703 research outputs found

    Gestión de reservas de recursos de un centro universitario.

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    El TFG “Centro Universitario Virtual” es una aplicación web con la que se pretende gestionar las reservas y recursos de una universidad. Se entienden como recursos, las aulas y laboratorios que posee una universidad.La aplicación web está desarrollada en java (J2EE) siguiendo el patrón MVC mediante el Framework Struts 2 y un ORM (Hibernate) para el mapeo de las tablas de la base de datos. La aplicación está preparada para ser ejecutada en un servidor web (Apache Tomcat). En la capa de datos he utilizado un Sistema Gestor de Base de Datos (MySQL).Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Servicios y Aplicacione

    Analysis of privacy vulnerabilities in single sign-on mechanisms for multimedia websites

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    This paper studies the privacy risks for the users of two popular single sign-on platforms for web-based content access: OpenID and Facebook Connect. In particular we describe in detail a privacy vulnerability of the OpenID Authentication Protocol that leads to the exposure of the OpenID user identifier to third parties. We illustrate how OpenID agents leak the (potentially unique) OpenID identifiers of their users to third parties, like advertisement and traffic analysis corporations. This vulnerability is a real and widespread privacy risk for OpenID users. This paper also analyzes the privacy of Facebook Connect --the proprietary single sign-on platform that is gaining a lot of popularity recently-- and, we conclude that it is not affected by the same vulnerability but other important privacy issues remain. Finally, this paper studies the solution space of these problems and defines a number of possible countermeasures. In the case of the OpenID vulnerability, we propose three solutions to this problem: one for the long term to avoid the root cause of the vulnerability, and another two short-term mitigations.The work presented in this paper has been funded by the INDECT project (Ref 218086) of the 7th EU Framework Programme.Publicad

    Ranging behaviour of a juvenile Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus meridionalis) in South Africa revealed by GPS satellite telemetry

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    A second-year Bearded Vulture was equipped with a GPS transmitter and located on average 10 times a day from 6 September 2007 to 22 June 2008. During this period, the individual ranged in an area of ca. 38,500 km2 across the mountainous regions of Lesotho and the north-eastern Cape province of South Africa, thus covering on average 66 km/day, mainly in areas covered by scrubland and herbaceous vegetation. Three different activity areas with a temporal overlap of locations within them were observed. The ranging behavior could be explained by two non-exclusive alternative hypotheses: food searching and territory exploration. The information provided here may serve to identify potential threats for the species, such as poisoning, collision with power lines, food scarcity and persecution.Terra Natura Foundation. P. López-López is supported by a FPU grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education (reference AP2005-874)

    Diferencias biométricas entre dos poblaciones de Mirlo Acuático (Cinclus cinclus) en ambas vertientes de sierras del Sistema Central

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    En aquest treball es realitza una anàlisi de la biometria de la merla d'aigua en dues localitats del Sistema Central. S'analitzen les dades de 19 merles d'aigua de las Cruceras (altitud 880 m, Ávila) i 15 de Galíndez (altitud 1.060 m, Segovia). Els mascles de Galíndez van tenir una ala significativament més llarga que els de las Cruceras. No es van trobar diferències significatives en la massa corporal segons localitat (ni en mascles, ni en femelles). Les diferències en les condicions ambientals i la qualitat de l'hàbitat entre ambdues localitats i les dels diversos moviments migratoris segons el sexe poden explicar aquests resultats

    Casos prácticos para el análisis de las obligaciones de documentación y de declaración de las operaciones vinculadas en el ámbito de la declaración informativa modelo 232

