309 research outputs found

    Thermal stability of reactive sputtered tungsten oxide coatings

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    The thermal stability of different W-O coatings, W100, W90O10, W54O46, W30O70 and W25O75, were studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction at elevated temperatures up to 900 °C. The coatings were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering from a pure tungsten target in an Ar + O2 atmosphere onto Fecralloy alloy. The evolution of the structure of the coatings was studied in both protective and oxidant atmospheres. Three groups of films were identified: (1) W25O75 which showed structural evolution following the W-O phase diagram; (2) amorphous O-deficient WO3 whose structure followed the W-O phase diagram either as WO3 or as its chemical composition depending on annealing in oxidant or protective atmospheres, respectively; and (3) low O-content crystalline films that oxidized from 500 °C.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVV-4MV74W9-1/1/f13fd19171ebf6554fff185464ae87e

    Hábitos de estudo e estilos de aprendizagem no ensino público e privado universitário

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    O objectivo deste artigo é examinar os hábitos de estudo e os estilos de aprendizagem entre os alunos do primeiro ano que frequentam universidades públicas e compará-los com os que frequentam universidades privadas, tendo em vista identificar os atributos desses estudantes que podem influenciar a adopção de um ou outro estilo. A compreensão destas diferenças por parte dos professores permite uma maior probabilidade de se orientarem para a excelência do ensino, com consequentes melhorias na aprendizagem e no sucesso académico dos estudantes.FC

    Application of LANDSAT data to the study of urban development in Brasilia

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    The urban growth of Brasilia within the last ten years is analyzed with special emphasis on the utilization of remote sensing orbital data and automatic image processing. The urban spatial structure and the monitoring of its temporal changes were examined in a whole and dynamic way by the utilization of MSS-LANDSAT images for June (1973, 1978 and 1983). In order to aid data interpretation, a registration algorithm implemented in the Interactive Multispectral Image Analysis System (IMAGE-100) was utilized aiming at the overlap of multitemporal images. The utilization of suitable digital filters, combined with the images overlap, allowed a rapid identification of areas of possible urban growth and oriented the field work. The results obtained in this work permitted an evaluation of the urban growth of Brasilia, taking as reference the proposal stated for the construction of the city in the Pilot Plan elaborated by Lucio Costa

    The role of cancer nurses in cancer-related pain management in Europe

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    Cancer pain is a common symptom in patients with cancer and can largely affect their quality of life. Pain management is important to minimize the impact of pain on daily activities. Cancer nurses are significantly involved in all steps of pain management and contribute to the success of therapy through their knowledge and expertise. While they generally play an important role in the screening, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients and their (pain) symptoms, this varies from country to country in Europe. An important aspect is their role in educating patients and their families about what pain is, what impact it can have, how it can be treated pharmacologically or non-pharmacologically and what effects or problems can occur during treatment. While there is a great discrepancy between education and training opportunities for cancer nurses in different European countries, there is a continued need for education and training in pain management. Cancer is increasingly becoming a chronic disease, and the management of pain in cancer survivors will be crucial to maintain an adequate quality of life. With this, the crucial role of cancer nurses is becoming even more important.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Headache as the sole presentation of cerebral venous thrombosis: a prospective study

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    Headache is the most frequent presenting symptom of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), most commonly associated with other manifestations. It has been described as its only clinical presentation in 15 % of patients. There is no typical pattern of headache in CVT. The objective of this study was to study the characteristics of headache as the sole manifestation of CVT. From a prospective study of 30 consecutive patients diagnosed with CVT over 18 months, we selected those who presented with headache only: they had a normal neurological examination, no papilloedema and no blood or any parenchymal lesion on CT scan. All were submitted to a systematic etiological workup and a structured questionnaire about the characteristics of headache was provided. Headache was the sole manifestation of CVT in 12 patients; it was diffuse or bilateral in the majority. Seven patients referred worsening with sleep/lying down, Valsalva maneuvers or straining. There was no association between the characteristics of headache and extension of CVT. Time from onset to diagnosis was significantly delayed in these patients presenting only with headache. In our series, 40 % of patients presented only with headache. There was no uniform pattern of headache apart from being bilateral. There was a significant delay of diagnosis in these patients. Some characteristics of headache should raise the suspicion of CVT: recent persistent headache, thunderclap headache or pain worsening with straining, sleep/lying down or Valsalva maneuvers even in the absence of papilloedema or focal signs

