58 research outputs found

    A review of management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome through Ayurveda

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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the fastest growing endocrinological disorder in females of reproductive age. In PCOS, follicular growth is influenced by hormonal imbalance due to which affected follicles remain in the ovary. The prevalence of PCOS is estimated 6-10% globally and 3.7% - 22.5% in Indian female population, which is relatively high. It is characterised by hyperandrogenism, anovulation and polycystic ovaries seen on USG which clinically manifests in the complex form of amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, acne, infertility etc. incidence of this disease increasing exponentially due to faulty dietary habits, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, only focusing on career ignoring health etc. PCOS is not directly explained in Ayurveda we can corelate it with some of the conditions like Vandhya Yonivyapada, Arajaska Yonivyapada, Artava Kshaya, Nastartava, Pushpaghni Jataharini, etc. Its Hetu can be understood by different Yoniyapada Hetu, Artavavaha Srotodusthi Hetu etc. and treatment can be planned by assessing the Dosha, Dushya, Agni, Ama and Prakruti of patient. We can plan ayurvedic treatment with the help of various Ayurvedic herbal and mineral preparations, Panchakarma, along with diet and lifestyle modifications. Which can be judiciously implemented to   alleviate PCOS and all associated problems

    An architectural framework for automatic detection of autism using deep convolution networks and genetic algorithm

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    The brainchild in any medical image processing lied in how accurately the diseases are diagnosed. Especially in the case of neural disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), accurate detection was still a challenge. Several noninvasive neuroimaging techniques provided experts information about the functionality and anatomical structure of the brain. As autism is a neural disorder, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain gave a complex structure and functionality. Many machine learning techniques were proposed to improve the classification and detection accuracy of autism in MRI images. Our work focused mainly on developing the architecture of convolution neural networks (CNN) combining the genetic algorithm. Such artificial intelligence (AI) techniques were very much needed for training as they gave better accuracy compared to traditional statistical methods


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    Unwanted hairs which are present in the body causes cosmetological as well as psychological problems for an individual. To remove the unwanted hairs there are numerous medicines and procedures, which are carried out for depilation action. These medicines are mainly chemicals have side effects and irritation to the skin. The techniques which are employed for this purpose are expensive; still the relapse of the hair occurs because these are giving temporary results. As there are so many medicines which are available in the market for the other diseases like Jwara (fever), Sandhgataivata (osteoarthritis), Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis), Amalpitta (acid peptic disorder), Shwasa (bronchial asthma), Kasa (cough) etc. but for the Romashatana there are no such frequently available medicine. The hair removal products which are available in the market are not herbal or herbomineral. Romashatana lepa is a herbomineral preparation prepared by taking Shoditha hartala, Shanka and Palasha khara. Physico-chemical analytical results of Romashatana lepa show pH 8.78, Arsenic 2.33%w/w, Calcium 22% w/w

    Empyema Thoracis- the role of open thoracotomy with decortication in the era of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery

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    Background: Empyema Thoracis, a condition in which purulent fluid accumulates within the pleural cavity, is commonly caused by bacterial infection (both Gram- positive and Gram-negative), such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and rarely by fungal infection. Timely intervention significantly reduces morbidity and mortality. Surgical intervention is needed in advanced disease. This study aimed evaluate decortications performed through video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and open thoracotomy. Methods: This retrospective study included 47 patients who underwent decortications by either VATS or open thoracotomy for empyema Thoracis at the Department of Surgery of, BLDE DU Shri B M Patil Medical College from May 2015 to August 2020. Results: Tuberculosis was the most common etiological factor for empyema Thoracis. In 19 patients who underwent VATS decortications, VATS was converted to open thoracotomy in 11 patients. Only 8 patients achieved successful decortication with VATS. Thirty- nine patients (including 11 whose VATS was converted to open thoracotomy) underwent successful open thoracotomy decortications. Thirty-two patients had postoperative bronchopleural fistula, and all cases were successfully managed conservatively. The timing of the surgical intervention is critical in reducing morbidity and mortality. The more advanced the disease, the higher the failure rate of VATS in attaining complete decortications. Conclusion: Open thoracotomy decortication remains the gold standard in attaining complete decortications in advanced empyema Thoracis

