49 research outputs found

    Molecular phylogenetics of the Metazoan clade Lophotrochozoa

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2003DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analyses were conducted to investigate evolutionary relationships between taxa within the metazoan clade Lophotrochozoa. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to phylogenetics of the Metazoa and the clade Lophotrochozoa. Chapter 2 analyzes higher level relationships between the major groups within the phylum Mollusca using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal large-subunit RNA gene (LSD rDNA). Results presented provide the first molecular evidence for a close relationship between the Scaphopoda and Cephalopoda. Phylogenetic trees with this topology were found to have likelihood scores significantly better than those for phylogenies constrained to fit the Diasoma hypothesis grouping Scaphopoda and Bivalvia as sister taxa. Chapter 3 utilizes LSU rDNA sequences to analyze relationships between diverse phyla within the clade Lophotrochozoa. LSU rDNA sequences were found to provide greater resolution than has been provided by previous analyses of the nuclear small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA). Analysis ofLSU rDNA sequences recovered the monophyly of several phyla, such as Mollusca and Anelida, whose members are found to be paraphyletic using SSU rDNA sequences alone. Results also suggest that the clade Platyzoa, including rotifers and platyhelminthes, may have arisen within the Lophotrochozoa, rather than as a sister group to lophotrochozoans. Chapter 4 investigates the Hox gene complement of the bryozoan Bugula turrita. Six Hox genes were recovered, including an ortholog of the posterior class gene Post2, which is a synapomorphy for the Lophotrochozoa. The identification of a Post2 ortholog provides evidence of a close relationship between the Bryozoa and other lophotrochozoan phyla.This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, DEB-0075618 "Genomic approaches to metazoan evolution; lophotrochozoans and Hox genes" to Kenneth Halanych. Bryozoan Hox research was supported by a Doctoral dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation, DEB-OI04984 "Phylogenetic inference from bryozoan Hox genes" to Kenneth Halanych and Yale Passamaneck. Additional support was provided by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Education Office

    Development of the larval anterior neurogenic domains of Terebratalia transversa (Brachiopoda) provides insights into the diversification of larval apical organs and the spiralian nervous system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Larval features such as the apical organ, apical ciliary tuft, and ciliated bands often complicate the evaluation of hypotheses regarding the origin of the adult bilaterian nervous system. Understanding how neurogenic domains form within the bilaterian head and larval apical organ requires expression data from animals that exhibit aspects of both centralized and diffuse nervous systems at different life history stages. Here, we describe the expression of eight neural-related genes during the larval development of the brachiopod, <it>Terebratalia transversa</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Radially symmetric gastrulae broadly express <it>Tt-Six3/6 </it>and <it>Tt-hbn </it>in the animal cap ectoderm. <it>Tt-NK2.1 </it>and <it>Tt-otp </it>are restricted to a central subset of these cells, and <it>Tt-fez </it>and <it>Tt-FoxQ2 </it>expression domains are already asymmetric at this stage. As gastrulation proceeds, the spatial expression of these genes is split between two anterior ectodermal domains, a more dorsal region comprised of <it>Tt-Six3/6, Tt-fez, Tt-FoxQ2</it>, and <it>Tt-otp </it>expression domains, and an anterior ventral domain demarcated by <it>Tt-hbn </it>and <it>Tt-NK2.1 </it>expression. More posteriorly, the latter domains are bordered by <it>Tt-FoxG </it>expression in the region of the transverse ciliated band. <it>Tt-synaptotagmin 1 </it>is expressed throughout the anterior neural ectoderm. All genes are expressed late into larval development. The basiepithelial larval nervous system includes three neurogenic domains comprised of the more dorsal apical organ and a ventral cell cluster in the apical lobe as well as a mid-ventral band of neurons in the mantle lobe. <it>Tt-otp </it>is the only gene expressed in numerous flask-shaped cells of the apical organ and in a subset of neurons in the mantle lobe.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our expression data for <it>Tt-Six3/6, Tt-FoxQ2</it>, and <it>Tt-otp </it>confirm some aspects of bilaterian-wide conservation of spatial partitioning within anterior neurogenic domains and also suggest a common origin for central <it>otp</it>-positive cell types within the larval apical organs of spiralians. However, the field of sensory neurons within the larval apical organ of <it>Terebratalia </it>is broader and composed of more cells relative to those of other spiralian larvae. These cellular differences are mirrored in the broader spatial and temporal expression patterns of <it>Tt-FoxQ2 </it>and <it>Tt-otp</it>. Corresponding differences in the expression of <it>Tt-hbn, Tt-NK2.1</it>, and <it>Tt-FoxG </it>are also observed relative to their respective domains within the cerebral ganglia of spiralians. Based on these data we argue that the anterior region of the bilaterian stem species included <it>Six3/6, NK2.1, otp, hbn, fez</it>, and <it>FoxQ2 </it>expression domains that were subsequently modified within larval and adult neural tissues of protostome and deuterostome animals.</p

