9 research outputs found

    Comunicar conocimientos vs. organizar el conocimiento: la gestión del gen-preneur en el aula.

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    Se han hecho innumerables pruebas para constatar que la creatividad es una habilidad crítica para los emprendedores y su formación emprendedora (Schmidt, J. et al. 2012), incluso se ha detectado que la práctica sobre el pensamiento divergente incrementa las habilidades emprendedoras de los estudiantes para generar un mayor número y rango de ideas, pero NO así, sus enfoques para la resolución creativa de problemas. Nuestro objetivo será mostrar que el emprendimiento es una faceta de la creatividad y que, el emprendedor"oculto" en el discente, necesitará observar y confirmar la existencia de condicionantes externos suficientes, para liberar su actitud emprendedora retenida, asimismo, será imprescindible la adopción, por parte del docente de una actitud innovadora que facilite un contexto propicio para que el alumno muestre comportamientos asociados con actitudes emprendedoras. Tras nuestro estudio, constatamos que la implementación de una actitud innovadora docente contribuye a facilitar la transmisión del espíritu emprendedor y a mejorar la gestión del gen-preneur en el aula

    Las spin-off: tipos y supervivencia: The spin-off: types and survival

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    Teniendo en cuenta que uno de los tres objetivos clave en el ámbito universitario es la transferencia de conocimientos, y dado que en el caso español en los últimos cinco años el 99% de las spin-off creadas en el ámbito universitario y académico sobreviven al primer año; en el presente trabajo pretendemos analizar las spin-off creadas durante los últimos cinco años distribuidas por sus tipos con el fin de observar cuantas sobreviven y por qué

    El uso de las prácticas de alto rendimiento: aplicación, factores explicativos y estrategia corporativa

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    El eje central de la presente investigación son los Recursos Humanos y más concretamente las denominadas Prácticas de Alto Rendimiento. Según las argumentaciones que podemos encontrar en la literatura existen una serie de prácticas que si se aplican de una determinada manera consiguen un mayor rendimiento por parte de los trabajadores y por ende de la organización. La muestra utilizada para realizar el presente estudio han sido Pymes de Valencia. El principal objetivo de la actual investigación es comprobar el posible papel mediador de la Importancia de los Recursos Humanos en la relación entre la elección de la estrategia organizativa y la aplicación de las Prácticas de Alto Rendimiento. Los resultados obtenidos confirman por una parte la relación entre la estrategia y la aplicación de las Prácticas de Alto Rendimiento de manera que aquellas empresas que implantan una estrategia basada en la diferenciación hacen un mayor uso de las Prácticas de Alto Rendimiento y al contrario aquellas organizaciones que se deciden por una estrategia basada en costes hacen un menor uso de las Prácticas de Alto Rendimiento. Los resultados confirman también el papel mediador de la Importancia de los Recursos Humanos en la relación entre la elección de la estrategia y el uso de las Prácticas de Alto Rendimiento, lo que significa que parte de la varianza existente en la relación entre las citadas variables se explica ahora a través de la Importancia concedida a los Recursos Humanos. Finalmente cabe destacar que la principal conclusión que podemos extraer de la mediación parcial es que existe una gran diferencia entre la Formulación de la estrategia y la Implementación Estratégica de forma que aquellas empresas que implementan una estrategia basada en diferenciación realmente utilizan las Prácticas de Alto Rendimiento en mayor medida si realmente le dan Importancia a los Recursos Humanos.The focus of this research are HR and more specifically the High Performance Practices. According to the arguments that can be found in the literature there are a number of practices that if applied in a certain way they get a better performance from the workers and therefore the organization. The sample used for this study, were SME's from Valencia. The main goal of the present research is to test the potential mediating role of Importance of Human Resources in the relationship between the strategy and the use of High Performance Practices. The results confirm the relationship between the strategy and the implementation of the High Performance Practices so that the companies that implement a strategy based on differentiation make greater use of the High Performance Practices and in opposite terms those organizations that implement a cost strategy make less use of High Performance Work Practices. The results also confirm the mediating role of the value given to Human Resources in the relationship between the strategy and the use of High Performance Work Practices, which means that part of the existing variance in the relationship between this variables will now be explained through the Importance given to Human Resources. Finally it should be noted that the main conclusion we can draw from the partial mediation is that there is a big difference between Strategy Formulation and Strategy Implementation so that those Companies that implement a strategy based on differentiation really use High Performance Work Practices furthermore if they really give Importance to Human Resources

    Structure, effects and deficiencies of an entrepreneurial ecosystem: the Spanish case

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    In this paper, we rely on the Spanish GEM Project to analyze the basic conditions that shape the profiles of the Spanish regional entrepreneurial ecosystem and to configure which aspects are given and which should be met in order for that ecosystem to be considered as a tool to support entrepreneurship and not just a wasteland. Although some media are incorporated, the nutrients needed for germination are not included

    Structure, Effects and Deficiencies of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: the Spanish Case

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    In this paper, we rely on the Spanish GEM Project to analyze the basic conditions that shape the profiles of the Spanish regional entrepreneurial ecosystem and to configure which aspects are given and which should be met in order for that ecosystem to be considered as a tool to support entrepreneurship and not just a wasteland. Although some media are incorporated, the nutrients needed for germination are not included