    Isolation and Characterization of Paracoccus

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    A potential bacterial strain GSM2, capable of degrading an azo dye Reactive Violet 5 as a sole source of carbon, was isolated from textile mill effluent from Solapur, India. The 16S rDNA sequence and phenotypic characteristics indicated an isolated organism as Paracoccus sp. GSM2. This strain exhibited complete decolorization of Reactive Violet 5 (100 mg/L) within 16 h, while maximally it could decolorize 800 mg/L of dye within 38 h with 73% decolorization under static condition. For color removal, the most suitable pH and temperature were pH 6.0–9.0 and 25–40°C, respectively. The isolate was able to decolorize more than 70% of five structurally different azo dyes within 38 h. The isolate is salt tolerant as it can bring out more than 90% decolorization up to a salt concentration of 2% (w/v). UV-Visible absorption spectra before and after decolorization suggested that decolorization was due to biodegradation and was further confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy. Overall results indicate the effectiveness of the strain GSM2 explored for the treatment of textile industry effluents containing various azo dyes. To our knowledge, this could be the first report on biodegradation of Reactive Violet 5 by Paracoccus sp. GSM2

    A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Dashamoola Trivrit Taila Paana in Kashtartava w.s.r. Dysmenorrhoea

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    Dysmenorrhoea means difficult menstruation but the term is used to mean painful menstruation, but a more practical definition includes cases of painful menstruation of sufficient magnitude so as to incapacitate day to day activities.[1] Kashtartava is Pratyama Laxana of various Yonivyapads like - Vatala, Paripluta, Udavartini, Mahayoni, Antarmukhi, Sukimukki and also in Vataja Artava Dhushti, Khsina Artava Dhushuti, Asrgdara that affects approximately 50% of menstruating women. It is common reason for losing time at school or work or for visiting the family doctor. Pain is the biggest problem since the beginning of mankind. Morbid Vata Dosha especially Apana Vata is causative factor of Kashtartava. Drugs which have Vatahara Artava Doshahara properties are beneficial. Considering the morbidity and the complications that are caused by Kashtartava, combination of above herbal preparation has been tried here. Here, in this study Dashmoola Trivrit Taila having property of Shula Prashamana Vatanulomana and Vatashamaka is indicated in the form of Paana

    Combining ability studies in restorer lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    The restorer lines are used to get fertile hybrids in hybrid seed production system of sunflower. Improve-ment of R-lines for fertility and oil content of sunflower is required to get desirable hybrids upon crossing. In the pre-sent study, 6 restorer lines were crossed in full diallele and both direct and reciprocal crosses along with parents were evaluated for their combining ability. The analysis of variance revealed higher magnitude of SCA variance than GCA variance for all the characters studied except for days to 50 per cent flowering. Among six parents, GMU -520 and R-GM-41 were best general combiner for plant height, head diameter, test weight and leaf size in the desired direction. However, GMU-520 has advantage of yield per plant and oil content. From 15 direct crosses R-GM-41 x R -GM-49 exhibited significant specific combining ability for viz., days to 50 per cent flowering (-1.08), plant height (13.69), head diameter (4.79), leaf size (0.74), yield per plant (17.14), volume weight (2.54), test weight (1.75) and oil content (0.34) followed by RCR-630 x GMU-520, R-GM-41 x EC-602060, R-GM-49 x GMU-520 and EC-602060 x GMU-520 each exhibiting good specific combining ability for majority of characters. Among reciprocal crosses R-GM -41 x RCR-8 exhibited a high reciprocal effects for head diameter (4.57), yield per plant (15.16), test weight (2.02) and leaf size (0.75)


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    Sub grade soil is an essential part within the pavement structure because it provides support for that pavement from beneath. The qualities of sub grade soil are very important in the perception of pavement structure. Elevated earth can be a composite material that's a mix of soil and reinforcement,  placed to address the developed tensile stresses plus it enhances the resistance within the soil for the finest stress. To look for the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density for soil A and Soil B additionally to soil jute fiber mix. To uncover rise in strength through the use of jute fibers as being a backing material by transporting out Unconfined Compressive strength test (UCS) and CBR test. To look for the optimum fiber content for soil A and soil B using unconfined compressive strength test (UCS) and California Bearing Ratio test. To look for the Optimum morality and soaking length of NaOH solution to help with fiber. To look for the sturdiness Qualities within the Jute fiber elevated with Soil A and soil B. Objective of reducing pavement thickness on poor sub grade new techniques of construction and soil stabilization are really continuously investigated

