15 research outputs found

    Low-cost ANS Encoder for Lossless Data Compression in FPGAs

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    We present the implementation of the hardware ANS compressor in FPGAs. The main goal of the design was to propose a solution suitable to low-cost, low-energy embedded systems. We propose the streaming-rANS algorithm of the ANS family as a target for the implementation. Also, we propose a set of algorithm parameters that substantially reduce the use of FPGA resources, and we examine what is the influence of the chosen parameters on compression performance. Further, we compare our design to the lossless codecs found in literature, and to the streaming-rANS codecs with arbitrary parameters

    Training Using a Commercial Immersive Virtual Reality System on Hand-Eye Coordination and Reaction Time in Young Musicians: A Pilot Study

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    The implementation of virtual reality (VR) opens up a wide range of possibilities for the development of dexterity, speed and precision of movements. The aim of this study was to investigate whether immersive VR training affected the hand-eye coordination and reaction time in students of the state music school. This study implemented a single-group pre-post study design. This study enrolled 14 individuals, submitted to a 15 min training session of the immersive music game "Beat Saber", once a day for 5 consecutive days. The plate-tapping test (PTT) and the ruler-drop test (Ditrich's test) were used to assess the reaction time. Trial-making test (TMT) A and TMT B were used to assess coordination and visual attention. Analysis of the results showed a statistically significant improvement in hand-eye coordination and reaction time of music school students using the TMT-A (p < 0.002), TMT-B (p < 0.001), Ditrich's test for the non-dominant hand (0.025) and PTT (0.0001) after applying a week-long training period in immersive VR. The results obtained in the present study show that the VR system, along with the immersive music game, has the potential to improve hand-eye coordination and reaction time in young musicians, which may lead to the faster mastering of a musical instrument

    Gradients in the in vivo intestinal stem cell compartment and their in vitro recapitulation in mimetic platforms

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    peer-reviewedIntestinal tissue, and specifically its mucosal layer, is a complex and gradient-rich environment. Gradients of soluble factor (BMP, Noggin, Notch, Hedgehog, and Wnt), insoluble extracellular matrix proteins (laminins, collagens, fibronectin, and their cognate receptors), stromal stiffness, oxygenation, and sheer stress induced by luminal fluid flow at the crypt-villus axis controls and supports healthy intestinal tissue homeostasis. However, due to current technological challenges, very few of these features have so far been included in in vitro intestinal tissue mimetic platforms. In this review, the tightly defined and dynamic microenvironment of the intestinal tissue is presented in detail. Additionally, the authors introduce the current state-of-the-art intestinal tissue mimetic platforms, as well as the design drawbacks and challenges they face while attempting to capture the complexity of the intestinal tissue’s physiology. Finally, the compositions of an “idealized” mimetic system is presented to guide future developmental efforts

