9 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar ekosistem berbasis potensi lokal hutan mangrove Parit Belida, Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat. Metode R&D digunakan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar ekosistem yang diawali dengan studi pendahuluan, penyusunan, pengembangan, validasi, dan implementasi bahan ajar. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA di Kabupaten Sekadau, Kabupaten Sambas, Kabupaten Bengkayang, dan Kota Pontianak. Uji coba terbatas dilakukan di SMAN 1 Kabupaten Sekadau dan implementasi bahan ajar dilakukan di SMAN 1 Kabupaten Sambas, SMAN 3 Kabupaten Bengkayang, dan SMA Bawari Kota Pontianak. Implementasi bahan ajar melibatkan 100 siswa kelas X yang akan mendapatkan materi ekosistem. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi potensi lokal hutan mangrove, uji pengetahuan awal, angket sikap, tes penguasaan konsep, dan angket tanggapan siswa. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji beda rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi lokal hutan mangrove Parit Belida yang dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan bahan ajar meliputi faktor abiotik, keanekaragaman hewan, keanekaragaman tumbuhan, dan konservasi. Potensi lokal hutan mangrove yang jarang diinformasikan dan dikaitkan dalam proses pembelajaran biologi menyebabkan siswa dari ketiga sekolah mengalami miskonsepsi tentang hutan mangrove. Implementasi bahan ajar ekosistem mangrove dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penguasaan konsep yang sigifikan antara tes awal dan tes akhir dengan kategori N-Gain sedang. Peningkatan sikap peduli lingkungan antara tes awal dan tes akhir menunjukkan peningkatan yang sigifikan dengan kategori N-Gain sedang. Siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan bahan ajar ekosistem. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini penggunaan bahan ajar ekosistem yang berbasis potensi lokal hutan mangrove Parit Belida pada proses pembelajaran memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci: Potensi lokal, Bahan ajar ekosistem mangrove, Hasil belajar This research is aimed to develop teaching materials based on local potential mangrove forest in Parit Belida, Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. R&D method is used in this research. The method is begun with preliminary study, preparation, development, validation, and implementation of teaching materials. The subjects of this research are 1st grade of senior high school student in Sekadau, Sambas, Bengkayang, and Pontianak. Limited trial is conducted at SMAN 1 Sekadau and this learning materials is implemented in SMAN 1 Sambas, SMAN 3 Bengkayang, and SMA Bawari Pontianak. In the implementation itself, 100 student are involved by giving the ecosystem material to them. Data is collected through observation of the local potential of mangrove forests, prior knowledge test, attitude questionnaire, concept mastery test, and students response questionnaire. The data is analyzed both in qualitative and quantitative in different test average. The result indicates that the potential of mangrove forest in Parit Belida can be used in the development of teaching materials, including abiotic factor, animal diversity, plant diversity, and conservation. Students seem to have misconception about mangrove forest, because the mangrove forest itselt is hardly ever associated in biology learning process. This implementation can improve student learning outcomes. The result of pre test and post test shows medium level in N-Gain category, this shows significant concept mastery by the students. and likewise the improvement on environmental consciousness. Moreoever, students respond this teaching material positively The conclusions of this research is the use of biological materials based on local potential of mangrove forest Parit Belida on learning process has positive result towards student learning outcome. Key words : local potency, ecosystem teaching materials, learning outcom


