58 research outputs found

    Controle de impedância adaptativo do joelho de uma prótese de perna para amputações transfemurais

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, 2011.O presente trabalho propõe a implementação de um controlador adaptativo por modelo de referência em uma prótese de perna para amputações transfemurais. Este controlador tem como referência um modelo com características de um sistema massa-mola-amortecedor, afim de se obter uma resposta parecida com a do corpo humano. Para o projeto do controlador, foram desenvolvidos modelos e obtidas identificações por meio de técnicas do tipo caixa-cinza. Os resultados simulados mostram que o controlador projetado é capaz de reagir, com uma complacência determinada, a esforços externos e seguir referências de posição. Esses resultados também foram verificados para a junta do joelho da prótese do LARA/UnB.In this work we propose an implementation of a model reference adaptive controller for a prosthetic leg for transfemoral amputations. This controller uses a model with characteristics of a mass-spring-damper system as a reference. Therefore its response to external efforts becomes similar to the human body. To design the controller, system models were developed and their parameters were identified using gray-box techniques. The simulated results show that the designed controller is able to react, with a certain compliance, to external loads and tracking position references. These results were also evaluated for the knee joint of the prosthesis of LARA/UnB

    Estrategia de diferenciacion de las multitiendas a traves de sus marcas propias.

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    139 p.Las marcas propias, propiedad de las empresas de retail y de distribución, en contraposición a las marcas tradicionales, propiedad de fabricantes nacionales o extranjeros, cumplen un rol de creciente importancia en la estrategia comercial de las distintas empresas de retail en Chile. El objetivo de la presente investigación es evaluar el rol que juegan las marcas propias de ropa femenina en la estrategia de diferenciación de las principales multitiendas, y en la generación de ventajas competitivas en plazas regionales. Se espera contribuir en dos aspectos al estudio del retail nacional, específicamente multitiendas. Primero, intenta explorar, e idealmente enriquecer mediante la verificación empírica, la aplicación de la teoría de marcas privadas a un rubro donde hay poco desarrollo: el vestuario. Segundo, intenta evaluar la importancia de las marcas privadas como estrategia de diferenciación de multitiendas en un contexto muy particular, las plazas regionales. El procedimiento a seguir, para lograr el objetivo planteado, es una investigación de mercados, comenzando por un estudio exploratorio seguido de un estudio concluyente, descriptivo de corte transversal, realizando para ello una encuesta a partir de un método estratificado probabilístico para la selección de la muestra. La principal conclusión obtenida radica en que las marcas propias si juegan un rol de diferenciación dentro de las multitiendas en las cuáles casi todo es imitable. Al tener una marca con una imagen no imitable que produce en las consumidoras emociones y que además es exclusiva de la multitienda, es posible diferenciarse consiguiendo por ende una ventaja competitiva en la multitienda que logre potenciar y diferenciar de esta forma sus marcas ya que crea valor en sus clientas

    On the electromagnetic fields produced by marine frequency domain controlled sources

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    Author Posting. © The Author, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of John Wiley & Sons for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Journal International 179 (2009): 1429-1457, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04367.x.In recent years, marine controlled source electromagnetics (CSEM) has found increasing use in hydrocarbon exploration due to its ability to detect thin resistive zones beneath the seafloor. Although it must be recognized that the quantitative interpretation of marine CSEM data over petroleum-bearing formations will typically require 2-D surveys and 2-D or 3-D modelling, the use of the 1-D approximation is useful under some circumstances and provides considerable insight into the physics of marine CSEM. It is the purpose of this paper to thoroughly explore the 1-D solutions for all four fundamental source types—vertical and horizontal, electric and magnetic dipole (VED, HED, VMD and HMD)—using a set of canonical reservoir models that encompass brine to weak to strong hydrocarbon types. The paper introduces the formalism to solve the Maxwell equations for a 1-D structure in terms of independent and unique toroidal and poloidal magnetic modes that circumscribe the salient diffusion physics. Green's functions for the two modes from which solutions for arbitrary source current distributions can be constructed are derived and used to obtain the electromagnetic (EM) fields produced by finite VED, HED, VMD and HMD sources overlying an arbitrary 1-D electrical structure. Field behaviour is analysed using the Poynting vector that represents the time-averaged flow of energy through the structure and a polarization ellipse decomposition of the triaxial seafloor EM field that is a complete field description. The behaviour of the two EM modes using unimodal VED and VMD sources is presented. The paper closes by extending these results to the bimodal HED and HMD sources