    Ciliary photoreceptors in the cerebral eyes of a protostome larva

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    Background: Eyes in bilaterian metazoans have been described as being composed of either ciliary or rhabdomeric photoreceptors. Phylogenetic distribution, as well as distinct morphologies and characteristic deployment of different photopigments (ciliary vs. rhabdomeric opsins) and transduction pathways argue for the co-existence of both of these two photoreceptor types in the last common bilaterian ancestor. Both receptor types exist throughout the Bilateria, but only vertebrates are thought to use ciliary photoreceptors for directional light detection in cerebral eyes, while all other invertebrate bilaterians studied utilize rhabdomeric photoreceptors for this purpose. In protostomes, ciliary photoreceptors that express c-opsin have been described only from a nonvisual deep-brain photoreceptor. Their homology with vertebrate rods and cones of the human eye has been hypothesized to represent a unique functional transition from non-visual to visual roles in the vertebrate lineage. Results: To test the hypothesis that protostome cerebral eyes employ exclusively rhabdomeric photoreceptors, we investigated the ultrastructure of the larval eyes in the brachiopod Terebratalia transversa. We show that these pigment-cup eyes consist of a lens cell and a shading pigment cell, both of which are putative photoreceptors, deploying a modified, enlarged cilium for light perception, and have axonal connections to the larval brain. Our investigation of the gene expression patterns of c-opsin, Pax6 and otx in these eyes confirms that the larval eye spots of brachiopods are cerebral eyes that deploy ciliary type photoreceptors for directional light detection. Interestingly, c-opsin is also expressed during early embryogenesis in all potential apical neural cells, becoming restricted to the anterior neuroectoderm, before expression is initiated in the photoreceptor cells of the eyes. Coincident with the expression of c-opsin in the presumptive neuroectoderm, we found that middle gastrula stage embryos display a positive photoresponse behavior, in the absence of a discrete shading pigment or axonal connections between cells. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the dichotomy in the deployment of ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptors for directional light detection is not as clear-cut as previously thought. Analyses of brachiopod larval eyes demonstrate that the utilization of c-opsin expressing ciliary photoreceptors in cerebral eyes is not limited to vertebrates. The presence of ciliary photoreceptor-based eyes in protostomes suggests that the transition between non-visual and visual functions of photoreceptors has been more evolutionarily labile than previously recognized, and that co-option of ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptor cell types for directional light detection has occurred multiple times during animal evolution. In addition, positive photoresponse behavior in gastrula stage embryos suggests that a discrete shading pigment is not requisite for directional photoreception in metazoans. Scanning photoreception of light intensities mediating cell-autonomous changes of ciliary movement may represent an ancient mechanism for regulating locomotory behavior, and is likely to have existed prior to the evolution of eye-mediated directional light detection employing axonal connections to effector cells and a discreet shading pigment

    Temporal Regulation of the Muscle Gene Cascade by Macho1 and Tbx6 Transcription Factors in Ciona Intestinalis

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    For over a century, muscle formation in the ascidian embryo has been representative of \u27mosaic\u27 development. The molecular basis of muscle-fate predetermination has been partly elucidated with the discovery of Macho1, a maternal zinc-finger transcription factor necessary and sufficient for primary muscle development, and of its transcriptional intermediaries Tbx6b and Tbx6c. However, the molecular mechanisms by which the maternal information is decoded by cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) associated with muscle transcription factor and structural genes, and the ways by which a seamless transition from maternal to zygotic transcription is ensured, are still mostly unclear. By combining misexpression assays with CRM analyses, we have identified the mechanisms through which Ciona Macho1 (Ci-Macho1) initiates expression of Ci-Tbx6b and Ci-Tbx6c, and we have unveiled the cross-regulatory interactions between the latter transcription factors. Knowledge acquired from the analysis of the Ci-Tbx6b CRM facilitated both the identification of a related CRM in the Ci-Tbx6c locus and the characterization of two CRMs associated with the structural muscle gene fibrillar collagen 1 (CiFCol1). We use these representative examples to reconstruct how compact CRMs orchestrate the muscle developmental program from pre-localized ooplasmic determinants to differentiated larval muscle in ascidian embryos

