501 research outputs found

    A new approach to evaluate the leading hadronic corrections to the muon g-2

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    We propose a novel approach to determine the leading hadronic corrections to the muon g-2. It consists in a measurement of the effective electromagnetic coupling in the space-like region extracted from Bhabha scattering data. We argue that this new method may become feasible at flavor factories, resulting in an alternative determination potentially competitive with the accuracy of the present results obtained with the dispersive approach via time-like data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Changes in the activities of enzymes involved in nitrogen and sulphur assimilation during leaf and berry development of Vitis vinifera

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    The changes in the activities of 0-acetylserine sulphydrylase, ATP sulphurylase, glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase and nitrate reductase in extracts from leaves and berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot were studied at weekly intervals prior to anthesis up to grape harvest. Total nitrogen, amino nitrogen and protein contents were also determined.The total nitrogen content decreased from the beginning of the determinations either in leaves or in berries. Protein and amino nitrogen increments in berries matched their decreases in leaves.Nitrate reductase activity was not detectable either in leaves or berries. On the contrary, all the other examined enzymes showed at least three maxima of activity: one at anthesis and the others between the beginning of berry development and grape harvest.The ATP sulphurylase, 0-acetylserine sulphydrylase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities of berries were always higher than those observed in leaves, whereas glutamine synthetase activitywas similar in the two organs.Our results indicate that sulphur and nitrogen assimilation occur either in leavesor berries of grapevine.Changements des activités enzymatiques de l'assimilation de l'azote et du soufre pendant le développement de la feuille et du grain de Vitis viniferaSur des extraits de feuilles et de grains de raisins de Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot, prélevés chaque semaine dans la période entre la floraison et la vendange, les changements des activités enzymatiques de 1'0-acétylsérine sulfhydrilase, ATP sulfurylase, glutamate déshydrogénase, glutamine synthétase et de la nitrate réductase ont été étudiés.La teneur en azote total diminuait dans les feuilles aussi bien que dans les grains. L'accroissement des protéines et de l'amino-azote dans les grains était lié à leur décroissement dans les feuilles. L'activité enzymatique de la nitrate réductase n'a été retrouvée ni dans les grains ni dans les feuilles; toutes les autres activités enzymatiques analysées présentaient au moins trois pointes d'activités: la première à la floraison, les autres dans la période comprise entre le début du développement du grain et la vendange.Les activités de l'ATP sulfurylase, 0-acétylsérine sulfhydrilase et de la glutamate déshydrogénase étaient plus élevées dans les grains que dans les feuilles, tandis que l'activité de la glutamine synthétase était pareille dans les deux organes.Ces résultas indiquent que l'assimilation du soufre et de l'azote se fait dans les feuilles aussi bien que dans les grains de la vigne

    Federated-Learning-Assisted Failure-Cause Identification in Microwave Networks

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    Machine Learning (ML) adoption for automated failure management is becoming pervasive in today's communication networks. However, ML-based failure management typically requires that monitoring data is exchanged between network devices, where data is collected, and centralized locations, e.g., servers in data centers, where data is processed. ML algorithms in this centralized location are then trained to learn mappings between collected data and desired outputs, e.g., whether a failure exists, its cause, location, etc. This paradigm poses several challenges to network operators in terms of privacy as well as in terms of computational and communication resource usage, as a massive amount of sensible failure data is transmitted over the network. To overcome such limitations, Federated Learning (FL) can be adopted, which consists of training multiple distributed ML models at multiple decentralized locations (called 'clients') using a limited amount of locally-collected data, and of sharing these trained models to a centralized location (called 'server'), where these models are aggregated and shared again with clients. FL reduces data exchange between clients and a server and improves algorithms' performance thanks to sharing knowledge among different domains (i.e., clients), leveraging different sources of local information in a collaborative environment. In this paper, we focus on applying FL to perform failure-cause identification in microwave networks. The problem is modeled as a multi-class ML classification problem with six pre-defined failure causes. Specifically, using real failure data from an operational microwave network composed of more than 10000 microwave links, we emulate a multi-operator scenario in which one operator has partial knowledge of failure causes during the training phase. Thanks to knowledge sharing, numerical results show that FL achieves up to 72% precision in identifying an unknown particular class concerning traditional ML (non- FL) approaches where training is performed without knowledge sharing