    Knowledge students from secondary-schools in Cracow about food allergies

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    Wstęp:Obserwuje się narastające zjawisko występowania alergii pokarmowej. Od najmłodszych lat warto przekazywać wiedzę dotyczącą alergenów, gdyż w ten sposób można uchronić się przed niebezpiecznymi dla zdrowia konsekwencjami. Cel:Określenie poziomu wiedzy wśród krakowskich licealistów na temat alergii pokarmowych.Materiał i Metody: Badanie przeprowadzono na grupie 180 uczniów w wieku 17-19, uczęszczających do II Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Króla Jana III Sobieskiego w Krakowie. Badani uzupełnili kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający pytania sprawdzające wiedzę respondentów na temat alergii pokarmowych. Wyniki:77% ankietowanych wiedziało, że alergia pojawiająca się w dzieciństwie ma znaczenie w wieku późniejszym. 58% badanych znało pojęcie reakcji krzyżowej, 66% osób wiedziało, że alergia a nietolerancja to nie tożsame pojęcia. 57% badanych wiedziało, że gotowanie na parze należy do najbardziej wskazanych form przygotowywania posiłków w przypadku osób z alergiami pokarmowymi. 41% ankietowanych wiedziało, że mając alergię na białko jaja, można spożywać jego żółtko. 34% wiedziało, że mając alergię na mleko krowie, nie mogą spożywać mleka koziego. 84% ankietowanych znało pojęcie laktozy, 27% znało wpływ obróbki termicznej na właściwości alergizujące produktu. Za najbardziej alergizujący produkt wskazano orzechy (63%). Jako danie przeciwskazane dla osób z alergiami pokarmowymi najczęściej wskazywano na panierowaną pierś z kurczaka (46%).Ponadto wykazano iż osoby uczęszczające na profil biologiczny mają istotny statystycznie wyższy poziom wiedzy od osób z innych profilów (p=0,0000), osoby chorujące na alergię mają istotny statystycznie wyższy poziom wiedzy od osób zdrowych (p=0,0000) oraz, że płeć, miejsce zamieszkania oraz status materialny nie wpływa na poziom wiedzy o alergii pokarmowej (p>0,05)Wnioski:Edukacja zdrowotna w zakresie chorób alergicznych jest wskazana w każdej z grup społecznych, gdyż wywiera istotny wpływ na zmniejszenie problemu zwiększającej się liczby alergików.Background:An increasing occurrence of food allergies is observed nowadays. The younger people are, the better for them to aquire the knowledge about allergens. This is the best way to avoid all negative consequences which could be dangerous for our health. Aim:Determining the level of the knowledge among students from secondary-schools in Cracow about food allergies.Material and methods:The research was done in a group of 180 students at the age of 17-19. They attend to the Jan III Sobieski High School No.2 in Cracow. There was also conducted a poll to find out how much the researched students know about the food allergies. Results: 77% of the researched had known that the allergy which appears in a childhood does matter years later. 58% of students were conscious about what the cross reaction was. 66% of them were able to distinguish an allergy and an intolerance. 57% of researched had known that steaming is the best way of a food preparation for people who have some food allergies. Moreover, 41% of these students have cognisance of the fact that a person who has an allergy on egg white can actually eat its yolk. 34% of them had known that if we suffer on cows milk allergy, we can’t drink goats milk either. 84% of the students had known what the lactose was, and 27% had known about the influence of a thermal processing on the products allergical feautures. About 63% said that nuts belong to the most allergical products. Also the breaded chicken was considered by 46% of the researched to be contraindicated for those who suffer any food allergies. Also it turned out that students who attend to the biological profile classes tend to be more educated about it than other students (p=0,0000), and that people who suffer allergies themselves know more about allergies than these who do not (p=0,0000). What is more, the sex, the place we live in or the financial position has nothing to do with our knowledge about the food allergy (p>0,05).Conclusion: The health education in relation to allergic illnesses is very desirable among all groups of people because it has a big influence on reducing the problem of an increasing number of allergic sufferers

    Medieval customs in the language

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    W pracy została przeprowadzona analiza średniowiecznych zwyczajów i obyczajów, które utrwaliły się w języku niemieckim w postaci przysłów. Do analizy zostały wybrane elementy kultury obejmujące aspekty życia codziennego ludności w średniowieczu. Część teoretyczna dotyczy m. in. zagadnienia związków frazeologicznych ich charakterystyki oraz klasyfikacji. W dalszych rozdziałach zostały opisane elementy kultury związane z następującymi dziedzinami życia: religia, życie codzienne, śmierć, choroba, prawo, rycerstwo. Na podstawie ich opisów udało sie zbadać genezę wybranych przysłów.Master’s thesis presents an analysis of medieval customs and habits, which were recorded in German language in form of proverbs. To perform the analysis there had been chosen elements of culture referring to aspects of everyday life in Middle Ages. The theoretical part concerns among others definition and classification of proverbs. The further chapters describe elements of culture related to the following areas of life: religion, everyday life, death, disease, law and knighthood. Based on their descriptions it was possible to research into the origin of chosen proverbs.In der Arbeit wurde die Analyse von mittelalterlichen Sitten und Bräuchen dargestellt, die sich in der deutschen Sprache in Form von Redewendungen wiederspiegeln. Für die Analyse wurden Elemente der Kultur ausgewählt, die sich auf die Aspekte des Alltags der Menschen im Mittelalter beziehen. Der theoretische Teil betrifft u.a. den Begriff des Phraseologismus, seiner Definition und Klassifikation. In den nächsten Kapiteln wurden bestimmte Elemente der Kultur aus folgenden Themenbereiche besprochen: Religion, Alltag, Tod, Krankheit, Recht und Rittertum. Anhand ihrer Beschreibung wurde die Herkunft der gewählten Redewendungen untersucht

