. First, plenty of starch grains can be seen in both the ground parenchymatous tissues present in between successive cambia and xylem parenchyma of Punarnava which is not observed in species of Trianthema, and second, the phloem around the xylem of Punarnava root has semi-circular or eccentric patches, while that of Trianthema only has narrow strips. This study is focused on comparative SEM study of leaf morphologies and anatomy of leaf, stem, and root of Boerhaavia diffusa L., Trianthema portulacastrum L. and Sesuvium portulacastrum L