    A Guide to Cannabis Virology: From the Virome Investigation to the Development of Viral Biotechnological Tools

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    Cannabis sativa cultivation is experiencing a period of renewed interest due to the new opportunities for its use in different sectors including food, techno-industrial, construction, pharmaceutical and medical, cosmetics, and textiles. Moreover, its properties as a carbon sequestrator and soil improver make it suitable for sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation strategies. The increase in cannabis cultivation is generating conditions for the spread of new pathogens. While cannabis fungal and bacterial diseases are better known and characterized, viral infections have historically been less investigated. Many viral infection reports on cannabis have recently been released, highlighting the increasing threat and spread of known and unknown viruses. However, the available information on these pathogens is still incomplete and fragmentary, and it is therefore useful to organize it into a single structured document to provide guidance to growers, breeders, and academic researchers. This review aims to present the historical excursus of cannabis virology, from the pioneering descriptions of virus-like symptoms in the 1940s/50s to the most recent high-throughput sequencing reports. Each of these viruses detected in cannabis will be categorized with an increasing degree of threat according to its potential risk to the crop. Lastly, the development of viral vectors for functional genetics studies will be described, revealing how cannabis virology is evolving not only for the characterization of its virome but also for the development of biotechnological tools for the genetic improvement of this crop

    Antimicrobial susceptibility to zinc bacitracin of Clostridium perfringens of rabbit origin

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    Zinc bacitracin is widely used in Italian rabbit farms to control both Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE) and clostridiosis, and field results demonstrate useful activity. Nevertheless, data regarding the in vitro efficacy of zinc bacitracin against clostridia of rabbit origin are not available. In this study, the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of zinc bacitracin were evaluated in 123 C. perfringens strains isolated from rabbits in Italian fattening units. The agar dilution method was performed in Brucella Agar supplemented with laked sheep blood, haemin and vitamin K1, as recommended in NCCLS document M11-A6. Most strains (94.3%) had low MIC values (£ 0.5 mg/ml), and a few strains (4%) were inhibited by a concentration of 1 mg/ml. Two isolates (1.6%) had a MIC value of 16mg/ml. The MIC values of ATCC reference strains showed a good fit between each batch. MIC required to inhibit the 90% of organisms was 0.5 mg/ml and the presence of only two strains with MIC=16 mg/ml revealed the susceptibility to zinc bacitracin of Italian isolates of C. perfringens from rabbit and the absence of acquired resistance.Agnoletti, F.; Bacchin, C.; Bano, L.; Passera, A.; Favretti, M.; Mazzolini, E. (2007). Antimicrobial susceptibility to zinc bacitracin of Clostridium perfringens of rabbit origin. World Rabbit Science. 15(1):19-22. doi:10.4995/wrs.2007.609192215

    Carrying capacity and goat botanical diet composition in an arid ecosystem, Lavalle, Argentina

