270 research outputs found

    The reaction of pea’s plants pro-antioxidant system on biostimulants stimpo and regoplant treatment

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    Peas (Pisum sativum L.) are one of the main leguminous plants grown in Ukraine. The sown square of peas is 0,3 min. ha and 25% of them is in stepp. Peas are very light-, water- and soil-demanding culture, that’s why not realize its genetic productivity potential under adverse environmental conditions, owing to photosynthetic and photophosphorylation processes malfunctioning, changing in water state and development of oxidative defence. The usage of growth regulators normalize the metabolism and increase the crop production. The antioxidant system is very important for plant adaptation, and biostymulants Stimpo and Regoplant increase the plants stress resistance. The aim of presented work was to determine the impact of bioregulators Stimpo and Regoplant on the peroxidation processes, changes of antioxidant enzimes activity, proline content during peas onthogenesis under the conditions of South Steppe of Ukraine

    Integrated application of health improving methods of Pilates and Bodyflex for improving psychophysiological possibilities of students

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    Purpose: to determine the effect of complex application procedures Bodyflex and Pilates using information and communication technology on the level of psycho-physiological capabilities of students. Material: the study involved 46 university students. Research methods - physiological (speed detection of simple and complex reactions in different modes of testing, the level of functional mobility and strength of the nervous system), pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the positive effect on the level of the developed technique psychophysiological capacities of students. The application of the developed technique in the experimental group showed a significant decrease in the latency time of a simple visual-motor reaction time latent complex visual-motor reaction time test run "level of functional mobility of nervous processes" in feedback mode. Found that the use of Bodyflex and Pilates promotes strength of nervous processes. Conclusions: the recommended use in the learning process of students of complex techniques of Pilates Bodyflex using information and communication technologies, increased levels of psychophysiological features, mobility and strength of the nervous processes


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    The aim of the research is to investigate and then compare the globalization capacity of modern university lecturers in Ukraine and Lithuania on different stages of their professional development. The strategy which has been chosen for the aim realization is based on a psycho-diagnostic method and comparative approach toward results’ analysis and interpretation. The sample included 302 Ukrainian and 60 Lithuanian lecturers (N = 362). The paper represents a new psycho-diagnostic instrument – a standardized questionnaire GLOBIDMAR – for measuring globalization capacity of academicians from different European countries. Research results allow to compare globalization capacity of university instructors from Ukraine and Lithuania and to discover factors that influence the development of these measures under the conditions of rapid socio-economic, socio-cultural and professional changes. The level of globalization capacity appeared higher one in Lithuanian pedagogues in comparison with Ukrainian ones that affirms a higher level of their readiness to development of their own professional identity in the context of globalization processes in scientific-education area. Lithuanian university lecturers have stably high level of globalization capacity during the whole process of their professional development.KEYWORDS: Globalization capacity, university teaching staff, comparative research.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v66i1.78


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    Introduction. The article notes that the formation of detailed and reliable information about the activities of enterprises, organizations or institutions for the needs of both external and internal users is carried out through the system of accounting. The paper deals with the functions of management of economic entities and the main functions of accounting. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to assess and determine the effectiveness of accounting functions, and in particular the control function of the ethics of settlement operations with suppliers and contractors. Results. It is determined that the reliability of the received information is achieved with the help of the efficiency of the accounting functions and in particular the control. The ethics of settlement operations with suppliers and contractors has been assessed and defined. Singled stages of control reliability reflection obligations to suppliers and contractors, including: the use of methods of control accounting procedures commitment to identifying key controls and evidence of change, ensuring the formation of information base, validation and completeness of the documentary posting software inventory, establishment of the justification and correctness of the accounting of the change obligations facts and their reasons, especially the inventory of operations on fulfillment of obligations of the enterprise to suppliers and contractors. The main components of the influence on the effectiveness of the control function operations to ensure the objectivity in settlement operations with suppliers and contractors are determined. The objects and subjects of settlement operations are specified. Conclusions. It is proved that not formal, but effective control over the implementation of payments with suppliers and contractors is a guarantee of solvency and future development of the enterprise. It is substantiated that interconnection and interaction of all management functions, including accounting, provides business entities with risk reduction in conditions of strict competition in the market environment

    Effect of water deficit on maize seeds (Zea mays L.) during germination

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    Received: October 29th, 2022 ; Accepted: March 23rd, 2023 ; Published: April 14th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] climate changes cause the frequent recurrence of droughts, which reduce crop production more than any other environmental factor. This study was conducted to access the effect of water deficit on maize seeds (Zea mays L.) DKC 5143 hybrid during germination. The tasks were to assess the influence of different rank of osmotic stress on the maize lipid peroxidation (LPO), proline content, catalase and aminotransferases activities, and morphometric parameters during the early stages of maize seeds germination. The maize seeds were exposed to five levels of water availability which produced by PEG-1500 solutions (0, 20, 50, 100, 200 g L-1 ). Seeds of maize were germinated on Petri dishes for 7 days under controlled parameters. Amounts of TBARS were increased in maize sprouted seeds by 1.9 times, coleoptiles by 1.4 times, and in roots - by 1.9 times under water deficit. Proline content increased by 9.2 times in coleoptiles and by 6.0 times in 7 days maize roots while PEG-1500 (200 g L–1 ) treatment. An increasing of catalase (CAT), aminotransferases (ALT, AST) activities according to osmotic potential value was also observed. A remarkable development of maize oxidative reaction was associated with a significant reduction in emergence, wet weight and length of water-stressed plants. These results assume that the maize adaptive strategy to osmotic stress during germination was found in the activation of LPO and antioxidant components. The findings provide useful help for correcting the stress state of maize using osmotically active regulators