    The editorial reading based on volumes of poems by Jerzy Ficowski, Elżbieta and Witold Szwajkowski, Marcin Brykczyński and Agnieszka Frączek in the context of speech therapy exercises

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    The article is an attempt to look at a few selected volumes for a child’s addressee, which allows to indicate the aspects of evaluation to the buyers of such editions, and to the publishers to forecast the accuracy of composing such publications. The editorial reading was based on volumes of poems by Jerzy Ficowski, Elżbieta and Witold Szwajkowski, Marcin Brykczyński and Agnieszka Frączek in the context of speech therapy exercises. This editorial reading, also colloquially understood as “reading activity”, focused on the following phenomena: – bold, – italics, – highlighting with colour, – placing the text on a coloured background, – moving the information about the practised phonic sounds onto the margin, – placing the information about the practised phonic sounds and the age of the child in a live page, – font selection (serif/sans-serif), – change of the letter depending on the recipient of a given paragraph, etc. The observations concern the power of the educational (speech therapy) influence of the editorial aterial or the materiality of the book in the meaning of Roland Reuß. One can also try to say that this series of distinctions facilitates working with the text both for the speech therapist and the child. However, one should pay attention to the entire editorial and child-perspective of such editions. Not only the way of distinction itself is important, but the correspondingly clear contrasts between the used colours, writing degrees, spacing, etc. are preserved, remembering the fun and educational function of the type of publication for the child as a recipient, especially with speech therapy deficits

    Anabolic Steroids Activate the NF-κB Pathway in Porcine Ovarian Putative Stem Cells Independently of the ZIP-9 Receptor

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    Boldenone (Bdn) and nandrolone (Ndn) are anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) that, as our previous studies have shown, may increase the risk of neoplastic transformation of porcine ovarian putative stem cells (poPSCs). The NF-κB pathway may be important in the processes of carcinogenesis and tumour progression. Therefore, in this work, we decided to test the hypothesis of whether Bdn and Ndn can activate the NF-κB pathway by acting through the membrane androgen receptor ZIP-9. For this purpose, the expression profiles of both genes involved in the NF-κB pathway and the gene coding for the ZIP-9 receptor were checked. The expression and localization of proteins of this pathway in poPSCs were also examined. Additionally, the expression of the ZIP-9 receptor and the concentration of the NF-κB1 and 2 protein complex were determined. Activation of the NF-κB pathway was primarily confirmed by an increase in the relative abundances of phosphorylated forms of RelA protein and IκBα inhibitor. Reduced quantitative profiles pinpointed not only for genes representing this pathway but also for unphosphorylated proteins, and, simultaneously, decreased concentration of the NF-κB1 and 2 complex may indicate post-activation silencing by negative feedback. However, the remarkably and sustainably diminished expression levels noticed for the SLC39A9 gene and ZIP-9 protein suggest that this receptor does not play an important role in the regulation of the NF-κB pathway

    Assessment of Stress, Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Patients with COPD during In-Hospital Pulmonary Rehabilitation: An Observational Cohort Study

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    Background and Objectives: The relationship between physical health and mental health has been considered for years. A number of studies have shown a correlation between depressive states and the progress of somatic diseases. It seems that the proper cooperation of specialists may result in the improvement of the patient’s well-being and a positive effect on the course of the rehabilitation process. The aim of this study was to assess the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as the assessment of the relationship of psychological symptoms with sociodemographic factors and physical condition. Materials and Methods: The study enrolled 51 COPD patients who underwent a three-week pulmonary rehabilitation program. After admission to the rehabilitation department, the subjects were asked to complete the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire, the Perception of Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Results: Anxiety states were diagnosed in 70% of respondents and depressive states were diagnosed in 54% of patients. Some of the respondents (14%) also showed a tendency to experience various grounded stresses. Additionally, there were correlations between the mental state and the results of fitness and respiratory tests. Conclusions: Patients with COPD are at risk for mental disorders, which may adversely affect their general health and significantly limit their physical and respiratory efficiencies. The development of widely available therapeutic solutions to reduce symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, and stress seems to be an important challenge for the management of patients with COPD