358 research outputs found

    The Substantial Impact Approach: Reviewing Policy Statements in Light of APA Finality

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    Federal agencies engage in a wide range of non-binding action, issuing guidance documents such as policy statements and interpretive rules. Although these guidance documents may have a substantial impact on industries or members of the public, courts often refuse to review their substance. The Administrative Procedure Act requires agency action to be “final” before courts can review it. The D.C. Circuit and the Ninth Circuit have taken conflicting and often messy approaches in determining whether interpretive rules and policy statements are final and thus reviewable. This Comment proposes a new approach: the substantial impact approach. Under this approach—repurposed from a rejected test for procedural sufficiency of guidance documents—courts could review a guidance document that has a substantial impact on affected parties. This Comment analyzes the 2017 Department of Homeland Security memorandum rescinding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, highlighting it as an example of a subset of policy statements that should be reviewable under the proposed substantial impact approac

    The Space of Remembering : collective memory and the reconfiguration of contested space in Argentina's ESMA

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    Aquest article explora la història actual de l'evolució del museu de l'ESMA i exposa que el treball de memòria col·lectiva intrínsec i conflictiu que s'hi veu implicat es caracteritza pels desitjos en conflicte per recordar i oblidar arrelats a l'Esma, un espai públic, físic i visible.This paper explores the ongoing history of the ESMA museum's development and argues that the intrinsic and conflictual collective memory work involved is characterized by competing desires to remember and to forget, rooted in the physical, visible, and public space of ESMA.Este artículo explora la historia presente del desarrollo del museo de la ESMA, argumentando que la gestión intrínseca y polémica de una memoria colectiva está caracterizada por los deseos rivales de recordar y olvidar, arraigados en el espacio físico, visible y público de la ESMA

    Embodying Resilience in the Writing Center: A Study of Tutor Training Handbooks and Videos Towards an Understanding of the Ideal Tutoring Session

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    This thesis examines two distinct datasets (handbooks and videos) to explore whether writing tutors embody their training. This research project was grounded in Bruffee’s (1984; 1995) work with collaboration and its link to conversation (both verbal and nonverbal communicative acts) to analyze the peer-to-peer relationships that are observable in writing center tutorials. Research on collaboration and conversation provided a useful framework for qualitatively coding six (6) tutor training handbooks and sixteen (16) tutor training videos. In taking up Thompson’s (2009) and Olinger’s (2014; 2020) calls for further research on writers’ embodied understandings of language, the video component of this research project shows the necessity for supplemental multimodal training texts to accompany the handbooks for new tutors. This study found that an underlying assumption persists across tutor training handbooks that most of tutors’ knowledge will be gained across time, through experience. The analysis of different types of tutor training texts found that the notion of the “ideal” tutor, “ideal” writer, and “ideal” tutorial is baked into tutor training. This finding suggests that tutors’ resilience is a means of maintaining tutorial productivity toward these ideals. While Driscoll and Wells (2020) call for writing centers to focus on “tutoring the whole person,” This thesis argues that tutors can be responsive to writers’ emotions without being responsible for those emotions. While researchers in the fields of writing studies and writing center studies argue that writing is, in fact, an activity that impacts both the physiological and psychological, we must create boundaries for tutors to protect their emotional and mental well-being, as well as ensure they are not overextending themselves beyond their training. Without analyzing multimodal tutor training texts (both handbooks and videos), the gap between the different kinds of training both the handbooks and the videos provide novice tutors would not be apparent to me. This connection would also not be apparent to novice tutors had they been trained solely with one or the other; novice tutors can benefit from engaging with multimodal tutor training texts

    An examination of the influence of August Strindberg upon Eugene O\u27Neill

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    Eugene O\u27Neill made no effort to hide the names of those writers and literary works which were important to him, and most of his biographers cite the fact that from the commencement of his playwrighting [sic] career O\u27Neill was influenced by the Swedish writer August Strindberg. O \u27Neill himself was, in fact, one of the first to call attention to the kinship between his work and that of his Master. In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, he indicated that he was delighted to have an opportunity to discuss the debt Ameri­can drama owed to the modern drama of Europe, and, in particular, to acknowledge Strindberg\u27s inspiring genius. Growing out of an interest in O\u27Neill and in his pivotal position in the history or American drama, this study, then, intends to investigate the manner in which the life and work or August Strindberg influenced the life and work of Eugene O\u27Neill