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    Ukrainian component – a significant part of the enlightened knowledge of Slavic Croat. Krizhanich communication with Ukraine regularity manifestation of specificity of the Ukrainian baroque, primarily as a system, the participation of its representatives in the cultural processes from western to eastern Slavic spaces. His ideas received understanding and support in the Ukrainian environment also because cognation beliefs, desires to unite with various baroque centers of Europe – from western to eastern.Жизнь и деятельность Юрия Крижанича как яркого представителя идей барочного славизма рассматриваются в контексте связей с украинской культурой XVII в. Именно в этот период культура Украины вызывает повышенный интерес в католической среде – как проявление попыток ближе познакомиться с восточнославянским миром. Деятельность украинских униатов отмечена, в частности, и верой в возможность установления диалога между католической и православной церквями, что рассматривается как путь к защите от польской интервенции. Молодой Крижанич ищет в Риме возможности защиты родной Хорватии от османской угрозы. Его взгляды в значительной мере формируются под влиянием украинских униатов в Риме и получают оформление в дальнейшем процессе познания восточнославянского мира, что отразилось на идейном и тематическом содержании текстов хорватского полигистра

    Content of biologically active substances in sweet cherry fruits at different stages of fruit development in the conditions of the living mulch

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    Received: August 19th, 2022 ; Accepted: October 7th, 2022 ; Published: October 19th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected]Сontent of soluble solids, sugars, titrated acids, ascorbate, glutathione, phenolic substances, anthocyanins, total reducing activity of fruits tissues in sweet cherry fruits studied at different stages of fruit development during 2018 and 2019 in an organic sweet cherry orchard (Prunus avium L. / Prunus mahaleb) in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The aim of the research was to determine how the living much conditions (compared to bare fallow) affect the content of biologically active substances in sweet cherry fruits at different stages of ripening. It was determined that the fruits of sweet cherry accumulated significantly more ascorbate, phenolic substances and anthocyanins in the conditions of living mulch (compared to the fruits of the trees on bare fallow). So, at the stage of picking ripeness, the content of ascorbate in sweet cherry fruits in the conditions of living mulch was 29 and 22% more compared to bare fallow (respectively, in 2018 and 2019), phenolic substances - by 47 and 23%, anthocyanins - by 36 and 26%. The revealed regularities can be explained by stressful conditions of competition with natural herbs, which activate the synthesis of anti-stress, antioxidant biologically active substances in plant tissues (including fruits). Since it is the antioxidants of the fruits that have a physiological value for humans, it can be stated that the fruits grown in the conditions of living mulch have a higher therapeutic and preventive value than the fruits grown on bare fallow

    Investigation of ozone synthesis in the negative pulsed corona discharge in oxygen at the combined supply voltage

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    The influence of combined supply voltage parameters (bias voltage and voltage pulse amplitude) on efficiency of ozone synthesis in the negative pulsed corona discharge in oxygen was obtained. Pulse overvoltage led to intensification of discharge processes. Bias voltage applied during the discharge channel relaxation essentially increased the efficiency of ozone synthesis. It was established that the “optimal” bias voltage which provides maximum ozone generation doesn’t depend on voltage pulse amplitude, but depends on input oxygen concentration and generated ozone concentration.Виявлено вплив параметрів комбінованого живлення (напруги зміщення і амплітуди імпульсу) на ефективність синтезу озону у від’ємній імпульсній короні в кисні. Перенапруга під час імпульсу живлення вела до інтенсифікації розрядних процесів. Напруга зміщення, прикладена під час релаксації розрядного каналу, значно підвищувала ефективність синтезу озону. Має місце “оптимальна” напруга зміщення, яка забезпечує максимальний вихід озону і не залежить від амплітуди імпульсу напруги, але залежить від концентрації кисню та генерованої концентрації озону.Обнаружено влияние параметров комбинированного питания (напряжения смещения и амплитуды импульса) на эффективность синтеза озона в отрицательной импульсной короне в кислороде. Перенапряжение во время импульса питания приводило к усилению разрядных процессов. Напряжение смещения, приложенное во время релаксации разрядного канала, существенно увеличивало эффективность синтеза озона. Имеет место “оптимальное” напряжение смещения, обеспечивающее максимальный выход озона, которое не зависит от амплитуды импульса напряжения, но зависит от концентрации кислорода и генерируемой концентрации озона

    Вплив кремнієво-калійного добрива на проростання насіння ріпаку озимого

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    Посівні площі під ріпаком озимим зростають через зростаючий попит на нього як на сировину для харчової та технічної олії (зокрема, для виробництва біодизелю), висока економічна віддача коштів, вкладених у його виробництво. Ріпак посідає третє місце з-поміж олійних культур, його валове виробництво становить близько 33-35 млн т, а виробництво олії сягає 9,8% світових обсягів. Його вирощують більш ніж у 30 країнах світу і посіви займають 10,5% всіх площ олійних культур. Для більш повної реалізації потенціалу продуктивності ріпаку необхідним елементом є застосування добрив, регуляторів рост

    Effect of biostimulants and azotofit on peas yield formation

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    The aim of the work was to determine the effect of separate and combined application of biostimulants (Stimpo, Regoplant) and bioactivator (Azotofit) on the peas yield formation under the conditions of South Steppe of Ukraine