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    La regulación y control de las operaciones realizadas entre personas y entidades vinculadas ha sido desde hace tiempo objeto de especial seguimiento y análisis por parte tanto del legislador como de los órganos encargados de la efectiva y correcta aplicación del sistema tributario español, tarea encomendada a la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria. Tradicionalmente, esta obligación de información se ha llevado a cabo mediante la cumplimentación del cuadro de información con personas o entidades vinculadas contenido en el modelo 200 de declaración del impuesto sobre sociedades de cada año, y ello ha sido así hasta las declaraciones correspondientes a los periodos impositivos iniciados en el ejercicio 2015. No obstante, para los periodos impositivos iniciados a partir del 1 de enero de 2016, se ha optado por trasladar la referida información y alguna otra más adicional a una nueva declaración informativa aprobando un nuevo modelo, el 232, en la que se informe expresamente de las operaciones con personas o entidades vinculadas y de las operaciones y situaciones relacionadas con países o territorios calificados como paraísos fiscales. Es en este contexto en el que tiene lugar el desarrollo de los casos prácticos siguientes, ya que, si bien no ha habido ninguna modificación legislativa al respecto, ni en materia de obligaciones de documentación ni en el perímetro de vinculación de las personas o entidades vinculadas, sí que se han modificado las reglas para informar de las referidas operaciones respecto de las obligaciones de información que había en los periodos impositivos de 2015 y anteriores. Por tanto, lo que aquí pretendemos es analizar de forma eminentemente práctica los términos y cuantías en los que procede ofrecer dicha información, como una obligación distinta e independiente de las obligaciones de documentación de las referidas operaciones con personas o entidades vinculadas

    Effect of restricted feeding under rearing on reproduction, body condition and blood metabolites of rabbit does selected for growth rate

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    [EN] Young rabbit females selected for growth rate can have nutritional needs which may not be met by the common practice of feed restriction during rearing in commercial rabbit production. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of two different feeding programmes: restricted and ad libitum feeding, applied in young rabbit females for one month at the end of rearing, on reproductive performance, body condition and circulating metabolic hormones and metabolites in a rabbit line selected by growth rate in 3 consecutive reproductive cycles. Thus, twenty-four 16-week-old does were randomly assigned to a group in which the daily recommended nutrient intakes were satisfied (fed restricted: 130 g/day, n=13) or a group fed to satiety (ad libitum: 235.5 g/day, n=11) during one month. Then, all does were inseminated in 3 consecutive cycles using a 42-day reproductive cycle. Measurements of does’ body weight, perirenal fat thickness and plasma leptin, non-esterified-fatty-acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BOHB) and fructosamine were performed at artificial insemination (AI), parturition and weaning time in 3 consecutive cycles. Reproductive performance of does was evaluated based on fertility, litter size at parturition, prolificacy and productivity. Differences in body weight were found only in the 1st cycle, ad libitum fed females being heavier than restricted ones. Nevertheless, body weight variances disappeared in later cycles. No differences were found in perirenal fat thickness. Finally, in ad libitum fed females slight differences were found in plasma levels of NEFAs (452 vs. 258 μekv/L and 527 vs. 306 μekv/L for 1st and 2nd cycles) and BOHB (0.26 vs. 0.03 mM for 2nd cycle), but disappeared in the 3rd reproductive cycle. Fertility, prolificacy and productivity was not significantly affected by the feeding programme. Nevertheless, total litter size showed to be higher in ad libitum fed females at second parturition (8.7 vs. 5.9 kits). Therefore, the evaluated feeding programmes until first AI in females selected by growth rate had no effect on their reproductive outcomes, as the global reproductive performance was not affected.This work was supported by the Spanish Research Project AGL2014- 53405-C2-1-P (CICYT). Carmen Naturil was supported by a research grant from the Education Ministry of the Valencian Regional Government (programme VALi+d. ACIF ⁄ 2013 ⁄ 296). English text version revised by N. Macowan English Language Service.Naturil-Alfonso, C.; Marco-Jiménez, F.; Pascual, J.; Vicente, J. (2017). Effect of restricted feeding under rearing on reproduction, body condition and blood metabolites of rabbit does selected for growth rate. World Rabbit Science. 25(4):303-312. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2017.6848SWORD30331225