    Research Article A new Informatics Framework for Evaluating the Codon Usage Metrics, Evolutionary Models and Phylogeographic reconstruction of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in different regions of Asian countries

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    Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a major devastating viral disease, majorly affecting the tomato production globally. The disease is majorly transmitted by the Whitefly. The Begomovirus (TYLCV) having a six major protein coding genes, among them the C1/AC1 is evidently associated with viral replication. Owing to immense role of C1/AC1 gene, the present study is an initial effort to elucidate the factors shaping the codon usage bias and evolutionary pattern of TYLCV-C1/AC1 gene in five major Asian countries. Based on publically available nucleotide sequence data the Codon usage pattern, Evolutionary and Phylogeographic reconstruction was carried out. The study revealed the presence of significant variation between the codon bias indices in all the selected regions. Implying that the codon usage pattern indices (eNC, CAI, RCDI, GRAVY, Aromo) are seriously affected by selection and mutational pressure, taking a supremacy in shaping the codon usage bias of viral gene. Further, the tMRCA age was 1853, 1939, 1855, 1944, 1828 for China, India, Iran, Oman and South Korea, respectively for TYLCV-C1/AC1 gene. The integrated analysis of Codon usage bias, Evolutionary rate and Phylogeography analysis in viruses signifies the positive role of selection and mutational pressure among the selected regions for TYLCV (C1/AC1) gene

    The first study on analysis of the codon usage bias and evolutionary analysis of the glycoprotein envelope E2 gene of seven Pestiviruses

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    Background and Aim: Pestivirus, a genus of the Flaviviridae family, comprises viruses that affect bovines, sheep, and pigs. Symptoms, including hemorrhagic syndromes, abortion, respiratory complications, and deadly mucosal diseases, are produced in infected animals, which cause huge economic losses to the farmers. Bovine viral diarrhea virus-1, bovine viral diarrhea virus-2, classical swine fever virus, border disease virus, Bungowannah, Hobi-like, and atypical porcine pestivirus belonging to the Pestivirus genus were selected for the study. This study aimed to estimate the codon usage bias and the rate of evolution using the glycoprotein E2 gene. Furthermore, codon usage bias analysis was performed using publicly available nucleotide sequences of the E2 gene of all seven Pestiviruses. These nucleotide sequences might elucidate the disease epidemiology and facilitate the development of designing better vaccines. Materials and Methods: Coding sequences of the E2 gene of Pestiviruses A (n = 89), B (n = 60), C (n = 75), D (n = 10), F (n = 07), H (n = 52), and K (n = 85) were included in this study. They were analyzed using different methods to estimate the codon usage bias and evolution. In addition, the maximum likelihood and Bayesian methodologies were employed to analyze a molecular dataset of seven Pestiviruses using a complete E2 gene region. Results: The combined analysis of codon usage bias and evolutionary rate analysis revealed that the Pestiviruses A, B, C, D, F, H, and K have a codon usage bias in which mutation and natural selection have played vital roles. Furthermore, while the effective number of codons values revealed a moderate bias, neutrality plots indicated the natural selection in A, B, F, and H Pestiviruses and mutational pressure in C, D, and K Pestiviruses. The correspondence analysis revealed that axis-1 significantly contributes to the synonymous codon usage pattern. In this study, the evolutionary rate of Pestiviruses B, H, and K was very high. The most recent common ancestors of all Pestivirus lineages are 1997, 1975, 1946, 1990, 2004, 1990, and 1990 for Pestiviruses A, B, C, D, F, H, and K, respectively. This study confirms that both mutational pressure and natural selection have played a significant role in codon usage bias and evolutionary studies. Conclusion: This study provides insight into the codon usage bias and evolutionary lineages of pestiviruses. It is arguably the first report of such kind. The information provided by the study can be further used to elucidate the respective host adaptation strategies of the viruses. In turn, this information helps study the epidemiology and control methods of pestiviruses
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