    Challenges in dengue research: A computational perspective

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.The dengue virus is now the most widespread arbovirus affecting human populations, causing significant economic and social impact in South America and South-East Asia. Increasing urbanization and globalization, coupled with insufficient resources for control, misguided policies or lack of political will, and expansion of its mosquito vectors are some of the reasons why interventions have so far failed to curb this major public health problem. Computational approaches have elucidated on dengue's population dynamics with the aim to provide not only a better understanding of the evolution and epidemiology of the virus but also robust intervention strategies. It is clear, however, that these have been insufficient to address key aspects of dengue's biology, many of which will play a crucial role for the success of future control programmes, including vaccination. Within a multiscale perspective on this biological system, with the aim of linking evolutionary, ecological and epidemiological thinking, as well as to expand on classic modelling assumptions, we here propose, discuss and exemplify a few major computational avenues—real-time computational analysis of genetic data, phylodynamic modelling frameworks, within-host model frameworks and GPU-accelerated computing. We argue that these emerging approaches should offer valuable research opportunities over the coming years, as previously applied and demonstrated in the context of other pathogens.JL, AW and SG received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement no. 268904 - DIVERSITY. MR was supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. NRF by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (grant number 204311/Z/16/Z). WT has received funding from a doctoral scholarship from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Partnership

    Métodos de inoculação de Colletotrichum graminicola em colmo de milho.

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    Structural and mechanical properties of Ti–Si–C–ON for biomedical applications

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    Ti–Si–C–ON films were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering using different partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) and nitrogen (pN2) ratio. Compositional analysis revealed the existence of two different growth zones for the films; one zone deposited under low pO2/pN2 and another zone deposited under high pO2/pN2. The films produced under low pO2/pN2 were deposited at a lower rate and presented a fcc structure, as well as, dense and featureless morphologies. The films deposited with high pO2/pN2, consequently higher oxygen content, were deposited at a higher rate and developed an amorphous structure. The structural changes are consistent with the hardness and Young's modulus evolution, as seen by the significant reduction of the hardness and influence on the Young's modulus by increasing pO2/pN2

    Socioeconomic predictors and consequences of depression among primary care attenders with non-communicable diseases in the Western Cape, South Africa:Cohort study within a randomised trial

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    Background: Socioeconomic predictors and consequences of depression and its treatment were investigated in 4393 adults with specified non-communicable diseases attending 38 public sector primary care clinics in the Eden and Overberg districts of the Western Cape, South Africa.   Methods: Participants were interviewed at baseline in 2011 and 14 months later, as part of a randomised controlled trial of a guideline-based intervention to improve diagnosis and management of chronic diseases. The 10-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD-10) was used to assess depression symptoms, with higher scores representing more depressed mood. Results: Higher CESD-10 scores at baseline were independently associated with being less educated (p=0.004) and having lower income (p=0.003). CESD-10 scores at follow-up were higher in participants with less education (p=0.010) or receiving welfare grants (p=0.007) independent of their baseline scores. Participants with CESD-10 scores of 10 or more at baseline (56% of all participants) had 25% higher odds of being unemployed at follow-up (p=0.016), independently of baseline CESD-10 score and treatment status. Among participants with baseline CESD-10 scores of 10 or more, antidepressant medication at baseline was independently more likely in participants who had more education (p=0.002), higher income (p<0.001), or were unemployed (p=0.001). Antidepressant medication at follow up was independently more likely in participants with higher income (p=0.023), and in clinics with better access to pharmacists (p=0.053) and off-site drug delivery (p=0.013).  Conclusions: Socioeconomic disadvantage appears to be both a cause and consequence of depression, and may also be a barrier to treatment. There are opportunities for improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of depression in primary care in inequitable middle income countries like South Africa.  Trial registration: The trial is registered with Current Controlled Trials (ISRCTN20283604) and the Office for Human Research Protections Database (IRB00001938, FWA00001637)