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    The purpose of this study to know the degree of digital literacy of the students teacher towards video project based on local potency in West Borneo. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The subjects of the study was taken by using systematic sampling technic. The technic of collecting data uses the indirect communication, observation, and direct communication. Collecting data uses observation sheet, and dialogue sheet. The technic of data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis. The result of the study shows that the degree of the digital literacy of the students is high. It means that the students can use computer (71%) and the ability to use internet (63%). The degree of the digital literacy of the students is moderate. It means that the percentage of the students who can use internet to find biology information only (61%), the percentage of reading biology books via internet only (58%), and to spread and to criticize biological information (58%). The degree of digital literacy is regarded low. This can be seen from having social net to inform about biology (8%) and to distinguish the sources eithen valid or invalid (8%), the ability to find information about biology (3%), and the ability to produce media to spread information of biology (5%). Based on the result get, can be concluded that the degree of digital literacy of students are medium level. &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT.  This research aims to develop high school biology teaching kits based on local potential, environmental literacy, and conservation in Kubu Raya Regency. This research used development method refers to the model Thiagarajan (2007). The definition stage carried out by identifying potential local Kubu Raya regency and analyze the needs of high school biology teaching kits. The design stage done to design a teaching kits format. The development stage of teaching kits already validated by 3 teachers of biology in Kubu Raya high school. Limited trial teaching kits done in class X SMAN 2 Kubu Raya. The average score validation results indicate that teaching kits worthy to use. The practicality of the taching kits test response on average 82% with criteria very well. The teaching kits is very effective learning based on student learning score value of 86.67%. Biology teaching kits have very valid criteria, practical, and effective way so that it can be implemented widely in biology learning at high school. ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran biologi SMA berbasis potensi lokal, literasi lingkungan, dan sikap konservasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada model Thiagarajan (2007). Tahap pendefinisian dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi potensi lokal Kabupaten Kubu Raya dan menganalisa kebutuhan perangkat pembelajaran biologi di SMA Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Tahap perancangan dilakukan untuk merancang format perangkat pembelajaran. Tahap pengembangan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang sudah divalidasi 3 orang guru biologi. Uji coba terbatas terhadap perangkat (RPP, bahan ajar, dan LKS) dilakukan di kelas X SMAN 2 Kubu Raya. Rata-rata skor hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa semua perangkat pembelajaran layak digunakan. Kepraktisan perangkat (RPP, Bahan Ajar, dan LKS) pada uji coba mendapatkan respon rata-rata 82% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Perangkat pembelajaran sangat efektif berdasarkan nilai ketuntasan belajar siswa sebesar 86.67%. Perangkat pembelajaran biologi memiliki kriteria sangat valid, praktis, dan efektif sehingga dapat diimplementasikan secara luas dalam pembelajaran


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sikap peduli lingkungan menggunakan bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal berupa ekosistem. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan 1 kelompok pretest dan posttest. Sampel penelitian adalah sebanyak 100 siswa kelas X SMA dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, terdiri atas 36 siswa SMAN 1 Sambas, 32 siswa SMAN 3 Bengkayang dan 32 siswa SMA Bawari Kota Pontianak. Data yang diperoleh berupa data kualitatif (wawancara dan observasi) dan data kuantitatif (angket sikap peduli lingkungan dengan menggunakan skala Likert). Peningkatan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa dilihat dari nilai N-Gain yang diperoleh melalui nilai skala sikap sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan bahan ajar ekosistem. Hasil perhitungan N-Gain (0,32) termasuk kategori sedang. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian bahwa penerapan bahan ajar ekosistem mangrove berbasis potensi lokal dapat meningkatkan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa. The aim of this research was to improve the environmental awareness attitude using teaching materials based on the local potential of ecosystem. This research was conducted by using the experimental quasi method with one group pretest-posttest experimental design. Sample of this research was 100 students of class X senior high school (SMA) using purposive sampling technique, and consisted of 36 students of SMAN 1 Sambas, 32 students of SMAN 3 Bengkayang and 32 students of Bawari Pontianak. The obtained data were qualitative data (interview and observation) and quantitative data (questionnaire about environmental awareness attitude by using Likert scale). The improvement of students' environmental awareness attitude was known from the N-Gain values obtained through the attitude scale values before and after using the ecosystem teaching materials. The result of N-Gain calculation (0.32) was medium category. The conclusion of this research was the teaching materials based on local potency can improve students’ environmental awareness attitude


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    Indonesia is the center of origin of bananas, and also the center of diversity with approximately more than 325 banana cultivars were found in Indonesia. The anatomical feature is essential as a basis for classification as well as the morphological feature. This research aimed to describe the morphological and anatomical characteristics of diploid Musa balbisiana and triploid Musa paradisiaca 'Kepok' bananas. Morphological characterizations were conducted according to the IPGRI descriptors for bananas (Musa spp.). Musa paradisiaca 'Kepok' was collected from Pontianak West Kalimantan and Musa balbisiana was collected from Nipah Panjang village Kubu Raya district West Kalimantan. The root, petiole, and leaf were dissected from banana samples for anatomical preparation. The microscope slide was prepared using paraffin method, stained with 1% safranine and 1% alcian blue. The anatomical characteristics of root and petiole of diploid Musa balbisiana and triploid Musa paradisiaca 'Kepok' were considerably similar. The difference between diploid and triploid banana leaf anatomy was the number of hypodermal layers. These sort of anatomical characterization could be applied as a reference for banana cultivars breeding

    The Relationship Between Digital Literacy and Learning Outcomes in Biology Learning for Students