    Developmental and light-entrained expression of melatonin and its relationship to the circadian clock in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

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    Background: The primary hormone of the vertebrate pineal gland, melatonin, has been identified broadly throughout the eukaryotes. While the role for melatonin in cyclic behavior via interactions with the circadian clock has only been reported in vertebrates, comparative research has shown that the transcription-translation loops of the animal circadian clock likely date to the cnidarian-bilaterian ancestor, leaving open significant questions about the evolutionary origin of melatonin signaling in circadian behavior by interacting with the molecular clock.\ud Results: Expression of melatonin in adult anemones showed peak expression at the end of light period (zeitgeber time (ZT) = 12) when cultured under diel conditions, coinciding with expression of genes and enzyme activity for members of the melatonin synthesis pathway (tryptophan hydroxylase and hydroxyindol-O-methyltransferase), which also showed rhythmic expression. During embryogenesis and juvenile stages, melatonin showed cyclic oscillations in concentration, peaking in midday. Spatial (in situ hybridization) and quantitative (real-time PCR) transcription of clock genes during development of N. vectensis showed these ‘clock’ genes are expressed early in\ud the development, prior to rhythmic oscillations, suggesting functions independent of a function in the circadian clock. Finally, time-course studies revealed that animals transferred from diel conditions to constant darkness lose circadian expression for most of the clock genes within 4 days, which can be reset by melatonin supplementation.\ud Conclusions: Our results support an ancient role for melatonin in the circadian behavior of animals by showing cyclic expression of this hormone under diel conditions, light-dependent oscillations in genes in the melatonin synthesis pathway, and the function of melatonin in initiating expression of circadian clock genes in the cnidarian N. vectensis. The differences in expression melatonin and the circadian clock gene network in the adult stage when compared with developmental stages of N. vectensis suggests new research directions to characterize stage-specific mechanisms of circadian clock function in animals.São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES

    Strategic considerations for invasive species managers in the utilization of environmental DNA (eDNA): Steps for incorporating this powerful surveillance tool

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    Invasive species surveillance programs can utilize environmental DNA sampling and analysis to provide information on the presence of invasive species. Wider utilization of eDNA techniques for invasive species surveillance may be warranted. This paper covers topics directed towards invasive species managers and eDNA practitioners working at the intersection of eDNA techniques and invasive species surveillance. It provides background information on the utility of eDNA for invasive species management and points to various examples of its use across federal and international programs. It provides information on 1) why an invasive species manager should consider using eDNA, 2) deciding if eDNA can help with the manager’s surveillance needs, 3) important components to operational implementation, and 4) a high-level overview of the technical steps necessary for eDNA analysis. The goal of this paper is to assist invasive species managers in deciding if, when, and how to use eDNA for surveillance. If eDNA use is elected, the paper provides guidance on steps to ensure a clear understanding of the strengths and limitation of the methods and how results can be best utilized in the context of invasive species surveillance

    Dynamic and Polarized Muscle Cell Behaviors Accompany Tail Morphogenesis in the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis

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    BACKGROUND: Axial elongation is a key morphogenetic process that serves to shape developing organisms. Tail extension in the ascidian larva represents a striking example of this process, wherein paraxially positioned muscle cells undergo elongation and differentiation independent of the segmentation process that characterizes the formation of paraxial mesoderm in vertebrates. Investigating the cell behaviors underlying the morphogenesis of muscle in ascidians may therefore reveal the evolutionarily conserved mechanisms operating during this process. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: A live cell imaging approach utilizing subcellularly-localized fluorescent proteins was employed to investigate muscle cell behaviors during tail extension in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Changes in the position and morphology of individual muscle cells were analyzed in vivo in wild type embryos undergoing tail extension and in embryos in which muscle development was perturbed. Muscle cells were observed to undergo elongation in the absence of positional reorganization. Furthermore, high-speed high-resolution live imaging revealed that the onset and progression of tail extension were characterized by the presence of dynamic and polarized actin-based protrusive activity at the plasma membrane of individual muscle cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that in the Ciona muscle, tissue elongation resulted from gradual and coordinated changes in cell geometry and not from changes in cell topology. Proper formation of muscle cells was found to be necessary not only for muscle tissue elongation, but also more generally for completion of tail extension. Based upon the characterized dynamic changes in cell morphology and plasma membrane protrusive activity, a three-phase model is proposed to describe the cell behavior operating during muscle morphogenesis in the ascidian embryo