    Shadow cost of oral corticosteroids-related adverse events: A pharmacoeconomic evaluation applied to real-life data from the Severe Asthma Network in Italy (SANI) registry

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    Background Asthma is one of the most common non-communicable respiratory diseases, affecting about 6% of the general population. Severe asthma, even if afflicts a minority of asthmatics, drives the majority of costs of the disease. The aim of this study is to create a pharmacoeconomic model to predict the costs of corticosteroid-related adverse events in severe asthmatics and applying it to the first published epidemiologic data from the Severe Asthma Network in Italy (SANI) registry. Methods The analysis was conducted from the perspective of the Italian National Healthcare System (INHS). Model inputs, derived from literature, included: asthma epidemiology data, frequency of adverse events, percentage of severe asthma treated with OCS and adverse event cost (Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) national tariffs). We estimated costs per different patient groups: non-asthma controls, mild/moderate and severe asthmatics. Final results report estimated direct cost per patient and total direct cost for overall target population, showing economic impact related to corticosteroid complication. Results Based on epidemiological data input, in Italy, asthmatic subjects resulted about 3,999,600, of which 199,980 with severe asthma. The number of patients with severe asthma OCS-treated was estimated at 123,988. Compared to the non-asthma control cohort and to that with moderate asthma annual cost per severe asthmatic patient resulted respectively about \u20ac892 and \u20ac606 higher, showing a corticosteroids shadow cost ranging from 45% to 30%. Applying the cost per patient to the target population identified for Italy, the budget impact model estimated a total annual cost related to OCS-related adverse events of \u20ac242.7 million for severe asthmatics. In respect with non-asthmatic and moderate population, an incremental expenditure of about \u20ac 110.6 million and \u20ac75.2, respectively, were shown. Conclusions Our study provides the first estimates of additional healthcare costs related to corticosteroid induced adverse events in severe asthma patient. Budget impact model results highlighted the relevant economic impact of OCS-related adverse events in severe asthma patients. The future extrapolation of additional data from SANI registry will support the development of a model to investigate the role of corticosteroids sparing drugs

    On triazoles. VIII

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    Path error in sugarcane transshipment trailers