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    8 págs, 1 tabla.-- Comunicación presentada a la XLV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos: "Producciones agroganaderas: gestión eficiente y conservación del medio natural" (Gijón, 28 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2005).[ES] El trabajo se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. Las unidades de pastos, más importantes desde el punto de vista forrajero son: Algarrobal de Prosopis flexuosa; Matorral con Atriplex lampa (zampal); Matorral con Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Matorral degradado con Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) y Medanal. Los objetivos del estudio fueron estimar la capacidad sustentadora de las diferentes unidades y la composición botánica de la ingesta de los caprinos. La estimación de dicha capacidad, expresada en hectáreas por Unidades Ganadera Caprinas (ha UGC–1), se realizó mediante el método de Point Quadrat modificado para el Monte. Y por medio del análisis microhistológico de heces se determinó la composición estacional de la ingesta.Los valores medios anuales de capacidad sustentadora fueron: Algarrobal, 1,2; Zampal, 1,7; Usillar, 3,5; Jarillal, 5,8 y Médanos, 4,3 ha UGC-1. La composición de la ingesta varió durante las estaciones, observándose una predominancia de las especies arbustivas, las gramíneas perennes aparecieron en muy baja frecuencia en todas las estaciones. El Algarrobal y el Zampal son las unidades de mayor importancia forrajera, presentando receptividades ganaderas más altas y una oferta forrajera más estable a lo largo del año, respecto del resto de las unidades de pastos analizadas.[EN] The work was carried out in the department of Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. The units of pastures, more important from the forage matter are: Algarrobal of Prosopis flexuosa; Shrubland with Atriplex lampa (zampal); Shrubland with Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Shrubland degraded with Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) and Dunes. The aims of the study were to estimate the carrying capacity of the different units and the botanical composition of goat diets. The carrying capacity, expressed in hectares by Units Goat (ha UG-1), was measured by the method of Point Quadrat modified for Monte and the seasonal botanical composition of goat diets, was determined by microhistological analysis of faeces. The annual average values of carrying capacity were: Algarrobal, 1.2; Zampal, 1.7; Usillar, 3.5; Jarillal, 5.8 and Dunes, 4.3 ha UG-1. The composition of the diet varied during the seasons, the predominance of the shrubs species were observed, the perennial grass appeared in low frequency in all the seasons. The Algarrobal and the Zampal are the units of greater forage importance, where forage receptivity are higher and with more stable production throughout the year, respect to the others units of pastures analyzed.Peer reviewe

    [-2]proPSA versus ultrasensitive PSA fluctuations over time in the first year from radical prostatectomy, in an high-risk prostate cancer population: A first report

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    BACKGROUND: [−2]proPSA and its derivatives have an higher diagnostic accuracy than PSA in predicting prostate cancer (PCa). In alternative to PSA, ultrasensitive PSA (uPSA) and [−2]proPSA could be potentially useful in recurrent disease detection. This research focused on [−2]proPSA and uPSA fluctuations over time and their possible clinical and pathological determinants, in the first year after RP. METHODS: A cohort of 106 consecutive patients, undergoing RP for high-risk prostate cancer (pT3/pT4 and/or positive margins), was enrolled. No patient received either preoperative/postoperative androgen deprivation therapy or immediate adjuvant RT, this latter for patient choice. [−2]proPSA and uPSA were measured at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 months after RP; their trends over time were estimated by the mixed-effects linear model. The uPSA relapse was defined either as 3 rising uPSA values after nadir or 2 consecutive uPSA >0.2 ng/ml after RP. RESULTS: The biochemical recurrence (BCR) rate at 1 year after RP was either 38.6 % (in case of 3 rising uPSA values) or 34.9 % (in case of PSA >0.2 ng/ml after nadir), respectively. The main risk factors for uPSA fluctuations over time were PSA at diagnosis >8 ng/ml (p = 0.014), pT (p = 0.038) and pN staging (p = 0.001). In turn, PSA at diagnosis >8 ng/ml (p = 0.012) and pN (p < 0.001) were the main determinants for [−2]proPSA trend over time. In a 39 patients subgroup, uPSA decreased from month 1 to 3, while [−2]proPSA increased in 90 % of them; subsequently, both uPSA and [−2]proPSA increased in almost all cases. The [−2]proPSA trend over time was independent from BCR status either in the whole cohort as well in the 39 men subgroup. CONCLUSIONS: Both uPSA and [−2]proPSA had independent significant fluctuations over time. PSA at diagnosis >8 ng/ml and pathological staging significantly modified both these trends over time. Since BCR was not confirmed as determinant of [−2]proPSA fluctuations, its use as marker of early biochemical relapse may not be actually recommended, in an high-risk prostate cancer patients population
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