1,693 research outputs found

    Rehabilitación integral de fachadas del hospital comarcal de Elda (Alicante)

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    El Museo Etnográfico de La Rioja

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    En número dedicado a: Provincia de Logroñ

    A Pseudo-Measure of Fuzziness

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    In this note we give an example of a gradationof openness (a fuzzy topology in Shostak’s sense) and deduce from it a pseudo-measure of fuzziness

    Years of sunlight exposure and cataract: a case-control study in a Mediterranean population.

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to investigate the relation between sunlight exposure and risk of cataract. METHODS: We carried out a frequency-matched case-control study of 343 cases and 334 controls attending an ophthalmology outpatient clinic at a primary health-care center in a small town near Valencia, Spain. All cases were diagnosed as having a cataract in at least one eye based on the Lens Opacification Classification system (LOCS II). Controls had no opacities in either eye. All cases and controls were interviewed for information on outdoor exposure, "usual" diet, history of severe episodes of diarrhea illness, life-style factors and medical and socio-demographic variables. Blood antioxidant vitamin levels were also analyzed. We used logistic regression models to estimate sex and age-adjusted odds ratios (ORs) by quintiles of years of occupational outdoor exposure, adjusting for potential confounders such as smoking, alcohol consumption, serum antioxidants and education. RESULTS: No association was found between years of outdoor exposure and risk of cataract. However, exploratory analyses suggested a positive association between years of outdoor exposure at younger ages and risk of nuclear cataract later in life. CONCLUSION: Our study does not support an association with cataract and sunlight exposure over adult life

    A RCCI operational limits assessment in a medium duty compression ignition engine using an adapted compression ratio

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    Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition concept offers an ultra-low nitrogen oxide and soot emissions with a high thermal efficiency. This work investigates the capabilities of this low temperature combustion concept to work on the whole map of a medium duty engine proposing strategies to solve its main challenges. In this sense, an extension to high loads of the concept without exceeding mechanical stress as well as a mitigation of carbon oxide and unburned hydrocarbons emissions at low load together with a fuel consumption penalty have been identified as main Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition drawbacks. For this purpose, a single cylinder engine derived from commercial four cylinders medium-duty engine with an adapted compression ratio of 12.75 is used. Commercial 95 octane gasoline was used as a low reactivity fuel and commercial diesel as a high reactivity fuel. Thus, the study consists of two different parts. Firstly, the work is focused on the development and evaluation of an engine map trying to achieve the maximum possible load without exceeding a pressure rise rate of 15 bar/CAD. The second part holds on improving fuel consumption and carbon oxide and unburned hydrocarbons emissions at low load. Results suggest that it is possible to achieve up to 80% of nominal conventional diesel combustion engine load without overpassing the constraints of pressure rise rate (below 15 bar/CAD) and maximum pressure peak (below 190 bar) while obtaining ultra-low levels of nitrogen oxide and soot emissions. Regarding low load challenges, it has developed a particular methodology sweeping the gasoline-diesel blend together with intake temperature or exhaust gas recirculation maintaining constant the combustion phasing and ultra-low nitrogen oxide and soot emissions. As a result a drastic decrease carbon oxide and unburned hydrocarbons emissions is obtained with a slight fuel consumption improvement.The authors would like to thank VOLVO Group Trucks Technology for supporting this research.Benajes Calvo, JV.; Pastor Soriano, JV.; García Martínez, A.; Boronat-Colomer, V. (2016). A RCCI operational limits assessment in a medium duty compression ignition engine using an adapted compression ratio. Energy Conversion and Management. 126:497-508. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2016.08.023S49750812

    Les relacions de suport i el component emocional com a aspectes clau per al desenvolupament del procés resilient i el benestar dels infants al sistema de protecció

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    Podeu consultar el document complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/58585La present comunicació mostra el potencial que pot tenir l’establiment de certes relacions que ofereixen suport i recolzament emocional als infants i joves tutelats, en la promoció del benestar emocional i del procés resilient. La recerca es contextualitza al sistema de protecció a la infància, centrant-nos en adolescents que a causa de la seva situació de desprotecció han hagut d’abandonar el seu nucli familiar i entrar al sistema de protecció a la infància. L’afrontament d’aquesta situació afegit a l’entorn advers del qual provenen, comporta que els adolescents hagin de lidiar amb unes necessitats específiques de l’àrea emocional i relacional. Certs tipus de relacions interpersonals poden ajudar i mediar en aquest impacte emocional, promocionant un desenvolupament del procés resilient, així com millorant el seu benestar personal i social. Els resultats de la recerca que es presenta, permeten identificar elements característics d’aquest tipus de relacions i els beneficis que els adolescents perceben, essent els aspectes emocionals els que sustenten aquestes relacions..