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    O sistema de produção canavieiro e dependente da sequência de cortes e rebrota das plantas de cana-de-açúcar. O trafego sobre a soqueira deve ser evitado para garantir a integridade fisiológica da rebrota e possibilitar a obtenção de elevada produtividade. Essa necessidade de exatidão no trafego de maquinas canavieiras impulsionou a adoção de sistemas de direcionamento automático para a otimização do trafego dos conjuntos mecanizados nas lavouras, especialmente em colhedoras. No entanto, os conjuntos de tratores e carretas de transbordo apresentam o risco de desvios do trafego ideal e trafegam sobre o terreno em igual intensidade ao das colhedoras, porem comumente sem sistemas de direcionamento automático ou com sistemas simplificados. Além disso, as carretas sofrem desvios em percursos curvos e em terrenos inclinados, o que frequentemente ocorre nas áreas produtoras. O desempenho dos sistemas de direcionamento automático está frequentemente associado aos erros transversais a trajetória, os quais devem estar abaixo de 0,1 m para evitar danos as soqueiras. Deste modo, este trabalho objetivou quantificar os desvios a que os tratores e carretas de transbordo estão submetidos sob diferentes tipos de percursos em terrenos planos e inclinados. Utilizou-se do sistema de transporte interno composto por um trator e duas carretas de transbordo com três eixos, sendo todos equipados com receptores GNSS e sistema de correção tipo RTK para a obtenção de suas respectivas posições. Os erros entre as passadas foram avaliados pela diferença da distância ortogonal entre os pontos de posição das antenas, no centro do trator e no centro do último eixo de cada carreta, em relação a linha referencia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, quando analisado o impacto do relevo no direcionamento manual em função dos tipos de percurso, os maiores desvios ocorreram em terreno inclinado e, nesse caso, os erros são maiores em percursos curvos, pois as carretas de transbordo tem a tendência de diminuir o raio de curvatura. Observando os valores de desalinhamento em áreas de pequena inclinação, com ambos os direcionamentos, constatou-se que o sistema de direcionamento automático auxilia para minimizar os erros de desalinhamento no ultimo transbordo. No entanto, quando o direcionamento passa a ser manual, esses erros aumentam em ate cinco vezes acima do aceito. A medida que os desalinhamentos são relacionados as inclinações laterais, seus valores crescem sensivelmente, mesmo utilizando sistema de direcionamento automático. Sugere-se a adaptação e avaliação do desempenho de sistemas com atuadores nos rodados ou no cabeçalho dos transbordos e a utilização de transbordos montados em chassi de caminhão. Conclui-se que a metodologia desenvolvida foi eficiente para quantificar os erros de percursos do conjunto trator-transbordo de cana-de-açúcar e que a inclinação do terreno, mesmo com variações sutis, exerce forte influência para o desalinhamento do conjunto.Sugarcane production system is dependent on the sequence of cuts and regrowth of sugarcane plants. The traffic on the ratoon should be avoided to ensure physiological integrity of the regrowth and enable high productivity. This need for accuracy in traffic of sugarcane machines boosted the adoption of automatic guidance systems for mechanized sets in crops, especially harvesters. However, tractors with transshipment trailers usually present the risk of deviation from the ideal path, since they rarely employ automatic steering systems, or use simplified ones, and travel on the ground at the same intensity as that of the harvesters. In addition, trailers are subject to deviations in curved paths and sloping terrain, which often occurs in producing areas. The performance of automatic steering systems is often associated with traverse errors, which should be less than 0.1m in order to avoid damage to the ratoon. Thus, this study aims to quantify deviations to which tractors and transshipment trailers are submitted under different paths on flat and inclined terrain. The transport system used in this study is composed of a tractor and two transshipment trailers with three axes, all of which are equipped with GNSS receivers and a RTK type correction system to obtain their respective positions. The errors between the passes were evaluated by the difference in the orthogonal distance between the antenna position points at the center of the tractor and at the center of the last axis of each truck, relative to the reference line. The obtained results showed that, when analyzing the impact of the relief on the manual steering according to the types of route, the greater deviations occurred in inclined terrain and, in this case, the errors are larger in curved routes, since the transshipment trailers tend to decrease the radius of curvature. Observing the values of misalignment in areas of small inclination, in both directions, it was verified that the automatic steering system helps to minimize misalignment errors of the last transshipment in the correct route. However, when steering becomes manual, these errors increase by up to five times what is accepted. As the misalignments are related to the lateral slopes, the values of misalignments increase significantly, even using an automatic steering system. Adaptations and evaluation of performance of systems with actuators in the wheels or in the heading of the transshipment and the use of transshipment mounted in truck are suggested. It is concluded that the developed methodology was efficient to quantify the errors of trajectories of the tractor-transshipment set of sugarcane and the inclination of the terrain, even with subtle variations, exerts a strong influence for the misalignment of the set

