25 research outputs found

    ANS hard X-ray experiment development program

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    The hard X-ray (HXX) experiment is one of three experiments included in the Dutch Astronomical Netherlands Satellite, which was launched into orbit on 30 August 1974. The overall objective of the HXX experiment is the detailed study of the emission from known X-ray sources over the energy range 1.5-30keV. The instrument is capable of the following measurements: (1) spectral content over the full energy range with an energy resolution of approximately 20% and time resolution down to 4 seconds; (2) source time variability down to 4 milliseconds; (3) silicon emission lines at 1.86 and 2.00keV; (4) source location to a limit of one arc minute in ecliptic latitude; and (5) spatial structure with angular resolution of the arc minutes. Scientific aspects of experiment, engineering design and implementation of the experiment, and program history are included

    Orbital dynamics of Cygnus X-3

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    Orbital-phased-resolved infrared spectra of Cygnus X-3 in outburst and quiescence, including tomographic analysis, are presented. We confirm the phasing of broad HeII and NV lines in quiescence, such that maximum blue shift corresponds to the X-ray minimum at phase = 0.00 +/- 0.04. In outburst, double-peaked HeI structures show a similar phasing with two significant differences: (a) although varying in relative strength, there is continuous line emission in blue and red peaks around the orbit, and (b) an absorption component, ~1/4 of an orbit out of phase with the emission features, is discerned. Doppler tomograms of the double-peaked profiles are consistent with a disk-wind geometry, rotating at velocities of 1000 km/s. Regrettably, the tomography algorithm will produce a similar ring structure from alternative line sources if contaminated by overlying P Cygni profiles. This is certainly the case in the strong 2.0587 micron HeI line, leading to an ambiguous solution for the nature of double-peaked emission. The absorption feature, detected 1/4 of an orbit out of phase with the emission features, is consistent with an origin in the He star wind and yields for the first time a plausible radial velocity curve for the system. We directly derive the mass function of the system, 0.027 M_sun. If we assume a neutron star accretor and adopt a high orbital inclination, i > 60 degrees, we obtain a mass range for the He star of 5 M_sun < M_WR < 11 M_sun. Alternatively if the compact object is a black hole, we estimate M_BH < 10 M_sun. We discuss the implications of these masses for the nature and size of the binary system.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ main journa

    Time-sequenced Multi-Radio-Frequency Observations of Cygnus X-3 in Flare

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    Multifrequency observations from the VLA, VLBA and OVRO Millimeter Array of a major radio outburst of Cygnus X-3 in 2001 September are presented, measuring the evolution of the spectrum of the source over three decades in frequency, over a period of six days. Following the peak of the flare, as the intensity declines the high-frequency spectrum at frequency nu steepens from nu^{-0.4} to nu^{-0.6}, after which the spectral index remains at this latter terminal value; a trend previously observed but hitherto not satisfactorily explained. VLBA observations, for the first time, track over several days the expansion of a sequence of knots whose initial diameters are approximately 8 milliarcseconds. The light-crossing time within these plasmons is of the same order as the time-scale over which the spectrum is observed to evolve. We contend that properly accounting for light-travel time effects in and between plasmons which are initially optically thick, but which after expansion become optically thin, explains the key features of the spectral evolution, for example the observed timescale. Using the VLBA images, we have directly measured for the first time the proper motions of individual knots, analysis of which shows a two-sided jet whose axis is precessing. The best-fit jet speed is roughly beta = 0.63 and the precession period is about 5 days, significantly lower than fitted for a previous flare. Extrapolation of the positions of the knots measured by the VLBA back to zero-separation shows this to occur approximately 2.5 days after the detection of the rise in flux density of Cygnus X-3.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    A High Statistics Search for Ultra-High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1

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    We have carried out a high statistics (2 Billion events) search for ultra-high energy gamma-ray emission from the X-ray binary sources Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1. Using data taken with the CASA-MIA detector over a five year period (1990-1995), we find no evidence for steady emission from either source at energies above 115 TeV. The derived upper limits on such emission are more than two orders of magnitude lower than earlier claimed detections. We also find no evidence for neutral particle or gamma-ray emission from either source on time scales of one day and 0.5 hr. For Cygnus X-3, there is no evidence for emission correlated with the 4.8 hr X-ray periodicity or with the occurrence of large radio flares. Unless one postulates that these sources were very active earlier and are now dormant, the limits presented here put into question the earlier results, and highlight the difficulties that possible future experiments will have in detecting gamma-ray signals at ultra-high energies.Comment: 26 LaTeX pages, 16 PostScript figures, uses psfig.sty to be published in Physical Review

    A giant radio flare from Cygnus X-3 with associated Gamma-ray emission

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    With frequent flaring activity of its relativistic jets, Cygnus X-3 is one of the most active microquasars and is the only Galactic black hole candidate with confirmed high energy Gamma-ray emission, thanks to detections by Fermi/LAT and AGILE. In 2011, Cygnus X-3 was observed to transit to a soft X-ray state, which is known to be associated with high-energy Gamma-ray emission. We present the results of a multi-wavelength campaign covering a quenched state, when radio emission from Cygnus X-3 is at its weakest and the X-ray spectrum is very soft. A giant (~ 20 Jy) optically thin radio flare marks the end of the quenched state, accompanied by rising non-thermal hard X-rays. Fermi/LAT observations (E >100 MeV) reveal renewed Gamma-ray activity associated with this giant radio flare, suggesting a common origin for all non-thermal components. In addition, current observations unambiguously show that the Gamma-ray emission is not exclusively related to the rare giant radio flares. A 3-week period of Gamma-ray emission is also detected when Cygnus X-3 was weakly flaring in radio, right before transition to the radio quenched state. No Gamma rays are observed during the ~ one-month long quenched state, when the radio flux is weakest. Our results suggest transitions into and out of the ultrasoft X-ray (radio quenched) state trigger Gamma-ray emission, implying a connection to the accretion process, and also that the Gamma-ray activity is related to the level of radio flux (and possibly shock formation), strengthening the connection to the relativistic jets.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages 5 figures, 1 tabl