5,424 research outputs found

    Correlations in weighted networks

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    We develop a statistical theory to characterize correlations in weighted networks. We define the appropriate metrics quantifying correlations and show that strictly uncorrelated weighted networks do not exist due to the presence of structural constraints. We also introduce an algorithm for generating maximally random weighted networks with arbitrary P(k,s) to be used as null models. The application of our measures to real networks reveals the importance of weights in a correct understanding and modeling of these heterogeneous systems

    Síndrome de feminización en un perro con un tumor testicular de células de Sertoli

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    Un perro de 8 años, criptórquido unilateral, se presenta con signos de disuria, alteraciones cutáneas y una masa en abdomen caudal. La ecografía determina la presencia de un quiste prostático y un posible testículo tumoral. Después de la cirugía se realiza histopatología que confirma la preencia de un tumor testicular de cálulas de Sertoli.

    Laringitis granulomatosa en un perro

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    Perra mestiza de 13 años de edad con un historial de disnea aguda, debida a una obstrucción laríngea causada por una laringitis granulomatosa. Enfermedad de causa desconocida, posiblemente similar a la sarcoidosis humana

    Plan de desarrollo y consolidación para el producto turístico puerto cayo

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    El presente trabajo busca crear la imagen de un nuevo destino turístico que se diferencie de los demás por su belleza natural y por su tranquilidad. Es por esto que el enfoque que se está haciendo a través del estudio de mercado realizado, es definir el target al que se espera llegar y en base a esto las estrategias de marketing que se van a utilizar. Las estrategias que se emplearán son: crear una frase de posicionamiento junto a un logotipo que identifique la marca Puerto Cayo, estrategia de medios para la promoción de este punto turístico, actividades complementarias que le den valor añadido al producto que se está ofreciendo, además de crear vínculos con los medios de comunicación, operadoras turísticas nacionales y patrocinadores que adoptarán la marca de Puerto Cayo para trabajar en conjunto por la mejora de este producto turístico y de la misma manera consolidar el logotipo y la frase de posicionamiento de este producto en la mente del turista nacional o extranjero de manera perecedera. Finalmente se culmina este Plan con los costos en los que se incurriría para la realización de este proyecto

    Flavonoid intake and the risk of age-related cataract in China’s Heilongjiang Province

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    Background/Objectives: Epidemiological evidence suggests that diets rich in flavonoids may reduce the risk of developing age-related cataract (ARC). Flavonoids are widely distributed in foods of plant origin and the objective of this study was to evaluate retrospectively the association between the intakes of the five flavonoid subclasses and the risk of ARC.  Subjects/Methods: A population-based case-control study (249 cases and 66 controls) was carried out in Heilongjiang province, which is located in the Northeast of China, and where intakes and availability of fresh vegetables and fruits can be limited. Dietary data gathered by food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) were used to calculate flavonoid intake. Adjusted odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were estimated by logistic regression.  Results: No linear associations between risk of developing ARC and intakes of total dietary flavonoids, anthocyanidins, flavon-3-ol, flavanone, total flavones or total flavonols were found, but quercetin and isorhamnetin intake was inversely associated with ARC risk (OR 11.78, 95% CI: 1.62-85.84, P<0.05, and OR 6.99, 95% CI:1.12-43.44, P<0.05, quartile 4 vs quartile 1, respectively).  Conclusion: As quercetin is contained in many plant foods and isorhamnetin is only contained in very few foods, we concluded that higher quercetin intake may be an important dietary factor in the reduction of risk of age-related cataract

    The Universal Cardinal Ordering of Fixed Points

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    We present the theorem which determines, by a permutation, the cardinal ordering of fixed points for any orbit of a period doubling cascade. The inverse permutation generates the orbit and the symbolic sequence of the orbit is obtained as a corollary. The problem present in the symbolic sequences is solved. There, repeated symbols appear, for example, the R (right), which cannot be distinguished among them as it is not known which R is the rightmost of them all. Therefore, there is a lack of information about the dynamical system. Interestingly enough, it is important to point that this theorem needs no previous information about any other orbit.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Study protocol for investigating the clinical performance of an automated blood test for glial fibrillary acidic protein and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 blood concentrations in elderly patients with mild traumatic BRAIN Injury and reference values (BRAINI-2 Elderly European study): a prospective multicentre observational study

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    Computed tomography; Neurosurgery; Trauma managementTomografia computaritzada; Neurocirurgia; Gestió del traumaTomografía computarizada; Neurocirugía; Gestión del traumaIntroduction Two blood brain-derived biomarkers, glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP) and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1), can rule out intracranial lesions in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) when assessed within the first 12 hours. Most elderly patients were excluded from previous studies due to comorbidities. Biomarker use in elderly population could be affected by increased basal levels. This study will assess the performance of an automated test for measuring serum GFAP and UCH-L1 in elderly patients to predict the absence of intracranial lesions on head CT scans after mTBI, and determine both biomarkers reference values in a non-TBI elderly population. Methods and analysis This is a prospective multicentre observational study on elderly patients (≥65 years) that will be performed in Spain, France and Germany. Two patient groups will be included in two independent substudies. (1) A cohort of 2370 elderly patients (1185<80 years and 1185≥80 years; BRAINI2-ELDERLY DIAGNOSTIC AND PROGNOSTIC STUDY) with mTBI and a brain CT scan that will undergo blood sampling within 12 hours after mTBI. The primary outcome measure is the diagnostic performance of GFAP and UCH-L1 measured using an automated assay for discriminating between patients with positive and negative findings on brain CT scans. Secondary outcome measures include the performance of both biomarkers in predicting early (1 week) and midterm (3 months) neurological status and quality of life after trauma. (2) A cohort of 480 elderly reference participants (BRAINI2-ELDERLY REFERENCE STUDY) in whom reference values for GFAP and UCHL1 will be determined. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Boards of Hospital 12 de Octubre in Spain (Re#22/027) and Southeast VI (Clermont Ferrand Hospital) (Re# 22.01782.000095) in France. The study’s results will be presented at scientific meetings and published in peer-review publications.This study was supported by a grant from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Health (BP 2022–2024). EIT Health is supported by EIT, a body of the European Union. BioMérieux is responsible for the development and manufacturing of the VIDAS GFAP and VIDAS UCH-L1 assays. BioMérieux will provide in-kind support to this study by supplying the assays for measuring UCH–L1 and GFAP necessary for this study