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    The study aims to determine the relationship between digital literacy and the learning results on the biology of class vii for the 12th country school class vii. This type of research is a quantitative study with a correlational method. The population in this study is class vii in the 12 countries' middle schools. The samples used in this study number 88 students. Research instruments using tankettes. The data analysis technique used is by using a product-moment correlation. Studies show the class vii c, d, e, and f's digital literacy of class vii c, d, e, and f get an average of 60.77 present in the moderate category. In contrast, the results of the student biology study of students get an average of 68.02 gifts in the intermediate class. Product correlation analysis between x variables and y variables show that r recount (0.290) > t-table (1.987) so that there is a link between digital literacy and the study of the biological student vii class 12 countriesPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Literasi Digital dengan Hasil Belajar pada pembelajaran Biologi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 12 Pontianak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 12 Pontianak. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 88 orang siswa. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan korelasi Product Moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan literasi digital siswa kelas VII C, D, E, dan F mendapatkan rata-rata 60,77 ada pada kategori sedang, sedangkan hasil belajar biologi siswa mendapatkan rata-rata 68,02 ada pada kategori sedang dan hasil analisis korelasi product moment antara variabel X dan variabel Y menunjukan bahwa r hitung (0,290) > t tabel (1,987) sehingga terdapat hubungan antara literasi digital dengan hasil belajar pada pembelajaran biologi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 12 Pontianak

    ANALISIS STANDARISASI LABORATORIUM BIOLOGI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (SMA) DI KOTA PONTIANAK (The Analysis of Standardization of Biology Laboratory at Senior High School in Pontianak)

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    The laboratory is an important part of biological learning activities. Previous research has shown that biological laboratories in various cities in Indonesia have different facilities, infrastructures, and management. The pre-observation of six senior high schools in Pontianak City has already shown that they have a laboratory, but standards of completeness of facilities, infrastructure utilization, management, and conditions in six high schools have not yet been known. This research aims to describe the standardization of biology laboratory in six senior high schools in Pontianak City. Methods used are qualitative descriptive with the technique of data collection is through observation, polls, interviews, and documentation. The research object is a biology laboratory in six senior high schools in Pontianak that has been accredited as A and B. The standardization basis of biological laboratory uses Permendiknas No. 24 years 2007 about facilities and infrastructure, Permendiknas No. 26 years 2008 and No. 16 years 2007 about laboratory management, Kemenkes No. 1405/MENKES/SK/XI/2002 about laboratory conditions, and Permendikbud 004/H/AK/2017 about high school accreditation. The results of the study showed that the biology laboratory at four high schools in Pontianak City is standardized with category B because it meets five provisions, while the other two high schools are not standardized because they have not fulfilled the existing conditions

    Morphology and Anatomy Characteristic of Pisang Awak (Musa paradisiaca cv. Awak) in West Kalimantan

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    Indonesia is the origin and center of diversity of banana. One of an edible banana in Indonesia is Pisang Awak (Musa paradisiaca cv. Awak ). In West Kalimantan, the ripe Pisang Awak has been processed into sale (dried banana). The aims of this research were to describe the morphological and anatomical character of Pisang Awak in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. In this study, Pisang Awak were collected from Padang Tikar I village, Batu Ampar Sub-district, Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan. Morphological characterizations were conducted by following the instruction on Descriptors for Banana (Musa spp.) from IPGRI. The root, leaf blade, and petiole were fixed in FAA solution. Root, leaf, and petiole anatomy preparats were made by paraffin method. The lamina of Pisang Awak consisted of adaxial epidermis, two hypodermis layers, two palisade layers, spongy layer, bundle sheath cell, abaxial epidermis, laticifer. The petiole of Pisang Awak composed of three tissue systems, i.e., epidermis layer, parenchyma tissue and vascular tissue. The root of Pisang Awak consists of two epidermis layers, parenchyma and vascular cylinder. In the future, morphological and anatomical character in Pisang Awak could be applied as the basis of information for breeding programs of banana cultivars and classification.</p

    Analysis of Digital Literacy in Biology Learning at SMAN 3 Batu Ampar

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    Background: Information technology has offered various conveniences in biology learning, students can learn more flexibly and are not hindered by the limitations of space and time, so it must be balanced with digital literacy. This study aims to determine the level of digital literacy of students in biology learning in class X SMAN 3 Batu Ampar. Method: This study used descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects were students of class X SMAN 3 Batu Ampar. Data collection techniques using indirect communication and observation. Collecting data using a questionnaire sheet and an observation sheet. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis. Results:&nbsp; The results show that the level of digital literacy of students on the basic standard indicators of computer use is moderate (51%), while the basic internet standard indicators are moderate (50%), the basic standard indicators for the Windows operating system are low (43%), and the basic standard indicators for e-mail is low (48%). Conclusion:&nbsp; The level of digital literacy of class X students of SMAN 3 Batu Ampar in biology learning is classified as moderate. Despite the lack of facilities owned by some students, students have been able to use the internet to complete tasks in biology learning