    Clustered brachiopod Hox genes are not expressed collinearly and are associated with lophotrochozoan novelties

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    Temporal collinearity is often considered the main force preserving Hox gene clusters in animal genomes. Studies that combine genomic and gene expression data are scarce, however, particularly in invertebrates like the Lophotrochozoa. As a result, the temporal collinearity hypothesis is currently built on poorly supported foundations. Here we characterize the complement, cluster, and expression of Hox genes in two brachiopod species, Terebratalia transversa and Novocrania anomala. T. transversa has a split cluster with 10 genes (lab, pb, Hox3, Dfd, Scr, Lox5, Antp, Lox4, Post2, and Post1), whereas N. anomala has 9 genes (apparently missing Post1). Our in situ hybridization, real-time quantitative PCR, and stage-specific transcriptomic analyses show that brachiopod Hox genes are neither strictly temporally nor spatially collinear; only pb (in T. transversa), Hox3 (in both brachiopods), and Dfd (in both brachiopods) show staggered mesodermal expression. Thus, our findings support the idea that temporal collinearity might contribute to keeping Hox genes clustered. Remarkably, expression of the Hox genes in both brachiopod species demonstrates cooption of Hox genes in the chaetae and shell fields, two major lophotrochozoan morphological novelties. The shared and specific expression of Hox genes, together with Arx, Zic, and Notch pathway components in chaetae and shell fields in brachiopods, mollusks, and annelids provide molecular evidence supporting the conservation of the molecular basis for these lophotrochozoan hallmarks

    Mesodermal gene expression during the embryonic and larval development of the articulate brachiopod Terebratalia transversa

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    Background: Brachiopods undergo radial cleavage, which is distinct from the stereotyped development of closely related spiralian taxa. The mesoderm has been inferred to derive from the archenteron walls following gastrulation, and the primary mesoderm derivative in the larva is a complex musculature. To investigate the specification and differentiation of the mesoderm in the articulate brachiopod Terebratalia transversa, we have identified orthologs of genes involved in mesoderm development in other taxa and investigated their spatial and temporal expression during the embryonic and larval development of T. transversa. Results: Orthologs of 17 developmental regulatory genes with roles in the development of the mesoderm in other bilaterian animals were found to be expressed in the developing mesoderm of T. transversa. Five genes, Tt.twist, Tt.GATA456, Tt.dachshund, Tt.mPrx, and Tt.NK1, were found to have expression throughout the archenteron wall at the radial gastrula stage, shortly after the initiation of gastrulation. Three additional genes, Tt.Pax1/9, Tt.MyoD, and Tt.Six1/2, showed expression at this stage in only a portion of the archenteron wall. Tt.eya, Tt.FoxC, Tt.FoxF, Tt.Mox, Tt.paraxis, Tt.Limpet, and Tt.Mef2 all showed initial mesodermal expression during later gastrula or early larval stages. At the late larval stage, Tt.dachshund, Tt.Limpet, and Tt.Mef2 showed expression in nearly all mesoderm cells, while all other genes were localized to specific regions of the mesoderm. Tt.FoxD and Tt.noggin both showed expression in the ventral mesoderm at the larval stages, with gastrula expression patterns in the archenteron roof and blastopore lip, respectively. Conclusions: Expression analyses support conserved roles for developmental regulators in the specification and differentiation of the mesoderm during the development of T. transversa. Expression of multiple mesodermal factors in the archenteron wall during gastrulation supports previous morphological observations that this region gives rise to larval mesoderm. Localized expression domains during gastrulation and larval development evidence early regionalization of the mesoderm and provide a basis for hypotheses regarding the molecular regulation underlying the complex system of musculature observed in the larva