    Path error in sugarcane transshipment trailers

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    O sistema de produção canavieiro e dependente da sequência de cortes e rebrota das plantas de cana-de-açúcar. O trafego sobre a soqueira deve ser evitado para garantir a integridade fisiológica da rebrota e possibilitar a obtenção de elevada produtividade. Essa necessidade de exatidão no trafego de maquinas canavieiras impulsionou a adoção de sistemas de direcionamento automático para a otimização do trafego dos conjuntos mecanizados nas lavouras, especialmente em colhedoras. No entanto, os conjuntos de tratores e carretas de transbordo apresentam o risco de desvios do trafego ideal e trafegam sobre o terreno em igual intensidade ao das colhedoras, porem comumente sem sistemas de direcionamento automático ou com sistemas simplificados. Além disso, as carretas sofrem desvios em percursos curvos e em terrenos inclinados, o que frequentemente ocorre nas áreas produtoras. O desempenho dos sistemas de direcionamento automático está frequentemente associado aos erros transversais a trajetória, os quais devem estar abaixo de 0,1 m para evitar danos as soqueiras. Deste modo, este trabalho objetivou quantificar os desvios a que os tratores e carretas de transbordo estão submetidos sob diferentes tipos de percursos em terrenos planos e inclinados. Utilizou-se do sistema de transporte interno composto por um trator e duas carretas de transbordo com três eixos, sendo todos equipados com receptores GNSS e sistema de correção tipo RTK para a obtenção de suas respectivas posições. Os erros entre as passadas foram avaliados pela diferença da distância ortogonal entre os pontos de posição das antenas, no centro do trator e no centro do último eixo de cada carreta, em relação a linha referencia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, quando analisado o impacto do relevo no direcionamento manual em função dos tipos de percurso, os maiores desvios ocorreram em terreno inclinado e, nesse caso, os erros são maiores em percursos curvos, pois as carretas de transbordo tem a tendência de diminuir o raio de curvatura. Observando os valores de desalinhamento em áreas de pequena inclinação, com ambos os direcionamentos, constatou-se que o sistema de direcionamento automático auxilia para minimizar os erros de desalinhamento no ultimo transbordo. No entanto, quando o direcionamento passa a ser manual, esses erros aumentam em ate cinco vezes acima do aceito. A medida que os desalinhamentos são relacionados as inclinações laterais, seus valores crescem sensivelmente, mesmo utilizando sistema de direcionamento automático. Sugere-se a adaptação e avaliação do desempenho de sistemas com atuadores nos rodados ou no cabeçalho dos transbordos e a utilização de transbordos montados em chassi de caminhão. Conclui-se que a metodologia desenvolvida foi eficiente para quantificar os erros de percursos do conjunto trator-transbordo de cana-de-açúcar e que a inclinação do terreno, mesmo com variações sutis, exerce forte influência para o desalinhamento do conjunto.Sugarcane production system is dependent on the sequence of cuts and regrowth of sugarcane plants. The traffic on the ratoon should be avoided to ensure physiological integrity of the regrowth and enable high productivity. This need for accuracy in traffic of sugarcane machines boosted the adoption of automatic guidance systems for mechanized sets in crops, especially harvesters. However, tractors with transshipment trailers usually present the risk of deviation from the ideal path, since they rarely employ automatic steering systems, or use simplified ones, and travel on the ground at the same intensity as that of the harvesters. In addition, trailers are subject to deviations in curved paths and sloping terrain, which often occurs in producing areas. The performance of automatic steering systems is often associated with traverse errors, which should be less than 0.1m in order to avoid damage to the ratoon. Thus, this study aims to quantify deviations to which tractors and transshipment trailers are submitted under different paths on flat and inclined terrain. The transport system used in this study is composed of a tractor and two transshipment trailers with three axes, all of which are equipped with GNSS receivers and a RTK type correction system to obtain their respective positions. The errors between the passes were evaluated by the difference in the orthogonal distance between the antenna position points at the center of the tractor and at the center of the last axis of each truck, relative to the reference line. The obtained results showed that, when analyzing the impact of the relief on the manual steering according to the types of route, the greater deviations occurred in inclined terrain and, in this case, the errors are larger in curved routes, since the transshipment trailers tend to decrease the radius of curvature. Observing the values of misalignment in areas of small inclination, in both directions, it was verified that the automatic steering system helps to minimize misalignment errors of the last transshipment in the correct route. However, when steering becomes manual, these errors increase by up to five times what is accepted. As the misalignments are related to the lateral slopes, the values of misalignments increase significantly, even using an automatic steering system. Adaptations and evaluation of performance of systems with actuators in the wheels or in the heading of the transshipment and the use of transshipment mounted in truck are suggested. It is concluded that the developed methodology was efficient to quantify the errors of trajectories of the tractor-transshipment set of sugarcane and the inclination of the terrain, even with subtle variations, exerts a strong influence for the misalignment of the set

    Gestión de servicios públicos en América Latina

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    The needs and experiences of mothers while in prison and post-release: a rapid review and thematic synthesis.

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    BACKGROUND: Women in prison are a vulnerable group, often with a history of abuse, out-of-home care, mental health problems and unemployment. Many are mothers when they become involved in the criminal justice system and their gender and parenting related needs are often not considered. The aim of this rapid review was to thematically synthesize the existing research on the needs and experiences of mothers while in, and following release from, prison in Australia. METHODS: We conducted a rapid systematic search of electronic databases, search engines, the websites of key agencies, and contacted key agencies and researchers. RESULTS: Twenty-two publications from 12 studies met the inclusion criteria and were thematically synthesized in relation to the mothers, their children, family and community, and systems and services which mothers had contact with. We found that mothers in prison have a history of disadvantage which is perpetuated by the trauma of imprisonment. Release from prison is a particularly challenging time for mothers. In relation to their children, the included studies showed that the imprisonment of mothers impacts their maternal identity and role and disrupts the mother-child relationship. Specific strategies are needed to maintain the mother-child relationship, and to ensure the needs and rights of the child are met. In relation to family and community, we found that although family and social support is an important need of women in prison, such support may not be available. Moreover, the stigma associated with having been in prison is a significant barrier to transitions into the community, including finding employment and housing. In relation to systems and services, although limited services exist to support women in prison and on release, these often do not consider the parenting role. Evaluations of parenting programs in prison found them to be acceptable and beneficial to participants but barriers to access limit the number of women who can participate. CONCLUSION: Mothers have gender- and parenting-specific needs which should be considered in planning for corrective services in Australia. Any service redesign must place the woman and her children at the centre of the service