160 research outputs found

    Nanoindentation of single pulp fibre cell walls

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    Unrefined chemical pulps of bleached and unbleached softwood (Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris) and hardwood (Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus) were subjected to indentation tests using a nanoindenter equipped with an AFM scanner. Tests on unbleached pulps revealed no difference in hardness values between softwood and hardwood, but bleaching treatment decreased the hardness values of both pulps. Indentation modulus of 12 GPa was observed for unbleached softwood pulps, which is 25% higher than unbleached hardwood pulps. Bleaching treatment again decreased the indentation modulus of the softwood pulps, whereas it slightly increased the indentation modulus of the hardwood pulps. After bleaching and drying processes, only negligible difference was observed in cell wall mechanical properties (hardness and indentation modulus) between hardwood and softwood pulps. This study is based on latewood pulp fibres

    Experimental Radial Profiles of Early Time (\u3c4 μs) Neutral and Ion Spectroscopic Signatures in Lightning-Like Discharges

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    This study presents experimental results for the radial and temporal variation of neutral and ion spectroscopic signatures emerging from the heated channel of lightning-like discharges diagnosed with a high speed (900,000 fps) imaging spectrograph. Light emissions emanate from three regions: an inner core (up to ∼2 mm), an external sheath (up to ∼4 mm) featuring a sudden temperature increase, and further optical emissions forming a dim glow from 4 mm up to 16 mm. The optical emissions are initially

    Estimulação, disciplina, vinculação e apresentação: as crenças das mães de grandes prematuros

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    Os pais valorizam e estimulam os filhos de acordo com o que estabelecem como relevante para o seu comportamento e desenvolvimento, sendo as práticas parentais de cuidados e educação determinadas pela sua cultura, crenças e valores. Perante o nascimento de uma criança prematura, os pais têm que lidar com a vulnerabilidade da criança internada na Neonatologia, um ambiente porventura facilitador da aquisição de crenças e cognições pouco adequadas.Os objetivos foram: avaliar as crenças parentais em crianças em idade pré-escolar com antecedentes de prematuridade (idade gestacional inferior a 32 semanas), identificar as práticas mais valorizadas pelas mães e relacionar as características sociodemográficas, a valorização das práticas, o grau de prematuridade e a duração do internamento com as crenças parentais.Os participantes foram as mães de crianças com antecedentes de prematuridade, com idade gestacional inferior a 32 semanas, observadas na consulta de Neurodesenvolvimento de um hospital terciário. Foram aplicados questionários sobre dados sociodemográficos e o Questionário de Crenças e Práticas Maternas sobre Cuidados com as Crianças. As mães atribuíram mais importância à dimensão Estimulação, sendo a Disciplina considerada a dimensão menos importante. A Vinculação e a Disciplina associam-se negativamente com a idade cronológica. Conclui-se que que as vivências marcantes dos pais dos grandes prematuros nos primeiros tempos de vida destes acarretam preocupações quanto ao seu posterior desenvolvimento psicomotor que os levam a dar prioridade a comportamentos de estimulação e a descurar as questões sociais e a disciplina.Parents appreciate and encourage their children according to when they believe that is relevant to their development, and parenting practices are determined by their culture, beliefs and values. Facing the birth of a premature child, parents have to deal with the child's vulnerability when admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, eventually an environment that facilitates the acquisition of wrong beliefs and concepts. Goals were: to evaluate parental beliefs of preschool age children, with a history of prematurity (gestational age of less than 32 weeks), identify the most valued practices / beliefs and relate them to social and demographic characteristics, degree of prematurity and length of stay in the hospital. The sample consisted of the mothers of children with a history of prematurity (gestational age less than 32 weeks) observed in the Neurodevelopmental consultation of a tertiary hospital. Questionnaires were applied to assess demographic data along with the Questionnaire of beliefs about maternal practices. Mothers have given more importance to the dimension "Stimulation", and "Discipline" was considered the least important dimension. "Bonding" and "discipline" were negatively associated with age. The results suggest that the remarkable experiences of parents of very premature infants in their early life lead to concerns about their further neurodevelopment, which leads them to prioritize stimulating behaviors, and neglecting social issues, presentation and discipline

