468 research outputs found

    Spin-phonon coupling in Gd(Co1/2Mn1/2)O3 perovskite

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    We have investigated the temperature-dependent Raman-active phonons and the magnetic properties of Gd(Co1/2Mn1/2)O3 perovskite ceramics in the temperature range from 40 K to 300 K. The samples crystallized in an orthorhombic distorted simple perovskite, whose symmetry belongs to the Pnma space group. The data reveals spin-phonon coupling near the ferromagnetic transition occurring at around 120 K. The correlation of the Raman and magnetization data suggests that the structural order influences the magnitude of the spin-phonon coupling.Comment: 3 Figures, suplementary materia

    Nandrolone Decanoate associated with exercise training inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression in rat soleus muscle

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    Androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) have been used for both performance improvement and aesthetic reasons. It is well know that high doses of AAS induce serious adverse effects such as skeletal muscle injuries, including increase in the rate of muscle strains/ruptures. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a key factor in angiogenesis induction on both physiological and pathological conditions The aim of this study was to investigate VEGF mRNA expression in rat soleus muscle after jumping training associated with AAS administration. Wistar rats were grouped into: sedentary (S); trained without AAS (T); sedentary nandrolone decanoate (ND)-treated (AAS); and trained with AAS (AAST). The trained groups carried out jumps in water at 32°C.: 4 series of 10 jumps each, with a 30-second interval among series, for 7 weeks, with 50-80% overload of the animal corporal mass. The AAS (Decadurabolin® - 5mg/kg) was injected subcutaneously in the animal’s back twice a week. Real-time PCR analyses showed that training significantly increased VEGF mRNA expression in comparison with the S and AAS groups. When exercise training was associated with nandrolone decanoate, the VEGF mRNA expression was inhibited compared with T group. The inhibition of VEGF expression by AAS administration can decrease angiogenesis in skeletal muscle. These results suggest that the AAS may be strongly prejudicial to muscle remodeling and performance

    Planejamento e Aplicação de Flipped Classroom para o Ensino de Teste de Software

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    Em geral, os alunos de Computação não estão motivados para aprender testede software. Eles preferem aprender programação em oposição a aprender a testar um programa. Diante disso, estudos mencionaram sobre investir em outros modelos pedagógicos, a fim de tornar o aprendizado mais atraente. O Flipped Classroom surge como uma proposta interessante, pois concentra-se no uso da sala de aula para a construção de conhecimento e não apenas para a transmissão de informações. No entanto, a adotação do modelo exige esforços por parte do professor, porque ele precisa preparar um conjunto de atividades a serem aplicadas eficientemente nos três momentos deste modelo. Além disso, o professor precisará estabalecer um conjunto de mecanismos de apoio a serem utilizados pelos alunos durante o ensino. A fim de contribuir para o ensino de teste de software, este artigo apresenta uma abordagem para apoiar o planejamento e a aplicação da Flipped Classroom para este domínio de ensino. Também são apresentados os resultados da aplicação da abordagem em uma aula de Engenharia de Software. Com base nos resultados, as lições aprendidas e as perspectivas futuras são apresentadas e discutidas

    The anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects of medicinal plants: Arctium lappa, Solanum torvum and Lobelia inflata

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    Introduction: Medicinal plants have been used since antiquity to treat illnesses and injuries. Considering their global use, many natural products have been investigated with the aim to get new drugs. Methods: The search was based on relevant articles indexed in PubMed, Scielo and Scopus. The search terms used were: medicinal plants, Arctium lappa, Solanum torvum, Lobelia inflata, anti-inflammatory effects, antimicrobial activity and antitumor effects. Development: Arctium lappa leads to the inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and nitric oxide (NO) production and inhibits the growth of some tumor cell lines. Solanum torvum can promote inhibition of inflammatory mediators release, and reduces the melanoma formation. Lobelia inflata can reduce the number of white blood cells, the TNF-α and IL-6 levels and the melanoma growth. Conclusion: The active principles present in these medicinal plants, including flavonoids and other phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity, can scavenge free radicals and therefore be effective against tumors, such as melanoma and skin cancer

    Non-minimal Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory and the composite Fermion model

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    The magnetic field redefinition in Jain's composite fermion model for the fractional quantum Hall effect is shown to be effectively described by a mean-field approximation of a model containing a Maxwell-Chern-Simons gauge field non-minimally coupled to matter. Also an explicit non-relativistic limit of the non-minimal (2+1)D Dirac equation is derived.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    A enxurrada de 11 de Setembro de 1813 nas freguesias de São Bartolomeu, Santa Bárbara e São Jorge das Doze Ribeiras (Terceira)

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    [...] As catástrofes provenientes do rigor de intempéries sempre assolaram com alguma regularidade o quotidiano das populações da ilha Terceira, espalhando a angústia e a miséria entre os moradores dos lugares afectados. A comprová-lo, em 11 de Setembro de 1813, as freguesias de S. Bartolomeu, Santa Bárbara e S. Jorge das Doze Ribeiras foram atingidas por enxurradas, em virtude de ter havido «... na serra de Santa Barbara grande enchente das ribeiras, procedida de uma tromba d’agoa que sobre ella caiu... ». Aágua transbordou das ribeiras e ramificou-se em várias correntes que percorreram grandes distâncias e causaram prejuízos consideráveis não apenas em «... casas que levou, como na gente, nos gados e campos, cujas paredes ficaram arrasadas e os cerrados areados...». [...

    Spin-phonon coupling in the incommensurate magnetic ordered phase of orthorhombic TmMnO<sub>3</sub>

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    International audienceThe search for materials with strong magnetoelectric coupling has been intense since interesting properties were discovered in the perovskite TbMnO 3. Among the manganese-based perovskite family (RMnO 3), magnetic and electric orders coexist in the orthorhombic phase of the distorted perovskite TmMnO 3. The antiferromagnetic phase induces ferroelectricity, leading to type-II multiferroic behavior. Although the temperature-dependent behavior of the Raman-active phonons of other members of the orthorhombic RMnO 3 family was already reported, little information about orthorhombic TmMnO 3 has been published. In this paper, bulk samples of orthorhombic TmMnO 3 were obtained through HPHT treatment. Structural and magnetic properties of the synthesized samples were analyzed for phase con rmation. Temperature-dependent Raman spectra of bulk orthorhombic TmMnO 3 revealed weak spin-phonon coupling in the incommensurate antiferromagnetic ordered phase around 44 K. Raman spectra are also sensitive to the magnetic transition from the incommensurate to Etype antiferromagnetic phase, where the frequency renormalization due to the spin-phonon coupling vanishes. This feature shows the existence of an orbital-spin-phonon coupling based on the magnetic ordering of the lowtemperature phase