    The Great CSU Weed of 2019

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    We kicked. We screamed. We coped. We survived. We will tell you how. In early 2019, The Columbus State University Schwob Memorial (Main) library faced a MASSIVE weeding project like nothing they had coped with before. In this presentation, two librarians, Amy Parsons from Technical services and Emily Crews from Reference services, will share their workflows, public relations challenges, a few best practices, and changes that will be implemented. Oftentimes, libraries have to be torn apart to build them back better. This will be a lighthearted conversation on how we handled this challenge. We will also share a fall update on where we are now in the renovation process

    Air works: air as material in contemporary installation and performance art in a time of climate emergency

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    Air is a politically incisive material in the climate emergency. Transcending national and political boundaries, air activates a power dynamic distributed asymmetrically between users (breathers/protesters), carbon contributors (polluters), and those of our elected rank (policymakers). This thesis proposes air as a new aesthetic of the climate crisis. This practice-led research (re)considers the creative potential of the material of air in contemporary art and performance through experimentation with its physical components and affective qualities. Air simultaneously and uniquely embodies lyrical imaginative thinking and physiological experience. The research draws from contemporary artists Latai Taumoepeau, Teresa Margolles, Katie Paterson and Olafur Eliasson, as well as the artist’s own extensive body of work. Developed alongside the dissertation are artworks, or AIR WORKS, that critically interrogate the embodied material reality of the climate crisis and the creative possibilities of feminist perspectives. Across four installation and performance works, the material of air narrates evolutionary pasts, maps the dimensions of the current climate crisis, and imagines possible ongoing climate futures. This dissertation connects air to material feminisms, exemplifying the co-constitutive nature of language and material (Alaimo and Hekman). Air’s invisibility demonstrates material feminisms as it facilitates normal physical, emotional and intellectual functioning as well as eliciting imagination. Critical feminist perspectives underscore the material investigation of air (Star, Dunn, Puig de la Bellacasa, Neimanis) and the climate crisis aesthetic (Yusoff and Gabrys, Wazana, Tompkins, Wynter). Storytelling as feminist practice (Haraway, King, Le Guin) assembles speculative pasts, presents, and futures, and imagines creative feminist alternatives. The AIR WORKS and this dissertation make important contributions to new knowledge by expanding an understanding of air as material through the innovative manipulation of the chemical and biophysical components of air in performance and installation. The AIR WORKS present air as a potent aesthetic of international power relations relating to the climate crisis. This research demonstrates that air creatively invents and shapes feminist climate futures

    Subcutaneous furosemide in advanced heart failure: service improvement project

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    Objectives: In severe heart disease, parenteral administration of loop diuretic is often needed. We present clinical outcomes from episodes of care using subcutaneous continuous infusion of furosemide (CSCI-furosemide).Methods: Retrospective review of service improvement data. The heart failure nurse specialist, supported by the heart failure-palliative care multi-disciplinary team, works with the community or hospice staff who administer the CSCI-furosemide. Data collected for consecutive patients receiving CSCI-furosemide included: age, sex, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class, preferred place of care, goal of treatment, infusion-site reactions, and signs and symptoms of fluid retention (including weight and self-reported breathlessness).Results: 116 people (men 86 [66%]; mean age 79 years, 49 to 97; NYHA class 3 [36/116, 31%] or 4 heart failure [80/116, 69%]) received 130 episodes of CSCI-furosemide (average duration 10 days, 1 to 49), over half in the patient’s own home/care home (80/129,; 61%) aiming to prevent hospital admission. 40/129 (31%) were managed in the hospice, and 9 (7.0%) in a community hospital. Average daily furosemide dose was 125 mg (40 to 300mg). The goal of treatment was achieved in (119/130, 91.5%) episodes.The median reduction in weight was 4kg (interquartiles -7 kg to -2 kgs, -22 to +9 kgs). Self-reported breathlessness reduced from 8.2 (+/-1.9) to 5.2 (+/-1.8). Adverse events occurred in 31/130 (24%) episodes; all but 4/130 (3%, localised skin infection) were mild.Conclusions: These preliminary data indicate that CSCI-furosemide is safe and effective for people with severe heart failure. An adequately powered randomised controlled trial is indicated

    Technical feasibility of small-scale oilseed and on-farm biodiesel production: A Vermont case study

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    This article investigates the technical feasibility of small-scale oilseed production and on-farm processing of biodiesel and livestock feed using primary data from two Vermont farms. Results indicate that small-scale production of sunflowers, canola, and soybeans, and on-farm processing of livestock feed and biodiesel are technically feasible, but yields depend on many factors. Increased local expertise, information-sharing among the farm and Extension communities, and improved access to harvesting and processing equipment can improve productivity and efficiency. Additional experience in seed drying and expeller pressing techniques should reduce fat content in the seed meal, improve meal value, and improve oil production efficiency. © Extension Journal, Inc
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