    Cyber Insurance: recent advances, good practices & challenges

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    The aim of this ENISA report is to raise awareness for the most impact to market advances, by shortly identifying the most significant cyber insurance developments for the past four years – during 2012 to 2016 – and to capture the good practices and challenges during the early stages of the cyber insurance lifecycle, i.e. before an actual policy is signed, laying the ground for future work in the area

    Submicrosecond Spectroscopy of Lightning-Like Discharges: Exploring New Time Regimes

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    Abstract Submicrosecond (0.476 μs per frame with an exposure time of 160 ns) high-resolution (0.38 nm) time-resolved spectra of laboratory-produced lightning-like electrical discharges have been recorded for the first time within the visible spectral range (645–665 nm). The spectra were recorded with the GrAnada LIghtning Ultrafast Spectrograph (GALIUS), a high-speed imaging spectrograph recently developed for lightning research in the IAA-CSIC. Unprecedented spectral time dynamics are explored for meter long laboratory electrical discharges produced with a 2.0 MV Marx generator. The maximum electron density and gas temperature measured in a timescale of ≤0.50 μs (160 ns) were, respectively, ≃1018 cm−3 and ≃32,000 K. Overpressure in the lightning-like plasma channel, black-body dynamics, and self-absorption in spectral lines were investigated

    Illegal Fishing and Fisheries Crime as a Transnational Organized Crime in Indonesia

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    Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is increasingly drawing international attention and coastal states strengthen their efforts to address it as a matter of priority due to its severe implications for food, economic, environmental and social security. As the largest archipelagic country in the world, this is especially problematic for Indonesia. In this already complex geographical and security environment, the authors test the hypothesis that IUU fishing and fisheries crime(s) classify as transnational organized criminal activities. The article argues that IUU fishing is much more than simply a fisheries management issue, since it goes hand in hand with fisheries crime. As a result, although the two concepts are quite distinct, they are so closely interlinked and interrelated throughout the entire value chain of marine fisheries, that they can only be managed effectively collectively by understanding them both within the framework of transnational organized crime. To make this argument, the research utilizes qualitative and quantitative data collected from approximately two thousand trafficked fishers, rescued in 2015 from slavery conditions while stranded in two remote Indonesian locations: Benjina on Aru island and on Ambon island. The article’s findings also unveil new trends relating to the inner workings of the illegal fishing industry, in four different, yet interlinked categories: recruitment patterns and target groups; document forgery; forced labor and abuse; and fisheries violations. The paper concludes by confirming the hypothesis and highlights that IUU fishing provides the ideal (illegal) environment for fisheries crimes and other forms of transnational organized crimes to flourish

    Exploring the cultural dimensions of environmental victimization

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    It has become increasingly clear in recent years that our understanding of ‘victimisation’ is informed by a whole range of societal and political factors which extend well beyond whatever particular form of words appears in any given directive, code or legislative instrument concerning crime, crime victims or criminal justice systems. In this paper, I will seek for the first time to apply recent developments in our understanding of so-called 'cultural victimology' to the issue of environmental harm and its impact on human and non-human animals. McCGarry and Waklate (2015) characterise cultural victimology as broadly comprising of two key aspects. These are the wider sharing and reflection of individual and collective victimisation experiences on the one hand and, on the other, the mapping of those experiences through the criminal justice process. In this discussion I will examine how environmental victimisation is viewed by and presented to society at large and will argue that such representations often fail, as a form of testimony, to adequately convey the traumas involved. Nor is this achieved through the application of present models of criminal, civil or administrative justice regimes in many jurisdictions. This lack of cultural acknowledgement of the harms vested on environmental victims, it is argued, afford us a clearer understand of the continued reticence amongst lawmakers, politicians and legal practitioners to adequately address the impacts of such victimisation through effective justice or regulatory mechanisms. This is unfortunate given that the often collective nature of environmental victimisation makes this particularly suited to a more cultural analysis and understanding. It is argued that various forms of environmental mediation processes might hold the key to this cultural reticence to accept environmental harm as a 'real' and pressing problem as compared to other criminal and civil justice concerns
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