    Using Industrial Computers to Design Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems

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    TEMPUS is the European Union (EU) programme that supports the modernisation and reform of Higher Education (HE) and promotes institutional cooperation that involves the EU and EU’s neighboring countries (PC). The PC includes Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and also the Mediterranean region. The Medis Project belongs to the TEMPUS framework. The Medis project that is described in this article develops in this context.This work was supported by the European Union under Grant “MEDIS” within the program TEMPUS.Busquets Mataix, JV.; Albaladejo Meroño, J.; Perles Ivars, A.; Capella Hernández, JV.; Domínguez Montagud, CP.; Martínez Rubio, JM.; Hassan Mohamed, H. (2015). Using Industrial Computers to Design Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems. En Engineering Experiences in the Design of Advanced Industrial Informatics Systems. Medis-Tempus. 6-11. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/60650S61

    A Multidisciplinary PBL Robot Control Project in Automation and Electronic Engineering

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    This paper presents a multidisciplinary problem-based learning (PBL) project consisting of the development of a robot arm prototype and the implementation of its control system. The project is carried out as part of Industrial Informatics (II), a compulsory third-year course in the Automation and Electronic Engineering (AEE) degree program at the School of Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain. The robot arm is a low-cost prototype, initially controlled with a joystick. The aim of the project is, first, to design and implement a full control system for the robot, including the necessary circuitry for microcomputer (ARM Cortex)-based control and, second, to pit the designed robot in competition against other students' robots. Incorporation of multidisciplinary PBL required changes in the organization of the course, which features various learning activities and their continuous evaluation; it also required knowledge of five other courses in the AEE program. PBL methodology is compared to a traditional method; the results obtained proved highly satisfactory. Moreover, the PBL robotic experience was highly rated by some 900 students.Hassan Mohamed, H.; Domínguez Montagud, CP.; Martínez Rubio, JM.; Perles Ivars, A.; Capella Hernández, JV.; Albaladejo Meroño, J. (2015). A Multidisciplinary PBL Robot Control Project in Automation and Electronic Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Education. 58(3):167-172. doi:10.1109/TE.2014.2348538S16717258

    Ubiquitous E-Maintenance Proposal Based on the Integration of Mobile Devices and Cloud Computing

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    [EN] Most e-maintenance approaches are oriented to big industries and are prohibitive for modest industries. This paper proposes an architecture for e-maintenance that tries to solve this gap. This architecture defines two domains, the floor-shop and the cloud domain. In the floor-shop domain, a mobile device is connected to the system to be maintained by means of a tether-free process interface. On the other hand, the cloud domain provides the resources to improve the maintenance in instrumented manufacturing systems via Internet connection. Also, the mobile device is responsible for joining both domains through its Internet capabilities. The proposed architecture combines mobile devices, cloud computing and Internet connectivity, allowing fresh technicians to supply its lack of expertise, reducing maintenance task time and minimizing the expert technician dependency. The expert now changes his role because his physical presence at the floor-shop domain is not required, being his know-how incorporated to the system. The proposal is human-centric, providing an intuitive usability such as any typical smartphone app. The results show that it is feasible to reduce drastically the economic requirements for deploying complex e-maintenance infrastructures, increasing the quality of the maintenance and enabling the applicability to small factories where maintenance is mostly outsourced. This is translated to higher availability and productivity of the manufacturing plant.This work has been partially supported by Spanish MICINN project TIN2011-28435-C03-01.Capella Hernández, JV.; Perles Ivars, ÁF.; Martínez Rubio, JM.; Hassan Mohamed, H.; Domínguez Montagud, CP.; Albaladejo Meroño, J. (2012). Ubiquitous E-Maintenance Proposal Based on the Integration of Mobile Devices and Cloud Computing. Advanced Science Letters. 18:121-131. doi:10.1166/asl.2012.4875S1211311

    Smartphone-based industrial informatics projects and laboratories

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    The use of IT technologies plays an important role in the training of future engineers. In this paper, smartphones and multimedia technologies are proposed as an innovative way to tackle the formation of students, at different levels, in the Industrial Informatics (II) subject of the Industrial Electronics Engineering (IEE) degree. II instructs future Engineers in the design of IT systems to control industrial processes. In the first level, smartphones are used to display a web-based multimedia tool that is implemented to register the lecture explanations regarding the design of II systems, so as it facilitates student to guide him/her self in the learning process. In the second level, the smartphone is proposed as the control system of a medium size industrial process (e.g., water tank). Since II uses a problem-based learning methodology (miniproject) to instruct the design of II systems, for each lecture, laboratory practices are tackled, and the solutions obtained are embedded in the smartphone to control the corresponding part of the miniproject. An application of the Smartphone multimedia tool is presented to show how students interact with the developed system. The successful evaluation of the proposed tools, by more than 900 IEE students during three years, is shown.This work was supported in part by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, under Grant 20090513-" Dynamizing the European Convergence Higher Education." Paper no. TII-11-308.Hassan Mohamed, H.; Martínez Rubio, JM.; Perles Ivars, ÁF.; Capella Hernández, JV.; Domínguez Montagud, CP.; Albaladejo Meroño, J. (2013). Smartphone-based industrial informatics projects and laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 9(1):557-566. https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2012.2185806S5575669